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** Supermodel
** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski
** This file is part of Supermodel.
** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
** any later version.
** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
** more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* INIFile.cpp
* INI file management. Implementation of the CINIFile class.
* To-Do List
* ----------
* - Add boolean on/off, true/false keywords.
* - Allow a "default" section to be specified (other than "").
* - Note that linePtr does not necessarily correspond to actual lines in the
* file (newlines should be counted by the tokenizer for that).
* Grammar
* -------
* Section: '[' Identifier ']'
* Line: Identifier '=' Argument
* Argument: Number
* String
* Overview
* --------
* INI files are linear in nature, divided into sections. Each section has
* settings associated with it which may be either numerical values or strings.
* Presently, only unsigned 32-bit integers are supported.
* INI files are first opened, then parsed, and finally closed. The parse tree
* is cleared only during object construction and when the INI file is closed.
* Default settings may be inserted before a file is opened or parsed. When an
* INI file is written out, the current INI file on the disk is cleared. If an
* error occurs during this process, the data will be lost.
* Blank sections (sections for which no settings are defined) are not stored
* in the parse tree. Sections are added only when a setting is found in that
* section. A default section name can be specified (for settings that are not
* associated with any section), otherwise an empty string ("") is used.
#include "Supermodel.h"
using namespace std;
Basic Functions
BOOL CINIFile::Write(const char *comment)
BOOL writeSuccess;
// In order to truncate, we must close and reopen as truncated
File.clear(); // required to clear EOF flag (open() does not clear)
if (File.fail())
return FAIL;
// Output comment
if (comment != NULL)
File << comment << endl;
// Iterate through all sections sequentially
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sections.size(); i++)
// Output section name
if (Sections[i].Name != "") // if null name, don't output section at all
File << "[ " << Sections[i].Name << " ]" << endl << endl;
// Iterate through all settings within this section
for (unsigned j = 0; j < Sections[i].Settings.size(); j++)
// Output setting
File << Sections[i].Settings[j].Name << " = ";
if (Sections[i].Settings[j].isNumber)
File << Sections[i].Settings[j].value << endl;
File << '\"' << Sections[i].Settings[j].String << '\"' << endl;
// New line
File << endl;
writeSuccess = File.good()?OKAY:FAIL;
// Close and reopen as read/write
if (File.fail())
//printf("unable to re-open %s for reading/writing\n", FileName.c_str());
return FAIL;
// Report any errors that occurred during writing
return writeSuccess;
BOOL CINIFile::Open(const char *fileNameStr)
FileName = fileNameStr;
File.open(fileNameStr, fstream::in|fstream::out);
if (File.fail())
//printf("unable to open %s\n", fileNameStr);
return FAIL;
return OKAY;
void CINIFile::Close(void)
Sections.clear(); // clear the parse tree!
Management of Settings
// Finds index of section in the section list. Returns FAIL if not found.
BOOL CINIFile::LookUpSection(unsigned *idx, string SectionName)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sections.size(); i++)
if (Sections[i].Name == SectionName)
*idx = i;
return OKAY;
return FAIL;
// