XargonWan 7ef3628995
feat/lighter manifest ()
* ES-DE: outsourced

* RetroArch: migrated to AppImage

* XEMU: migrated to AppImage

* MELONDS: migrated to AppImage

* RPCS3: migrated to AppImage

* MANIFEST: avoid overwriting native libraries

* MANIFEST: fixing ES-DE

* MANIFEST: fixed and normalized /app with FLATPAK_DEST

* MANIFEST: cleanup

* MANIFEST: fixed RetroArch

* PPSSPP: added wanted sdl module

* ES-DE: moved repo

* PPSSPP: outsourced

* PPSSPP: fixed link

* MANIFEST: fixing copy actions

* PCSX2: removing troublesome file

* DOLPHIN: outsourced

* SOLARUS: outsourced

* MANIFEST: lowercased rpcs3 sha

* MANIFEST: trying to figure out automation_task_list

* MANIFEST: fixed primehack placeholders


* XEMU: moved on the bottom just to see if something changes

* DUCKSTATION: wrong cp target

* MANFEST: moved thir party libraries in /app/usr/local/lib

* MANFEST: removing dolphin debug libraries

* MANFEST: removing primehack debug libraries

* MANFEST: removing primehack pkgconfig libraries

* MANFEST: removing cemu lib

* SOLARUS: removing errored libs

* MAME: reverted to its original state as it's not coming with libraries

* RYUJINX: fixing chmod command

* GZDOOM: outsourced

* MANIFEST: added debug for checking out where tf is our icon

* Submodules cleanup

* GZDOOM: cleanup

* FRAMEWORK: moved third party libs into /app/retrodeck/lib

* MANIFEST: added retrodeck-pre-build commands

* MANIFEST: module renamed

* ES-DE: re-removed 'files/lib/girepository-1.0'

* GLOBAL: pathing the retrodeck components provided libraries

* RPCS3: moved bufgix in the proper module

* MANIFEST: moved component libraries into /app/retrodeck/lib

* MANIFEST: removing some debug cleanups

* MANIFEST: desktop file don't need to be executable

* ES-DE: re-adding libpoppler

* ES--DE: moved to the end to overwrite older libraries

* RYUJINX: fixed manifest

* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones

* MANIFEST: injecting needed libraries and discarding the troublesome ones - adding more

* MelonDS: outsourced but self built in QT6

* MANIFEST: automated the third party libs manager

* MANIFEST: fixed melonds build

* Ryujinx: downgraded to the older but working version

* MANIFEST: removed debug code

* WORKFLOW: running on self-hosted again

* MANIFEST: including debug and pkgconfig's librareis

* MANIFEST: removing pkgconfig's librareis

* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove

* MANIFEST: cannot move so copy and remove - fix

* Toying with automation file to make it work again

* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: testing a different script

* PRE_BUILD_AUTOMATION: adding new sha function

* MAME: fixing link

* MANIFEST: tweaks

* ATL: fixing ES-DE entry

* PPSSPP: fixed hash

* SOLARUS: fixing debug libs copy command

* APDATA: updated

* SOLARUS: that's not the library you're looking for

* GZDOOM: removing debug even here

* Revamped codename wordlist

* MANIFEST: following symlinks during library copy

* WORKFLOW: moving down the artifact preparation for fltahub as we don't even need it in cooker

* Manually adding missing libraries

* More codenames

* CEMU: added wrapper +  RPCS3 fixes

* THE GREAT FOLDER MOVE (aka let's see how much things I can break in a single commit)

* emu: fixed dest filename for the wrapper

* Cemu: fixing wrapper installation

* MANIFEST: trying to add LLVM to solve PCSX2, Duckstation issues

* MANIFEST: adding llvm doesn't change the situation, removed

* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan

* MANIFEST: trying to add vulkan - removed as it should be already in (and that's broken)

* VULKAN: testing some libraries

* VULKAN: trying to add shaderc

* Manifest: renaming es-de module to stick with the repo name for updating purposes

* Migrated to the new latest links

* MAME: frixed url

* PCSX2: updated to 2.1.55

* Reverting workfolw edits

* WORKFLOW: targetting the old repo for the release

* WORKFLOW: updated some actions to a newever version to avoid deprecation at the end of the year

