2024-09-05 19:04:56 +01:00

38 lines
1.6 KiB

extends Control
@onready var custom_theme: Theme = get_tree().current_scene.custom_theme
var command: String
var parameters: Array
func _ready():
$".".theme = custom_theme
var args = OS.get_cmdline_args()
for arg in range(args.size()):
if args[arg] == "--title" and arg + 1 < args.size():
%title_label.text = args[arg + 1]
elif args[arg] == "--content" and arg + 1 < args.size():
%content_rtl.text = args[arg + 1]
elif args[arg] == "--command" and arg + 1 < args.size():
command = args[arg + 1]
elif args[arg] == "--parameters" and arg + 1 < args.size():
parameters.append(args[arg + 1])
elif args[arg] == "--fullscreen" and arg + 1 < args.size():
func _input(event):
if Input.is_action_pressed("back_button"):
func _on_cancel_pressed():
class_functions.log_parameters[2] = class_functions.log_text + "Exited dialogue"
class_functions.execute_command(class_functions.wrapper_command,class_functions.log_parameters, false)
func _on_ok_button_pressed() -> void:
class_functions.log_parameters[2] = class_functions.log_text + "Command to run:- " + command + " " + str(parameters)
class_functions.execute_command(class_functions.wrapper_command,class_functions.log_parameters, false)
var result = class_functions.execute_command(command,parameters , false)
class_functions.log_parameters[2] = class_functions.log_text + "Exit code: " + str(result["exit_code"])
%content_rtl.text = result["output"]
class_functions.execute_command(class_functions.wrapper_command,class_functions.log_parameters, false)