mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:48 +00:00

Add login timestamp to cheevos login for Duckstation and PCSX2 Add processing dialog to reset all Change Duckstation config location to /var/config to match new location Add cheevos required sections to shipped PXSX2 and Duckstation configs Add cheevos hardcore mode presets for PCSX2 and Duckstation
269 lines
5.4 KiB
269 lines
5.4 KiB
SettingsVersion = 3
EmulationSpeed = 1.000000
FastForwardSpeed = 0.000000
TurboSpeed = 0.000000
SyncToHostRefreshRate = false
IncreaseTimerResolution = true
InhibitScreensaver = true
StartPaused = false
StartFullscreen = false
PauseOnFocusLoss = true
PauseOnMenu = true
SaveStateOnExit = true
ConfirmPowerOff = true
LoadDevicesFromSaveStates = true
ApplyGameSettings = true
AutoLoadCheats = true
DisableAllEnhancements = false
RewindEnable = false
RewindFrequency = 10.000000
RewindSaveSlots = 10
RunaheadFrameCount = 0.000000
ControllerBackend = SDL
ControllerEnhancedMode = false
EnableDiscordPresence = false
Region = Auto
Enable8MBRAM = false
ExecutionMode = Recompiler
OverclockNumerator = 1
OverclockDenominator = 1
OverclockEnable = false
RecompilerMemoryExceptions = false
RecompilerBlockLinking = true
ICache = false
FastmemMode = true
Renderer = Vulkan
ResolutionScale = 3
Multisamples = 1
UseDebugDevice = false
UseSoftwareRendererForReadbacks = false
PerSampleShading = false
UseThread = true
ThreadedPresentation = true
TrueColor = false
ScaledDithering = true
TextureFilter = Nearest
DownsampleMode = Disabled
DisableInterlacing = true
ForceNTSCTimings = false
WidescreenHack = false
ChromaSmoothing24Bit = false
PGXPEnable = false
PGXPCulling = true
PGXPTextureCorrection = true
PGXPVertexCache = false
PGXPCPU = false
PGXPPreserveProjFP = false
PGXPTolerance = -1.000000
PGXPDepthBuffer = false
PGXPDepthClearThreshold = 300.000000
CropMode = Overscan
ActiveStartOffset = 0
ActiveEndOffset = 0
LineStartOffset = 0
LineEndOffset = 0
AspectRatio = Auto (Game Native)
CustomAspectRatioNumerator = 4
Force4_3For24Bit = false
LinearFiltering = true
IntegerScaling = false
Stretch = false
PostProcessing = false
ShowOSDMessages = true
ShowFPS = false
ShowVPS = false
ShowSpeed = false
ShowResolution = false
ShowStatusIndicators = true
ShowEnhancements = false
Fullscreen = false
VSync = false
DisplayAllFrames = false
PostProcessChain =
MaxFPS = 0.000000
InternalResolutionScreenshots = false
ReadaheadSectors = 8
RegionCheck = false
LoadImageToRAM = false
MuteCDAudio = false
ReadSpeedup = 1
SeekSpeedup = 1
Backend = Cubeb
OutputVolume = 100
FastForwardVolume = 100
BufferSize = 2048
Resampling = true
OutputMuted = 0
Sync = true
DumpOnBoot = false
SearchDirectory = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/bios
PathPAL =
PatchTTYEnable = false
PatchFastBoot = false
Type = AnalogController
ButtonUp = Controller0/Button11
ButtonDown = Controller0/Button12
ButtonLeft = Controller0/Button13
ButtonRight = Controller0/Button14
ButtonSelect = Controller0/Button4
ButtonStart = Controller0/Button6
ButtonTriangle = Controller0/Button3
ButtonCross = Controller0/Button0
ButtonCircle = Controller0/Button1
ButtonSquare = Controller0/Button2
ButtonL1 = Controller0/Button9
ButtonL2 = Controller0/+Axis4
ButtonR1 = Controller0/Button10
ButtonR2 = Controller0/+Axis5
ButtonL3 = Controller0/Button7
ButtonR3 = Controller0/Button8
AxisLeftX = Controller0/Axis0
AxisLeftY = Controller0/Axis1
AxisRightX = Controller0/Axis2
AxisRightY = Controller0/Axis3
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Card1Type = PerGameTitle
Card2Type = None
UsePlaylistTitle = true
Card1Path = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/saves/psx/duckstation/memcards/shared_card_1.mcd
Card2Path = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/saves/psx/duckstation/memcards/shared_card_2.mcd
Directory = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/saves/psx/duckstation/memcards
MultitapMode = Disabled
LogLevel = Info
LogFilter =
LogToConsole = true
LogToDebug = false
LogToWindow = false
LogToFile = false
ShowVRAM = false
DumpCPUToVRAMCopies = false
DumpVRAMToCPUCopies = false
ShowGPUState = false
ShowCDROMState = false
ShowSPUState = false
ShowTimersState = false
ShowMDECState = false
ShowDMAState = false
DMAMaxSliceTicks = 1000
DMAHaltTicks = 100
GPUFIFOSize = 16
GPUMaxRunAhead = 128
OpenQuickMenu = Keyboard/Control+M
FastForward = Keyboard/Control+Keypad+Plus
ToggleTurbo = Keyboard/Control+T
ToggleFullscreen = Keyboard/Control+Return
TogglePause = Keyboard/Control+P
Screenshot = Keyboard/Control+X
Reset = Keyboard/Control+R
ChangeDisc = Keyboard/Control+D
Rewind = Keyboard/Control+Keypad+Minus
ToggleCheats = Keyboard/Control+C
IncreaseEmulationSpeed = Keyboard/Control+1
DecreaseEmulationSpeed = Keyboard/Control+2
ResetEmulationSpeed = Keyboard/Control+3
IncreaseResolutionScale = Keyboard/Control+U
DecreaseResolutionScale = Keyboard/Control+Y
ToggleWidescreen = Keyboard/Control+W
LoadSelectedSaveState = Keyboard/Control+A
SaveSelectedSaveState = Keyboard/Control+S
SelectPreviousSaveStateSlot = Keyboard/Control+J
SelectNextSaveStateSlot = Keyboard/Control+K
UndoLoadState = Keyboard/Control+9
Enabled = false
TestMode = false
UnofficialTestMode = false
UseFirstDiscFromPlaylist = true
RichPresence = true
ChallengeMode = false
Leaderboards = true
Notifications = true
SoundEffects = true
PrimedIndicators = true
Username =
Token =
LoginTimestamp =
RecursivePaths = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/roms/psx