XargonWan fc9c5549c6
feat/steam-rom-manager ()
* SRM: adding Steam ROM Manager

* SRM: adding electron base

* Fixed SRM

Fixed launching script of SRM

* Updated for srm

* Standard config for srm

* Update with srm in place of boilr

* Update with srm in place of boilr

* Added steam-sync option

* PREPARE_COMPONENTS: removing spaces from steam rom manager

* SRM: adding it ot reset cli, boilr cleanup

* SRM: boilr cleanup [skip ci]

* Update and fixed script

* Modified steam sync works

* Update

* STEAM_SYNC: fixing gameslist location

* SRM: fixed path, whoops

* Added file for resetting the configuration

* Modified with external reset function

* Modified with external reset function

* Added msgbox during fav sync

* STEAM_SYNC: fixed some texts

* Modified if for remove everything if no favorite games

* Fixed removing the games when no favs

* STEAM_ROM_MANAGER: added to features.json

* STEAM_ROM_MANAGER: casing names descriptions

* Fixed some error

* Moved away the creation of .sync folder

* Uploaded standard exception

* Added reset userExceptions

* Revert missing entrypoint

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: checkpoint, addToSteam is working

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: fixed bad launcher filename generation

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: fixed game names, unified in a single function, code cleanup

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: removed deprecated commands [skip ci]

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: fixed launcher with correct command [skip ci]

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: added prepare_component [skip ci]

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: code cleanup [skip ci]

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: moved it on retrodeck quit instead of retrodeck start [skip ci]

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: updated userConfigurations.json [skip ci]

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: code cleanup

* Triggering build

* STEAM_SYNC: globalized steamsync_folder variable

* STEAM_SYNC: standardized script name

* STEAM_SYNC: fixing array

* STEAM_SYNC: fixing array -part2

* POST_UPDATE: enhanced for steam_rom_manager

* STEAM_SYNC: this variable is not correct here

* STEAM_SYNC: fixing configuration

* STEAM_SYNC: adding more sanitized games cases

* STEAM_SYNC: fix framwork was shutting down before steam_sync

* MANIFEST: fixed SRM wrapper to accept args

* STEAM_SYNC: fixing SRM preparation

* STEAM_SYNC: using run_game to build the launchers

* STEAM_SYNC: added system to run_game be sure

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: removed unused config file

* FEATURES: indentation fix


* STEAM_SYNC_SH: general optimization and bugfixes

* STEAM_SYNC_SH: migrated launcher to the new run_game

* FEATURES: rebased from cooker

* FEATURES: fmt [skip ci]

* STEAM_SYNC: using new start command + cleanup

* STEAM_SYNC: migrated launches to .desktop files

* STEAM_SYNC: reverted .desktop files

* STEAM_SYNC: romed -s from launcher

* STEAM_SYNC: comments for calling quit function [skip ci]