* MISSING_LIBS: trying to fetch libshaderc

* MAIN_WORKLFOW: updating actions versions [skip ci]
2024-08-05 03:45:21 +02:00

778 lines
35 KiB

directory_browse() {
# This function browses for a directory and returns the path chosen
# USAGE: path_to_be_browsed_for=$(directory_browse $action_text)
local path_selected=false
while [ $path_selected == false ]
local target="$(rd_zenity --file-selection --title="Choose $1" --directory)"
if [ ! -z "$target" ] #yes
rd_zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" \
--text="Directory $target chosen, is this correct?"
if [ $? == 0 ]
echo "$target"
rd_zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" \
--text="No directory selected. Do you want to exit the selection process?"
if [ $? == 0 ]
file_browse() {
# This function browses for a file and returns the path chosen
# USAGE: file_to_be_browsed_for=$(file_browse $action_text)
local file_selected=false
while [ $file_selected == false ]
local target="$(rd_zenity --file-selection --title="Choose $1")"
if [ ! -z "$target" ] #yes
rd_zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" \
--text="File $target chosen, is this correct?"
if [ $? == 0 ]
echo "$target"
rd_zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" \
--text="No file selected. Do you want to exit the selection process?"
if [ $? == 0 ]
verify_space() {
# Function used for verifying adequate space before moving directories around
# USAGE: verify_space $source_dir $dest_dir
# Function returns "true" if there is enough space, "false" if there is not
source_size=$(du -sk "$1" | awk '{print $1}')
source_size=$((source_size+(source_size/10))) # Add 10% to source size for safety
dest_avail=$(df -k --output=avail "$2" | tail -1)
if [[ $source_size -ge $dest_avail ]]; then
echo "false"
echo "true"
move() {
# Function to move a directory from one parent to another
# USAGE: move $source_dir $dest_dir
source_dir="$(echo $1 | sed 's![^/]$!&/!')" # Add trailing slash if it is missing
dest_dir="$(echo $2 | sed 's![^/]$!&/!')" # Add trailing slash if it is missing
log d "Moving \"$source_dir\" to \"$dest_dir\""
rsync -a --remove-source-files --ignore-existing --mkpath "$source_dir" "$dest_dir" # Copy files but don't overwrite conflicts
find "$source_dir" -type d -empty -delete # Cleanup empty folders that were left behind
) |
rd_zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move in Progress" \
--text="Moving directory $(basename "$1") to new location of $2, please wait."
if [[ -d "$source_dir" ]]; then # Some conflicting files remain
rd_zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --error --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move Directories" \
--text="There were some conflicting files that were not moved.\n\nAll files that could be moved are in the new location,\nany files that already existed at the new location have not been moved and will need to be handled manually."
create_dir() {
# A simple function that creates a directory checking if is still there while logging the activity
# If -d it will delete it prior the creation
if [[ "$1" == "-d" ]]; then
# If "force" flag is provided, delete the directory first
shift # Remove the first argument (-f)
if [[ -e "$1" ]]; then
rm -rf "$1" # Forcefully delete the directory
log d "Found \"$1\", deleting it."
if [[ ! -d "$1" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$1" # Create directory if it doesn't exist
log d "Created directory: $1"
log d "Directory \"$1\" already exists, skipping."
download_file() {
# Function to download file from the Internet, with Zenity progress bar
# USAGE: download_file $source_url $file_dest $file_name
# source_url is the location the file is downloaded from
# file_dest is the destination the file should be in the filesystem, needs filename included!
# file_name is a user-readable file name or description to be put in the Zenity dialog
wget "$1" -O "$2" -q
) |
rd_zenity --progress \
--title="Downloading File" \
--text="Downloading $3..." \
--pulsate \
update_rd_conf() {
# This function will import a default retrodeck.cfg file and update it with any current settings. This will allow us to expand the file over time while retaining current user settings.
# USAGE: update_rd_conf
# STAGE 1: For current files that haven't been broken into sections yet, where every setting name is unique
conf_read # Read current settings into memory
