// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // GuiThemeDownloader.cpp // // Theme downloader. // #include "guis/GuiThemeDownloader.h" #include "EmulationStation.h" #include "ThemeData.h" #include "components/MenuComponent.h" #include "resources/ResourceManager.h" #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include "rapidjson/error/en.h" #define LOCAL_TESTING_FILE false #define DEBUG_CLONING false GuiThemeDownloader::GuiThemeDownloader(std::function updateCallback) : mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mBackground {":/graphics/frame.svg"} , mGrid {glm::ivec2 {2, 4}} , mUpdateCallback(updateCallback) , mRepositoryError {RepositoryError::NO_REPO_ERROR} , mFetching {false} , mLatestThemesList {false} , mAttemptedFetch {false} , mHasThemeUpdates {false} , mFullscreenViewing {false} , mFullscreenViewerIndex {0} { addChild(&mBackground); addChild(&mGrid); #if defined(_WIN64) // Required due to the idiotic file locking that exists on this operating system. ViewController::getInstance()->stopViewVideos(); #endif const float fontSizeSmall {mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? FONT_SIZE_MINI : FONT_SIZE_SMALL}; // Set up main grid. mTitle = std::make_shared("THEME DOWNLOADER", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_CENTER); mGrid.setEntry(mTitle, glm::ivec2 {0, 0}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {2, 2}, GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM); // We need a center grid embedded within the main grid in order for navigation and helpsystem // entries to work and display correctly. mCenterGrid = std::make_shared(glm::ivec2 {8, 5}); mCenterGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared(), glm::ivec2 {0, 0}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 5}); mVariantsLabel = std::make_shared("", Font::get(fontSizeSmall), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mVariantsLabel, glm::ivec2 {1, 0}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mColorSchemesLabel = std::make_shared("", Font::get(fontSizeSmall), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mColorSchemesLabel, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mAspectRatiosLabel = std::make_shared("", Font::get(fontSizeSmall), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mAspectRatiosLabel, glm::ivec2 {3, 0}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mFutureUseLabel = std::make_shared("", Font::get(fontSizeSmall), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mFutureUseLabel, glm::ivec2 {3, 1}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mCenterGrid->setEntry(std::make_shared(), glm::ivec2 {5, 0}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 5}); mVariantCount = std::make_shared("", Font::get(fontSizeSmall, FONT_PATH_LIGHT), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mVariantCount, glm::ivec2 {2, 0}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mColorSchemesCount = std::make_shared( "", Font::get(fontSizeSmall, FONT_PATH_LIGHT), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mColorSchemesCount, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mAspectRatiosCount = std::make_shared( "", Font::get(fontSizeSmall, FONT_PATH_LIGHT), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mAspectRatiosCount, glm::ivec2 {4, 0}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mFutureUseCount = std::make_shared("", Font::get(fontSizeSmall, FONT_PATH_LIGHT), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mFutureUseCount, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mDownloadStatus = std::make_shared("", Font::get(fontSizeSmall, FONT_PATH_BOLD), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mDownloadStatus, glm::ivec2 {1, 2}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}); mLocalChanges = std::make_shared("", Font::get(fontSizeSmall, FONT_PATH_BOLD), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mLocalChanges, glm::ivec2 {3, 2}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}); mScreenshot = std::make_shared(); mScreenshot->setLinearInterpolation(true); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mScreenshot, glm::ivec2 {1, 3}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}); mAuthor = std::make_shared("", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MINI * 0.9f, FONT_PATH_LIGHT), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_LEFT); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mAuthor, glm::ivec2 {1, 4}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}); mList = std::make_shared(); mCenterGrid->setEntry(mList, glm::ivec2 {6, 0}, true, true, glm::ivec2 {2, 5}, GridFlags::BORDER_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mCenterGrid, glm::ivec2 {0, 2}, true, false, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}); // Set up scroll indicators. mScrollUp = std::make_shared(); mScrollDown = std::make_shared(); mScrollUp->setResize(0.0f, mTitle->getFont()->getLetterHeight() / 2.0f); mScrollUp->setOrigin(0.0f, -0.35f); mScrollDown->setResize(0.0f, mTitle->getFont()->getLetterHeight() / 2.0f); mScrollDown->setOrigin(0.0f, 0.35f); mScrollIndicator = std::make_shared(mList, mScrollUp, mScrollDown); mGrid.setEntry(mScrollUp, glm::ivec2 {1, 0}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mGrid.setEntry(mScrollDown, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); std::vector> buttons; buttons.push_back(std::make_shared("CLOSE", "CLOSE", [&] { delete this; })); mButtons = MenuComponent::makeButtonGrid(buttons); mGrid.setEntry(mButtons, glm::ivec2 {0, 3}, true, false, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP); // Limit the width of the GUI on ultrawide monitors. The 1.778 aspect ratio value is // the 16:9 reference. const float aspectValue {1.778f / Renderer::getScreenAspectRatio()}; const float width {glm::clamp(0.95f * aspectValue, 0.45f, 0.98f) * mRenderer->getScreenWidth()}; setSize(width, mTitle->getSize().y + (mList->getRowHeight() * 9.0f) + mButtons->getSize().y * 1.1f); setPosition((mRenderer->getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, (mRenderer->getScreenHeight() - mSize.y) / 