app-id: net.retrodeck.retrodeck runtime: org.kde.Platform runtime-version: "6.5" sdk: org.kde.Sdk sdk-extensions: - org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.llvm16 # Needed for rpcs3 (llvm15) but llvm16 for CITRA - org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.rust-stable # Needed for BoilR # base: io.qt.qtwebengine.BaseApp # Needed for Yuzu - Disabled as we're using AppImage for Yuzu # base-version: "6.5" # Needed for Yuzu - Disabled as we're using AppImage for Yuzu command: finish-args: - --socket=fallback-x11 - --socket=wayland - --socket=pulseaudio - --share=ipc - --share=network - --device=all - --filesystem=home - --filesystem=/run/media - --filesystem=/media - --filesystem=/mnt - --filesystem=home/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam - --allow=multiarch - --talk-name=org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver - --talk-name=org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Inhibit - --talk-name=org.freedesktop.login1.Manager - --filesystem=xdg-run/app/com.discordapp.Discord:create - --filesystem=xdg-config/gtk-3.0:ro - --env=QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl;wayland;xcb # Dolphin - --allow=bluetooth # PPSSPP # It allows an SDL application to specify its window class, which can be useful for window managers and desktop environments to identify and group similar windows - --env=SDL_VIDEO_X11_WMCLASS=net.retrodeck.retrodeck - --env=SDL_VIDEO_WAYLAND_WMCLASS=net.retrodeck.retrodeck # XEMU - Fixes issues with openSUSE systems, QEMU_AUDIO_DRV is defined as "pa" causing xemu to not launch - --unset-env=QEMU_AUDIO_DRV # BoilR - --filesystem=xdg-data/Steam:rw #Steam (flatpak) - --filesystem=~/.steam:rw # Steam (Non-flatpak) - --filesystem=~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam:rw # Steam (Flatpak) cleanup: # ES-DE - /include - /share/ffmpeg - /lib/cmake - /lib/pkgconfig # Yuzu - /include - /bin/glslangValidator - /bin/zip* - /bin/zstd* - /lib/pkg-config - /share/doc - /share/man - /src - '*.a' - '*.la' # XMLSTARLET - /lib/debug - /share/runtime #cleanup-commands: # Yuzu #- /app/ modules: # dependency of: CEMU, CITRA, DOLPHIN - rd-submodules/shared-modules/libusb/libusb.json # This module is used to define the RetroDECK version # If the version is set as cooker it will automatically generate the version tag based on the date # else it will just put what is written, "v" is not needed # The version number is hardcoded in /app/retrodeck/version # # UPDATE STEPS FOR MAIN: # [ ] Update the VERSION variable on line containing "VERSION=THISBRANCH" # [ ] Update the appdata.xml with the version number and notes # - name: version-initialization buildsystem: simple build-commands: - | # on main please update this with the version variable, eg: VERSION='0.7.4b' # on cooker will be THISBRANCH VERSION=THISBRANCH git checkout ${GITHUB_REF_NAME} mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/ if [[ $VERSION == *"cooker"* ]]; then VERSION="$VERSION-VERSIONPLACEHOLDER" fi echo $VERSION >> ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/version cat ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/version echo "Version is $VERSION" sources: - type: git url: branch: THISBRANCH - name: xmlstarlet config-opts: - --disable-static-libs - --with-libxml-libs-prefix=/usr/lib - --with-libxml-include-prefix=/usr/include/libxml2 sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 15d838c4f3375332fd95554619179b69e4ec91418a3a5296e7c631b7ed19e7ca - type: shell commands: - cp -p /usr/share/automake-*/config.{sub,guess} . - autoreconf -vfi post-install: - ln -s "xml" "${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/xmlstarlet" ||: # mesa repo got a double certificate issue and gnutils cannot handle that so GLU download fails, # this affects even the shared-modules's libglu so I have to replace it temporarly # more info there: # dependency of: RETROARCH, CEMU, RPCS3, XEMU - name: libglu buildsystem: meson cleanup: - /include - /lib/debug - /lib/pkgconfig - /lib/*.a sources: - type: archive url: sha256: bd43fe12f374b1192eb15fe20e45ff456b9bc26ab57f0eee919f96ca0f8a330f # - type: archive # url: # sha256: bd43fe12f374b1192eb15fe20e45ff456b9bc26ab57f0eee919f96ca0f8a330f # x-checker-data: # type: anitya # project-id: 13518 # stable-only: true # url-template:$version.tar.xz - name: libgudev buildsystem: meson config-opts: - -Dtests=disabled - -Dvapi=disabled - -Dintrospection=disabled - -Dgtk_doc=false cleanup: - /include - /etc - /libexec - /sbin - /lib/pkgconfig - /lib/systemd - /man - /share/aclocal - /share/doc - /share/gtk-doc - /share/man - /share/pkgconfig - '*.la' - '*.a' sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 0d06b21170d20c93e4f0534dbb9b0a8b4f1119ffb00b4031aaeb5b9148b686aa - name: chdman-tool buildsystem: simple build-commands: - cmake -B . -G Ninja - cmake --build . - cp chdman /app/bin sources: - type: git url: commit: f7cadf1720cbeba8a14f2685830ff424a0c7f6cd - name: rclone buildsystem: simple build-commands: - cp rclone ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/ sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 6d6455e1cb69eb0615a52cc046a296395e44d50c0f32627ba8590c677ddf50a9 # Source: - name: rsync no-autogen: true config-opts: - --prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST} - --with-included-popt - --with-included-zlib - --disable-debug - --disable-xxhash # Unable to meet dependency -- rsync refuses to see the required xxhash.h file sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 4e7d9d3f6ed10878c58c5fb724a67dacf4b6aac7340b13e488fb2dc41346f2bb x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 4217 stable-only: true url-template:$version.tar.gz - name: jq buildsystem: simple build-commands: - cp jq-linux64 ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/jq - chmod +x ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/jq sources: - type: file url: sha256: af986793a515d500ab2d35f8d2aecd656e764504b789b66d7e1a0b727a124c44 - name: yq buildsystem: simple build-commands: - cp yq_linux_amd64 ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/yq - chmod +x ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/yq sources: - type: file url: sha256: 4ee662847c588c3ef2fec8bfb304e8739e3dbaba87ccb9a608d691c88f5b64dc # dependency of: CEMU (13.1.1), CITRA (13.0.0) - name: glslang buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - -DENABLE_CTEST=OFF # TODO: Does Cemu benefit from SPIRV-Tools-opt - -DENABLE_OPT=OFF cleanup: - /include - /lib/cmake sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 1c4d0a5a38c8aaf89a2d7e6093be734320599f5a6775b2726beeb05b0c054e66 # url: # sha256: bcda732434f829aa74414ea0e06d329ec8ac28637c38a0de45e17c8fd25a4715 x-checker-data: type: anitya stable-only: true project-id: 205796 url-template:$version.tar.gz # - type: git # url: # tag: sdk- # dest: External/spirv-tools # - type: git # url: # tag: sdk- # dest: External/spirv-tools/external/spirv-headers # enables motion controls on non-wii controllers (switch, ps4, etc) # dependency of: DOLPHIN, RPCS3 # TODO: requires a udev rule enabling Motion Sensors access - name: libevdev buildsystem: meson config-opts: - -Dtests=disabled - -Ddocumentation=disabled sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 06a77bf2ac5c993305882bc1641017f5bec1592d6d1b64787bad492ab34f2f36 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 20540 stable-only: true url-template:$version.tar.xz # dependency of: CITRA, CEMU - name: rapidjson buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DRAPIDJSON_BUILD_DOC=OFF - -DRAPIDJSON_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF - -DRAPIDJSON_BUILD_TESTS=OFF - -DRAPIDJSON_BUILD_THIRDPARTY_GTEST=OFF cleanup: - /include - /lib/cmake - /lib/pkgconfig - /share/doc sources: - type: archive url: sha256: bf7ced29704a1e696fbccf2a2b4ea068e7774fa37f6d7dd4039d0787f8bed98e x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 7422 stable-only: true url-template:$version.tar.gz # dependency of: CEMU, SOLARUS - name: glm buildsystem: cmake-ninja cleanup: ['*'] no-make-install: true post-install: - install -d ${FLATPAK_DEST}/include - cp -R glm ${FLATPAK_DEST}/include - cp -R cmake/glm ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/cmake sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 37e2a3d62ea3322e43593c34bae29f57e3e251ea89f4067506c94043769ade4c # dependency of: CEMU, ES-DE - name: pugixml buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON cleanup: - /include - /lib/cmake - /lib/pkgconfig sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 2f10e276870c64b1db6809050a75e11a897a8d7456c4be5c6b2e35a11168a015 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 3728 url-template:$version/pugixml-$version.tar.gz # dependency of: CEMU, RPCS3 - rd-submodules/shared-modules/glew/glew.json # dependency of: XEMU, MelonDS - name: libslirp