mv -f $rd_conf $rd_conf_backup # Backup config file before update
cp $rd_defaults $rd_conf # Copy defaults file into place
conf_write # Write old values into new default file
# STAGE 2: To handle presets sections that use duplicate setting names
generate_single_patch $rd_defaults $rd_conf_backup $rd_update_patch retrodeck # Create a patch file for differences between defaults and current user settings
sed -i '/change^^version/d' $rd_update_patch # Remove version line from temporary patch file
deploy_single_patch $rd_defaults $rd_update_patch $rd_conf # Re-apply user settings to defaults file
set_setting_value $rd_conf "version" "$hard_version" retrodeck # Set version of currently running RetroDECK to updated retrodeck.cfg
rm -f $rd_update_patch # Cleanup temporary patch file
conf_read # Read all settings into memory
# STAGE 3: Eliminate any preset incompatibility with existing user settings and new defaults
while IFS= read -r current_setting_line # Read the existing retrodeck.cfg
if [[ (! -z "$current_setting_line") && (! "$current_setting_line" == "#"*) && (! "$current_setting_line" == "[]") ]]; then # If the line has a valid entry in it
if [[ ! -z $(grep -o -P "^\[.+?\]$" <<< "$current_setting_line") ]]; then # If the line is a section header
local current_section=$(sed 's^[][]^^g' <<< $current_setting_line) # Remove brackets from section name
if [[ ! ("$current_section" == "" || "$current_section" == "paths" || "$current_section" == "options" || "$current_section" == "cheevos" || "$current_section" == "cheevos_hardcore") ]]; then
local system_name=$(get_setting_name "$current_setting_line" "retrodeck") # Read the variable name from the current line
local system_enabled=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$system_name" "retrodeck" "$current_section") # Read the variables value from active retrodeck.cfg
local default_setting=$(get_setting_value "$rd_defaults" "$system_name" "retrodeck" "$current_section") # Read the variable value from the retrodeck defaults
if [[ "$system_enabled" == "true" ]]; then
while IFS=: read -r preset_being_checked known_incompatible_preset; do
if [[ "$current_section" == "$preset_being_checked" ]]; then
if [[ $(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$system_name" "retrodeck" "$known_incompatible_preset") == "true" ]]; then
set_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$system_name" "false" "retrodeck" "$current_section"
done < "$incompatible_presets_reference_list"
done < $rd_conf
conf_read() {
# This function will read the RetroDECK config file into memory
# USAGE: conf_read
while IFS= read -r current_setting_line # Read the existing retrodeck.cfg
if [[ (! -z "$current_setting_line") && (! "$current_setting_line" == "#"*) && (! "$current_setting_line" == "[]") ]]; then # If the line has a valid entry in it
if [[ ! -z $(grep -o -P "^\[.+?\]$" <<< "$current_setting_line") ]]; then # If the line is a section header
local current_section=$(sed 's^[][]^^g' <<< $current_setting_line) # Remove brackets from section name
if [[ "$current_section" == "" || "$current_section" == "paths" || "$current_section" == "options" ]]; then
local current_setting_name=$(get_setting_name "$current_setting_line" "retrodeck") # Read the variable name from the current line
local current_setting_value=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$current_setting_name" "retrodeck" "$current_section") # Read the variables value from retrodeck.cfg
declare -g "$current_setting_name=$current_setting_value" # Write the current setting name and value to memory
done < $rd_conf
conf_write() {
# This function will update the RetroDECK config file with matching variables from memory
# USAGE: conf_write
while IFS= read -r current_setting_line # Read the existing retrodeck.cfg
if [[ (! -z "$current_setting_line") && (! "$current_setting_line" == "#"*) && (! "$current_setting_line" == "[]") ]]; then # If the line has a valid entry in it
if [[ ! -z $(grep -o -P "^\[.+?\]$" <<< "$current_setting_line") ]]; then # If the line is a section header
local current_section=$(sed 's^[][]^^g' <<< $current_setting_line) # Remove brackets from section name
