
188 lines
12 KiB

post_update() {
# post update script
echo "Executing post-update script"
local prev_version=$(sed -e 's/[\.a-z]//g' <<< $version)
if [[ $prev_version -le "050" ]]; then # If updating from prior to save sorting change at 0.5.0b
# Everything within the following ( <code> ) will happen behind the Zenity dialog. The save migration was a long process so it has its own individual dialogs.
if [[ $prev_version -le "062" ]]; then
# In version 0.6.2b, the following changes were made that required config file updates/reset:
# - Primehack preconfiguration completely redone. "Stop emulation" hotkey set to Start+Select, Xbox and Nintendo keymap profiles were created, Xbox set as default.
# - Duckstation save and state locations were dir_prep'd to the rdhome/save and /state folders, which was not previously done. Much safer now!
# - Fix PICO-8 folder structure. ROM and save folders are now sane and binary files will go into ~/retrodeck/bios/pico-8/
rm -rf /var/config/primehack # Purge old Primehack config files. Saves are safe as they are linked into /var/data/primehack.
prepare_emulator "reset" "primehack"
dir_prep "$rdhome/saves/duckstation" "/var/data/duckstation/memcards"
dir_prep "$rdhome/states/duckstation" "/var/data/duckstation/savestates"
mv "$bios_folder/pico8" "$bios_folder/pico8_olddata" # Move legacy (and incorrect / non-functional ) PICO-8 location for future cleanup / less confusion
dir_prep "$bios_folder/pico-8" "$HOME/.lexaloffle/pico-8" # Store binary and config files together. The .lexaloffle directory is a hard-coded location for the PICO-8 config file, cannot be changed
dir_prep "$roms_folder/pico8" "$bios_folder/pico-8/carts" # Symlink default game location to RD roms for cleanliness (this location is overridden anyway by the --root_path launch argument anyway)
dir_prep "$bios_folder/pico-8/cdata" "$saves_folder/pico-8" # PICO-8 saves folder
if [[ $prev_version -le "063" ]]; then
# In version 0.6.3b, the following changes were made that required config file updates/reset:
# - Put Dolphin and Primehack save states in different folders inside $rd_home/states
# - Fix symlink to hard-coded PICO-8 config folder (dir_prep doesn't like ~)
# - Overwrite Citra and Yuzu configs, as controller mapping was broken due to emulator updates.
dir_prep "$rdhome/states/dolphin" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/StateSaves"
dir_prep "$rdhome/states/primehack" "/var/data/primehack/StateSaves"
rm -rf "$HOME/~/" # Remove old incorrect location from 0.6.2b
rm -f "$HOME/.lexaloffle/pico-8" # Remove old symlink to prevent recursion
dir_prep "$bios_folder/pico-8" "$HOME/.lexaloffle/pico-8" # Store binary and config files together. The .lexaloffle directory is a hard-coded location for the PICO-8 config file, cannot be changed
dir_prep "$saves_folder/pico-8" "$bios_folder/pico-8/cdata" # PICO-8 saves folder structure was backwards, fixing for consistency.
