"controller_mappings" { "version" "3" "revision" "1702" "title" "RetroDECK: Official Layout - v0.7.1b" "description" "The Official RetroDECK Layout" "creator" "" "progenitor" "" "url" "" "export_type" "personal_cloud" "controller_type" "controller_neptune" "controller_caps" "23117823" "major_revision" "0" "minor_revision" "0" "Timestamp" "-1030266496" "actions" { "Default" { "title" "RetroDECK - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000001" { "title" "Global Hotkeys - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000002" { "title" "Quick Access Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000003" { "title" "State Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000004" { "title" "Speed / Frames Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000005" { "title" "Display / Graphics Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000006" { "title" "General Hotkeys Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000010" { "title" "Steam Deck Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000008" { "title" "Emulators: Specific Features Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000009" { "title" "MAME Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000011" { "title" "RetroArch Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000012" { "title" "Gamecube / Wii Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000013" { "title" "DS Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000014" { "title" "Secrets Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000015" { "title" "3DS Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } "Preset_1000016" { "title" "Switch Menu - Set" "legacy_set" "1" } } "action_layers" { } "localization" { "english" { "title" "Gamepad with Gyro" "description" "The template works best for games that are designed with a gamepad in mind, but also support a desktop mouse for camera control or aim. This uses both the right pad and the gyro to allow for the most precise aim in games which support gamepad and mouse." } } "group" { "id" "0" "mode" "four_buttons" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "button_a" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button A, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_b" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button B, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_x" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button X, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_y" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button Y, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "1" "mode" "dpad" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "dpad_north" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button dpad_up, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_south" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button dpad_down, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_east" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button dpad_right, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_west" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button dpad_left, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "2" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "3" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "deadzone_inner_radius" "7199" } } "group" { "id" "4" "mode" "trigger" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button TRIGGER_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "output_trigger" "1" } } "group" { "id" "5" "mode" "trigger" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button TRIGGER_RIGHT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "output_trigger" "2" } } "group" { "id" "6" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "8" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "9" "mode" "dpad" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "dpad_north" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_south" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_east" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_west" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "haptic_intensity_override" "0" } } "group" { "id" "10" "mode" "single_button" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button START, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "11" "mode" "single_button" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button SELECT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "12" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "mouse_button LEFT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "13" "mode" "joystick_camera" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { } } "group" { "id" "14" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { } } "group" { "id" "15" "mode" "mouse_joystick" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { } } "group" { "id" "16" "mode" "four_buttons" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "button_a" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, PAUSE TOGGLE, , " "binding" "key_press P, PAUSE TOGGLE, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_b" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, CAPTURE SCREENSHOT, , " "binding" "key_press X, CAPTURE SCREENSHOT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_x" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, FULLSCREEN TOGGLE, , " "binding" "key_press RETURN, FULLSCREEN TOGGLE, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_y" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Open Menu, , " "binding" "key_press M, Open Menu, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "17" "mode" "trigger" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, REWIND, , " "binding" "key_press KEYPAD_DASH, REWIND, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "18" "mode" "trigger" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, FAST FORWARD, , " "binding" "key_press KEYPAD_PLUS, FAST FORWARD, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "20" "mode" "four_buttons" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "button_a" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action empty_sub_command, , " "binding" "controller_action empty_sub_command, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "21" "mode" "dpad" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "dpad_north" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Increase Emulation Speed, , " "binding" "key_press 1, Increase Emulation Speed, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_south" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Decrease Emulation Speed, , " "binding" "key_press 2, Decrease Emulation Speed, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_east" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, NEXT SAVE SLOT, , " "binding" "key_press K, NEXT SAVE