if [[ "$current_section" == "" || "$current_section" == "paths" || "$current_section" == "options" ]]; then
local current_setting_name=$(get_setting_name "$current_setting_line" "retrodeck") # Read the variable name from the current line
local current_setting_value=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$current_setting_name" "retrodeck" "$current_section") # Read the variables value from retrodeck.cfg
local memory_setting_value=$(eval "echo \$${current_setting_name}") # Read the variable names' value from memory
if [[ ! "$current_setting_value" == "$memory_setting_value" && ! -z "$memory_setting_value" ]]; then # If the values are different...
set_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$current_setting_name" "$memory_setting_value" "retrodeck" "$current_section" # Update the value in retrodeck.cfg
done < $rd_conf
dir_prep() {
# This script is creating a symlink preserving old folder contents and moving them in the new one
# Call me with:
# dir prep "real dir" "symlink location"
real="$(realpath -s $1)"
symlink="$(realpath -s $2)"
log d "Preparing directory $symlink in $real"
# if the symlink dir is already a symlink, unlink it first, to prevent recursion
if [ -L "$symlink" ];
log d "$symlink is already a symlink, unlinking to prevent recursives"
unlink "$symlink"
# if the dest dir exists we want to backup it
if [ -d "$symlink" ];
log d "$symlink found"
mv -f "$symlink" "$symlink.old"
# if the real dir is already a symlink, unlink it first
if [ -L "$real" ];
log d "$real is already a symlink, unlinking to prevent recursives" #DEBUG
unlink "$real"
# if the real dir doesn't exist we create it
if [ ! -d "$real" ];
log d "$real not found, creating it" #DEBUG
create_dir "$real"
# creating the symlink
log d "linking $real in $symlink" #DEBUG
create_dir "$(dirname "$symlink")" # creating the full path except the last folder
ln -svf "$real" "$symlink"
# moving everything from the old folder to the new one, delete the old one
if [ -d "$symlink.old" ];
log d "Moving the data from $symlink.old to $real" #DEBUG
mv -f "$symlink.old"/{.[!.],}* "$real"
log d "Removing $symlink.old" #DEBUG
rm -rf "$symlink.old"
log i "$symlink is now $real"
rd_zenity() {
# This function replaces the standard 'zenity' command and filters out annoying GTK errors on Steam Deck
zenity 2> >(grep -v 'Gtk' >&2) "$@"
update_rpcs3_firmware() {
create_dir "$roms_folder/ps3/tmp"
chmod 777 "$roms_folder/ps3/tmp"
download_file "$rpcs3_firmware" "$roms_folder/ps3/tmp/PS3UPDAT.PUP" "RPCS3 Firmware"
rpcs3 --installfw "$roms_folder/ps3/tmp/PS3UPDAT.PUP"
rm -rf "$roms_folder/ps3/tmp"
update_vita3k_firmware() {
download_file "" "/tmp/PSVUPDAT.PUP" "Vita3K Firmware file: PSVUPDAT.PUP"
download_file "" "/tmp/PSP2UPDAT.PUP" "Vita3K Firmware file: PSP2UPDAT.PUP"
Vita3K --firmware /tmp/PSVUPDAT.PUP
Vita3K --firmware /tmp/PSP2UPDAT.PUP
backup_retrodeck_userdata() {
create_dir "$backups_folder"
zip -rq9 "$backups_folder/$(date +"%0m%0d")" "$saves_folder" "$states_folder" "$bios_folder" "$media_folder" "$themes_folder" "$logs_folder" "$screenshots_folder" "$mods_folder" "$texture_packs_folder" "$borders_folder" > $logs_folder/$(date +"%0m%0d")_backup_log.log
make_name_pretty() {
# This function will take an internal system name (like "gbc") and return a pretty version for user display ("Nintendo GameBoy Color")
# USAGE: make_name_pretty "system name"
local system=$(grep "$1^" "$pretty_system_names_reference_list")
if [[ ! -z "$system" ]]; then
IFS='^' read -r internal_name pretty_name < <(echo "$system")
echo "$pretty_name"
finit_browse() {
# Function for choosing data directory location during first/forced init
while [ $path_selected == false ]
local target="$(rd_zenity --file-selection --title="Choose RetroDECK data directory location" --directory)"
if [[ ! -z "$target" ]]; then
if [[ -w "$target" ]]; then
rd_zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" \
--cancel-label="No" \
--ok-label "Yes" \
--text="Your RetroDECK data folder will be:\n\n$target/retrodeck\n\nis that ok?"
if [ $? == 0 ] #yes
echo "$target/retrodeck"
rd_zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" --text="Do you want to quit?"
if [ $? == 0 ] # yes, quit