cp -f "$emuconfigs/citra/qt-config.ini" /var/config/citra-emu/qt-config.ini
sed -i 's#RETRODECKHOMEDIR#'$rdhome'#g' /var/config/citra-emu/qt-config.ini
cp -fr "$emuconfigs/yuzu/"* /var/config/yuzu/
sed -i 's#RETRODECKHOMEDIR#'$rdhome'#g' /var/config/yuzu/qt-config.ini
# Remove unneeded tools folder, as location has changed to RO space
rm -rfv /var/config/retrodeck/tools/
if [[ $prev_version -le "064" ]]; then
# In version 0.6.4b, the following changes were made:
# Changed settings in Primehack: The audio output was not selected by default, default AR was also incorrect.
# Changed settings in Duckstation and PCSX2: The "ask on exit" was disabled and "save on exit" was enabled.
# The default configs have been updated for new installs and resets, a patch was created to address existing installs.
deploy_multi_patch "emu-configs/patches/updates/064b_update.patch"
if [[ $prev_version -le "065" ]]; then
# In version 0.6.5b, the following changes were made:
# Change Yuzu GPU accuracy to normal for better performance
set_setting_value $yuzuconf "gpu_accuracy" "0" "yuzu" "Renderer"
if [[ $prev_version -le "070" ]]; then
# In version 0.7.0b, the following changes were made that required config file updates/reset or other changes to the filesystem:
# - Update retrodeck.cfg and set new paths to $rdhome by default
# - Update PCSX2 and Duckstation configs to latest templates (to accomadate RetroAchievements feature)
# - New ~/retrodeck/mods and ~/retrodeck/texture_packs directories are added and symlinked to multiple different emulators (where supported)
# - Expose ES-DE gamelists folder to user at ~/retrodeck/gamelists
# - Update RPCS3 vfs file contents. migrate from old location if needed
# - Disable ESDE update checks for existing installs
# - Move Duckstation saves and states to new locations
# - Clean up legacy tools files (Configurator is now accessible through the main ES-DE menu)
# - Move Dolphin and Primehack save folder names
update_rd_conf # Expand retrodeck.cfg to latest template
set_setting_value $rd_conf "screenshots_folder" "$rdhome/screenshots"
set_setting_value $rd_conf "mods_folder" "$rdhome/mods"
set_setting_value $rd_conf "texture_packs_folder" "$rdhome/texture_packs"
set_setting_value $rd_conf "borders_folder" "$rdhome/borders"
mv -f "$pcsx2qtconf" "$pcsx2qtconf.bak"
generate_single_patch "$emuconfigs/PCSX2/PCSX2.ini" "$pcsx2qtconf.bak" "/var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2-cheevos-upgrade.patch" pcsx2
deploy_single_patch "$emuconfigs/PCSX2/PCSX2.ini" "/var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2-cheevos-upgrade.patch" "$pcsx2qtconf"
rm -f "/var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2-cheevos-upgrade.patch"
mv -f "$duckstationconf" "$duckstationconf.bak"
generate_single_patch "$emuconfigs/duckstation/settings.ini" "$duckstationconf.bak" "/var/data/duckstation/duckstation-cheevos-upgrade.patch" pcsx2
deploy_single_patch "$emuconfigs/duckstation/settings.ini" "/var/data/duckstation/duckstation-cheevos-upgrade.patch" "$duckstationconf"
rm -f "/var/data/duckstation/duckstation-cheevos-upgrade.patch"
mkdir -p "$mods_folder"
mkdir -p "$texture_packs_folder"
mkdir -p "$borders_folder"
dir_prep "$mods_folder/Primehack" "/var/data/primehack/Load/GraphicMods"
dir_prep "$texture_packs_folder/Primehack" "/var/data/primehack/Load/Textures"
dir_prep "$mods_folder/Dolphin" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/Load/GraphicMods"
dir_prep "$texture_packs_folder/Dolphin" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/Load/Textures"
dir_prep "$mods_folder/Citra" "/var/data/citra-emu/load/mods"
dir_prep "$texture_packs_folder/Citra" "/var/data/citra-emu/load/textures"
dir_prep "$mods_folder/Yuzu" "/var/data/yuzu/load"
dir_prep "$rdhome/gamelists" "/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists"
if [[ $(configurator_generic_question_dialog "RetroDECK Starter Pack" "The RetroDECK creators have put together a collection of classic retro games you might enjoy!\n\nWould you like to have them automatically added to your library?\n\nThis can always be done later through the Configurator.") == "true" ]]; then
cp -f $emuconfigs/rpcs3/vfs.yml /var/config/rpcs3/vfs.yml
sed -i 's^\^$(EmulatorDir): .*^$(EmulatorDir): '"$bios_folder/rpcs3/"'^' "$rpcs3vfsconf"
set_setting_value "$rpcs3vfsconf" "/games/" "$roms_folder/ps3/" "rpcs3"
if [[ -d "$roms_folder/ps3/emudir" ]]; then # The old location exists, meaning the emulator was run at least once.
