## ------------ A - 351ELEC configuration ------------ # ## Enable D-Pad to analogue at boot until we create a proper toggle global.analogue=1 ## Enable SSH at boot ee_ssh.enabled=1 ## Enable SAMBA at boot ee_samba.enabled=1 ## Enable Bluetooth at boot ee_bluetooth.enabled=0 ## Use maxperf, enable max settings for GPU and performance governer, this setting can be set globally, per platform or per game on the ES menu global.maxperf=0 ## Always show boot video #ee_bootvideo.enabled=0 ## Set video mode ee_videomode=720p60hz ## What to start at boot Emulationstation or Retroarch ee_boot=Emulationstation ## Enable splash screens ee_splash.enabled=0 ## set to 1 if you have long loading times after quitting a game, you will lose sound mixing in ES, this only affects S905/S912 devices as all others use alsa. #ee_alsa.always=0 ## Force splash screens to display for X seconds #ee_splash.delay=0 ## Some external HDDs take longer to mount than ES to load, if your external ROMS do not mount in time, increase this timer #ee_load.delay=0 # Enable Advance mame auto gamepad configuration 1,0 (default 1) advmame_auto_gamepad=0 ## EmulationStation menu style ## default -> default all options menu ## none -> no menu except the game search menu ## bartop -> less menu, only needed for bartops #system.es.menu=default # ------------ B - Network ------------ # ## Set system hostname system.hostname=351ELEC ## Activate wifi (0,1) wifi.enabled=1 ## Wifi SSID (string) #wifi.ssid= ## Wifi KEY (string) ## after rebooting the "new key" is replace by a hidden value "enc:xxxxx" ## you can edit the "enc:xxxxx" value to replace by a clear value, it will be updated again at the following reboot ## Escape your special chars (# ; $) with a backslash : $ => \$ #wifi.key= # secondary wifi (not configurable via the user interface) #wifi2.ssid=new ssid #wifi2.key=new key # third wifi (not configurable via the user interface) #wifi3.ssid=new ssid #wifi3.key=new key # ------------ C - Audio ------------ # ## Set the audio device (auto, hdmi, jack, speakers, headphones) mostly for OdroidGoAdvance ## Set system volume (0..100) ## Enable or disable system sounds in ES (0,1) audio.bgmusic=1 # -------------- D - Controllers ----------------- # # Enable support for standard bluetooth controllers controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1 # ------------ F - Language and keyboard ------------ # ## Set the language of the system (fr_FR,en_US,en_GB,de_DE,pt_BR,es_ES,it_IT,eu_ES,tr_TR,zh_CN) system.language=en_US ## Set you local time ## Select your timezone from : ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/ (string) system.timezone=Europe/London # ------------ G - UPDATES ------------ # ## Automatically check for updates at start (0,1) updates.enabled=1 updates.type=release # fan profile - controls fan speed (values: default/performance/quiet) # Not used for DECK # fan.profile=default # ------------ H - HERE IT IS - GLOBAL EMULATOR CONFIGURATION ------------ # ## The global value will be used for all emulators, except if the value ## is redefined in the emulator ## Bezel on by default global.bezel=default ## Retroarch menu driver, ozone (default), rgui or xmb global.retroarch.menu_driver=ozone ## Shader set ## Automatically select shaders for all systems ## (none, retro, scanlines) ## Once enabled, your screen will be cropped, and you will have a pixel perfect image (0,1) global.integerscale=1 ## Set gpslp shader for all emulators (prefer shadersets above). Absolute path (string) #global.shaders= ## Set ratio for all emulators (auto,4/3,16/9,16/10,custom) global.ratio=4/3 ## Set autosave/load savestate for all emulators (0,1,2,3) global.autosave=2 ## Set incremental savestates for all emulators (0,1) global.incrementalsavestates=0 ## Set runahead frames for all emulators (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) global.runahead=0 ## Set secondinstance for runahead for all emulators (0,1) global.secondinstance=0 ## Enable retroarchievements (0,1) ## Set your www.retroachievements.org username/password ## Escape your special chars (# ; $) with a backslash : $ => \$ global.retroachievements=1 global.retroachievements.hardcore=0 global.retroachievements.leaderboards=disabled global.retroachievements.challengeindicators=0 global.retroachievements.richpresence=0 global.retroachievements.testunofficial=0 global.retroachievements.soundenable=0 global.retroachievements.verbose=0 global.retroachievements.screenshot=1 global.retroachievements.username= global.retroachievements.password= ## Enable RetroArch AI game translation service #global.ai_service_enabled=0 #global.ai_service_url= #global.ai_target_lang= ## Configurations generated by Emulationstation audio.display_titles=1 audio.persystem=0 global.netplay=0 global.netplay.port=55435 global.netplay.relay=none audio.device=headphone audio.volume=75 brightness.level=50 system.brightness=50 ## Device Overclock overclock=0 # ------------ I - EMULATORS CHOICES ----------- # ## You can override the global configuration here ## Here is the snes example #snes.shaders=mysnesshader.gplsp 3do.maxperf=1 3do.rewind=0 arcade.maxperf=1 arcade.autosave=0 atari2600.ratio=squarepixel atarilynx.ratio=squarepixel atarilynx.shaderset=handheld/lcd3x.glslp atomiswave.maxperf=1 dreamcast.maxperf=1 fbn.ratio=squarepixel gamegear.bezel.overlay.grid=1 gamegear.bezel.overlay.shadow=1 gamegear.ratio=squarepixel gb.bezel.overlay.grid=1 gb.bezel.overlay.shadow=1 gb.ratio=squarepixel gba.ratio=squarepixel gba.shaderset=handheld/lcd3x.glslp gbah.ratio=squarepixel gbah.shaderset=handheld/lcd3x.glslp gbc.bezel.overlay.grid=1 gbc.bezel.overlay.shadow=1 gbc.ratio=squarepixel gbch.bezel.overlay.grid=1 gbch.bezel.overlay.shadow=1 gbch.ratio=squarepixel gbh.bezel.overlay.grid=1 gbh.bezel.overlay.shadow=1 gbh.ratio=squarepixel ggh.bezel.overlay.grid=1 ggh.bezel.overlay.shadow=1 ggh.ratio=squarepixel j2me.maxperf=1 megadrive.ratio=squarepixel mame.autosave=0 mame.maxperf=1 n64.maxperf=1 nds.maxperf=1 naomi.maxperf=1 ngp.ratio=squarepixel ngp.shaderset=handheld/lcd3x.glslp ngpc.ratio=squarepixel ngpc.shaderset=handheld/lcd3x.glslp pc.maxperf=1 pcfx.maxperf=1 pokemini.ratio=3/2 psp.maxperf=1 psp.ratio=squarepixel pspminis.maxperf=1 pspminis.ratio=squarepixel psx.integerscaleoverscale=1 saturn.ratio=squarepixel segacd.ratio=squarepixel supervision.bezel.overlay.grid=1 supervision.bezel.overlay.shadow=1 supervision.ratio=squarepixel uzebox.integerscale=1 vectrex.ratio=3/4 virtualboy.maxperf=1 virtualboy.ratio=squarepixel wonderswan.ratio=squarepixel wonderswan.shaderset=handheld/lcd3x.glslp wonderswancolor.ratio=squarepixel wonderswancolor.shaderset=handheld/lcd3x.glslp