SLOT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_west" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, PREVIOUS SAVE SLOT, , " "binding" "key_press J, PREVIOUS SAVE SLOT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "haptic_intensity_override" "0" } } "group" { "id" "22" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press ESCAPE, Escape, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "23" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, SWAP SCREENS, , " "binding" "key_press TAB, SWAP SCREENS, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "37" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "mouse_button LEFT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "35" "mode" "four_buttons" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "button_a" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button A, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_b" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button B, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_x" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button X, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_y" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button Y, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "38" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "deadzone_inner_radius" "7199" } } "group" { "id" "33" "mode" "radial_menu" "name" "RetroDECK - Main Menu" "description" "" "inputs" { "touch_menu_button_0" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 14 1 1, RetroDECK, RD-icon_circle_2_180x180.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_1" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 3 1 1, Quick, RD-org.xfce.session.png, #232323 #FFFFFF" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_2" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 4 1 1, State, RD-folder-blue-games.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_3" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 5 1 1, Speed & Frames, RD-supertuxkart.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_4" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 6 1 1, Display & Graphics, RD-preferences-desktop-display.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_5" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 7 1 1, General, RD-io.github.antimicrox.antimicrox.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_6" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 9 1 1, Specific, RD-folder-applications.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_7" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 8 1 1, Steam Deck, RD-steam.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "touchmenu_button_fire_type" "1" } } "group" { "id" "39" "mode" "trigger" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button TRIGGER_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "output_trigger" "1" } } "group" { "id" "40" "mode" "trigger" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button TRIGGER_RIGHT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "output_trigger" "2" } } "group" { "id" "41" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "42" "mode" "dpad" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "dpad_north" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_south" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_east" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_west" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "haptic_intensity_override" "0" } } "group" { "id" "43" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { } } "group" { "id" "44" "mode" "radial_menu" "name" "Quick Access - Menu" "description" "" "inputs" { "touch_menu_button_0" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 1 1 1, Back, RD-edit-undo-red.png, #232323 #FFFFFF" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_1" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Exit / Quit Emulator, RD-process-stop.png, " "binding" "key_press Q, Exit / Quit Emulator, RD-process-stop.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_2" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Open Menu, RD-preferences-desktop-icons.png, " "binding" "key_press M, Open Menu, RD-preferences-desktop-icons.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_3" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Swap Dual-Screens, RD-system-switch-user.png, " "binding" "key_press TAB, Swap Dual-Screens, RD-system-switch-user.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_4" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Take Screenshot, RD-camera-photo.png, " "binding" "key_press X, Take Screenshot, RD-camera-photo.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_5" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Save State, RD-document-save.png, " "binding" "key_press S, Save State, RD-document-save.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_6" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Load State, RD-folder-blue-backup.png, " "binding" "key_press A, Load State, RD-folder-blue-backup.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_7" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Pause / Resume, RD-media-playback-pause.png, " "binding" "key_press P, Pause / Resume, RD-media-playback-pause.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_8" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Fullscreen On/Off, RD-zoom-fit-best.png, #232323 #FFFFFF" "binding" "key_press RETURN, Fullscreen On/Off, RD-zoom-fit-best.png, #232323 #FFFFFF" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_10" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press ESCAPE, Escape, RD-ESC.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_11" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Restart / Reset, RD-system-reboot.png, " "binding" "key_press R, Restart / Reset, RD-system-reboot.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "touchmenu_button_fire_type" "1" } } "group" { "id" "45" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { } } "group" { "id" "47" "mode" "four_buttons" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "button_a" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button A, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_b" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button B, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_x" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button X, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_y" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button Y, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "48" "mode" "radial_menu" "name" "State Management - Menu" "description" "" "inputs" { "touch_menu_button_0" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 1 1 1, Back, RD-edit-undo-red.