2.0f); mBusyAnim.setSize(mSize); mBusyAnim.setText("DOWNLOADING THEMES LIST 100%"); mBusyAnim.onSizeChanged(); mList->setCursorChangedCallback([this](CursorState state) { if (state == CursorState::CURSOR_SCROLLING || state == CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED) updateInfoPane(); }); mViewerIndicatorLeft = std::make_shared( ViewController::ARROW_LEFT_CHAR, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE * 1.2f, FONT_PATH_BOLD), 0xCCCCCCFF, ALIGN_CENTER); mViewerIndicatorRight = std::make_shared( ViewController::ARROW_RIGHT_CHAR, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE * 1.2f, FONT_PATH_BOLD), 0xCCCCCCFF, ALIGN_CENTER); git_libgit2_init(); // The promise/future mechanism is used as signaling for the thread to indicate that // repository fetching has been completed. std::promise().swap(mPromise); mFuture = mPromise.get_future(); const std::string defaultUserThemeDir {Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/themes"}; std::string userThemeDirSetting {Utils::FileSystem::expandHomePath( Settings::getInstance()->getString("UserThemeDirectory"))}; #if defined(_WIN64) mThemeDirectory = Utils::String::replace(mThemeDirectory, "\\", "/"); #endif if (userThemeDirSetting == "") { mThemeDirectory = defaultUserThemeDir; } else if (Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(userThemeDirSetting) || Utils::FileSystem::isSymlink(userThemeDirSetting)) { mThemeDirectory = userThemeDirSetting; } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Requested user theme directory \"" << userThemeDirSetting << "\" does not exist or is not a directory, reverting to \"" << defaultUserThemeDir << "\""; mThemeDirectory = defaultUserThemeDir; } if (mThemeDirectory.back() != '/') mThemeDirectory.append("/"); } GuiThemeDownloader::~GuiThemeDownloader() { if (mFetchThread.joinable()) mFetchThread.join(); git_libgit2_shutdown(); if (mHasThemeUpdates) { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiThemeDownloader: There are updates, repopulating the themes"; ThemeData::populateThemes(); ViewController::getInstance()->reloadAll(); if (mUpdateCallback) mUpdateCallback(); } mWindow->stopInfoPopup(); } bool GuiThemeDownloader::fetchRepository(const std::string& repositoryName, bool allowReset) { int errorCode {0}; const std::string path {mThemeDirectory + repositoryName}; mRepositoryError = RepositoryError::NO_REPO_ERROR; mMessage = ""; const bool isThemesList {repositoryName == "themes-list"}; git_repository* repository {nullptr}; git_remote* gitRemote {nullptr}; try { mFetching = true; errorCode = git_repository_open(&repository, &path[0]); if (errorCode != 0) { mRepositoryError = RepositoryError::NOT_A_REPOSITORY; throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open local repository, "); } errorCode = git_remote_lookup(&gitRemote, repository, "origin"); if (errorCode != 0) { mRepositoryError = RepositoryError::INVALID_ORIGIN; throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't get information about origin, "); } #if LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR >= 1 git_fetch_options fetchOptions; git_fetch_options_init(&fetchOptions, GIT_FETCH_OPTIONS_VERSION); #else git_fetch_options fetchOptions = GIT_FETCH_OPTIONS_INIT; #endif // Prune branches that are no longer present on remote. fetchOptions.prune = GIT_FETCH_PRUNE; errorCode = git_remote_fetch(gitRemote, nullptr, &fetchOptions, nullptr); if (errorCode != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't fetch latest commits for \"" + repositoryName + "\", "); git_annotated_commit* annotated {nullptr}; git_object* object {nullptr}; if (git_repository_head_detached(repository)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Repository \"" << repositoryName << "\" has HEAD detached, resetting it"; git_buf buffer {}; errorCode = git_remote_default_branch(&buffer, gitRemote); if (errorCode == 0) { git_reference* oldTargetRef; git_repository_head(&oldTargetRef, repository); const std::string branchName {buffer.ptr, buffer.size}; errorCode = git_revparse_single(&object, repository, branchName.c_str()); #if LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR >= 1 git_checkout_options checkoutOptions; git_checkout_options_init(&checkoutOptions, GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_VERSION); #else git_checkout_options checkoutOptions = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; #endif checkoutOptions.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE; errorCode = git_checkout_tree(repository, object, &checkoutOptions); errorCode = git_repository_set_head(repository, branchName.c_str()); git_reference_free(oldTargetRef); } git_buf_dispose(&buffer); if (repositoryName != "themes-list") mHasThemeUpdates = true; } errorCode = git_revparse_single(&object, repository, "FETCH_HEAD"); errorCode = git_annotated_commit_lookup(&annotated, repository, git_object_id(object)); git_merge_analysis_t mergeAnalysis {}; git_merge_preference_t mergePreference {}; errorCode = git_merge_analysis(&mergeAnalysis, &mergePreference, repository, (const git_annotated_commit**)(&annotated), 1); if (errorCode != 0) { git_object_free(object); git_annotated_commit_free(annotated); throw std::runtime_error("GuiThemeDownloader: Couldn't run Git merge analysis, "); } if (!(mergeAnalysis & GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_UP_TO_DATE) && !