RetroDECK is a polished and beginner-friendly environment for playing your retro games on Steam Deck, available with just one click from the Discover app.


RetroDECK teamed up with ES-DE to bring you the best retro launcher out there!

designed for you

ready, set, go!

No configuration, just play!

instant pickup

Close your game? No worries! Pick up exactly where you left off!


Seems like you died! Go back in time and retry without having to restart your game or lose a life. (Must be manually enabled during the beta)


Wanna be that guy? You can.

online gaming (Planned feature)

Thanks to RetroArch's Netplay you will be able to play online with your friends, stay tuned for this feature!


RetroDECK pulls information from your library to create a beautiful user experience!

cloud saves (Planned feature)

RetroDECK will backup your progression and sync it across multiple devices. (User configuration may be needed)

Retro Achievements

Get rewarded while you play! RetroDECK tracks your progress and awards you when you go the extra mile.

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