# RetroDECK: Steam Deck - Official Layout

### What's the latest version of the Steam Deck layout?


**NOTE** that the layout do not always update with each minor patch. Generally only the big version numbers comes with profile changes.

## Enable the Layout
Be sure to have the `RetroDECK: Official Controller Layout` activated from the `Templates`.
- Add the Official Layout under `Controller Settings` -> `Controller Layouts` -> `Templates` in the Steam Deck called `RetroDECK: Official Layout` with a version number and apply.

## Global Hotkeys: Button Combos

### The hotkey button
The `HK` or `hotkey button` on the Steam Deck is `L4` or `R4` or `Select` depending on what is closest for the button combo you are trying to press, all trigger the same functions.


You want to do the command `Pause / Resume`. <br>
You press and hold either `L4` or `R4` or `Select` and press `A` to trigger the command.

### Button combo list
The global hotkeys are activated by pressing the hotkey button and holding it while pressing the corresponding other button input.
What follows is a list of hotkeys:

`Function` Shows what the hotkey does. <br>
`Button / Combination` Shows the input you need to make to trigger the command. <br>
`Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator. <br>
`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command. <br>
`Comment` Just extra comments. <br>

| Function                 | Button / Combination| Command      | Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:               | :---:                 |       :---:          |  :---:     |
| Pause / Resume          |   `HK + A`          |   `CTRL + P`          | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`             |            |
| Take Screenshot         |   `HK + B`          |   `CTRL + X`          | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`   `Yuzu`           |            |
| Fullscreen Toggle      |   `HK + X`          |   `CTRL + ENTER`      | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`             |            |
| Open Menu               |  `HK + Y`         |   `CTRL + M`          | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`                        |
| Quit Emulator           |  `HK + Start`       |   `CTRL + Q`          |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`   `Yuzu`                                   |            | |
| Previous State Slot     |  `HK + D-Pad Left`  |   `CTRL + J`          | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|                    |            |
| Next State Slot         |  `HK + D-Pad Right` |   `CTRL + K`          | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|
| Increase Emulation Speed     |  `HK + D-Pad Up`  |   `CTRL + 1`          | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|                    |            |
| Decrease Emulation Speed         |  `HK + D-Pad Down` |   `CTRL + 2`          | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|                       |            |
| Load State              |  `HK + L1`          |   `CTRL + A`          | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`                          |            |
| Save State              |  `HK + R1`          |   `CTRL + S`          | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`                        |            |
| Rewind                  |  `HK + L2`          |   `CTRL + -`          | `RetroArch` `Duckstation`                     |            |
| Fast forward            |  `HK + R2`          |   `CTRL + +`          |  `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`                                  |            |
| Swap Screens         |  `HK + L3`          |   `CTRL + TAB`        |     `Citra` `MelonDS`  `Cemu`           |            |
| Escape                  |  `HK + R3`          |   `ESC`               |     `PPSSPP`                 |            |

### RetroArch: Additional Hotkeys

These hotkeys also work for RetroArch and are built in.

| Function                 | Button / Combination     | Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                    |       :---:          |  :---:     |
| Open Menu               |  `L3 + R3`               |      `RetroArch`     |            |

### Arcade Systems: Additional Hotkeys

This hotkey work for RetroArch, MAME, FBNEO and other arcade systems.

| Function                 | Button / Combination     | Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                    |       :---:          |  :---:     |
| Insert Credit           |  `Select`                |     `RetroArch`      |            |

# Steam Deck - Radial Menu System

What follows is a breakdown of the Radial System that you access on the `Left Touchpad`.

### Is there a quick way to go back to the top of the radial menu system?
Yes, just press  on the `HK` trigger buttons: `L4` or `R4` or `Select`

## Radial Menu System
`Radial Button` Shows what the hotkey does. <br>
`Keyboard Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator.<br>
`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command. <br>
`Comment` Just extra comments. <br>


Like everything in RetroDECK we plan to make revisions and updates of the menus. We hope with time be able to add more emulators and even better art.

## Main Menu
The `Main Menu` gives you access to all the menus bellow.

## Quick
The `Quick Menu` or `Quick Access Menu` Menu is the most populated menu. It features "best of" options from other menus.

