#!/bin/bash # For the file paths to work correctly, call this script with this command from the cloned repo folder root: # sh automation_tools/update_sha.sh rd_manifest=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml sha_update_list=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/automation_tools/sha_update_list.cfg echo "Manifest location: $rd_manifest" echo "Hash update list location: $sha_update_list" echo echo "Update list contents:" cat "$sha_update_list" echo while IFS="^" read -r url placeholder do echo "Placeholder text: $placeholder" echo "URL to hash: $url" hash=$(curl -sL "$url" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1) sed -i 's^'"$placeholder"'^'"$hash"'^' $rd_manifest done < <(cat "$sha_update_list")