# RetroDECK: What's included?

## General information
We plan to add more emulators and functions over course of the development cycle. The goal is to support all of the systems ES-DE supports and ship the best emulator for that systems. We don't have any plans to ship all emulators in existence for each system but virtually only the best one per-system (this is more theoretical than practical) to avoid confusion and the user being loss in the choice.
In some cases we might ship more then one Emulator if the feature set is vastly diffrent or the user demand is high.

## Systems

### Emulationstation Desktop Edition - RetroDECK Version
Emulationstation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) is the base frontend for RetroDECK. RetroDECK comes with specific tweaks to the ES-DE standard setup to enable RetroDECK unique functions like the `RetroDECK Framework` and `RetroDECK Configurator`. These tweaks are possible thanks to a collaborations with the ES-DE project and the RetroDECK project.

### The RetroDECK Configurator
Is a powerful Utility that can be use to change/modify and manipulate various aspects of RetroDECK.

## Emulators

### RetroArch
RetroDECK ships will all cores under the stable branch of RetroArch.
If there is no stable version of a core the nightly version will be used instead.

### Standalone Emulators
The following standalone emulators are currently included:

- Yuzu (Switch)
- Citra (3DS)
- PCSX2 (PS2)
- Cemu (WiiU)
- Dolphin (GameCube/Wii)
- Primehack (Metroid Prime - Dolphin Fork)
- Xemu (XBOX)
- MelondDS (DS)
- RPCS3 (PS3)