mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:48 +00:00
275 lines
9 KiB
275 lines
9 KiB
extends Node
class_name DataHandler
var data_file_path = "/app/retrodeck/config/retrodeck/reference_lists/features.json"
var app_data: AppData
func _ready():
# Load the data when the scene is ready
app_data = load_base_data()
func load_base_data() -> AppData:
var file = FileAccess.open(data_file_path, FileAccess.READ)
if file:
var json_data = file.get_as_text()
#var json = JSON.new()
var parsed_data = JSON.parse_string(json_data)
if parsed_data:
var data_dict = parsed_data
var about_links = {}
for key in data_dict["about_links"].keys():
var link_data = data_dict["about_links"][key]
var link = Link.new()
link.name = link_data["name"]
link.url = link_data["url"]
link.description = link_data["description"]
link.icon = link_data["icon"]
about_links[key] = link
var emulators = {}
for key in data_dict["emulator"].keys():
var emulator_data = data_dict["emulator"][key]
var emulator = Emulator.new()
emulator.name = emulator_data["name"]
emulator.description = emulator_data["description"]
emulator.url = emulator_data["url"]
#emulator.system = emulator_data["system"]
emulator.launch = emulator_data["launch"]
if emulator_data.has("properties"):
for property_data in emulator_data["properties"]:
#print (emulator,"----",property_data)
var property = EmulatorProperty.new()
if property_data.has("cheevos"):
property.cheevos = property_data.get("cheevos",true)
if property_data.has("cheevos_hardcore"):
property.cheevos_hardcore = property_data.get("cheevos_hardcore",true)
if property_data.has("abxy_button"):
property.abxy_button = property_data.get("abxy_button",true)
if property_data.has("multi_user_config_dir"):
property.multi_user_config_dir = property_data.get("multi_user_config_dir",true)
emulators[key] = emulator
#TODO add systems too
var cores = {}
for key in data_dict["emulator"]["retroarch"]["cores"].keys():
var core_data = data_dict["emulator"]["retroarch"]["cores"][key]
var core = Core.new()
core.name = core_data["name"]
core.description = core_data["description"]
if core_data.has("properties"):
for property_data in core_data["properties"]:
#print (core.name,"----",property_data)
var property = CoreProperty.new()
property.cheevos = true
property.cheevos_hardcore = true
property.quick_resume = true
if property_data.has("abxy_button"):
property.abxy_button = property_data.get("abxy_button",true)
if property_data.has("widescreen"):
property.widescreen = property_data.get("widescreen",true)
if property_data.has("borders"):
property.borders = property_data.get("borders",true)
if property_data.has("rewind"):
property.rewind = property_data.get("rewind",true)
cores[key] = core
var app_dict = AppData.new()
app_dict.about_links = about_links
app_dict.emulators = emulators
app_dict.cores = cores
return app_dict
print("Error parsing JSON")
print("Error opening file")
return null
func save_base_data(app_dict: AppData):
var file = FileAccess.open(data_file_path, FileAccess.READ)
var existing_data = {}
if file:
var json = JSON.new()
var error = json.parse(file.get_as_text())
if error == OK:
existing_data = json.get_data()
print("File not found. Creating a new one.")