buildsystem: meson sources: - type: git url: tag: v4.7.0 # ES-DE - START # #This is disabled because we added the extension (line 11), check if the videos are ok. - name: ffmpeg config-opts: - --disable-static - --disable-programs - --disable-doc - --enable-gpl - --enable-shared - --enable-libvorbis - --enable-libopus - --enable-libvpx - --enable-postproc sources: - type: git url: tag: n5.1.1 - name: freeimage no-autogen: true build-options: cxxflags: -std=c++14 make-args: - DESTDIR=/app sources: - type: archive url: sha256: f41379682f9ada94ea7b34fe86bf9ee00935a3147be41b6569c9605a53e438fd - type: shell commands: - sed -i 's|-o root -g root ||' ./Makefile.gnu - sed -i 's|/usr|/app|' ./Makefile.gnu - name: libgit2 buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON - -DTHREADSAFE=ON sources: - type: git url: tag: v1.6.3 # Needed from ES-DE 2.1.0+ - name: libpoppler-glib buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DENABLE_BOOST=OFF sources: - type: archive # original link not working, found a mirror url: #url: sha256: 093ba9844ed774285517361c15e21a31ba4df278a499263d4403cca74f2da828 cleanup: - /lib/pkgconfig - /include - '*.a' - '*.la' # When updating this module remember to check those: #[VERSION]/resources/systems/linux/es_find_rules.xml # But we don't include them 1:1 as RetroDECK got some specific configs in some cases - name: ES-DE buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DRETRODECK=on cleanup: - es-app - es-core sources: - type: git url: branch: update/3.0 - type: shell commands: - sed -i 's#"EMULATIONSTATION-DE V" + Utils::String::toUpper(PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING)#"RetroDECK v'$(cat ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/version)', ES-DE v" + Utils::String::toUpper(PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING)#g' es-app/src/guis/GuiMenu.cpp # ES-DE - END # ES-DE Themes - START - name: art-book-next-es-de buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/emulationstation/themes/art-book-next-es-de/ - mv -f * ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/emulationstation/themes/art-book-next-es-de/ sources: - type: git url: commit: 4fe896af7447404f6ea083335cd661c91b0f7860 # ES-DE Themes - END # External manifests start # RetroArch - START # - name: retroarch config-opts: - '--enable-dbus' make-args: - 'GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR=${FLATPAK_DEST}/etc' - HAVE_TRANSLATE=1 - HAVE_ACCESSIBILITY=1 sources: - type: git url: '' commit: 712b9350a5c2b1b9129d939a2ae622093dfabd04 - type: file path: rd-submodules/retroarch/retroarch.cfg post-install: - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ - >- mv ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/pixmaps/retroarch.svg ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ - rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/pixmaps/ - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/etc - >- sed s:@prefix@:${FLATPAK_DEST}:g retroarch.cfg > ${FLATPAK_DEST}/etc/retroarch.cfg modules: - rd-submodules/retroarch/modules/libpng/libpng-1.6.35.json - rd-submodules/retroarch/modules/nvidia-cg-toolkit/nvidia-cg-toolkit-3.1.0013.json - rd-submodules/shared-modules/SDL/SDL-1.2.15.json - rd-submodules/shared-modules/SDL/SDL_image-1.2.12.json - rd-submodules/shared-modules/SDL/SDL_mixer-1.2.12.json - rd-submodules/shared-modules/SDL/SDL_net-1.2.8.json - rd-submodules/shared-modules/SDL/SDL_ttf-2.0.11.json #- rd-submodules/shared-modules/libusb/libusb.json moved outside # certificate glu issue #- rd-submodules/shared-modules/gudev/gudev.json - rd-submodules/retroarch/modules/libbz2/libbz2-1.0.8.json - rd-submodules/retroarch/modules/xrandr/xrandr-1.5.1.json - rd-submodules/retroarch/modules/libaio/libaio-0.3.112.json # certificate issue, check glu module for more info #- rd-submodules/shared-modules/glu/glu-9.json - rd-submodules/shared-modules/libdecor/libdecor-0.1.1.json - name: retroarch-filers-video subdir: gfx/video_filters make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: 712b9350a5c2b1b9129d939a2ae622093dfabd04 - name: retroarch-filers-audio subdir: libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: 712b9350a5c2b1b9129d939a2ae622093dfabd04 - name: retroarch-assets make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: 7b735ef18bcc6508b1c9a626eb237779ff787179 - name: libretro-database make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: e3b5cb00da4f3ab99491bf67c19630ffa7ee19f2 - name: libretro-core-info make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: dacae85b406131feb12395a415fdf57fc4745201 - name: retroarch-joypad-autoconfig make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: 5666e46bb89caf4e9af358fdb97a2b384cb62f36 - name: common-shaders make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: commit: 86cfa146a8dfddf6377ddb5dbcff552feae2e5bf - name: slang-shaders make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: 9266fa24b64b274fd429b73469ded3561de7b8f4 - name: glsl-shaders make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: c26b9e1913eda8c25d6cd218818745a3b451f982 - name: common-overlays make-install-args: - PREFIX=${FLATPAK_DEST} sources: - type: git url: '' commit: 115d8670c2e032e4a41ba45f766f5cfd9dae28b8 # RetroArch - END # Not part of the offical RetroArch manifest # retroarch-cores-nightly must be earlier than retroarch-cores as it will overwrite this cores with the stable ones - name: retroarch-cores-nightly buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p /app/share/libretro/cores/ - mv -f ./RetroArch-Linux-x86_64.AppImage.home/.config/retroarch/cores/* /app/share/libretro/cores/ sources: - type: archive url: sha256: RANIGHTLYCORESPLACEHOLDER - name: retroarch-cores buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p /app/share/libretro/cores/ - mv -f ./RetroArch-Linux-x86_64.AppImage.home/.config/retroarch/cores/* /app/share/libretro/cores/ sources: - type: archive url: sha256: a149d34662516d791e8f90507d1107949cb158196d6bbf75105c649fb26504b6 - name: retroarch-sameduck-core buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mv /app/share/libretro/cores/ sources: - type: archive url: sha256: SAMEDUCKSHAPLACEHOLDER - name: ppsspp-bios buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/PPSSPP - mv -f assets/* ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/PPSSPP/ sources: - type: archive url: sha256: PPSSPPBIOSHASHPLACEHOLDER - name: msx-bios buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/MSX - mv -f Databases ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/MSX/Databases - mv -f Machines ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/MSX/Machines sources: - type: archive url: sha256: MSXBIOSHASHPLACEHOLDER strip-components: 0 - name: amiga-bios buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/Amiga - cp -f Linux/x86-64/ ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/Amiga/ sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 16c1b511b8e1374a2b6461a66bb6f07b7d2627eb4e941fd1497a432330acaad1 strip-components: 0 # PPSSPP - START # - name: ppsspp buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DUSE_SYSTEM_FFMPEG=OFF - -DUSE_SYSTEM_LIBZIP=ON - -DUSE_SYSTEM_ZSTD=ON - -DUSE_WAYLAND_WSI=ON - -DUSING_QT_UI=OFF - -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF - -DOpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE=GLVND build-options: arch: aarch64: config-opts: - -DUSING_EGL=ON - -DUSING_GLES2=ON post-install: - install -Dm644 icons/icon-512.svg ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ppsspp.svg cleanup: - /share/ppsspp/assets/lang/ sources: - type: git url: &ppsspp-url tag: v1.17 commit: 493122a2fcf9ff538e242fe2844f019b53afd483 x-checker-data: type: json url: version-query: .tag_name | sub("^v"; "") tag-query: .tag_name timestamp-query: .published_at # PPSSPP - END # Yuzu - START # - name: Yuzu buildsystem: simple build-commands: - chmod +x yuzu*.AppImage - ./yuzu*.AppImage --appimage-extract - mkdir -p "${FLATPAK_DEST}/yuzu" - cp -r squashfs-root/* "${FLATPAK_DEST}/yuzu" - ln -s "${FLATPAK_DEST}/yuzu/usr/bin/yuzu" "${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/yuzu" sources: - type: file url: sha256: d8ca508daa5ba929efda956488f4a9cbc38df9fd672fcb55cb2184625971706d # Yuzu - END # CITRA - START # - rd-submodules/shared-modules/SDL2/SDL2-with-libdecor.json - rd-submodules/shared-modules/SDL2/SDL2-with-libdecor.json - name: citra buildsystem: cmake-ninja builddir: true build-options: env: CI: '1' GITHUB_ACTIONS: '1' GITHUB_REPOSITORY: citra-emu/citra-nightly GITHUB_REF_NAME: nightly-2025 append-path: /usr/lib/sdk/llvm16/bin prepend-ld-library-path: /usr/lib/sdk/llvm16/lib cflags: '-Wno-unused-command-line-argument' cxxflags: '-Wno-unused-command-line-argument' config-opts: - '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release' - '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang' - '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++' - '-DCMAKE_LINKER=lld' - '-DENABLE_QT_TRANSLATION=ON' - '-DCITRA_ENABLE_COMPATIBILITY_REPORTING=ON' - '-DUSE_DISCORD_PRESENCE=ON' - '-DENABLE_COMPATIBILITY_LIST_DOWNLOAD=OFF' - '-DUSE_SYSTEM_SDL2=ON' cleanup: - /share/man - /share/pixmaps post-install: - install -Dm755 ../ /app/bin/citra-launcher - >- install -Dm644 ../org.citra_emu.citra.svg /app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/citra.svg - >- install -Dm644 ../dist/icon.png /app/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/citra.png - >- mv /app/share/mime/packages/citra.xml /app/share/mime/packages/org.citra_emu.citra.xml - >- sed 's/citra/org.citra_emu.citra/g' -i /app/share/mime/packages/org.citra_emu.citra.xml sources: - type: archive url: >- sha256: ebf52af66c6ef729688a29d093d9139baa76973b698c0630a295f38d126cf118 x-checker-data: type: json url: version-query: .tag_name url-query: >- .assets[] | .browser_download_url | match("https://.+citra-unified-source-.+.xz$") | .string is-main-source: true - type: file path: rd-submodules/citra/org.citra_emu.citra.svg - type: file path: rd-submodules/citra/ # CITRA - END # PCSX2 - START # Inspired by: # # - name: pcsx2-qt buildsystem: simple build-commands: - chmod +x pcsx2*.AppImage - ./pcsx2*.AppImage --appimage-extract - mkdir -p "${FLATPAK_DEST}/pcsx2-qt" - cp -r squashfs-root/* "${FLATPAK_DEST}/pcsx2-qt" - ln -s "${FLATPAK_DEST}/pcsx2-qt/usr/bin/pcsx2-qt" "${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/pcsx2-qt" sources: - type: file url: sha256: b3cb23e07435f7efe7145cddd0cf4d473cc65eee8feae436b8a718fc3017721a # PCSX2 - END # Dolphin - START # # WHEN UPADTING: remember to update rd-submodules/dolphin contents # needed for screensaver inhibition - name: xdg-screensaver-shim buildsystem: meson sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 0ed2a69fe6ee6cbffd2fe16f85116db737f17fb1e79bfb812d893cf15c728399 - name: dolphin-emu buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - -DENABLE_ALSA=OFF - -DENABLE_SDL=ON - -DENABLE_EVDEV=ON - -DDISTRIBUTOR=Flathub cleanup: - /share/man post-install: - install -D -t ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/ dolphin-emu-wrapper - sed -i -e 's/"2048"/"512"/g' /app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/dolphin-emu.svg sources: - type: git # Sometimes Dolphin or its submodules clone are failing in https so it must done in ssh # fatal: remote transport reported error # url: ssh:// url: commit: 032c77b462a220016f23c5079e71bb23e0ad2adf x-checker-data: type: json url: commit-query: .hash version-query: .shortrev timestamp-query: .date is-main-source: true # detects whether dolphin is running in a flatpak sandbox # and makes it use xdg directories if it is. # prevents dolphin from attempting to write conf files # in non-writable paths, typically happens when a user # has leftover files from a previous non-flatpak install - type: patch path: rd-submodules/dolphin/detectflatpak.patch # version strings must match exactly for online multiplayer - type: patch path: rd-submodules/dolphin/nodirtyversion.patch - type: script commands: - | for i in {0..9}; do test -S $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/discord-ipc-$i || ln -sf {app/com.discordapp.Discord,$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/discord-ipc-$i; done dolphin-emu "$@" dest-filename: dolphin-emu-wrapper - name: universal_dynamic_input buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/DynamicInputTextures - cp -r * ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/DynamicInputTextures/ sources: - type: git url: commit: UNIVERSALDYNAMICINPUTCOMMITPLACEHOLDER # Dolphin - END # XEMU - START # - name: libpcap buildsystem: cmake-ninja cleanup: - /bin - /include - /lib/debug - /lib/pkgconfig - /lib/*.a - /share sources: - type: archive url: sha256: ed19a0383fad72e3ad435fd239d7cd80d64916b87269550159d20e47160ebe5f x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 1702 stable-only: true url-template:$version.tar.gz - name: PyYAML buildsystem: simple build-commands: - python3 install --prefix=/app --root=/ sources: - type: archive url: sha256: f33eaba25d8e0c1a959bbf00655198c287dfc5868f5b7b01e401eaa1796cc778 - name: xemu buildsystem: autotools builddir: true no-make-install: true build-options: cflags: -O3 -DXBOX=1 -Wno-error=redundant-decls config-opts: - --audio-drv-list=sdl - --disable-werror - --target-list=i386-softmmu make-args: - qemu-system-i386 post-install: - |- for px in 16 32 48 64 128 256 512; do install -Dm644 ../ui/icons/xemu_${px}x${px}.png $FLATPAK_DEST/share/icons/hicolor/${px}x${px}/apps/app.xemu.xemu.png done - install -Dm644 ../ui/icons/xemu.svg $FLATPAK_DEST/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/app.xemu.xemu.svg - mv qemu-system-i386 $FLATPAK_DEST/bin/xemu - mkdir -p $FLATPAK_DEST/share/licenses/xemu - cd .. && python3 scripts/ > $FLATPAK_DEST/share/licenses/xemu/LICENSE.txt sources: - type: git url: tag: v0.7.116 commit: b3fc80b3a83fa99aeb541a0c665cfb596cedd71c x-checker-data: type: json url: tag-query: .tag_name timestamp-query: .published_at version-query: .tag_name - name: xemu-dummy-hdd buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/XEMU - mv -f "xbox_hdd.qcow2" "${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/XEMU/xbox_hdd.qcow2" sources: - type: archive url: sha256: XEMUHDDHASHPLACEHOLDER # XEMU - END # MELONDS - START # # ちっちゃい、かわいい! - name: melonds buildsystem: cmake-ninja builddir: true config-opts: - -DUSE_QT6=ON build-options: arch: aarch64: config-opts: - -DENABLE_LTO_RELEASE=OFF sources: - type: git url: commit: 430de6b2702bb93faa8c2004aff3fbd084db4a1e - type: patch path: rd-submodules/melonds/hotkeys.patch # MELONDS - END # RPCS3 - START # - name: rpcs3 buildsystem: cmake-ninja builddir: true build-options: append-ld-library-path: /usr/lib/sdk/llvm16/lib append-path: /usr/lib/sdk/llvm16/bin cflags: &optflags -O2 -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer cflags-override: true cxxflags: *optflags cxxflags-override: true env: AR: llvm-ar CC: clang CXX: clang++ RANLIB: llvm-ranlib ldflags: -fuse-ld=lld config-opts: - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo - -DBUILD_LLVM=OFF - -DUSE_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS=OFF - -DUSE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS=OFF - -DUSE_SDL=ON - -DUSE_SYSTEM_CURL=ON - -DUSE_SYSTEM_FFMPEG=OFF # Disabled this to force RPCS3 to use our built FFMPEG - -DUSE_SYSTEM_LIBPNG=ON - -DUSE_SYSTEM_SDL=ON - -DUSE_SYSTEM_ZLIB=ON - -Wno-dev post-install: - cp /usr/lib/sdk/llvm16/lib/ /app/lib/ - |- set -eux COMM_TAG="$(awk -F'[\{,]' '/version{.*}/{printf "%d.%d.%d", $2, $3, $4}' ../rpcs3/rpcs3_version.cpp)" COMM_COUNT="$(git rev-list --count HEAD)"; COMM_HASH="$(git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD)"; sources: - type: git url: commit: f9d213650cfe4733937c43d93de91a17f8582820 # RPCS3 - END # PRIMEHACK - START # - name: primehack buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - -DENABLE_ALSA=OFF - -DENABLE_SDL=ON - -DENABLE_EVDEV=ON - -DDISTRIBUTOR=Flathub - -DQT_DIR= cleanup: - /share/man post-install: - install -D primehack-wrapper /app/bin/primehack-wrapper sources: - type: git url: commit: af7710ef7b04a632b4294eae5e0eff8fe9c4d1f8 #url: #commit: 6295c695307a67f11ee202b05cbdd7b5c1edae5c # detects whether dolphin is running in a flatpak sandbox # and makes it use xdg directories if it is. # prevents dolphin from attempting to write conf files # in non-writable paths, typically happens when a user # has leftover files from a previous non-flatpak install - type: patch path: rd-submodules/primehack/detectflatpak.patch # version strings must match exactly for online multiplayer - type: patch path: rd-submodules/primehack/nodirtyversion.patch - type: script commands: - for i in {0..9}; do - test -S $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/discord-ipc-$i || ln -sf {app/com.discordapp.Discord,$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/discord-ipc-$i; - done - primehack "$@" dest-filename: primehack-wrapper # # PRIMEHACK - END # Duckstation-AppImage - START # - name: Duckstation-AppImage buildsystem: simple build-commands: - chmod +x DuckStation-*.AppImage - ./DuckStation-x64*.AppImage --appimage-extract - mkdir -p "${FLATPAK_DEST}/duckstation" - cp -r squashfs-root/* "${FLATPAK_DEST}/duckstation" - ln -s "${FLATPAK_DEST}/duckstation/usr/bin/duckstation-qt" "${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/duckstation-qt" sources: - type: file url: sha256: DUCKSTATIONSHAPLACEHOLDER # Duckstation-AppImage - END # Cemu - START # # - name: hidapi buildsystem: cmake-ninja sources: - type: archive url: sha256: a5714234abe6e1f53647dd8cba7d69f65f71c558b7896ed218864ffcf405bcbd x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 5594 stable-only: true url-template:$version.tar.gz - name: boost buildsystem: simple build-commands: - ./ --prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST} --with-toolset=gcc --with-libraries=filesystem,system,program_options,nowide - ./b2 install variant=release link=shared runtime-link=shared cxxflags="$CXXFLAGS" linkflags="$LDFLAGS" -j ${FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS} cleanup: - /include - /lib/cmake sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 6478edfe2f3305127cffe8caf73ea0176c53769f4bf1585be237eb30798c3b8e x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 6845 stable-only: true url-template:$version/source/boost_${major}_${minor}_$patch.tar.bz2 - name: libzip buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DBUILD_DOC=OFF - -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF - -DBUILD_REGRESS=OFF - -DBUILD_TOOLS=OFF cleanup: - /bin - /include - /lib/cmake - /lib/pkgconfig sources: - type: archive url: mirror-urls: - sha256: dc3c8d5b4c8bbd09626864f6bcf93de701540f761d76b85d7c7d710f4bd90318 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 10649 url-template:$version.tar.xz - name: fmt buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DFMT_TEST=Off cleanup: - '*' sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 5dea48d1fcddc3ec571ce2058e13910a0d4a6bab4cc09a809d8b1dd1c88ae6f2 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 11526 url-template:$version.tar.gz versions: {<: '10.0'} - name: wxWidgets buildsystem: cmake-ninja cleanup: - /bin - /include - /lib/cmake - /lib/wx - /share sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 0640e1ab716db5af2ecb7389dbef6138d7679261fbff730d23845ba838ca133e x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 5150 stable-only: true url-template:$version/wxWidgets-$version.tar.bz2 versions: {'!=': 3.2.4-with-msvs2012-fix} - name: Cemu buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DPORTABLE=false - -DENABLE_VCPKG=false build-options: env: - LC_ALL=C sources: - type: git url: # TODO: Update tag pattern on next stable ^v([\d.]+)$ x-checker-data: type: git tag-pattern: ^v([\d.]+-\d+)$ tag: v2.0-61 commit: b6aaf6633063be47d89a8216e269e32aec5a4b49 - type: shell commands: - sed "s/set(EXPERIMENTAL_VERSION.*/set(EXPERIMENTAL_VERSION \"$(git describe --tag | sed "s/v2.0-//")\" CACHE STRING \"\")/g" -i CMakeLists.txt - type: script commands: - | for d in DiscordCanary Discord; do for i in {0..9}; do test -S $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/discord-ipc-$i || ln -sf {app/com.discordapp.$d,$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/discord-ipc-$i; done done Cemu_relwithdebinfo "$@" dest-filename: Cemu-wrapper - type: script dest-filename: commands: - | import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET meta_file = os.environ.get('AS_META_FILE') version = os.environ.get('AS_META_VERSION') release_type = os.environ.get('AS_META_TYPE') release_date = os.environ.get('AS_META_DATE') release_url = os.environ.get('AS_META_URL') tree = ET.parse(meta_file) root = tree.getroot() el_releases = root.find('releases') for el_release in el_releases: el_releases.remove(el_release) el_release = ET.SubElement(el_releases, 'release') el_url = ET.SubElement(el_release, 'url') el_url.text = release_url el_release.attrib['type'] = release_type el_release.attrib['date'] = release_date el_release.attrib['version'] = version ET.indent(tree, space=' ', level=0) tree.write(meta_file, encoding='utf8') post-install: - cp -r bin/gameProfiles ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/Cemu/ - cp -r bin/resources ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/Cemu/ - install -Dm644 -t ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/ dist/linux/info.cemu.Cemu.png - install -D -t ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/ bin/Cemu_relwithdebinfo Cemu-wrapper # Cemu - END # Vita3K - START - name: vita3k buildsystem: simple build-commands: # Copying the user icon - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck - cp retrodeck.png ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck - unzip "" -d "${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/Vita3K" - chmod +x "${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/Vita3K/Vita3K" - rm -f "${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/Vita3K/" - ln -s ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/Vita3K/Vita3K ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/Vita3K sources: - type: file url: sha256: VITA3KSHAPLACEHOLDER - type: file path: res/retrodeck.png # Vita3K - END # SOLARUS - START # - name: luajit no-autogen: true cleanup: - /bin - /lib/*.a - /include - /lib/pkgconfig - /share/man sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 874b1f8297c697821f561f9b73b57ffd419ed8f4278c82e05b48806d30c1e979 - type: shell commands: - sed -i 's|/usr/local|/app|' ./Makefile - name: libmodplug cleanup: - /include sources: - type: archive url: sha512: 880e10154fd367ee24ace53ca7e32a5c1fee7dfff1f934e6499944c12779427da63e2f55f8d6ce25db0a42a5b4424053bf64305b31dbfc4ef6a8909924d655fd - name: physfs buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DPHYSFS_BUILD_TEST=OFF sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 304df76206d633df5360e738b138c94e82ccf086e50ba84f456d3f8432f9f863 size: 194888 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 3631 url-template:$version.tar.bz2 - name: solarus buildsystem: cmake-ninja builddir: true config-opts: - -DSOLARUS_GUI=OFF sources: - type: git url: tag: v1.6.5 commit: 3aec70b0556a8d7aed7903d1a3e4d9a18c5d1649 - rd-submodules/shared-modules/gzdoom/gzdoom.json # SOLARUS - END # MAME - Start - name: retrodeck-mame buildsystem: simple build-commands: - cp -rn files/* /app sources: - type: archive url: RETRODECKMAMEURLPLACEHOLDER sha256: RETRODECKMAMEPLACEHOLDER # MAME - End # External manifests end - name: retrodeck buildsystem: simple build-commands: # Initializing RO retrodeck config folder - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck # Prep the ES-DE and RetroArch config files - I will have to SED/XMLSTARLET them soon - rm -rf /app/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/linux/es_find_rules.xml - cp es-configs/es_find_rules.xml /app/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/linux/ - rm -rf /app/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/linux/es_systems.xml - cp es-configs/es_systems.xml /app/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/linux/ # These must be put in home folder, managed by - cp es-configs/es_settings.xml ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/es_settings.xml - mv -f -t ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck es-configs/rd_prepacks # Logo, res, move graphics directory away from default location so splash can be changed after build - mv -f -t ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck /app/share/emulationstation/resources/graphics - cp -f res/splash.svg ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/graphics/splash.svg - cp -f res/splash.svg ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/graphics/splash-orig.svg - cp -rf res/extra_splashes/ ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/graphics - cp -f res/icon.svg /app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg - mv -f -t ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck res/binding_icons # RetroDECK core script - cp /app/bin/ - chmod +x /app/bin/ # Tools - mkdir -p /app/tools - cp -r tools/** /app/tools - find /app/tools -name '*.py|*.sh' -exec chmod +x {} \; # Function libraries - mkdir -p /app/libexec - cp -r functions/** "/app/libexec/" # Desktop entries - cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.desktop /app/share/applications/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.desktop - cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.Configurator.desktop /app/share/applications/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.Configurator.desktop - chmod +x net.retrodeck.retrodeck*desktop # Initializing default emulator configs - cp -r emu-configs ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/emu-configs/ # PICO-8 wrapper - cp ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/emu-configs/pico-8/ /app/bin/pico8 - chmod +x /app/bin/pico8 # Needed for ffmpeg (RPCS3) - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/ffmpeg # Placing appdata - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/appdata - cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/appdata # Creating symlinks for a prettier access - ln -s /app/bin/ /app/bin/retrodeck - ln -s /app/tools/ /app/bin/configurator # GZDOOM wrapper - cp emu-configs/gzdoom/ ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/ - chmod +x ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/ sources: - type: git url: branch: THISBRANCH