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_1" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Previous State, RD-go-previous.png, #232323 #FFFFFF" "binding" "key_press J, Previous State, RD-go-previous.png, #232323 #FFFFFF" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_2" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Next State, RD-go-next.png, " "binding" "key_press K, Next State, RD-go-next.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_3" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Save State, RD-document-save.png, " "binding" "key_press S, Save State, RD-document-save.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_4" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Load State, RD-folder-blue-backup.png, " "binding" "key_press A, Load State, RD-folder-blue-backup.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_5" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Undo Load, RD-Arrow-33.png, " "binding" "key_press 8, Undo Load, RD-Arrow-33.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_6" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_CONTROL, Undo Save, RD-Arrow-34.png, " "binding" "key_press 9, Undo Save, RD-Arrow-34.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "touchmenu_button_fire_type" "1" } } "group" { "id" "49" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "mouse_button LEFT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "50" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { 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"disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "output_trigger" "2" } } "group" { "id" "143" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "144" "mode" "dpad" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "dpad_north" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_south" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_east" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_west" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" 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"haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_east" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_west" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "requires_click" "0" "haptic_intensity_override" "0" } } "group" { "id" "155" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { } } "group" { "id" "157" "mode" "four_buttons" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "button_a" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button A, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_b" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button B, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_x" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button X, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "button_y" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button Y, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "158" "mode" "radial_menu" "name" "Gamecube / Wii - Menu" "description" "" "inputs" { "touch_menu_button_0" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 9 1 1, Back, RD-edit-undo-red.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_1" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_ALT, Netplay - Golf Mode, RD-distributor-logo-netbsd.png, " "binding" "key_press H, Netplay - Golf Mode, RD-distributor-logo-netbsd.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_2" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_ALT, Freelook Mode - Toggle, RD-preferences-system-search.png, " "binding" "key_press F, Freelook Mode - Toggle, RD-preferences-system-search.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_3" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_ALT, Wii Sync Button, RD-notification-network-wireless.png, " "binding" "key_press W, Wii Sync Button, RD-notification-network-wireless.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_4" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_ALT, Wiimote - Upright Mode, RD-emblem-encrypted-unlocked.png, #232323 #ADA200" "binding" "key_press Z, Wiimote - Upright Mode, RD-emblem-encrypted-unlocked.png, #232323 #ADA200" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_5" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_ALT, Wiimote - Sideways Mode, RD-emblem-encrypted-locked.png, #232323 #48B119" "binding" "key_press X, Wiimote - Sideways Mode, RD-emblem-encrypted-locked.png, #232323 #48B119" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_6" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_ALT, Reset Freelook Camera, RD-preferences-system-search.png, #232323 #AD0000" "binding" "key_press R, Reset Freelook Camera, RD-preferences-system-search.png, #232323 #AD0000" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "touchmenu_button_fire_type" "1" } } "group" { "id" "159" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "mouse_button LEFT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "160" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "deadzone_inner_radius" "7199" } } "group" { "id" "161" "mode" "trigger" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button TRIGGER_LEFT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "output_trigger" "1" } } "group" { "id" "162" "mode" "trigger" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button TRIGGER_RIGHT, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "2" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "output_trigger" "2" } } "group" { "id" "163" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "164" "mode" "dpad" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "dpad_north" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_south" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, , " } "settings" { "haptic_intensity" "1" } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "dpad_east" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button 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"disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_2" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_ALT, Load/Remove Amiibo, RD-preferences-desktop-accessibility.png, " "binding" "key_press M, Load/Remove Amiibo, RD-preferences-desktop-accessibility.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } "touch_menu_button_3" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "key_press LEFT_ALT, Docked / Undocked Mode, RD-emblem-unlocked.png, " "binding" "key_press D, Docked / Undocked Mode, RD-emblem-unlocked.png, " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } "settings" { "touchmenu_button_fire_type" "1" } } "group" { "id" "211" "mode" "absolute_mouse" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Soft_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "mouse_button LEFT, , " } } } "disabled_activators" { } } } } "group" { "id" "212" "mode" "joystick_move" "name" "" "description" "" "inputs" { "click" { "activators" { "Full_Press" { "bindings" { "binding" "xinput_button 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