#!/bin/bash compress_game() { # Function for compressing one or more files to .chd format # USAGE: compress_game $format $full_path_to_input_file $system(optional) local file="$2" local filename_no_path=$(basename "$file") local filename_no_extension="${filename_no_path%.*}" local source_file=$(dirname "$(realpath "$file")")"/"$(basename "$file") local dest_file=$(dirname "$(realpath "$file")")"/""$filename_no_extension" if [[ "$1" == "chd" ]]; then case "$3" in # Check platform-specific compression options "psp" ) /app/bin/chdman createdvd --hunksize 2048 -i "$source_file" -o "$dest_file".chd -c zstd ;; "ps2" ) /app/bin/chdman createdvd -i "$source_file" -o "$dest_file".chd -c zstd ;; * ) /app/bin/chdman createcd -i "$source_file" -o "$dest_file".chd ;; esac elif [[ "$1" == "zip" ]]; then zip -jq9 "$dest_file".zip "$source_file" elif [[ "$1" == "rvz" ]]; then dolphin-tool convert -f rvz -b 131072 -c zstd -l 5 -i "$source_file" -o "$dest_file.rvz" fi if [[ $post_compression_cleanup == "true" ]]; then # Remove file(s) if requested if [[ -f "${file%.*}.$1" ]]; then log i "Performing post-compression file cleanup" if [[ "$file" == *".cue" ]]; then local cue_bin_files=$(grep -o -P "(?<=FILE \").*(?=\".*$)" "$file") local file_path=$(dirname "$(realpath "$file")") while IFS= read -r line do log i "Removing file $file_path/$line" rm -f "$file_path/$line" done < <(printf '%s\n' "$cue_bin_files") log i "Removing file $(realpath "$file")" rm -f $(realpath "$file") else log i "Removing file $(realpath "$file")" rm -f "$(realpath "$file")" fi else log i "Compressed file ${file%.*}.$1 not found, skipping original file deletion" fi fi } find_compatible_compression_format() { # This function will determine what compression format, if any, the file and system are compatible with # USAGE: find_compatible_compression_format "$file" local normalized_filename=$(echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') local system=$(echo "$1" | grep -oE "$roms_folder/[^/]+" | grep -oE "[^/]+$") # Extract the relevant lists from the JSON file local chd_systems=$(jq -r '.compression_targets.chd[]' $features) local rvz_systems=$(jq -r '.compression_targets.rvz[]' $features) local zip_systems=$(jq -r '.compression_targets.zip[]' $features) local zip_compressable_extensions=$(jq -r '.zip_compressable_extensions[]' $features) if [[ $(validate_for_chd "$1") == "true" ]] && echo "$chd_systems" | grep -q "\b$system\b"; then echo "chd" elif echo "$zip_compressable_extensions" | grep -qF ".${normalized_filename##*.}" && echo "$zip_systems" | grep -q "\b$system\b"; then echo "zip" elif echo "$normalized_filename" | grep -qE '\.iso|\.gcm' && echo "$rvz_systems" | grep -q "\b$system\b"; then echo "rvz" elif echo "$normalized_filename" | grep -qE '\.iso' && echo "$chd_systems" | grep -q "\b$system\b"; then echo "cso" else # If no compatible format can be found for the input file echo "none" fi } validate_for_chd() { # Function for validating chd compression candidates, and compresses if validation passes. Supports .cue, .iso and .gdi formats ONLY # USAGE: validate_for_chd $input_file local file="$1" local normalized_filename=$(echo "$file" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') local file_validated="false" log i "Validating file: $file" if echo "$normalized_filename" | grep -qE '\.iso|\.cue|\.gdi'; then log i ".cue/.iso/.gdi file detected" local file_path=$(dirname "$(realpath "$file")") local file_base_name=$(basename "$file") local file_name=${file_base_name%.*} if [[ "$normalized_filename" == *".cue" ]]; then # Validate .cue file if [[ ! "$file_path" == *"dreamcast"* ]]; then # .bin/.cue compression may not work for Dreamcast, only GDI or ISO # TODO: verify log i "Validating .cue associated .bin files" local cue_bin_files=$(grep -o -P "(?<=FILE \").*(?=\".*$)" "$file") log i "Associated bin files read:" log i "$(printf '%s\n' "$cue_bin_files")" if [[ ! -z "$cue_bin_files" ]]; then while IFS= read -r line do log i "Looking for $file_path/$line" if [[ -f "$file_path/$line" ]]; then log i ".bin file found at $file_path/$line" file_validated="true" else log e ".bin file NOT found at $file_path/$line" log e ".cue file could not be validated. Please verify your .cue file contains the correct corresponding .bin file information and retry." file_validated="false" break fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$cue_bin_files") fi else log w ".cue files not compatible with CHD compression" fi echo $file_validated else # If file is a .iso or .gdi file_validated="true" echo $file_validated fi else log w "File type not recognized. Supported file types are .cue, .gdi and .iso" echo $file_validated fi } find_compatible_games() { # The function takes the following arguments, which alter what files are compressed: # "everything" - Compresses all games found into their compatible formats # "all" - Compresses a list of user-chosen files into their compatible formats # "chd" or "zip" or "rvz" - Compresses a list of user-chosen files into the given format if [[ -f "$godot_compression_compatible_games" ]]; then rm -f "$godot_compression_compatible_games" # Godot data transfer temp files fi touch "$godot_compression_compatible_games" compressable_games_list=() all_compressable_games=() games_to_compress=() target_selection="$1" if [[ "$1" == "everything" ]]; then