icenine451 9ea0403879 Add PPSSPP to savestate_auto_load preset
Add Citra/Dolphin/Duckstation/PCSX2/Primehack/Yuzu to ask_to_exit preset
Reconfigure defaults and existing installs for proper preset functions
Add Ask-to-Exit menu item in Configurator
2023-05-18 11:38:20 -04:00

269 lines
5.6 KiB

SettingsVersion = 3
EmulationSpeed = 1.000000
FastForwardSpeed = 0.000000
TurboSpeed = 0.000000
SyncToHostRefreshRate = false
IncreaseTimerResolution = true
InhibitScreensaver = true
StartPaused = false
StartFullscreen = false
PauseOnFocusLoss = true
PauseOnMenu = true
SaveStateOnExit = false
ConfirmPowerOff = false
LoadDevicesFromSaveStates = true
ApplyGameSettings = true
AutoLoadCheats = true
DisableAllEnhancements = false
RewindEnable = false
RewindFrequency = 10.000000
RewindSaveSlots = 10
RunaheadFrameCount = 0.000000
ControllerBackend = SDL
ControllerEnhancedMode = false
EnableDiscordPresence = false
Region = Auto
Enable8MBRAM = false
ExecutionMode = Recompiler
OverclockNumerator = 1
OverclockDenominator = 1
OverclockEnable = false
RecompilerMemoryExceptions = false
RecompilerBlockLinking = true
ICache = false
FastmemMode = true
Renderer = Vulkan
ResolutionScale = 3
Multisamples = 1
UseDebugDevice = false
UseSoftwareRendererForReadbacks = false
PerSampleShading = false
UseThread = true
ThreadedPresentation = true
TrueColor = false
ScaledDithering = true
TextureFilter = Nearest
DownsampleMode = Disabled
DisableInterlacing = true
ForceNTSCTimings = false
WidescreenHack = false
ChromaSmoothing24Bit = false
PGXPEnable = false
PGXPCulling = true
PGXPTextureCorrection = true
PGXPVertexCache = false
PGXPCPU = false
PGXPPreserveProjFP = false
PGXPTolerance = -1.000000
PGXPDepthBuffer = false
PGXPDepthClearThreshold = 300.000000
CropMode = Overscan
ActiveStartOffset = 0
ActiveEndOffset = 0
LineStartOffset = 0
LineEndOffset = 0
AspectRatio = Auto (Game Native)
CustomAspectRatioNumerator = 4
Force4_3For24Bit = false
LinearFiltering = true
IntegerScaling = false
Stretch = false
PostProcessing = false
ShowOSDMessages = true
ShowFPS = false
ShowVPS = false
ShowSpeed = false
ShowResolution = false
ShowStatusIndicators = true
ShowEnhancements = false
Fullscreen = false
VSync = false
DisplayAllFrames = false
PostProcessChain =
MaxFPS = 0.000000
InternalResolutionScreenshots = false
ReadaheadSectors = 8
RegionCheck = false
LoadImageToRAM = false
MuteCDAudio = false
ReadSpeedup = 1
SeekSpeedup = 1
Backend = Cubeb
OutputVolume = 100
FastForwardVolume = 100
BufferSize = 2048
Resampling = true
OutputMuted = 0
Sync = true
DumpOnBoot = false
SearchDirectory = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/bios
PathPAL =
PatchTTYEnable = false
PatchFastBoot = false
Type = AnalogController
ButtonUp = Controller0/Button11
ButtonDown = Controller0/Button12
ButtonLeft = Controller0/Button13
ButtonRight = Controller0/Button14
ButtonSelect = Controller0/Button4
ButtonStart = Controller0/Button6
ButtonTriangle = Controller0/Button3
ButtonCross = Controller0/Button0
ButtonCircle = Controller0/Button1
ButtonSquare = Controller0/Button2
ButtonL1 = Controller0/Button9
ButtonL2 = Controller0/+Axis4
ButtonR1 = Controller0/Button10
ButtonR2 = Controller0/+Axis5
ButtonL3 = Controller0/Button7
ButtonR3 = Controller0/Button8
AxisLeftX = Controller0/Axis0
AxisLeftY = Controller0/Axis1
AxisRightX = Controller0/Axis2
AxisRightY = Controller0/Axis3
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Type = None
Card1Type = PerGameTitle
Card2Type = None
UsePlaylistTitle = true
Card1Path = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/saves/psx/duckstation/memcards/
Card2Path = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/saves/psx/duckstation/memcards/
Directory = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/saves/psx/duckstation/memcards
MultitapMode = Disabled
LogLevel = Info
LogFilter =
LogToConsole = true
LogToDebug = false
LogToWindow = false
LogToFile = false
ShowVRAM = false
DumpCPUToVRAMCopies = false
DumpVRAMToCPUCopies = false
ShowGPUState = false
ShowCDROMState = false
ShowSPUState = false
ShowTimersState = false
ShowMDECState = false
ShowDMAState = false
DMAMaxSliceTicks = 1000
DMAHaltTicks = 100
GPUFIFOSize = 16
GPUMaxRunAhead = 128
OpenQuickMenu = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/M
FastForward = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/Plus
ToggleTurbo = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/T
ToggleFullscreen = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/Return
TogglePause = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/P
Screenshot = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/X
Reset = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/R
ChangeDisc = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/D
Rewind = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/Minus
ToggleCheats = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/C
IncreaseEmulationSpeed = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/1
DecreaseEmulationSpeed = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/2
ResetEmulationSpeed = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/3
IncreaseResolutionScale = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/U
DecreaseResolutionScale = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/Y
ToggleWidescreen = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/W
LoadSelectedSaveState = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/A
SaveSelectedSaveState = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/S
SelectPreviousSaveStateSlot = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/J
SelectNextSaveStateSlot = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/K
UndoLoadState = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/9
Enabled = false
TestMode = false
UnofficialTestMode = false
UseFirstDiscFromPlaylist = true
RichPresence = true
ChallengeMode = false
Leaderboards = true
Notifications = true
SoundEffects = true
PrimedIndicators = true
Username =
Token =
LoginTimestamp =
RecursivePaths = RETRODECKHOMEDIR/roms/psx