(mergeAnalysis & GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_FASTFORWARD)) { if (allowReset) { LOG(LogWarning) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Repository \"" << repositoryName << "\" has diverged from origin, performing hard reset"; git_object* objectHead {nullptr}; errorCode = git_revparse_single(&objectHead, repository, "HEAD"); errorCode = git_reset(repository, objectHead, GIT_RESET_HARD, nullptr); git_object_free(objectHead); if (repositoryName != "themes-list") mHasThemeUpdates = true; } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Repository \"" << repositoryName << "\" has diverged from origin, can't fast-forward"; git_annotated_commit_free(annotated); git_object_free(object); mPromise.set_value(true); mRepositoryError = RepositoryError::HAS_DIVERGED; return true; } } if (allowReset && checkLocalChanges(repository)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Repository \"" << repositoryName << "\" contains local changes, performing hard reset"; resetRepository(repository); if (repositoryName != "themes-list") mHasThemeUpdates = true; } if (mergeAnalysis & GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_UP_TO_DATE) { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Repository \"" << repositoryName << "\" already up to date"; if (repositoryName != "themes-list") mMessage = "THEME ALREADY UP TO DATE"; git_annotated_commit_free(annotated); git_object_free(object); git_remote_free(gitRemote); git_repository_free(repository); mPromise.set_value(true); if (isThemesList) mLatestThemesList = true; return false; } LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Performing fast-forward of repository \"" << repositoryName << "\""; git_reference* oldTargetRef {nullptr}; git_repository_head(&oldTargetRef, repository); const git_oid* objectID {nullptr}; objectID = git_annotated_commit_id(annotated); git_object_lookup(&object, repository, objectID, GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT); git_reference* newTargetRef {nullptr}; #if LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR >= 1 git_checkout_options checkoutOptions; git_checkout_options_init(&checkoutOptions, GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_VERSION); #else git_checkout_options checkoutOptions = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; #endif checkoutOptions.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE; git_checkout_tree(repository, object, &checkoutOptions); errorCode = git_reference_set_target(&newTargetRef, oldTargetRef, objectID, nullptr); git_reference_free(oldTargetRef); git_reference_free(newTargetRef); git_annotated_commit_free(annotated); // Not sure why you need to run this twice, but if you don't there will be a memory leak. git_object_free(object); git_object_free(object); if (errorCode != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't fast-forward repository, "); if (isThemesList) mLatestThemesList = true; } catch (std::runtime_error& runtimeError) { const git_error* gitError {git_error_last()}; LOG(LogError) << "GuiThemeDownloader: " << runtimeError.what() << gitError->message; mRepositoryError = RepositoryError::FETCH_ERROR; mMessage = gitError->message; git_error_clear(); git_remote_free(gitRemote); git_repository_free(repository); mPromise.set_value(true); return true; } if (repositoryName != "themes-list") { mMessage = "THEME HAS BEEN UPDATED"; mHasThemeUpdates = true; } git_remote_free(gitRemote); git_repository_free(repository); mPromise.set_value(true); return false; } bool GuiThemeDownloader::checkLocalChanges(git_repository* repository) { git_status_list* status {nullptr}; size_t statusEntryCount {0}; int errorCode {0}; #if LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR >= 1 git_status_options statusOptions; git_status_options_init(&statusOptions, GIT_STATUS_OPTIONS_VERSION); #else git_status_options statusOptions = GIT_STATUS_OPTIONS_INIT; #endif // We don't include untracked files (GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED) as this makes // it possible to add custom files to the repository without overwriting these when // pulling theme updates. statusOptions.show = GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_AND_WORKDIR; statusOptions.flags = GIT_STATUS_OPT_RENAMES_HEAD_TO_INDEX | GIT_STATUS_OPT_SORT_CASE_SENSITIVELY; errorCode = git_status_list_new(&status, repository, &statusOptions); if (errorCode == 0) statusEntryCount = git_status_list_entrycount(status); git_status_list_free(status); // TODO: Also check if there are any local commits not on origin. return (statusEntryCount != 0); } bool GuiThemeDownloader::checkCorruptRepository(git_repository* repository) { // For the time being we only check if there are no tracked files in the repository. If there // are none then it would indicate that it has not been properly cloned (for example if the // ES-DE process was killed during the clone operation). git_status_list* status {nullptr}; size_t statusEntryCount {0}; int errorCode {0}; #if LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR >= 1 git_status_options statusOptions; git_status_options_init(&statusOptions, GIT_STATUS_OPTIONS_VERSION); #else git_status_options statusOptions = GIT_STATUS_OPTIONS_INIT; #endif statusOptions.show = GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_AND_WORKDIR; statusOptions.flags = GIT_STATUS_OPT_RENAMES_HEAD_TO_INDEX | GIT_STATUS_OPT_SORT_CASE_SENSITIVELY | GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_UNMODIFIED; errorCode = git_status_list_new(&status, repository, &statusOptions); if (errorCode == 0) statusEntryCount = git_status_list_entrycount(status); git_status_list_free(status); return (statusEntryCount == 0); } void GuiThemeDownloader::resetRepository(git_repository* repository) { git_object* objectHead {nullptr}; if (git_revparse_single(&objectHead, repository, "HEAD") == 0) git_reset(repository, objectHead, GIT_RESET_HARD, nullptr); git_object_free(objectHead); } void GuiThemeDownloader::makeInventory() { for (auto& theme : mThemes) { const std::string path {mThemeDirectory + theme.reponame}; theme.invalidRepository = false; theme.corruptRepository = false; theme.shallowRepository = false; theme.manuallyDownloaded = false; theme.hasLocalChanges = false; theme.isCloned = false; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(path + "-main")) { theme.manuallyDownloaded = true; theme.manualExtension = "-main"; } else if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(path + "-master")) { theme.manuallyDownloaded = true; theme.manualExtension = "-master"; } if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) { git_repository* repository {nullptr}; int errorCode {0}; errorCode = git_repository_open(&repository, &path[0]); if (errorCode != 0) { theme.invalidRepository = true; git_repository_free(repository); continue; } if (git_repository_is_shallow(repository)) { theme.shallowRepository = true; git_repository_free(repository); continue; } if (checkCorruptRepository(repository)) { theme.corruptRepository = true; git_repository_free(repository); continue; } theme.isCloned = true; if (checkLocalChanges(repository)) theme.hasLocalChanges = true; else if (git_repository_head_detached(repository)) theme.hasLocalChanges = true; git_repository_free(repository); } } } bool GuiThemeDownloader::renameDirectory(const std::string& path, const std::string& extension) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Renaming directory " << path; int index {1}; bool renameStatus {false}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path + extension)) { renameStatus = Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(path, path + extension, false); } else { // This will hopefully never be needed as it should only occur if a theme has been // downloaded manually multiple times and the theme downloader has been ran multiple times // as well. for (; index < 10; ++index) { if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path + "_" + std::to_string(index) + extension)) { renameStatus = Utils::FileSystem::renameFile( path, path + "_" + std::to_string(index) + extension, false); break; } } } if (renameStatus) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "COULDN'T RENAME DIRECTORY \"" + path + "\", PERMISSION PROBLEMS?", "OK", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); return true; } else { return false; } } void GuiThemeDownloader::parseThemesList() { #if (LOCAL_TESTING_FILE) LOG(LogWarning) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Using local \"themes.json\" testing file"; const std::string themesFile {Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/themes.json"}; #else const std::string themesFile {mThemeDirectory + "themes-list/themes.json"}; #endif if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(themesFile)) { LOG(LogError) << "GuiThemeDownloader: No themes.json file found"; mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "COULDN'T FIND THE THEMES LIST CONFIGURATION FILE", "OK", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); mGrid.removeEntry(mCenterGrid); mGrid.setCursorTo(mButtons); return; } const ResourceData& themesFileData {ResourceManager::getInstance().getFileData(themesFile)}; rapidjson::Document doc; doc.Parse(reinterpret_cast(themesFileData.ptr.get()), themesFileData.length); if (doc.HasParseError()) { LOG(LogError) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Couldn't parse the themes.json file"; mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "COULDN'T PARSE THE THEMES LIST CONFIGURATION FILE, MAYBE THE LOCAL REPOSITORY IS " "CORRUPT?", "OK", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); mGrid.removeEntry(mCenterGrid); mGrid.setCursorTo(mButtons); return; } if (doc.HasMember("latestStableRelease") && doc["latestStableRelease"].IsString()) { const int latestStableRelease {std::stoi(doc["latestStableRelease"].GetString())}; if (latestStableRelease > PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Not running the most current application release, theme " "downloading is not recommended"; mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "IT SEEMS AS IF YOU'RE NOT RUNNING THE LATEST ES-DE RELEASE, PLEASE UPGRADE BEFORE " "PROCEEDING AS THESE THEMES MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR VERSION", "OK", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); } } if (doc.HasMember("themes") && doc["themes"].IsArray()) { const rapidjson::Value& themes {doc["themes"]}; for (int i {0}; i < static_cast(themes.Size()); ++i) { ThemeEntry themeEntry; const rapidjson::Value& theme {themes[i]}; if (theme.HasMember("name") && theme["name"].IsString()) themeEntry.name = theme["name"].GetString(); if (theme.HasMember("reponame") && theme["reponame"].IsString()) themeEntry.reponame = theme["reponame"].GetString(); if (theme.HasMember("url") && theme["url"].IsString()) themeEntry.url = theme["url"].GetString(); if (theme.HasMember("author") && theme["author"].IsString()) themeEntry.author = theme["author"].GetString(); if (theme.HasMember("newEntry") && theme["newEntry"].IsBool()) themeEntry.newEntry = theme["newEntry"].GetBool(); if (theme.HasMember("variants") && theme["variants"].IsArray()) { const rapidjson::Value& variants {theme["variants"]}; for (int i {0}; i < static_cast(variants.Size()); ++i) themeEntry.variants.emplace_back(variants[i].GetString()); } if (theme.HasMember("colorSchemes") && theme["colorSchemes"].IsArray()) { const rapidjson::Value& colorSchemes {theme["colorSchemes"]}; for (int i {0}; i < static_cast(colorSchemes.Size()); ++i) themeEntry.colorSchemes.emplace_back(colorSchemes[i].GetString()); } if (theme.HasMember("aspectRatios") && theme["aspectRatios"].IsArray()) { const rapidjson::Value& aspectRatios {theme["aspectRatios"]}; for (int i {0}; i < static_cast(aspectRatios.Size()); ++i) themeEntry.aspectRatios.emplace_back(aspectRatios[i].GetString()); } if (theme.HasMember("transitions") && theme["transitions"].IsArray()) { const rapidjson::Value& transitions {theme["transitions"]}; for (int i {0}; i < static_cast(transitions.Size()); ++i) themeEntry.transitions.emplace_back(transitions[i].GetString()); } if (theme.HasMember("screenshots") && theme["screenshots"].IsArray()) { const rapidjson::Value& screenshots {theme["screenshots"]}; for (int i {0}; i < static_cast(screenshots.Size()); ++i) { Screenshot screenshotEntry; if (screenshots[i].HasMember("image") && screenshots[i]["image"].IsString()) screenshotEntry.image = screenshots[i]["image"].GetString(); if (screenshots[i].HasMember("caption") && screenshots[i]["caption"].IsString()) screenshotEntry.caption = screenshots[i]["caption"].GetString(); if (screenshotEntry.image != "" && screenshotEntry.caption != "") themeEntry.screenshots.emplace_back(screenshotEntry); } } mThemes.emplace_back(themeEntry); } } LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiThemeDownloader::parseThemesList(): Parsed " << mThemes.size() << " themes"; } void