# Guide: ScummVM <img src="../../wiki_images/logos/scummvm-logo.svg" width="150"> --- ### ScummVM Links: [ScummVM Guides](https://docs.scummvm.org/en/v2.7.1/) [ScummVM Game Compatibility and ID List](https://www.scummvm.org/compatibility) [ScummVM Wiki](https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=Main_Page) [ScummVM Github](https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm) [ScummVM Webpage](https://www.scummvm.org/) --- ## Where to put the games? ScummVM games should be put into the `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/` directory.<br> ## Does ScummVM require BIOS or Firmware? No ## How to: Get games to show up inside the ES-DE interface **Example:** <br> In this example we got a game we want to add: `Beneath a Steel Sky` ### Step 1: Add the game Move the uncompressed game into the `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/` folder.<br> The result should be: `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/Beneath a Steel Sky/` ### Step 2: Check the ScummVM ID of the game <img src="../../wiki_images/emulators/scummvm/scummvm-sky.png"> Go into [ScummVM Game Compatibility and ID List](https://www.scummvm.org/compatibility)<br> Search for `Beneath a Steel Sky` make a note of the ScummVM ID in this case called: `sky` ### Step 3: Create the ScummVM file - The `.scummvm` file starts as a empty textfile that needs to be created in in each game you want to adds directory.<br> - It should be named `<ScummVM_ID>.scummvm` <br> - In our example the file will be called `sky.scummvm` and should be created in `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/Beneath a Steel Sky/` The end result should look like:<br> `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/Beneath a Steel Sky/sky.scummvm` ### Step 4: Open the .scummvm file and add the ScummVM_ID Open up the empty `sky.scummvm` and just type in the `<ScummVM_ID>` in the first row of the empty file and save in this case `sky`. Make sure you don't add any spaces or linebreaks and the file should just contain the word `sky`. ### Step 5: The game should now run The game should now be added to the ES-DE interface from the `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/Beneath a Steel Sky/sky.scummvm` file you just created and can be played.