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synced 2024-11-27 08:05:42 +00:00
Added BIOS check (both basic and expert) Blocking godot until bios files are checked (to check if ok) Calling function wrapper Added conditions to check for runtime dir env var Changed fallback dir
45 lines
1.8 KiB
45 lines
1.8 KiB
extends Control
var file := FileAccess
var bios_tempfile : String
var BIOS_COLUMNS_BASIC := ["BIOS File Name", "System", "Found", "Hash Match", "Description"]
var BIOS_COLUMNS_EXPERT := ["BIOS File Name", "System", "Found", "Hash Match", "Description", "Subdirectory", "Hash"]
@onready var bios_type:int = get_tree().current_scene.bios_type
func _ready():
#Check if XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set and choose temp file location
if OS.has_environment("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"):
bios_tempfile = OS.get_environment("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") + "/godot_temp/godot_bios_files_checked.tmp"
bios_tempfile = "/var/config/retrodeck/godot_temp/godot_bios_files_checked.tmp"
var table := $Table
if bios_type == 0: #Basic BIOS button pressed
table.columns = BIOS_COLUMNS_BASIC.size()
for i in BIOS_COLUMNS_BASIC.size():
table.set_column_title(i, BIOS_COLUMNS_BASIC[i])
else: #Assume advanced BIOS button pressed
table.columns = BIOS_COLUMNS_EXPERT.size()
for i in BIOS_COLUMNS_EXPERT.size():
table.set_column_title(i, BIOS_COLUMNS_EXPERT[i])
var root = table.create_item()
table.hide_root = true
if bios_type == 0: #Basic BIOS button pressed
OS.execute("/app/tools/retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh",["check_bios_files", "basic"])
else: #Assume advanced BIOS button pressed
if file.file_exists(bios_tempfile): #File to be removed after script is done
var bios_list := file.open(bios_tempfile, FileAccess.READ)
var bios_line := []
while ! bios_list.eof_reached():
bios_line = bios_list.get_csv_line("^")
var table_line: TreeItem = table.create_item(root)
for i in bios_line.size():
table_line.set_text(i, bios_line[i])
if table_line.get_index() % 2 == 1:
table_line.set_custom_bg_color(i,Color(1, 1, 1, 0.1),false)