GuiThemeDownloader::populateGUI() { if (mThemes.empty()) return; for (auto& theme : mThemes) { std::string themeName {Utils::String::toUpper(theme.name)}; if (theme.newEntry && !theme.isCloned) themeName.append(" ").append(ViewController::BRANCH_CHAR); if (theme.isCloned) themeName.append(" ").append(ViewController::TICKMARK_CHAR); if (theme.manuallyDownloaded || theme.invalidRepository || theme.corruptRepository || theme.shallowRepository) themeName.append(" ").append(ViewController::CROSSEDCIRCLE_CHAR); if (theme.hasLocalChanges) themeName.append(" ").append(ViewController::EXCLAMATION_CHAR); ComponentListRow row; std::shared_ptr themeNameElement {std::make_shared( themeName, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM), mMenuColorPrimary)}; ThemeGUIEntry guiEntry; guiEntry.themeName = themeNameElement; mThemeGUIEntries.emplace_back(guiEntry); row.addElement(themeNameElement, false); row.makeAcceptInputHandler([this, &theme] { std::promise().swap(mPromise); if (theme.manuallyDownloaded || theme.invalidRepository) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "IT SEEMS AS IF THIS THEME HAS BEEN MANUALLY DOWNLOADED INSTEAD OF VIA " "THIS THEME DOWNLOADER. A FRESH DOWNLOAD IS REQUIRED AND THE OLD THEME " "DIRECTORY \"" + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension + "\" WILL BE RENAMED TO \"" + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension + "_DISABLED\"", "PROCEED", [this, theme] { if (renameDirectory(mThemeDirectory + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension, "_DISABLED")) { return; } std::promise().swap(mPromise); mFuture = mPromise.get_future(); mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::cloneRepository, this, theme.reponame, theme.url); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_DOWNLOADING; mStatusText = "DOWNLOADING THEME"; }, "CANCEL", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, false, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.75f : 0.46f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } else if (theme.corruptRepository) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "IT SEEMS AS IF THIS THEME REPOSITORY IS CORRUPT, WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN CAUSED " "BY AN INTERRUPTION OF A PREVIOUS DOWNLOAD OR UPDATE, FOR EXAMPLE IF THE ES-DE " "PROCESS WAS KILLED. A FRESH DOWNLOAD IS REQUIRED AND THE OLD THEME DIRECTORY " "\"" + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension + "\" WILL BE RENAMED TO \"" + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension + "_CORRUPT_DISABLED\"", "PROCEED", [this, theme] { if (renameDirectory(mThemeDirectory + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension, "_CORRUPT_DISABLED")) { return; } std::promise().swap(mPromise); mFuture = mPromise.get_future(); mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::cloneRepository, this, theme.reponame, theme.url); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_DOWNLOADING; mStatusText = "DOWNLOADING THEME"; }, "CANCEL", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, false, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.75f : 0.46f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } else if (theme.shallowRepository) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "IT SEEMS AS IF THIS IS A SHALLOW REPOSITORY WHICH MEANS THAT IT HAS BEEN " "DOWNLOADED USING SOME OTHER TOOL THAN THIS THEME DOWNLOADER. A FRESH DOWNLOAD " "IS REQUIRED AND THE OLD THEME DIRECTORY \"" + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension + "\" WILL BE RENAMED TO \"" + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension + "_DISABLED\"", "PROCEED", [this, theme] { if (renameDirectory(mThemeDirectory + theme.reponame + theme.manualExtension, "_DISABLED")) { return; } std::promise().swap(mPromise); mFuture = mPromise.get_future(); mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::cloneRepository, this, theme.reponame, theme.url); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_DOWNLOADING; mStatusText = "DOWNLOADING THEME"; }, "CANCEL", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, false, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.75f : 0.46f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } else if (theme.hasLocalChanges) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "THEME REPOSITORY \"" + theme.reponame + "\" CONTAINS LOCAL CHANGES. PROCEED TO OVERWRITE YOUR CHANGES " "OR CANCEL TO SKIP ALL UPDATES FOR THIS THEME", "PROCEED", [this, theme] { std::promise().swap(mPromise); mFuture = mPromise.get_future(); mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::fetchRepository, this, theme.reponame, true); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_UPDATING; mStatusText = "UPDATING THEME"; }, "CANCEL", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, false, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.75f : 0.45f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } else if (theme.isCloned) { mFuture = mPromise.get_future(); mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::fetchRepository, this, theme.reponame, false); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_UPDATING; mStatusText = "UPDATING THEME"; } else { mFuture = mPromise.get_future(); mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::cloneRepository, this, theme.reponame, theme.url); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_DOWNLOADING; mStatusText = "DOWNLOADING THEME"; } mWindow->stopInfoPopup(); }); mList->addRow(row); } mVariantsLabel->setText("VARIANTS:"); mColorSchemesLabel->setText("COLOR SCHEMES:"); mAspectRatiosLabel->setText("ASPECT RATIOS:"); updateInfoPane(); updateHelpPrompts(); } void GuiThemeDownloader::updateGUI() { updateInfoPane(); updateHelpPrompts(); for (size_t i {0}; i < mThemes.size(); ++i) { std::string themeName {Utils::String::toUpper(mThemes[i].name)}; if (mThemes[i].newEntry && !mThemes[i].isCloned) themeName.append(" ").append(ViewController::BRANCH_CHAR); if (mThemes[i].isCloned) themeName.append(" ").append(ViewController::TICKMARK_CHAR); if (mThemes[i].manuallyDownloaded || mThemes[i].invalidRepository || mThemes[i].corruptRepository || mThemes[i].shallowRepository) themeName.append(" ").append(ViewController::CROSSEDCIRCLE_CHAR); if (mThemes[i].hasLocalChanges) themeName.append(" ").append(ViewController::EXCLAMATION_CHAR); mThemeGUIEntries[i].themeName->setText(themeName); } } void GuiThemeDownloader::updateInfoPane() { assert(static_cast(mList->size()) == mThemes.size()); if (!mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].screenshots.empty()) mScreenshot->setImage(mThemeDirectory + "themes-list/" + mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].screenshots.front().image); else mScreenshot->setImage(""); if (mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].isCloned) { mDownloadStatus->setText(ViewController::TICKMARK_CHAR + " INSTALLED"); mDownloadStatus->setColor(mMenuColorGreen); mDownloadStatus->setOpacity(1.0f); } else if (mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].invalidRepository || mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].manuallyDownloaded) { mDownloadStatus->setText(ViewController::CROSSEDCIRCLE_CHAR + " MANUAL DOWNLOAD"); mDownloadStatus->setColor(mMenuColorRed); mDownloadStatus->setOpacity(1.0f); } else if (mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].corruptRepository) { mDownloadStatus->setText(ViewController::CROSSEDCIRCLE_CHAR + " CORRUPT"); mDownloadStatus->setColor(mMenuColorRed); mDownloadStatus->setOpacity(1.0f); } else if (mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].shallowRepository) { mDownloadStatus->setText(ViewController::CROSSEDCIRCLE_CHAR + " SHALLOW"); mDownloadStatus->setColor(mMenuColorRed); mDownloadStatus->setOpacity(1.0f); } else { if (mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].newEntry) mDownloadStatus->setText("NOT INSTALLED (NEW)"); else mDownloadStatus->setText("NOT INSTALLED"); mDownloadStatus->setColor(mMenuColorPrimary); mDownloadStatus->setOpacity(0.7f); } if (mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].hasLocalChanges) { mLocalChanges->setText(ViewController::EXCLAMATION_CHAR + " LOCAL CHANGES"); mLocalChanges->setColor(mMenuColorRed); } else { mLocalChanges->setText(""); } mVariantCount->setText(std::to_string(mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].variants.size())); mColorSchemesCount->setText(std::to_string(mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].colorSchemes.size())); mAspectRatiosCount->setText(std::to_string(mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].aspectRatios.size())); mAuthor->setText("CREATED BY " + Utils::String::toUpper(mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].author)); } void GuiThemeDownloader::setupFullscreenViewer() { if (mThemes.empty()) return; mViewerScreenshots.clear(); mViewerCaptions.clear(); mFullscreenViewerIndex = 0; mFullscreenViewing = true; for (auto& screenshot : mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].screenshots) { auto image = std::make_shared(false, false); image->setLinearInterpolation(true); image->setMaxSize(mRenderer->getScreenWidth() * 0.86f, mRenderer->getScreenHeight() * 0.86f); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(mThemeDirectory + "themes-list/" + screenshot.image)) continue; image->setImage(mThemeDirectory + "themes-list/" + screenshot.image); // Center image on screen. glm::vec3 imagePos {image->getPosition()}; imagePos.x = (mRenderer->getScreenWidth() - image->getSize().x) / 2.0f; imagePos.y = (mRenderer->getScreenHeight() - image->getSize().y) / 2.0f; image->setPosition(imagePos); mViewerScreenshots.emplace_back(image); auto caption = std::make_shared(screenshot.caption, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MINI, FONT_PATH_REGULAR), 0xCCCCCCFF, ALIGN_LEFT); glm::vec3 textPos {image->getPosition()}; textPos.y += image->getSize().y; caption->setPosition(textPos); mViewerCaptions.emplace_back(caption); } if (mViewerScreenshots.size() > 0) { // Navigation indicators to the left and right of the screenshot. glm::vec3 indicatorPos {mViewerScreenshots.front()->getPosition()}; indicatorPos.x -= mViewerIndicatorLeft->getSize().x * 2.0f; indicatorPos.y += (mViewerScreenshots.front()->getSize().y / 2.0f) - (mViewerIndicatorLeft->getSize().y / 2.0f); mViewerIndicatorLeft->setPosition(indicatorPos); indicatorPos.x += mViewerScreenshots.front()->getSize().x + (mViewerIndicatorRight->getSize().x * 3.0f); mViewerIndicatorRight->setPosition(indicatorPos); } else { mFullscreenViewing = false; } } void GuiThemeDownloader::update(int deltaTime) { if (!mAttemptedFetch) { // We need to run this here instead of from the constructor so that GuiMsgBox will be // on top of the GUI stack if it needs to be displayed. mAttemptedFetch = true; fetchThemesList(); } if (mFuture.valid()) { // Only wait one millisecond as this update() function runs very frequently. if (mFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) == std::future_status::ready) { if (mFetchThread.joinable()) { mFetchThread.join(); mFetching = false; if (mRepositoryError != RepositoryError::NO_REPO_ERROR) { std::string errorMessage {"ERROR: "}; if (mThemes.empty()) { errorMessage.append("COULDN'T DOWNLOAD THEMES LIST, "); mGrid.removeEntry(mCenterGrid); mGrid.setCursorTo(mButtons); } errorMessage.append(Utils::String::toUpper(mMessage)); mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), errorMessage, "OK", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); mMessage = ""; getHelpPrompts(); } if (mThemes.empty() && mLatestThemesList) { parseThemesList(); makeInventory(); populateGUI(); } else if (!mThemes.empty()) { makeInventory(); updateGUI(); } } } } if (mFetching) { int progress {mReceivedObjectsProgress != 1.0f ? 