rd_zenity --error --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK" \
--ok-label "Quit" \
--text="No location was selected. Please run RetroDECK again to retry."
finit_user_options_dialog() {
while IFS="^" read -r enabled option_name option_desc option_tag || [[ -n "$enabled" ]];
if [[ ! $enabled == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$enabled" ]]; then
finit_available_options=("${finit_available_options[@]}" "$enabled" "$option_name" "$option_desc" "$option_tag")
done < $finit_options_list
local choices=$(rd_zenity \
--list --width=1200 --height=720 \
--checklist --hide-column=4 --ok-label="Confirm Selections" --extra-button="Enable All" \
--separator=" " --print-column=4 \
--text="Choose which options to enable:" \
--column "Enabled?" \
--column "Option" \
--column "Description" \
--column "option_flag" \
echo "${choices[*]}"
finit() {
# Force/First init, depending on the situation
log i "Executing finit"
# Internal or SD Card?
local finit_dest_choice=$(configurator_destination_choice_dialog "RetroDECK data" "Welcome to the first setup of RetroDECK.\nPlease carefully read each message prompted during the installation process to avoid any unwanted misconfigurations.\n\nWhere do you want your RetroDECK data folder to be located?\nIn this location a \"retrodeck\" folder will be created.\nThis is the folder that you will use to contain all your important files, such as your own ROMs, BIOSs, Saves and Scraped Data." )
log i "Choice is $finit_dest_choice"
case "$finit_dest_choice" in
"Quit" | "" ) # Back or X button quits
rm -f "$rd_conf" # Cleanup unfinished retrodeck.cfg if first install is interrupted
log i "Now quitting"
"Internal Storage" ) # Internal
log i "Internal selected"
if [[ -L "$rdhome" ]]; then #Remove old symlink from existing install, if it exists
unlink "$rdhome"
"SD Card" )
log i "SD Card selected"
if [ ! -d "$sdcard" ] # SD Card path is not existing
log e "SD card not found"
rd_zenity --error --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK" \
--ok-label "Browse" \
--text="SD Card was not found in the default location.\nPlease choose the SD Card root.\nA retrodeck folder will be created starting from the directory that you selected."
rdhome="$(finit_browse)" # Calling the browse function
if [[ -z "$rdhome" ]]; then # If user hit the cancel button
rm -f "$rd_conf" # Cleanup unfinished retrodeck.cfg if first install is interrupted
exit 2
elif [ ! -w "$sdcard" ] #SD card found but not writable
log e "SD card found but not writable"
rd_zenity --error --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK" \
--ok-label "Quit" \
--text="SD card was found but is not writable\nThis can happen with cards formatted on PC.\nPlease format the SD card through the Steam Deck's Game Mode and run RetroDECK again."
rm -f "$rd_conf" # Cleanup unfinished retrodeck.cfg if first install is interrupted
log i "Now quitting"
"Custom Location" )
log i "Custom Location selected"
rd_zenity --info --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK" \
--ok-label "Browse" \
--text="Please choose the root folder for the RetroDECK data.\nA retrodeck folder will be created starting from the directory that you selected."
rdhome="$(finit_browse)" # Calling the browse function
if [[ -z "$rdhome" ]]; then # If user hit the cancel button
rm -f "$rd_conf" # Cleanup unfinished retrodeck.cfg if first install is interrupted
exit 2
log i "\"retrodeck\" folder will be located in \"$rdhome\""
prepare_component "reset" "retrodeck" # Parse the [paths] section of retrodeck.cfg and set the value of / create all needed folders
conf_write # Write the new values to retrodeck.cfg
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Initial Setup" "The next dialog will be a list of optional actions to take during the initial setup.\n\nIf you choose to not do any of these now, they can be done later through the Configurator."
local finit_options_choices=$(finit_user_options_dialog)
if [[ "$finit_options_choices" =~ (rpcs3_firmware|Enable All) ]]; then # Additional information on the firmware install process, as the emulator needs to be manually closed