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:          |  :---:     |
| Quit Emulator           |   `Ctrl + Q`         | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`   `Yuzu`                     |            |
| Open Menu               |   `Ctrl + M`         |  `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`                       |            |
| Swap Screens            |   `Ctrl + Tab`       |  `Citra` `MelonDS`  `Cemu`                     |            |
| Take Screenshot         |   `Ctrl + X`         | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`   `Yuzu`           |            |
| Save State              |   `Ctrl + S`         |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`                      |            |
| Load State              |   `Ctrl + A`         | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`                     |            |
| Pause / Resume          |   `Ctrl + P`         | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`   `Yuzu`             |             |
| Fullscreen Toggle       |   `Ctrl + Enter`     |`Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`   `Yuzu`                      |            |
| Restart / Reset         |   `CTRL + R`         |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`                                   |            |
| Escape                  |   `ESC`              |       `PPSSPP`              |            |

## State
The `State Menu` is the menu where you handle anything to do with saving and loading states.

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     | Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:          |  :---:     |
| Previous State          |   `Ctrl + J`         |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`                      |            |
| Next State              |   `Ctrl + K`         |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`                      |            |
| Save State              |   `Ctrl + S`         |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`                      |            |
| Load State              |   `Ctrl + A`         | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`                     |            |
| Undo Load State         |   `Ctrl + 8`         | `Dolphin/Primehack`                    |            |
| Undo Save State         |   `Ctrl + 9`         |  `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation`                   |            |

## Speed / Frames
The `Speed / Frames Menu` is where you find anything related to: emulation speed, frame limits, fast forwarding and rewinding.

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:           |  :---:     |
| Fastforward             |   `Ctrl + +`         | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`                       |            |
| Rewind                  |   `CTRL + -`         |  `RetroArch` `Duckstation`                     |            |
| Increase Emulation Speed|   `CTRL + 1`         | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation`  `PCSX2`                       |            |
| Decrease Emulation Speed|   `CTRL + 2`         |`Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation`  `PCSX2`                        |            |
| Reset Emulation Speed   |   `CTRL + 3`         | `Duckstation`                      |            |
| Disable Emulation Speed Limit  |   `CTRL + 0`  |`Dolphin/Primehack`                       |            |
| Frame limit On/Off     |   `CTRL + Z`          | `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`                       |            |

## Display / Graphics
The `Display / Graphics Menu` is where you find anything related to: up-scaling/resolution scaling, widescreen or change aspect ratio, fullscreen, swap or change dual screen layout.

| Radial Button                    | Keyboard Command |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                             | :---:            |       :---:           |  :---:     |
| Fullscreen Toggle                |   `Ctrl + Enter` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`   `Yuzu`                      |            |
| Increase Resolution / Upscale    |   `Ctrl + U`     |  `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`    |            |
| Decrease Resolution / Upscale    |   `Ctrl + Y`     | `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`     |            |
| Change Widescreen / Aspect Ratio |   `Ctrl + W`     |  `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`    |            |
| Swap Screens                     |   `Ctrl + Tab`   |`Citra` `MelonDS`  `Cemu`                        |    |
| Change Dual Screens Layout       |   `Ctrl + L`     |   `Citra`|                    |        |

## General
The `General Menu` or `General Emulation Menu` is where you find various global generic emulation hotkeys: Quit/Exit, Restart, Take Screenshot, Change CD, Pause, Turbo Input, Cheats and Video Recording.

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:           |  :---:     |
| Quit Emulator           |   `Ctrl + Q`         | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu`                      |            |
| Open Menu               |   `Ctrl + M`         | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`                         |            |
| Take Screenshot         |   `Ctrl + X`         | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`             |            |
| Restart / Reset         |   `CTRL + R`         |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`                                                          |            |
| Change Disc / Next Disc |   `CTRL + D`         | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation`                      |            |
| Cheats On/Off           |   `CTRL + C`         | `RetroArch` `Duckstation`                     |            |
| Pause / Resume          |   `Ctrl + P`         | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2`  `Yuzu`             |            |
| Turbo On/Off            |   `Ctrl + T`         | `Duckstation`                       |            |
| Video Recording On/Off  |   `Ctrl + V`         |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack`  `PCSX2`                       |            |

## Steam Deck
The `Steam Deck Menu` is where you find Steam Deck specific functions and general computer hotkeys: Steam Screenshot, Show Steam Deck Keyboard, Escape, Alt + F4, Tab, Enter and F1. Some of these could also be useful inside the various PC emulation emulators.

