#!/bin/bash # This file is containing some global function needed for the script such as the config file tools source /app/libexec/050_save_migration.sh source /app/libexec/checks.sh source /app/libexec/compression.sh source /app/libexec/dialogs.sh source /app/libexec/functions.sh source /app/libexec/multi_user.sh source /app/libexec/patching.sh source /app/libexec/post_update.sh source /app/libexec/prepare_emulator.sh source /app/libexec/presets.sh source /app/libexec/logger.sh # Static variables rd_conf="/var/config/retrodeck/retrodeck.cfg" # RetroDECK config file path rd_conf_backup="/var/config/retrodeck/retrodeck.bak" # Backup of RetroDECK config file from update emuconfigs="/app/retrodeck/emu-configs" # folder with all the default emulator configs rd_defaults="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/retrodeck.cfg" # A default RetroDECK config file rd_update_patch="/var/config/retrodeck/rd_update.patch" # A static location for the temporary patch file used during retrodeck.cfg updates bios_checklist="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/bios_checklist.cfg" # A config file listing BIOS file information that can be verified compression_targets="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/compression_targets.cfg" # A config file containing supported compression types per system zip_compressable_extensions="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/zip_compressable_extensions.cfg" # A config file containing every file extension that is allowed to be compressed to .zip format, because there are a lot! easter_egg_checklist="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/easter_egg_checklist.cfg" # A config file listing days and times when special splash screens should show up input_validation="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/input_validation.cfg" # A config file listing valid CLI inputs finit_options_list="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/finit_options_list.cfg" # A config file listing available optional installs during finit splashscreen_dir="/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/resources/graphics/extra_splashes" # The default location of extra splash screens current_splash_file="/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/resources/graphics/splash.svg" # The active splash file that will be shown on boot default_splash_file="/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/resources/graphics/splash-orig.svg" # The default RetroDECK splash screen multi_user_emulator_config_dirs="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/multi_user_emulator_config_dirs.cfg" # A list of emulator config folders that can be safely linked/unlinked entirely in multi-user mode rd_es_themes="/app/share/emulationstation/themes" # The directory where themes packaged with RetroDECK are stored lockfile="/var/config/retrodeck/.lock" # where the lockfile is located default_sd="/run/media/mmcblk0p1" # Steam Deck SD default path hard_version="$(cat '/app/retrodeck/version')" # hardcoded version (in the readonly filesystem) rd_repo="https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK" # The URL of the main RetroDECK GitHub repo es_themes_list="https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list/-/raw/master/themes.json" # The URL of the ES-DE 2.0 themes list remote_network_target_1="https://flathub.org" # The URL of a common internet target for testing network access remote_network_target_2="$rd_repo" # The URL of a common internet target for testing network access remote_network_target_3="https://one.one.one.one" # The URL of a common internet target for testing network access helper_files_folder="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/helper_files" # The parent folder of RetroDECK documentation files for deployment helper_files_list="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/helper_files_list.cfg" # The list of files to be deployed and where they go rd_appdata="/app/share/appdata/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml" # The shipped appdata XML file for this version rpcs3_firmware="http://dus01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/us/2023_0228_05fe32f5dc8c78acbcd84d36ee7fdc5b/PS3UPDAT.PUP" RA_API_URL="https://retroachievements.org/dorequest.php" # API URL for RetroAchievements.org presets_dir="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/presets" # Repository for all system preset config files incompatible_presets_reference_list="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/incompatible_presets.cfg" # A config file listing all incompatible presets for reference (eg. cannot have borders and widescreen enabled simultaniously) pretty_system_names_reference_list="$emuconfigs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/pretty_system_names.cfg" # An internal translation list for turning internal names (eg. gbc) to "pretty" names (Nintendo GameBoy Color) # Config files for emulators with single config files citraconf="/var/config/citra-emu/qt-config.ini" duckstationconf="/var/config/duckstation/settings.ini" melondsconf="/var/config/melonDS/melonDS.ini" ryujinxconf="/var/config/Ryujinx/Config.json" xemuconf="/var/config/xemu/xemu.toml" yuzuconf="/var/config/yuzu/qt-config.ini" # ES-DE config files es_settings="/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/es_settings.xml" # RetroArch config files raconf="/var/config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg" ra_core_conf="/var/config/retroarch/retroarch-core-options.cfg" # CEMU config files