* Create file only if does not exists + fixed syntax

* Added full shortcut clean

* Fixed check if file exists

* Added remove no fav game

* Fixed comment error and +x chmod


Co-authored-by: Lx32 <>
2024-10-28 02:01:44 +01:00

149 lines
5.5 KiB

# Add games to Steam function
add_to_steam() {
log "i" "Starting Steam Sync"
create_dir $steamsync_folder
mv $steamsync_folder $steamsync_folder_tmp
create_dir $steamsync_folder
local srm_path="/var/config/steam-rom-manager/userData/userConfigurations.json"
if [ ! -f "$srm_path" ]; then
log "e" "Steam ROM Manager configuration not initialized! Initializing now."
prepare_component "reset" "steam-rom-manager"
# Build the systems array from space-separated systems
local systems_string=$(jq -r '.system | keys[]' "$features" | paste -sd' ')
IFS=' ' read -r -a systems <<< "$systems_string" # TODO: do we need this line?
local games=()
for system in "${systems[@]}"; do
local gamelist="$rdhome/ES-DE/gamelists/$system/gamelist.xml"
if [ -f "$gamelist" ]; then
# Extract all <game> elements that are marked as favorite="true"
game_blocks=$(xmllint --recover --xpath '//game[favorite="true"]' "$gamelist" 2>/dev/null)
log d "Extracted favorite game blocks:\n\n$game_blocks\n\n"
# Split the game_blocks into an array, where each element is a full <game> block
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a game_array <<< "$(echo "$game_blocks" | xmllint --recover --format - | sed -n '/<game>/,/<\/game>/p' | tr '\n' ' ')"
# Iterate over each full <game> block in the array
for game_block in "${game_array[@]}"; do
log "d" "Processing game block:\n$game_block"
# Extract the game's name and path from the full game block
local name=$(echo "$game_block" | xmllint --xpath 'string(//game/name)' - 2>/dev/null)
local path=$(echo "$game_block" | xmllint --xpath 'string(//game/path)' - 2>/dev/null | sed 's|^\./||') # removing the ./
log "d" "Game name: $name"
log "d" "Game path: $path"
# Ensure the extracted name and path are valid
if [ -n "$name" ] && [ -n "$path" ]; then
# Check for an alternative emulator if it exists
# local emulator=$(echo "$game_block" | xmllint --xpath 'string(//game/altemulator)' - 2>/dev/null)
# if [ -z "$emulator" ]; then
# games+=("$name ${command_list_default[$system]} '$roms_folder/$system/$path'")
# else
# games+=("$name ${alt_command_list[$emulator]} '$roms_folder/$system/$path'")
# fi
log "d" "Steam Sync: found favorite game: $name"
log "w" "Steam Sync: failed to find valid name or path for favorite game"
# Sanitize the game name for the filename: replace special characters with underscores
local sanitized_name=$(echo "$name" | sed -e 's/^A-Za-z0-9._-/ /g')
local sanitized_name=$(echo "$sanitized_name" | sed -e 's/:/ -/g')
local sanitized_name=$(echo "$sanitized_name" | sed -e 's/&/and/g')
local sanitized_name=$(echo "$sanitized_name" | sed -e 's%/%and%g')
local sanitized_name=$(echo "$sanitized_name" | sed -e 's/ / - /g')
local sanitized_name=$(echo "$sanitized_name" | sed -e 's/ / /g')
log d "File Path: $path"
log d "Game Name: $name"
# If the filename is too long, shorten it
if [ ${#sanitized_name} -gt 100 ]; then
sanitized_name=$(echo "$sanitized_name" | cut -c 1-100)
log d "Sanitized Name: $sanitized_name"
local launcher="$steamsync_folder/${sanitized_name}.sh"
local launcher_tmp="$steamsync_folder_tmp/${sanitized_name}.sh"
if [ ! -e "$launcher_tmp" ]; then
log d "Creating desktop file: $launcher"
# if [[ -v command_list_default[$system] ]]; then
# command="${command_list_default[$system]}"
# else
# log e "$system is not included in the commands array."
# continue
# fi
# Populate the .sync script with the correct command
# TODO: if there is any emulator defined in the xml we use that, else... how we can know which is the default one?
# TODO: if steam is flatpak the command wrapping will change in .desktop
local command="flatpak run net.retrodeck.retrodeck start '$roms_folder/$system/$path'"
# Create the launcher file using a heredoc - if you enable .desktp this remember to edit .desktop in SRM userConfigurations.json and the above launcher variable (and vice versa)
# cat <<EOF > "$launcher"
# [Desktop Entry]
# Version=1.0
# Name=$name
# Comment=$name via RetroDECK
# Exec=$command
# Icon=net.retrodeck.retrodeck
# Terminal=false
# Type=Application
# Categories=Game;Emulator;
cat <<EOF > "$launcher"
if [ test "\$(whereis flatpak)" = "flatpak:" ]; then
flatpak-spawn --host $command
chmod +x "$launcher"
log d "$launcher desktop file already exists"
mv "$launcher_tmp" "$launcher"
rm -r $steamsync_folder_tmp
if [ -z "$( ls -A $steamsync_folder )" ]; then
log d "No games found, cleaning shortcut"
log d "Updating game list"
steam-rom-manager add
log i "Steam Sync: completed"
remove_from_steam() {
log d "Creating fake game"
cat "" > "$steamsync_folder/"
log d "Cleaning the shortcut"
steam-rom-manager remove
log d "Removing fake game"
rm "$steamsync_folder/"