
post_update() {

  # post update script
  echo "Executing post-update script"

  local prev_version=$(sed -e 's/[\.a-z]//g' <<< $version)

  if [[ $prev_version -le "050" ]]; then # If updating from prior to save sorting change at 0.5.0b

  # Everything within the following ( <code> ) will happen behind the Zenity dialog. The save migration was a long process so it has its own individual dialogs.

  if [[ $prev_version -le "062" ]]; then
    # In version 0.6.2b, the following changes were made that required config file updates/reset:
    # - Primehack preconfiguration completely redone. "Stop emulation" hotkey set to Start+Select, Xbox and Nintendo keymap profiles were created, Xbox set as default.
    # - Duckstation save and state locations were dir_prep'd to the rdhome/save and /state folders, which was not previously done. Much safer now!
    # - Fix PICO-8 folder structure. ROM and save folders are now sane and binary files will go into ~/retrodeck/bios/pico-8/
    rm -rf /var/config/primehack # Purge old Primehack config files. Saves are safe as they are linked into /var/data/primehack.

    dir_prep "$rdhome/saves/duckstation" "/var/data/duckstation/memcards"
    dir_prep "$rdhome/states/duckstation" "/var/data/duckstation/savestates"

    mv "$bios_folder/pico8" "$bios_folder/pico8_olddata" # Move legacy (and incorrect / non-functional ) PICO-8 location for future cleanup / less confusion
    dir_prep "$bios_folder/pico-8" "~/.lexaloffle/pico-8" # Store binary and config files together. The .lexaloffle directory is a hard-coded location for the PICO-8 config file, cannot be changed
    dir_prep "$roms_folder/pico8" "$bios_folder/pico-8/carts" # Symlink default game location to RD roms for cleanliness (this location is overridden anyway by the --root_path launch argument anyway)
    dir_prep "$bios_folder/pico-8/cdata" "$saves_folder/pico-8" # PICO-8 saves folder
  if [[ $prev_version -le "070" ]]; then
    # In version 0.7.0b, the following changes were made that required config file updates/reset or other changes to the filesystem:
    # - New ~/retrodeck/mods and ~/retrodeck/texture_packs directories are added and symlinked to multiple different emulators (where supported)

    mkdir -p "$mods_folder"
    mkdir -p "$texture_packs_folder"
    dir_prep "$mods_folder/Primehack" "/var/data/primehack/Load/GraphicMods/"
    dir_prep "$texture_packs_folder/Primehack" "/var/data/primehack/Load/Textures/"
    dir_prep "$mods_folder/Dolphin" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/Load/GraphicMods/"
    dir_prep "$texture_packs_folder/Dolphin" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/Load/Textures/"

  # The following commands are run every time.

  ) |
  zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
  --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
  --title "RetroDECK Finishing Upgrade" \
  --text="RetroDECK is finishing the upgrade process, please wait."
