sdk-extensions: #- org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.dotnet6 # Needed for Ryujinx - Removed, check if it's not breaking something else finish-args: #- --env=QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb #not sure if this will break something # pcsx2-qt needs QT6, maybe others, here until every qt emulator will support qt6 (not yuzu atm) # from: # - name: qt6-core5compat # buildsystem: cmake-ninja # builddir: true # sources: # - type: archive # url: # sha256: 5de2b9e25bf7de161fbb88ecdd468ed1788bc899392fc05ed80aa590ebb352fa # x-checker-data: # type: html # url: # version-pattern: '>([\d\.-]*)/<' # url-template:$version/submodules/qt5compat-everywhere-src-$version.tar.xz # post-install: # - mkdir -p /app/lib/mkspecs # - cp -R /app/mkspecs/* /app/lib/mkspecs/ # - ln -fsr ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/${FLATPAK_ARCH}-linux-gnu/libQt*.so* -t ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/ # - sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\+\\.[0-9]\\+\\)\\.[0-9]\\+ ${_Qt6.*_FIND_VERSION_EXACT}/\\1/' # ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/${FLATPAK_ARCH}-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt6*/Qt6*Config.cmake # - sed -e 's@PATHS \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/..\" NO_DEFAULT_PATH@PATHS \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/..\" # \"/usr/lib/${CMAKE_CXX_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}/cmake/\" NO_DEFAULT_PATH@' -i # ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/${FLATPAK_ARCH}-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt6*/Qt6*Config.cmake # - sed -e 's@\\($$QT_MODULE_BIN_BASE\\)@\\1 '${FLATPAK_DEST}'/bin @' -i ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/mkspecs/modules/*.pri # - sed -e 's@\\($$QT_MODULE_INCLUDE_BASE \\)@\\1'${FLATPAK_DEST}'/include @' # -i ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/mkspecs/modules/*.pri # - sed -e 's@$$QT_MODULE_INCLUDE_BASE/@'${FLATPAK_DEST}'/include/@g' -i ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/mkspecs/modules/*.pri # - sed -e 's@$$QT_MODULE_LIB_BASE@'${FLATPAK_DEST}'/lib@g' -i ${FLATPAK_DEST}/lib/mkspecs/modules/*.pri # cleanup: # - /app/mkspecs # XEMU: libglu removed due to a certificate issue, check libglu module for more info # - name: libglu # buildsystem: meson # cleanup: # - /include # - /lib/debug # - /lib/pkgconfig # - /lib/*.a # sources: # - type: archive # url: # sha256: 6e7280ff585c6a1d9dfcdf2fca489251634b3377bfc33c29e4002466a38d02d4 # x-checker-data: # type: anitya # project-id: 13518 # stable-only: true # url-template:$version.tar.xz # Duckstation - START # # Disabled until we completely switch to QT6 # - name: duckstation # buildsystem: cmake-ninja # no-make-install: true # builddir: true # config-opts: # - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo # - -DUSE_EGL=ON # - -DUSE_SDL2=ON # - -DUSE_WAYLAND=ON # - -DUSE_X11=ON # - -DUSE_DRMKMS=ON # - -DCMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION=ON # post-install: # - install -m755 bin/duckstation-qt /app/bin # - cp -r ../data/* bin/translations /app/bin # sources: # - type: git # url: # commit: 6f709468601183083b8581d4952aaba7baf77084 # # Cloning dep/msvc/qt is only necessary for Windows # disable-submodules: true # Duckstation - END # Duckstation-DontUpdate - START # Old version moved to QT6 so it's either this or AppImage # But AppImage is a single one that keep getting updated at the same link so the sha (that's mandatory) will break the build # So yeah we're stuck with this for a while # - name: duckstation-DontUpdate # buildsystem: cmake-ninja # no-make-install: true # builddir: true # config-opts: # - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # - -DUSE_EGL=ON # - -DUSE_SDL2=ON # - -DUSE_WAYLAND=ON # - -DUSE_X11=ON # - -DUSE_DRMKMS=ON # - -DCMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION=ON # post-install: # - install -m 755 -t /app/bin/ bin/duckstation-nogui bin/duckstation-qt # - |- # for px in 16 32 48 64 128 256; do # install -Dm644 ../extras/icons/icon-${px}px.png /app/share/icons/hicolor/${px}x${px}/apps/org.duckstation.DuckStation.png # done # - cp -r ../data/* bin/translations /app/bin # sources: # - type: git # url: # commit: 3fb61865e505ba639609fbf16cb8bdf5c66e020c # Duckstation-DontUpdate - END # Ryujinx - START # - name: Ryujinx buildsystem: simple build-options: no-debuginfo: true no-debuginfo-compression: true strip: false arch: x86_64: env: RUNTIME: linux-x64 env: PKG_CONFIG_PATH: /app/lib/pkgconfig:/app/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT: 'true' DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE: 'true' RYUJINX_VERSION: 1.1.1014 RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER: flathub RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO: org.ryujinx.Ryujinx RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME: master build-commands: - | export PATH=$PATH:/run/build/Ryujinx/dotnet-sdk export RYUJINX_GIT_SHORT_HASH=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) export RUNTIME_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=$(find nuget-sources -name '*' | grep -oP '(\d.\d.\d+.nupkg)' | grep -oP '(\d.\d.\d+)') sed -r --in-place "s/\%\%RYUJINX_BUILD_VERSION\%\%/$RYUJINX_VERSION/g;" src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs sed -r --in-place "s/\%\%RYUJINX_BUILD_GIT_HASH\%\%/$RYUJINX_GIT_SHORT_HASH/g;" src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs sed -r --in-place "s/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME\%\%/$RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_NAME/g;" src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs sed -r --in-place "s/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER\%\%/$RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OWNER/g;" src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs sed -r --in-place "s/\%\%RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO\%\%/$RYUJINX_TARGET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_REPO/g;" src/Ryujinx.Common/ReleaseInformation.cs mkdir -p /app/bin dotnet publish -c Release -r $RUNTIME /p:DebugType=embedded src/Ryujinx /p:Version=$RYUJINX_VERSION /p:SourceRevisionId=$RYUJINX_GIT_SHORT_HASH /p:ExtraDefineConstants="DISABLE_UPDATER%2CFORCE_EXTERNAL_BASE_DIR" /p:RuntimeFrameworkVersion=$RUNTIME_FRAMEWORK_VERSION --self-contained --source nuget-sources if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi; cp -r --remove-destination /run/build/Ryujinx/src/Ryujinx/bin/Release/net7.0/$RUNTIME/publish/* /app/bin/ chmod +x /app/bin/ mkdir -p /app/lib/ffmpeg ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /app/lib/ install -Dm755 ryujinx-wrapper /app/bin/ryujinx-wrapper install -Dm644 distribution/misc/Logo.svg /app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ryujinx.svg sources: - type: archive only-arches: - x86_64 dest: dotnet-sdk url: sha256: 4634fa4da7ae4e3dadb83e320a87fb26f0cb12a7ca02bf9f10e6c3c1c91d645c x-checker-data: type: rotating-url url: pattern:^([\d\.a-z-]+)$/dotnet-sdk-^([\d\.a-z-]+)$-linux-x64.tar.gz - rd-submodules/ryujinx/nuget_sources.json - type: git url: commit: 7ccff037e87f82f3461f3e1422235e29800eaa2f - type: file path: rd-submodules/ryujinx/ryujinx-wrapper # Ryujinx - END # Needed from ES-DE 2.1.0+ - name: libpoppler-glib buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DENABLE_BOOST=OFF sources: - type: archive # original link not working, found a mirror url: #url: sha256: 093ba9844ed774285517361c15e21a31ba4df278a499263d4403cca74f2da828 cleanup: - /lib/pkgconfig - /include - '*.a' - '*.la' # dependency of: XEMU, MelonDS (4.7.0) - name: libslirp buildsystem: meson cleanup: - /include sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 2a98852e65666db313481943e7a1997abff0183bd9bea80caec1b5da89fda28c x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 96796 stable-only: true url-template:$version/libslirp-v$version.tar.gz # dependency of: CEMU (1.0.26), DOLPHIN (1.0.27) - name: libusb config-opts: - --disable-static cleanup: - /include - /lib/*.la - /lib/pkgconfig sources: - type: archive url: sha256: ffaa41d741a8a3bee244ac8e54a72ea05bf2879663c098c82fc5757853441575 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 1749 stable-only: true url-template:$version/libusb-$version.tar.bz2 # Dolphin - START # why from source: AppImage not provided, only Flatpak # # WHEN UPADTING: remember to update rd-submodules/dolphin contents - name: xdg-screensaver-shim buildsystem: meson sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 0ed2a69fe6ee6cbffd2fe16f85116db737f17fb1e79bfb812d893cf15c728399 - name: dolphin-emu buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - -DENABLE_ALSA=OFF - -DENABLE_SDL=ON - -DENABLE_EVDEV=ON - -DDISTRIBUTOR=Flathub cleanup: - /share/man post-install: - install -D -t ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin/ dolphin-emu-wrapper - sed -i -e 's/viewBox="0 0 1024.02 571.29"/viewBox="0 -285.645 1024 1024" width="2048" height="2048"/g' /app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/dolphin-emu.svg sources: - type: git # Sometimes Dolphin or its submodules clone are failing in https so it must done in ssh # fatal: remote transport reported error # url: ssh:// url: commit: cc3ff347b437fd80f3a2880d1bbc7ba2d5f191f4 # x-checker-data: # type: json # url: # commit-query: .hash # version-query: .shortrev # timestamp-query: .date # is-main-source: true # detects whether dolphin is running in a flatpak sandbox # and makes it use xdg directories if it is. # prevents dolphin from attempting to write conf files # in non-writable paths, typically happens when a user # has leftover files from a previous non-flatpak install - type: patch path: rd-submodules/dolphin/detectflatpak.patch # version strings must match exactly for online multiplayer - type: patch path: rd-submodules/dolphin/nodirtyversion.patch - type: script commands: - | for i in {0..9}; do test -S $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/discord-ipc-$i || ln -sf {app/com.discordapp.Discord,$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/discord-ipc-$i; done dolphin-emu "$@" dest-filename: dolphin-emu-wrapper - name: universal_dynamic_input buildsystem: simple build-commands: - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/DynamicInputTextures - cp -rf * ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/extras/DynamicInputTextures/ sources: - type: git url: commit: UNIVERSALDYNAMICINPUTCOMMITPLACEHOLDER # Dolphin - END # SOLARUS - START # why from source: they only provide a snap # - name: luajit no-autogen: true cleanup: - /bin - /lib/*.a - /include - /lib/pkgconfig - /share/man sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 874b1f8297c697821f561f9b73b57ffd419ed8f4278c82e05b48806d30c1e979 - type: shell commands: - sed -i 's|/usr/local|/app|' ./Makefile - name: libmodplug cleanup: - /include sources: - type: archive url: sha512: 880e10154fd367ee24ace53ca7e32a5c1fee7dfff1f934e6499944c12779427da63e2f55f8d6ce25db0a42a5b4424053bf64305b31dbfc4ef6a8909924d655fd - name: physfs buildsystem: cmake-ninja config-opts: - -DPHYSFS_BUILD_TEST=OFF sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 304df76206d633df5360e738b138c94e82ccf086e50ba84f456d3f8432f9f863 size: 194888 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 3631 url-template:$version.tar.bz2 - name: solarus buildsystem: cmake-ninja builddir: true config-opts: - -DSOLARUS_GUI=OFF sources: - type: git url: tag: v1.6.5 commit: 3aec70b0556a8d7aed7903d1a3e4d9a18c5d1649 # SOLARUS - END