cemuconf="/var/config/Cemu/settings.xml" cemucontrollerconf="/var/config/Cemu/controllerProfiles/controller0.xml" # Dolphin config files dolphinconf="/var/config/dolphin-emu/Dolphin.ini" dolphingcpadconf="/var/config/dolphin-emu/GCPadNew.ini" dolphingfxconf="/var/config/dolphin-emu/GFX.ini" dolphinhkconf="/var/config/dolphin-emu/Hotkeys.ini" dolphinqtconf="/var/config/dolphin-emu/Qt.ini" # PCSX2 config files pcsx2conf="/var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2.ini" pcsx2gsconf="/var/config/PCSX2/inis/GS.ini" # This file should be deprecated since moving to PCSX2-QT pcsx2uiconf="/var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2_ui.ini" # This file should be deprecated since moving to PCSX2-QT pcsx2vmconf="/var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2_vm.ini" # This file should be deprecated since moving to PCSX2-QT # PPSSPPDL config files ppssppconf="/var/config/ppsspp/PSP/SYSTEM/ppsspp.ini" ppssppcontrolsconf="/var/config/ppsspp/PSP/SYSTEM/controls.ini" # Primehack config files primehackconf="/var/config/primehack/Dolphin.ini" primehackgcpadconf="/var/config/primehack/GCPadNew.ini" primehackgfxconf="/var/config/primehack/GFX.ini" primehackhkconf="/var/config/primehack/Hotkeys.ini" primehackqtconf="/var/config/primehack/Qt.ini" # RPCS3 config files rpcs3conf="/var/config/rpcs3/config.yml" rpcs3vfsconf="/var/config/rpcs3/vfs.yml" # Vita3k config files vita3kconf="/var/data/Vita3K/config.yml" vita3kusrconfdir="$bios_folder/Vita3K/Vita3K" # We moved the lockfile in /var/config/retrodeck in order to solve issue #53 - Remove in a few versions if [ -f "$HOME/retrodeck/.lock" ] then mv "$HOME/retrodeck/.lock" $lockfile fi # If there is no config file I initalize the file with the the default values if [[ ! -f "$rd_conf" ]]; then mkdir -p /var/config/retrodeck log w "RetroDECK config file not found in $rd_conf" log i "Initializing" # if we are here means that the we are in a new installation, so the version is valorized with the hardcoded one # Initializing the variables if [ -z $version]; then if [[ $(cat $lockfile) == *"0.4."* ]] || [[ $(cat $lockfile) == *"0.3."* ]] || [[ $(cat $lockfile) == *"0.2."* ]] || [[ $(cat $lockfile) == *"0.1."* ]]; then # If the previous version is very out of date, pre-rd_conf log d "Running version workaround" version=$(cat $lockfile) else version="$hard_version" fi fi # Check if SD card path has changed from SteamOS update if [[ ! -d "$default_sd" && "$(ls -A /run/media/deck/)" ]]; then if [[ $(find media/deck/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -print | wc -l) -eq 1 ]]; then # If there is only one SD card found in the new Steam OS 3.5 location, assign it as the default default_sd="$(find media/deck/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -print)" else # If the default legacy path cannot be found, and there are multiple entries in the new Steam OS 3.5 SD card path, let the user pick which one to use configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Setup" "The SD card was not found in the expected location.\nThis may happen when SteamOS is updated.\n\nPlease browse to the current location of the SD card.\n\nIf you are not using an SD card, please click \"Cancel\"." default_sd="$(directory_browse "SD Card Location")" fi fi cp $rd_defaults $rd_conf # Load default settings file set_setting_value $rd_conf "version" "$version" retrodeck # Set current version for new installs set_setting_value $rd_conf "sdcard" "$default_sd" retrodeck "paths" # Set SD card location if default path has changed if grep -qF "cooker" <<< $hard_version; then # If newly-installed version is a "cooker" build set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_repo" "RetroDECK-cooker" retrodeck "options" set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_check" "true" retrodeck "options" set_setting_value $rd_conf "developer_options" "true" retrodeck "options" fi log i "Setting config file permissions" chmod +rw $rd_conf log i "RetroDECK config file initialized. Contents:\n" log i "$(cat "$rd_conf")" conf_read # Load new variables into memory tmplog_merger # If the config file is existing i just read the variables else log i "Found RetroDECK config file in $rd_conf" log i "Loading it" if grep -qF "cooker" <<< $hard_version; then # If newly-installed version is a "cooker" build set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_repo" "RetroDECK-cooker" retrodeck "options" set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_check" "true" retrodeck "options" set_setting_value $rd_conf "developer_options" "true" retrodeck "options" fi conf_read tmplog_merger # Verify rdhome is where it is supposed to be. if [[ ! -d $rdhome ]]; then prev_home_path=$rdhome configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Setup" "The RetroDECK data folder was not found in the expected location.\nThis may happen when SteamOS is updated.\n\nPlease browse to the current location of the \"retrodeck\" folder." new_home_path=$(directory_browse "RetroDECK folder location") set_setting_value $rd_conf "rdhome" "$new_home_path" retrodeck "paths" conf_read tmplog_merger prepare_emulator "retrodeck" "postmove" prepare_emulator "all" "postmove" conf_write fi # Static variables dependent on $rd_conf values, need to be set after reading $rd_conf backups_folder="$rdhome/backups" # A standard location for backup file storage multi_user_data_folder="$rdhome/multi-user-data" # The default location of multi-user environment profiles fi logs_folder="$rdhome/retrodeck/logs" # The path of the logs folder, here we collect all the logs