configurator_generic_dialog "RPCS3 Firmware Install" "You have chosen to install the RPCS3 firmware during the RetroDECK first setup.\n\nThis process will take several minutes and requires network access.\n\nRPCS3 will be launched automatically at the end of the RetroDECK setup process.\nOnce the firmware is installed, please close the emulator to finish the process."
if [[ "$finit_options_choices" =~ (vita3k_firmware|Enable All) ]]; then # Additional information on the firmware install process, as the emulator needs to be manually closed
configurator_generic_dialog "Vita3K Firmware Install" "You have chosen to install the Vita3K firmware during the RetroDECK first setup.\n\nThis process will take several minutes and requires network access.\n\nVita3K will be launched automatically at the end of the RetroDECK setup process.\nOnce the firmware is installed, please close the emulator to finish the process."
rd_zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" \
--text="RetroDECK will now install the needed files, which can take up to one minute.\nRetroDECK will start once the process is completed.\n\nPress OK to continue."
prepare_component "reset" "all"
# Optional actions based on user choices
if [[ "$finit_options_choices" =~ (rpcs3_firmware|Enable All) ]]; then
if [[ $(check_network_connectivity) == "true" ]]; then
if [[ "$finit_options_choices" =~ (vita3k_firmware|Enable All) ]]; then
if [[ $(check_network_connectivity) == "true" ]]; then
if [[ "$finit_options_choices" =~ (rd_controller_profile|Enable All) ]]; then
if [[ "$finit_options_choices" =~ (rd_prepacks|Enable All) ]]; then
) |
rd_zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Finishing Initialization" \
--text="RetroDECK is finishing the initial setup process, please wait."
install_retrodeck_starterpack() {
# This function will install the roms, gamelists and metadata for the RetroDECK Starter Pack, a curated selection of games the creators of RetroDECK enjoy.
# USAGE: install_retrodeck_starterpack
## DOOM section ##
cp /app/retrodeck/extras/doom1.wad "$roms_folder/doom/doom1.wad" # No -f in case the user already has it
create_dir "/var/config/ES-DE/gamelists/doom"
if [[ ! -f "/var/config/ES-DE/gamelists/doom/gamelist.xml" ]]; then # Don't overwrite an existing gamelist
cp "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/gamelist.xml" "/var/config/ES-DE/gamelists/doom/gamelist.xml"
create_dir "$media_folder/doom"
unzip -oq "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/" -d "$media_folder/doom/"
install_retrodeck_controller_profile() {
# This function will install the needed files for the custom RetroDECK controller profile
# NOTE: These files need to be stored in shared locations for Steam, outside of the normal RetroDECK folders and should always be an optional user choice
# BIGGER NOTE: As part of this process, all emulators will need to have their configs hard-reset to match the controller mappings of the profile
# USAGE: install_retrodeck_controller_profile
if [[ -d "$HOME/.steam/steam/controller_base/templates/" || -d "$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/controller_base/templates/" ]]; then
if [[ -d "$HOME/.steam/steam/controller_base/templates/" ]]; then # If a normal binary Steam install exists
rsync -rlD --mkpath "/app/retrodeck/binding_icons/" "$HOME/.steam/steam/tenfoot/resource/images/library/controller/binding_icons/"
rsync -rlD --mkpath "$config/retrodeck/controller_configs/" "$HOME/.steam/steam/controller_base/templates/"
if [[ -d "$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/controller_base/templates/" ]]; then # If a Flatpak Steam install exists
rsync -rlD --mkpath "/app/retrodeck/binding_icons/" "$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/tenfoot/resource/images/library/controller/binding_icons/"
rsync -rlD --mkpath "$config/retrodeck/controller_configs/" "$HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/controller_base/templates/"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Controller Profile Install" "The target directories for the controller profile do not exist.\n\nThis may happen if you do not have Steam installed or the location is does not have permission to be read."
create_lock() {
# creating RetroDECK's lock file and writing the version in the config file
touch "$lockfile"
update_splashscreens() {
