#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2020-present Batocera # Copyright (C) 2020-present Fewtarius # # Download and install packages supported binary packages # # Usage: # 351elec-es-package 'list' or 'install <package>' # # If you don't provide a <package>, the list of packages will be downloaded and sent back to you. # ARCH="$(cat /storage/.config/.OS_ARCH)" if [ "${ARCH}" == "RG351P" ]; then DEVICE="RG351P" elif [ "${ARCH}" == "RG351V" ]; then DEVICE="RG351V" elif [ "${ARCH}" == "RG351MP" ]; then DEVICE="RG351MP" elif [ "${ARCH}" == "RG552" ]; then DEVICE="RG552" fi DISTRO="351ELEC" CONFIGDIR="/storage/.config/packages" PACKAGELIST="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/351ELEC/351ELEC-metadata/main/${ARCH}/packages.cfg" LOCALPACKAGELIST="/storage/.config/packages.cfg" # Community Package List Schema # # {PACKAGE NAME}|{PACKAGE URL}|{SHA256SUM} # # Half_Life|https://github.com/blah/half-life-1231.zip|d06489dcf04c602ddacc6f80b2809e6d25fd6298c461966e666e19d3188e04be # # packages.cfg must be a plain text pipe delimited file. # Community Package Schema # # URL: https://github.com/blah/half-life-1231.zip # Content: # half-life/ <- must match "package" name ^ # install.sh <- must be named install.sh/uninstall.sh and be in the package root. # uninstall.sh # Relevant files/directories included in install.sh/uninstall.sh # Minimum: # system-half-life.png # system-half-life-thumb.png # # The package blob may be hosted elsewhere, as long as install.sh is able to download it. ############################### # # Prepare the system for installation if [ ! -d "${CONFIGDIR}" ] then mkdir -p "${CONFIGDIR}" fi ############################### # function usage() { echo "$0 - downloads and installs packages supported packages in ${DISTRO}" echo " " echo "It accepts two modes: 'list' and 'install <package>'" echo "- 'list' for the list of packages available online, and if they are" echo " [A]vailable to install, [I]nstalled or [?]unknown." echo "- 'install <package>' to install the package, from its package name." echo "- 'remove <package>' to delete an installed package." echo " " exit 1 } ############################### # function check_url() { [[ "$1" =~ ^(https?|ftp)://.*$ ]] && echo "[A]" || echo "[?]" } ############################### # function git_name() { echo "$1" | sed "s,.*/\(.*\),\1," } ############################### # function repo_name() { echo "$1" | sed "s,.*github.com/\([A-Za-z0-9_-]*\)/.*,\1," } ############################### # function list_packages() { fn=$(date +"%s") tmp="/tmp/packages_${fn}" echo "* ${DISTRO} packages *" if [ -f ${LOCALPACKAGELIST} ]; then cp -f "${LOCALPACKAGELIST}" "${tmp}" else curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -sfL "${PACKAGELIST}" -o "${tmp}" || exit 1 sed -i 's/\r$//' "${tmp}" fi while IFS=$'|' read name url shasum; do [ x"${name}" == "x" ] && continue ia=$(check_url "${url}") [ -d "${CONFIGDIR}"/"${name}" ] && ia="[I]" echo "${ia} ${name} - ${url}" done < "${tmp}" [[ -e "${tmp}" ]] && rm "${tmp}" } ############################### # function getPer() { TARFILE="$1" TARVAL="$2" while true; do CURVAL=$(stat "$TARFILE" | grep -E '^[ ]*Size:' | sed -e s+'^[ ]*Size: \([0-9][0-9]*\) .*$'+'\1'+) CURVAL=$((CURVAL / 1024 / 1024)) PER=$((${CURVAL} * 100 / ${TARVAL})) echo "${PER}% - ${package} - [${TARVAL}MB]" sleep 2 done } ############################### # function install_package() { package="$1" success_installed=0 fn=$(date +"%s") tmp="/tmp/packages_${fn}" if [ -f ${LOCALPACKAGELIST} ]; then cp -f "${LOCALPACKAGELIST}" "${tmp}" else curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -sfL "${PACKAGELIST}" -o "${tmp}" || exit 1 sed -i 's/\r$//' "${tmp}" fi while IFS=$'|' read name url shasum; do [ x"${name}" != x"${package}" ] && continue ia=$(check_url "${url}") if [ x"${ia}" != x"[A]" ]; then echo "Error - invalid package URL ${url}" exit 1 else cd ${CONFIGDIR} filename=$(echo ${url} | sed "s#^.*/##") curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -sfL "${url}" -o "${filename}" || exit 1 if [ -f "${filename}" ]; then echo "Verifying package checksum" dldsum=$(sha256sum ${filename} | awk '{print $1}') if [ ! "${shasum}" == "${dldsum}" ] then echo "Error - Checksum does not match." success_installed=0 else echo "Unzipping ${filename} package files >>> 99%" if [ -d "${CONFIGDIR}/${filename}" ] then rm -rf "${CONFIGDIR}/${filename}" fi unzip "${filename}" >/dev/null 2>&1 rm "${filename}" echo "Installing ${filename} package" sh ./${package}/install.sh if [ $? == 0 ] then success_installed=1 else echo "Error - Installation failed." success_installed=0 fi fi else echo "Error - ${package} zip file could not be downloaded from ${url}" exit 1 fi fi done < "${tmp}" [[ -e "${tmp}" ]] && rm "${tmp}" if [ "${success_installed}" == 1 ]; then echo "${package} is now installed >>> 100%" exit 0 else echo "Error - ${package} could not be installed" exit 1 fi } ############################### # function remove_package() { package="$1" success_removed=0 filename=${package} if [ -d "${CONFIGDIR}/${package}" ]; then sh ${CONFIGDIR}/${package}/uninstall.sh if [ $? == 0 ] then rm -rf "${CONFIGDIR}"/"${filename}" && success_removed=1 else echo "Unable to uninstall ${package}" success_removed=0 fi else echo "${package} doesn't appear to be in ${CONFIGDIR}/${filename}" fi if [ "${success_removed}" == 1 ]; then TERMINAL=0 && echo "${package} uninstalled >>>100" exit 0 else echo "Error - ${package} could not be removed" exit 1 fi } #### Main loop # command="$1" package="$2" if ! [ -d "${CONFIGDIR}" ]; then echo "Error - package directory ${CONFIGDIR} is not valid." exit 1 fi if [ x"${command}" == "xlist" ]; then list_packages elif [ x"${command}" == "xinstall" ]; then [ x"${package}" != "x" ] && install_package ${package} || usage elif [ x"${command}" == "xremove" ]; then [ x"${package}" != "x" ] && remove_package ${package} || usage else usage fi