0 : 100}; if (mStatusType != StatusType::STATUS_NO_CHANGE) { if (mStatusType == StatusType::STATUS_DOWNLOADING) mBusyAnim.setText(mStatusText + " 100%"); else if (mStatusType == StatusType::STATUS_UPDATING) mBusyAnim.setText(mStatusText); mBusyAnim.onSizeChanged(); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_NO_CHANGE; } if (mReceivedObjectsProgress != 1.0f) { progress = static_cast( std::round(glm::mix(0.0f, 100.0f, static_cast(mReceivedObjectsProgress)))); if (mStatusText.substr(0, 11) == "DOWNLOADING") mBusyAnim.setText(mStatusText + " " + std::to_string(progress) + "%"); else mBusyAnim.setText(mStatusText); } else if (mReceivedObjectsProgress != 0.0f) { progress = static_cast( std::round(glm::mix(0.0f, 100.0f, static_cast(mResolveDeltaProgress)))); if (mStatusText.substr(0, 11) == "DOWNLOADING") mBusyAnim.setText(mStatusText + " " + std::to_string(progress) + "%"); else mBusyAnim.setText(mStatusText); } mBusyAnim.update(deltaTime); } if (mRepositoryError == RepositoryError::NO_REPO_ERROR && mMessage != "") { mWindow->queueInfoPopup(mMessage, 6000); mMessage = ""; } GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); } void GuiThemeDownloader::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) { glm::mat4 trans {parentTrans * getTransform()}; renderChildren(trans); if (mGrayRectangleCoords.size() == 4) { mRenderer->setMatrix(parentTrans * getTransform()); mRenderer->drawRect(mGrayRectangleCoords[0], mGrayRectangleCoords[1], mGrayRectangleCoords[2], mGrayRectangleCoords[3], mMenuColorPanelDimmed, mMenuColorPanelDimmed); } if (mFetching) mBusyAnim.render(trans); if (mFullscreenViewing && mViewerScreenshots.size() > 0) { mRenderer->setMatrix(parentTrans); mRenderer->drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mRenderer->getScreenWidth(), mRenderer->getScreenHeight(), 0x222222FF, 0x222222FF); mViewerScreenshots[mFullscreenViewerIndex]->render(parentTrans); mViewerCaptions[mFullscreenViewerIndex]->render(parentTrans); if (mFullscreenViewerIndex != 0) mViewerIndicatorLeft->render(parentTrans); if (mFullscreenViewerIndex != mViewerCaptions.size() - 1) mViewerIndicatorRight->render(parentTrans); } } void GuiThemeDownloader::onSizeChanged() { const float screenSize {mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? mRenderer->getScreenWidth() : mRenderer->getScreenHeight()}; mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(0, (mTitle->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.2f) / mSize.y / 4.0f); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(1, (mTitle->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.2f) / mSize.y / 4.0f); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(2, (mList->getRowHeight() * 9.0f) / mSize.y); mCenterGrid->setRowHeightPerc( 0, (mVariantsLabel->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.115f) / mSize.y / 2.0f); mCenterGrid->setRowHeightPerc( 1, (mColorSchemesLabel->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.09f) / mSize.y / 2.0f); mCenterGrid->setRowHeightPerc( 2, (mDownloadStatus->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.115f) / mSize.y / 2.0f); mCenterGrid->setRowHeightPerc(3, 0.7f); mGrid.setColWidthPerc(1, 0.04f); mCenterGrid->setColWidthPerc(0, 0.01f); mCenterGrid->setColWidthPerc(1, (mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio() < 1.6f ? 0.21f : 0.18f)); mCenterGrid->setColWidthPerc(2, 0.05f); mCenterGrid->setColWidthPerc(3, 0.18f); mCenterGrid->setColWidthPerc(4, 0.04f); mCenterGrid->setColWidthPerc(5, 0.005f); mCenterGrid->setColWidthPerc(7, 0.04f); mGrid.setSize(mSize); mCenterGrid->setSize( glm::vec2 {std::round(mSize.x), (mList->getRowHeight() * 9.0f) + std::round(mRenderer->getScreenHeightModifier())}); mCenterGrid->setPosition(glm::vec3 {0.0f, mGrid.getRowHeight(0) + mGrid.getRowHeight(1), 0.0f}); mBackground.fitTo(mSize); mScreenshot->setMaxSize(mCenterGrid->getColWidth(1) + mCenterGrid->getColWidth(2) + mCenterGrid->getColWidth(3) + mCenterGrid->getColWidth(4), mCenterGrid->getRowHeight(3)); mGrayRectangleCoords.clear(); mGrayRectangleCoords.emplace_back(0.0f); mGrayRectangleCoords.emplace_back(mCenterGrid->getPosition().y); mGrayRectangleCoords.emplace_back(mSize.x); mGrayRectangleCoords.emplace_back(mList->getRowHeight() * 9.0f); } bool GuiThemeDownloader::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { if (mFetching && input.value) return false; if (mFullscreenViewing && input.value) { if (config->isMappedLike("left", input)) { if (mFullscreenViewerIndex > 0) --mFullscreenViewerIndex; return true; } else if (config->isMappedLike("right", input)) { if (mViewerScreenshots.size() > mFullscreenViewerIndex + 1) ++mFullscreenViewerIndex; return true; } else if (config->isMappedLike("lefttrigger", input)) { mFullscreenViewerIndex = 0; return true; } else if (config->isMappedLike("righttrigger", input)) { mFullscreenViewerIndex = mViewerScreenshots.size() - 1; return true; } else { mViewerScreenshots.clear(); mViewerCaptions.clear(); mFullscreenViewing = false; mFullscreenViewerIndex = 0; return true; } } if (config->isMappedTo("b", input) && input.value) { delete this; return true; } if (config->isMappedTo("x", input) && input.value && mGrid.getSelectedComponent() == mCenterGrid) { setupFullscreenViewer(); return true; } if (config->isMappedTo("y", input) && input.value && mGrid.getSelectedComponent() == mCenterGrid && mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].isCloned) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "THIS WILL COMPLETELY DELETE THE THEME INCLUDING ANY " "LOCAL CUSTOMIZATIONS", "PROCEED", [this] { const std::filesystem::path themeDirectory {mThemeDirectory + mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].reponame}; LOG(LogInfo) << "Deleting theme directory \"" << themeDirectory.string() << "\""; if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeDirectory(themeDirectory.string(), true)) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "COULDN'T DELETE THEME, PERMISSION PROBLEMS?", "OK", [] { return; }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); } else { mMessage = "THEME WAS DELETED"; } mHasThemeUpdates = true; makeInventory(); updateGUI(); }, "CANCEL", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, false, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.70f : 0.44f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); return true; } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } std::vector GuiThemeDownloader::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector prompts; if (mList->size() > 0) { prompts = mGrid.getHelpPrompts(); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("b", "close")); if (mGrid.getSelectedComponent() == mCenterGrid) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("x", "view screenshots")); if (mThemes[mList->getCursorId()].isCloned) { prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", "fetch updates")); if (mGrid.getSelectedComponent() == mCenterGrid) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("y", "delete")); } else { prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", "download")); } } else { prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("b", "close")); } return prompts; } bool GuiThemeDownloader::fetchThemesList() { const std::string repositoryName {"themes-list"}; const std::string url {"https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list.git"}; const std::string path {mThemeDirectory + "themes-list"}; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) { git_repository* repository {nullptr}; int errorCode {git_repository_open(&repository, &path[0])}; if (errorCode != 0 || checkCorruptRepository(repository)) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "IT SEEMS AS IF THE THEMES LIST REPOSITORY IS CORRUPT, WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN " "CAUSED BY AN INTERRUPTION OF A PREVIOUS DOWNLOAD OR UPDATE, FOR EXAMPLE IF THE " "ES-DE PROCESS WAS KILLED. A FRESH DOWNLOAD IS REQUIRED AND THE OLD DIRECTORY " "\"themes-list\" WILL BE RENAMED TO \"themes-list_CORRUPT_DISABLED\"", "PROCEED", [this, repositoryName, url] { if (renameDirectory(mThemeDirectory + "themes-list", "_CORRUPT_DISABLED")) { mGrid.removeEntry(mCenterGrid); mGrid.setCursorTo(mButtons); return true; } LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Creating initial themes list repository clone"; mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::cloneRepository, this, repositoryName, url); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_DOWNLOADING; mStatusText = "DOWNLOADING THEMES LIST"; return false; }, "CANCEL", [&] { delete this; return false; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.75f : 0.50f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } else { // We always hard reset the themes list as it should never contain any local changes. resetRepository(repository); mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::fetchRepository, this, repositoryName, false); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_UPDATING; mStatusText = "UPDATING THEMES LIST"; } git_repository_free(repository); } else { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), "IT SEEMS AS IF YOU'RE USING THE THEME DOWNLOADER FOR THE FIRST TIME. " "AS SUCH THE THEMES LIST REPOSITORY WILL BE DOWNLOADED WHICH WILL TAKE A LITTLE " "WHILE. SUBSEQUENT RUNS WILL HOWEVER BE MUCH FASTER AS ONLY NEW OR MODIFIED FILES " "WILL BE FETCHED. THE SAME IS TRUE FOR ANY THEMES YOU DOWNLOAD. NOTE THAT YOU CAN'T " "ABORT AN ONGOING DOWNLOAD AS THAT COULD LEAD TO DATA CORRUPTION.", "PROCEED", [this, repositoryName, url] { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Creating initial themes list repository clone"; mFetchThread = std::thread(&GuiThemeDownloader::cloneRepository, this, repositoryName, url); mStatusType = StatusType::STATUS_DOWNLOADING; mStatusText = "DOWNLOADING THEMES LIST"; return false; }, "CANCEL", [&] { delete this; return false; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.85f : 0.54f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } return false; } bool GuiThemeDownloader::cloneRepository(const std::string& repositoryName, const std::string& url) { int errorCode {0}; git_repository* repository {nullptr}; const std::string path {mThemeDirectory + repositoryName}; #if LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR >= 1 auto fetchProgressFunc = [](const git_indexer_progress* stats, void* payload) -> int { #else auto fetchProgressFunc = [](const git_transfer_progress* stats, void* payload) -> int { #endif (void)payload; if (stats->received_objects == stats->total_objects) { #if (DEBUG_CLONING) LOG(LogDebug) << "Indexed deltas: " << stats->indexed_deltas << " Total deltas: " << stats->total_deltas; #endif mReceivedObjectsProgress = 1.0f; if (stats->total_deltas > 0) { mResolveDeltaProgress = static_cast(stats->indexed_deltas) / static_cast(stats->total_deltas); } } else if (stats->total_objects > 0) { #if (DEBUG_CLONING) LOG(LogDebug) << "Received objects: " << stats->received_objects << " Total objects: " << stats->total_objects << " Indexed objects: " << stats->indexed_objects << " Received bytes: " << stats->received_bytes; #endif if (stats->total_objects > 0) { mReceivedObjectsProgress = static_cast(stats->received_objects) / static_cast(stats->total_objects); } } return 0; }; #if LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR >= 1 git_clone_options cloneOptions; git_clone_options_init(&cloneOptions, GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS_VERSION); #else git_clone_options cloneOptions = GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS_INIT; #endif cloneOptions.checkout_opts.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE; cloneOptions.fetch_opts.callbacks.transfer_progress = fetchProgressFunc; mReceivedObjectsProgress = 0.0f; mResolveDeltaProgress = 0.0f; mFetching = true; errorCode = git_clone(&repository, &url[0], &path[0], &cloneOptions); git_repository_free(repository); if (errorCode != 0) { const git_error* gitError {git_error_last()}; LOG(LogError) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Couldn't clone repository \"" << repositoryName << "\", error code: " << errorCode << ", error message: \"" << gitError->message << "\""; mRepositoryError = RepositoryError::CLONE_ERROR; mMessage = gitError->message; git_error_clear(); mPromise.set_value(true); return true; } if (repositoryName != "themes-list") { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiThemeDownloader: Downloaded theme \"" << repositoryName << "\""; mHasThemeUpdates = true; } mLatestThemesList = true; mPromise.set_value(true); return false; }