# This script will purge any existing ES graphics and reload them from RO space into somewhere ES will look for it
# USAGE: update_splashscreens
log i "Updating splash screen"
rm -rf /var/config/ES-DE/resources/graphics
rsync -rlD --mkpath "/app/retrodeck/graphics/" "/var/config/ES-DE/resources/graphics/"
deploy_helper_files() {
# This script will distribute helper documentation files throughout the filesystem according to the $helper_files_list
# USAGE: deploy_helper_files
while IFS='^' read -r file dest || [[ -n "$file" ]];
if [[ ! "$file" == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$file" ]]; then
eval current_dest="$dest"
cp -f "$helper_files_folder/$file" "$current_dest/$file"
done < "$helper_files_list"
easter_eggs() {
# This function will replace the RetroDECK startup splash screen with a different image if the day and time match a listing in easter_egg_checklist.cfg
# The easter_egg_checklist.cfg file has the current format: $start_date^$end_date^$start_time^$end_time^$splash_file
# Ex. The line "1001^1031^0000^2359^spooky.svg" would show the file "spooky.svg" during any time of day in the month of October
# The easter_egg_checklist.cfg is read in order, so lines higher in the file will have higher priority in the event of an overlap
# USAGE: easter_eggs
current_day=$(date +"%0m%0d") # Read the current date in a format that can be calculated in ranges
current_time=$(date +"%0H%0M") # Read the current time in a format that can be calculated in ranges
if [[ ! -z $(cat $easter_egg_checklist) ]]; then
while IFS="^" read -r start_date end_date start_time end_time splash_file || [[ -n "$start_date" ]]; # Read Easter Egg checklist file and separate values
if [[ ! $start_date == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$start_date" ]]; then
if [[ "$((10#$current_day))" -ge "$((10#$start_date))" && "$((10#$current_day))" -le "$((10#$end_date))" && "$((10#$current_time))" -ge "$((10#$start_time))" && "$((10#$current_time))" -le "$((10#$end_time))" ]]; then # If current line specified date/time matches current date/time, set $splash_file to be deployed
else # When there are no matches, the default splash screen is set to deploy
done < $easter_egg_checklist
cp -f "$new_splash_file" "$current_splash_file" # Deploy assigned splash screen
ponzu() {
# This function is used to extract some specific appimages
# Check if any of the specified files exist
# If RetroDECK is reset Ponzu must re-cooked
log d "Checking for Ponzu"
local tmp_folder="/tmp/extracted"
local ponzu_files=("$rdhome"/ponzu/Citra*.AppImage "$rdhome"/ponzu/citra*.AppImage "$rdhome"/ponzu/Yuzu*.AppImage "$rdhome"/ponzu/yuzu*.AppImage)
local data_dir
local appimage
local executable
# if the binaries are found, ponzu should be set as true into the retrodeck config
if [ -f "/var/data/ponzu/Citra/bin/citra-qt" ]; then
log d "Citra binaries has already been installed, checking for updates and forcing the setting as true."
set_setting_value $rd_conf "akai_ponzu" "true" retrodeck "options"
if [ -f "/var/data/ponzu/Yuzu/bin/yuzu" ]; then
log d "Yuzu binaries has already been installed, checking for updates and forcing the setting as true."
set_setting_value $rd_conf "kiroi_ponzu" "true" retrodeck "options"
# Loop through all ponzu files
for ponzu_file in "${ponzu_files[@]}"; do
# Check if the current ponzu file exists
if [ -f "$ponzu_file" ]; then
if [[ "$ponzu_file" == *itra* ]]; then
log i "Found akai ponzu! Elaborating it"
local message="Akai ponzu is served, enjoy"
elif [[ "$ponzu_file" == *uzu* ]]; then
log i "Found kiroi ponzu! Elaborating it"
local message="Kiroi ponzu is served, enjoy"
log e "AppImage not recognized, not a ponzu ingredient!"
exit 1
chmod +x "$ponzu_file"
create_dir "$data_dir"
log d "Moving AppImage in \"$data_dir\""
mv "$appimage" "$data_dir"
cd "$data_dir"
local filename=$(basename "$ponzu_file")
log d "Setting appimage=$data_dir/$filename"
log d "Extracting AppImage"
"$appimage" --appimage-extract
create_dir "$tmp_folder"
log d "Cleaning up"
cp -r squashfs-root/* "$tmp_folder"
rm -rf *
if [[ "$ponzu_file" == *itra* ]]; then
mv "$tmp_folder/usr/"** .
log d "Making $executable and $executable-qt executable"
chmod +x "$executable"
chmod +x "$executable-qt"
prepare_component "reset" "citra"