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:           |  :---:     |
| Escape                  |   `ESC`              |     `PPSSPP`          |            |
| Tab                     |   `Tab`              |                       |            |
| Alt + F4                |   `Alt + F4`         |                       |            |
| F1                      |   `F1`               |                       |            |
| Enter                   |   `Enter`            |                       |            |
| Take Steam Screenshot   |   `none`             |                       |            |
| Show Steam Deck Keyboard|   `none`             |                       |            |

## Specific

The `Specific Menu` or `Specific Emulator Hotkeys Menu` opens up several system/emulator specific sub-menus. Here you will find hotkeys not so commonly used but could be good to have easy access to:

### Switch
The `Switch Menu` here you find hotkeys related to Switch emulation: Change GPU Accuracy, Change Docked/Undocked Mode, Add/Remove Amiibo

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:           |  :---:     |
| Change GPU Accuracy     |   `Alt + G`          |   `Yuzu`              |            |
| Load / Remove Amiibo    |   `Alt + M`          |   `Yuzu`              |            |
| Docked / Undocked Mode  |   `Alt + D`          |   `Yuzu`              |            |

### MAME
The `MAME Menu` here find hotkeys related to the MAME standalone emulator: Servicemode and buttons 1-4, Insert None Bills (not credits that is Select) and tilt.


| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:           |  :---:     |
| Service Mode            |   `Alt + 0`          |   `MAME`              |            |
| Service Button 1        |   `Alt + 1`          |   `MAME`              |             |
| Service Button 2        |   `Alt + 2`          |   `MAME`                    |            |
| Service Button 3        |   `Alt + 3`          |   `MAME`                    |            |
| Service Button 4        |   `Alt + 4`          |    `MAME`                   |            |
| Insert Bill / Note      |   `Alt + 5`          |    `MAME`                  |            |
| Tilt                    |   `Alt + 6`          |     `MAME`                  |            |

### RetroArch
The `RetroArch Menu` here you find hotkeys related to the RetroArch emulator: RetroArch Cheat Mangement, AI Service and Netplay Host.

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:           |  :---:     |
| Next Cheat              |   `Ctrl + G`         | `RetroArch`                      |            |
| Previous Cheat          |   `Ctrl + F`         | `RetroArch`                      |            |
| Cheats On/Off           |   `Ctrl + C`         | `RetroArch`                      |            |
| AI Service On/Off       |   `Ctrl + I`         | `RetroArch`                      |            |
| Netplay Host On/Off     |   `Ctrl + H`         |  `RetroArch`                     |            |

### Gamecube / Wii
The `Gamecube / Wii Menu` here you find hotkeys related to the Dolphin standalone emulator: Golf Mode, Freelook Mode On/Off/Reset, Wii Sync Button and Wii Mote Sideways / Upright.

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     |  Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |       :---:           |  :---:     |
| Golf Mode On/Off        |   `Alt + H`          |  `Dolphin/Primehack`                     |            |
| Freelook Mode On/Off    |   `Alt + F`          |`Dolphin/Primehack`                       |            |
| Freelook Mode Reset     |   `Alt + R`          | `Dolphin/Primehack`                      |            |
| Wii Sync Button         |   `Alt + W`          | `Dolphin/Primehack`                      |            |
| Wiimote Upright         |   `Alt + Z`          | `Dolphin/Primehack`                      |            |
| Wiimote Sideways        |   `Alt + X`          | `Dolphin/Primehack`                      |            |

### NDS
The `NDS Menu` here you find hotkeys related to the MelonDS standalone emulator: Send Close/Open Lid, Send Play Microphone and Sunlight + / -.

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     | Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |      :---:           |  :---:     |
| Sunlight +              |   `Alt + +`          |`MelonDS`                      |            |
| Sunlight -              |   `Alt + -`          | `MelonDS`                     |            |
| Play Microphone         |   `Alt + P`          |`MelonDS`                      |            |
| Close/Open Lid          |   `Alt + L`          | `MelonDS`                       |            |

### 3DS
The `3DS Menu` here you find hotkeys related to the Citra standalone emulator: Load and Remove Amiibo

| Radial Button           | Keyboard Command     | Emulator Support     |    Comment |
| :---                    | :---:                |      :---:           |  :---:     |
| Load Amiibo             |   `Alt + M`          |`Citra`               |            |
| Remove Amiibo           |   `Alt + N`          |`Citra`               |            |