name: PUSH-cooker-flathub on: workflow_dispatch: jobs: Pushing_cooker_into_flathub: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Pushing shell: bash run: | # EDITABLES: rd_branch=${GITHUB_REF_NAME} echo $rd_branch gits_folder="${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/gits" # without last / mkdir -vp $gits_folder cd $gits_folder if [ -d flathub ]; then rm -rf flathub fi git clone --recursive flathub cd $gits_folder git clone --recursive RetroDECK cd $gits_folder/RetroDECK # NON-EDITABLES #relname="$rd_branch-"$(date +%d%m%y.%H%M) relname="cooker-"$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) git checkout $rd_branch git submodule init git submodule update # NOTE: the only linked submodules are: rd-submodules/retroarch # these must be included in the exclusion list as they must be redownloaded #sync -rav --progress --exclude={'res/screenshots/','shared-modules/','rd-submodules/retroarch','.git/','docs','retrodeck-flatpak/','retrodeck-flatpak-cooker/','.flatpak-builder/'} ~/RetroDECK/ ~/flathub/ cd $gits_folder/flathub git checkout -b $relname git rm -rf * git clean -fxd # restroing git index # Copying only a few files as the others are cloned by git in cd $gits_folder/RetroDECK cp -rf \ 'flathub.json' \ 'LICENSE' \ 'flathub.yml' \ '' \ $gits_folder/flathub/ cd $gits_folder/flathub ls -lah # manipulating manifest mv flathub.yml net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml # latest release name version=$(\ curl -sL \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.TRIGGER_BUILD_TOKEN }}" \ \ | jq .[0].tag_name \ | tr -d \" \ ) #sha=$(curl -sL$version/RetroDECK-Artifact.sha) #DEBUG: #echo $sha echo $version sed -i "s#__VERSION__#$version#g" net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml sed -i "s#__SHA__#$sha#g" net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml echo -e "Resulting manifest:\n" cat net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml git config "${{ secrets.GITNAME }}" git config local "${{ secrets.GITMAIL }}" git add * git commit -m "Updated flathub/net.retrodeck.retrodeck from RetroDECK/$rd_branch" git push origin $relname