local compression_format="all" else local compression_format="$1" fi if [[ $compression_format == "all" ]]; then local compressable_systems_list=$(cat $compression_targets | sed '/^$/d' | sed '/^\[/d') else local compressable_systems_list=$(sed -n '/\['"$compression_format"'\]/, /\[/{ /\['"$compression_format"'\]/! { /\[/! p } }' $compression_targets | sed '/^$/d') fi while IFS= read -r system # Find and validate all games that are able to be compressed with this compression type do compression_candidates=$(find "$roms_folder/$system" -type f -not -iname "*.txt") if [[ ! -z $compression_candidates ]]; then while IFS= read -r game do local compatible_compression_format=$(find_compatible_compression_format "$game") if [[ $compression_format == "chd" ]]; then if [[ $compatible_compression_format == "chd" && ! -f "$(echo ${game%.*}.chd)" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") compressable_games_list=("${compressable_games_list[@]}" "false" "${game#$roms_folder}" "$game") echo "${game}"^"$compatible_compression_format" >> "$godot_compression_compatible_games" fi elif [[ $compression_format == "zip" ]]; then if [[ $compatible_compression_format == "zip" && ! -f "$(echo ${game%.*}.zip)" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") compressable_games_list=("${compressable_games_list[@]}" "false" "${game#$roms_folder}" "$game") echo "${game}"^"$compatible_compression_format" >> "$godot_compression_compatible_games" fi elif [[ $compression_format == "rvz" ]]; then if [[ $compatible_compression_format == "rvz" && ! -f "$(echo ${game%.*}.rvz)" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") compressable_games_list=("${compressable_games_list[@]}" "false" "${game#$roms_folder}" "$game") echo "${game}"^"$compatible_compression_format" >> "$godot_compression_compatible_games" fi elif [[ $compression_format == "all" ]]; then if [[ ! $compatible_compression_format == "none" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") compressable_games_list=("${compressable_games_list[@]}" "false" "${game#$roms_folder}" "$game") echo "${game}"^"$compatible_compression_format" >> "$godot_compression_compatible_games" fi fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$compression_candidates") fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$compressable_systems_list") } cli_compress_single_game() { # This function will compress a single file passed from the CLI arguments # USAGE: cli_compress_single_game $full_file_path local file=$(realpath "$1") read -p "Do you want to have the original file removed after compression is complete? Please answer y/n and press Enter: " post_compression_cleanup read -p "RetroDECK will now attempt to compress your selected game. Press Enter key to continue..." if [[ ! -z "$file" ]]; then if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then local system=$(echo "$file" | grep -oE "$roms_folder/[^/]+" | grep -oE "[^/]+$") local compatible_compression_format=$(find_compatible_compression_format "$file") if [[ ! $compatible_compression_format == "none" ]]; then log i "$(basename "$file") can be compressed to $compatible_compression_format" compress_game "$compatible_compression_format" "$file" "$system" else log w "$(basename "$file") does not have any compatible compression formats." fi else log w "File not found, please specify the full path to the file to be compressed." fi else log i "Please use this command format \"--compress-one <path to file to compress>\"" fi } cli_compress_all_games() { if echo "$1" | grep -qE 'chd|rvz|zip'; then local compression_format="$1" elif [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then local compression_format="all" else echo "Please enter a supported compression format. Options are \"chd\", \"rvz\", \"zip\" or \"all\"" exit 1 fi local compressable_game="" local all_compressable_games=() if [[ $compression_format == "all" ]]; then local compressable_systems_list=$(cat $compression_targets | sed '/^$/d' | sed '/^\[/d') else local compressable_systems_list=$(sed -n '/\['"$compression_format"'\]/, /\[/{ /\['"$compression_format"'\]/! { /\[/! p } }' $compression_targets | sed '/^$/d') fi read -p "Do you want to have the original files removed after compression is complete? Please answer y/n and press Enter: " post_compression_cleanup read -p "RetroDECK will now attempt to compress all compatible games. Press Enter key to continue..." while IFS= read -r system # Find and validate all games that are able to be compressed with this compression type do local compression_candidates=$(find "$roms_folder/$system" -type f -not -iname "*.txt") if [[ ! -z "$compression_candidates" ]]; then log i "Checking files for $system" while IFS= read -r file do local compatible_compression_format=$(find_compatible_compression_format "$file") if [[ ! "$compatible_compression_format" == "none" ]]; then log i "$(basename "$file") can be compressed to $compatible_compression_format" compress_game "$compatible_compression_format" "$file" "$system" else log w "No compatible compression format found for $(basename "$file")" fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$compression_candidates") else log w "No compatible files found for compression in $system" fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$compressable_systems_list") }