# Mods: Citra - 3DS
The `~/retrodeck/mods/citra/` represents the `/load/mods/` folder in Citra.

`TITLEID` is different for every game.

## How do I add mods?

**Requirements:** Mod files <br>

**NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this could be easier to do in `Desktop Mode`.

There are two ways of adding mods into Citra

### From Citra
1. Extract any mod from compressed `.zip` or any other format to folders.
2. Open up Citra inside `RetroDECK Configurator` by pressing `Open Emulator` - `Citra`.
3. Right click on the game you want to add mods into.
4. Click on `Open Mods Location`.
5. Paste the mod files inside that directory, each folder is stored by the `TITLLEID` of the game.
6. Quit Citra

### From the mod folder directly

1. Extract any mod files from compressed `.zip` or any other format into folders.
2. Go into `~/retrodeck/mods/citra/`. The folders are all named by `TITLEID`.
3. Past the mods into the right `~/retrodeck/mods/yuzu/<TITLEID>` folder.