set_setting_value $rd_conf "akai_ponzu" "true" retrodeck "options"
elif [[ "$ponzu_file" == *uzu* ]]; then
mv "$tmp_folder/usr/"** .
log d "Making $executable executable"
chmod +x "$executable"
prepare_component "reset" "yuzu"
set_setting_value $rd_conf "kiroi_ponzu" "true" retrodeck "options"
cd -
log i "$message"
rm -rf "$tmp_folder"
rm -rf "$rdhome/ponzu"
ponzu_remove() {
# Call me with yuzu or citra and I will remove them
if [[ "$1" == "citra" ]]; then
if [[ $(configurator_generic_question_dialog "Ponzu - Remove Citra" "Do you really want to remove Citra binaries?\n\nYour games and saves will not be deleted.") == "true" ]]; then
log i "Ponzu: removing Citra"
rm -rf "/var/data/ponzu/Citra"
set_setting_value $rd_conf "akai_ponzu" "false" retrodeck "options"
configurator_generic_dialog "Ponzu - Remove Citra" "Done, Citra is now removed from RetroDECK"
elif [[ "$1" == "yuzu" ]]; then
if [[ $(configurator_generic_question_dialog "Ponzu - Remove Yuzu" "Do you really want to remove Yuzu binaries?\n\nYour games and saves will not be deleted.") == "true" ]]; then
log i "Ponzu: removing Yuzu"
rm -rf "/var/data/ponzu/Yuzu"
set_setting_value $rd_conf "kiroi_ponzu" "false" retrodeck "options"
configurator_generic_dialog "Ponzu - Remove Yuzu" "Done, Yuzu is now removed from RetroDECK"
log e "Ponzu: \"$1\" is not a vaild choice for removal, quitting"
# TODO: this function is not yet used
branch_selector() {
log d "Fetch branches from GitHub API excluding \"main\""
branches=$(curl -s | grep '"name":' | awk -F '"' '$4 != "main" {print $4}')
# Create an array to store branch names
# Loop through each branch and add it to the array
while IFS= read -r branch; do
done <<< "$branches"
# TODO: logging - Creating array of branch names
# Display branches in a Zenity list dialog
rd_zenity --list \
--icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Cooker Branch - Select Branch" \
--column="Branch" --width=1280 --height=800 "${branch_array[@]}"
# TODO: logging - Displaying branches in Zenity list dialog
# Display warning message
if [ $selected_branch ]; then
rd_zenity --question --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Cooker Branch - Switch Branch" \
--text="Are you sure you want to move to \"$selected_branch\" branch?"
# Output selected branch
echo "Selected branch: $selected_branch" # TODO: logging - Outputting selected branch
set_setting_value "$rd_conf" "branch" "$selected_branch" "retrodeck" "options"
# Get the latest release for the specified branch
latest_release=$(curl -s "" | jq ".[] | select(.target_commitish == \"$branch_name\") | .tag_name" | head -n 1)
# TODO: this will fail because the builds coming from the PRs are not published yet, we should fix them
# TODO: form a proper url: $flatpak_file_url
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Online Update" "The update process may take several minutes.\n\nAfter the update is complete, RetroDECK will close. When you run it again you will be using the latest version."
local desired_flatpak_file=$(curl --silent $flatpak_file_url | grep '"browser_download_url":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
create_dir "$rdhome/RetroDECK_Updates"
wget -P "$rdhome/RetroDECK_Updates" $desired_flatpak_file
flatpak-spawn --host flatpak remove --noninteractive -y net.retrodeck.retrodeck # Remove current version before installing new one, to avoid duplicates
flatpak-spawn --host flatpak install --user --bundle --noninteractive -y "$rdhome/RetroDECK_Updates/RetroDECK-cooker.flatpak"
rm -rf "$rdhome/RetroDECK_Updates" # Cleanup old bundles to save space
) |
rd_zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Updater" \
--text="RetroDECK is updating to the latest \"$selected_branch\" version, please wait."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Online Update" "The update process is now complete!\n\nPlease restart RetroDECK to keep the fun going."
exit 1
configurator_generic_dialog "No branch selected, exiting."
# TODO: logging
quit_retrodeck() {
log i "Quitting ES-DE"
pkill -f "es-de"
log i "Shutting down RetroDECK's framework"
pkill -f "retrodeck"
log i "See you next time"
start_retrodeck() {
easter_eggs # Check if today has a surprise splashscreen and load it if so
log i "Starting RetroDECK v$version"