#!/bin/bash source automation_tools/version_extractor.sh # Fetch appdata version appdata_version=$(fetch_appdata_version) echo -e "Appdata:\t\t$appdata_version" # Defining manifest file location appdata_file="net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml" # Check if release with appdata_version already exists if grep -q "version=\"$appdata_version\"" "$appdata_file"; then echo "Deleting existing release version $appdata_version..." # Remove the existing release entry sed -i "//d" "$appdata_file" fi echo "Adding new release version $appdata_version..." # Get today's date in the required format (YYYY-MM-DD) today_date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") echo "Today is $today_date" # Construct the release snippet release_snippet="\ https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/releases/tag/$appdata_version RELEASE_NOTES_PLACEHOLDER " # Read the entire content of the XML file xml_content=$(cat "$appdata_file") # Replace RELEASE_NOTES_PLACEHOLDER with the actual release notes # TODO git clone https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK.wiki.git /tmp/wiki # Path to the markdown file wiki="/tmp/wiki/Version-history:-Patch-Notes.md" # Read the markdown file until the first occurrence of "---" latest_version_notes="" while IFS= read -r line; do if [ "$line" = "---" ]; then break fi latest_version_notes+="$line\n" done < "$wiki" # Extract the version number version_number="${latest_version_notes#*# RetroDECK }" # Remove text before "# RetroDECK " version_number="${version_number%% -*}" # Remove text after " - " # Extract sections from the latest version notes sections=$(echo "$latest_version_notes" | awk '/##/ { print; }') # # Create a formatted section list # section_list="" # current_section="" # while IFS= read -r line; do # if [[ "$line" == "##"* ]]; then # if [ -n "$current_section" ]; then # section_list+="" # fi # section_name="${line##*# }" # section_list+="


" # fi altered_sections="" current_section="" in_list=0 IFS=$'\n' for line in $sections; do if [[ $line =~ ^##\ (.+) ]]; then if [ -n "$current_section" ]; then if [ $in_list -eq 1 ]; then altered_sections+="\n" in_list=0 fi altered_sections+="\n" fi current_section="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" altered_sections+="


\n\n" fi echo -e "$altered_sections" # Replace RELEASE_NOTES_PLACEHOLDER with the actual release notes release_description="${release_snippet/RELEASE_NOTES_PLACEHOLDER/$section_list}" # Append the new release snippet to the content modified_xml_content="${xml_content//$release_description}" # Overwrite the original XML file with the modified content echo "$modified_xml_content" > "$appdata_file" # Format the XML file #xmlstarlet fo --omit-decl "$appdata_file"