mkdir "$bios_folder/rpcs3"
mv "$roms_folder/ps3/emudir/"* "$bios_folder/rpcs3/"
rm "$roms_folder/ps3/emudir"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK 0.7.0b Upgrade" "As part of this update and due to a RPCS3 config upgrade, the files that used to exist at\n\n~/retrodeck/roms/ps3/emudir\n\nare now located at\n\n~/retrodeck/bios/rpcs3.\nYour existing files have been moved automatically."
mkdir -p "$bios_folder/rpcs3/dev_hdd0"
mkdir -p "$bios_folder/rpcs3/dev_hdd1"
mkdir -p "$bios_folder/rpcs3/dev_flash"
mkdir -p "$bios_folder/rpcs3/dev_flash2"
mkdir -p "$bios_folder/rpcs3/dev_flash3"
mkdir -p "$bios_folder/rpcs3/dev_bdvd"
mkdir -p "$bios_folder/rpcs3/dev_usb000"
dir_prep "$bios_folder/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/home/00000001/savedata" "$saves_folder/ps3/rpcs3"
set_setting_value $es_settings "ApplicationUpdaterFrequency" "never" "es_settings"
if [[ -f "$saves_folder/duckstation/" || -f "$saves_folder/duckstation/" ]]; then
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK 0.7.0b Upgrade" "As part of this update, the location of saves and states for Duckstation has been changed.\n\nYour files will be moved automatically, and can now be found at\n\n~.../saves/psx/duckstation/memcards/\nand\n~.../states/psx/duckstation/"
mkdir -p "$saves_folder/psx/duckstation/memcards"
mv "$saves_folder/duckstation/"* "$saves_folder/psx/duckstation/memcards/"
rmdir "$saves_folder/duckstation" # File-safe folder cleanup
unlink "/var/data/duckstation/memcards"
set_setting_value "$duckstationconf" "Card1Path" "$saves_folder/psx/duckstation/memcards/" "duckstation" "MemoryCards"
set_setting_value "$duckstationconf" "Card2Path" "$saves_folder/psx/duckstation/memcards/" "duckstation" "MemoryCards"
set_setting_value "$duckstationconf" "Directory" "$saves_folder/psx/duckstation/memcards" "duckstation" "MemoryCards"
mkdir -p "$states_folder/psx"
mv -t "$states_folder/psx/" "$states_folder/duckstation"
unlink "/var/data/duckstation/savestates"
dir_prep "$states_folder/psx/duckstation" "/var/data/duckstation/savestates"
rm -rf /var/config/retrodeck/tools
rm -rf /var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists/tools/
mv "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/EUR" "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/EU"
mv "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/USA" "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/US"
mv "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/JAP" "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/JP"
dir_prep "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/EU" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/GC/EUR"
dir_prep "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/US" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/GC/USA"
dir_prep "$saves_folder/gc/dolphin/JP" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/GC/JAP"
mv "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/EUR" "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/EU"
mv "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/USA" "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/US"
mv "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/JAP" "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/JP"
dir_prep "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/EU" "/var/data/primehack/GC/EUR"
dir_prep "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/US" "/var/data/primehack/GC/USA"
dir_prep "$saves_folder/gc/primehack/JP" "/var/data/primehack/GC/JAP"
# The following commands are run every time.
if [[ -d "/var/data/dolphin-emu/Load/DynamicInputTextures" ]]; then # Refresh installed textures if they have been enabled
rsync -a "/app/retrodeck/extras/DynamicInputTextures/" "/var/data/dolphin-emu/Load/DynamicInputTextures/"
if [[ -d "/var/data/primehack/Load/DynamicInputTextures" ]]; then # Refresh installed textures if they have been enabled
rsync -a "/app/retrodeck/extras/DynamicInputTextures/" "/var/data/primehack/Load/DynamicInputTextures/"
) |
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Finishing Upgrade" \
--text="RetroDECK is finishing the upgrade process, please wait."
changelog_dialog "$version"