#var about_links ={}
var about_links_new = Link.new()
for key in app_dict.about_links.keys():
var link = app_dict.about_links[key]
about_links_new[key] = {
"name": link.name,
"url": link.url,
"description": link.description
var new_data_dict = {}
#var about_links = {}
var about_links = Link.new()
for key in app_dict.about_links.keys():
var link = app_dict.about_links[key]
about_links[key] = {
"name": link.name,
"url": link.url,
"description": link.description
var emulators = {}
for key in app_dict.emulators.keys():
var emulator = app_data.emulators[key]
var properties = []
for property in emulator.properties:
#"standalone": property.standalone,
"abxy_button": {"status": property.abxy_button}
emulators[key] = {
"name": emulator.name,
"description": emulator.description,
"launch": emulator.launch,
"system": emulator.system,
"url": emulator.url,
"properties": properties
new_data_dict["about_links"] = about_links
new_data_dict["emulators"] = emulators
# Merge existing data with new data
for key in new_data_dict.keys():
if existing_data.has(key):
var existing_dict = existing_data[key]
var new_dict = new_data_dict[key]
# Merge dictionaries
for sub_key in new_dict.keys():
existing_dict[sub_key] = new_dict[sub_key]
existing_data[key] = new_data_dict[key]
# Serialize the combined data to JSON
#var json_text = JSON.new().stringify(existing_data, "\t")
#var json_text = json.stringify(existing_data, "\t")
var json_text = JSON.stringify(existing_data, "\t")
# Open the file in append mode and write the new JSON data
file = FileAccess.open(data_file_path, FileAccess.WRITE)
print("Data appended successfully")
# Function to modify an existing link
func modify_link(key: String, new_name: String, new_url: String, new_description: String):
var app_dict = load_base_data() # was app_data
if app_dict and app_dict.about_links.has(key):
var link = app_dict.about_links[key]
link.name = new_name
link.url = new_url
link.description = new_description
app_dict.about_links[key] = link
print("Link modified successfully")
print("Link not found")
# Function to modify an existing emulator
func modify_emulator(key: String, new_name: String, new_launch: String, new_description: String, new_properties: Array):
var app_dict = load_base_data() # was app_data
if app_dict and app_dict.emulators.has(key):
var emulator = app_dict.emulators[key]
emulator.name = new_name
emulator.description = new_description
emulator.launch = new_launch
# Update properties
for property in new_properties:
var new_property = EmulatorProperty.new()
new_property.borders = property.borders
new_property.abxy_button = property.abxy_button
new_property.ask_to_exit = property.ask_to_exit
new_property.cheevos = property.cheevos
app_dict.emulators[key] = emulator
print("Emulator modified successfully")
print("Emulator not found")
func add_emulator() -> void:
var link = Link.new()
link.name = "Example Site"
link.url = "https://example.com"
link.description = "An example description."
app_data.about_links["example_site"] = link
var emulator = Emulator.new()
emulator.name = "Example System"
emulator.description = "An example emulator."
emulator.launch = "launcher"
var property = EmulatorProperty.new()
#property.standalone = true
property.abxy_button = false
app_data.emulators["example_emulator"] = emulator
func modify_emulator_test() -> void:
data_handler.modify_link("example_site", "Updated Site", "https://updated-example.com", "Updated description.")
var new_properties = []
var new_property = EmulatorProperty.new()
#new_property.standalone = false
new_property.abxy_button = true
data_handler.modify_emulator("example_emulator", "Updated System", "launcher", "Updated description", new_properties)
func parse_config_to_json(file_path: String) -> Dictionary:
var config = {}
var current_section = ""
var file = FileAccess.open(file_path, FileAccess.READ)
if file == null:
print("Failed to open file")
return config
while not file.eof_reached():
var line = file.get_line().strip_edges()
if line.begins_with("[") and line.ends_with("]"):
# Start a new section
current_section = line.substr(1, line.length() - 2)
config[current_section] = {}
elif line != "" and not line.begins_with("#"):
# Add key-value pair to the current section
var parts = line.split("=")
if parts.size() == 2:
var key = parts[0].strip_edges()
var value = parts[1].strip_edges()
# Convert value to proper type
if value == "true":
value = true
elif value == "false":
value = false
if key == "version":
config[key] = value
if current_section == "":
config[key] = value
config[current_section][key] = value
return config
func config_save_json(config: Dictionary, json_file_path: String) -> void:
#var json = JSON.new()
var json_string = JSON.stringify(config, "\t")
var file = FileAccess.open(json_file_path, FileAccess.WRITE)
if file != null:
print("Failed to open JSON file for writing")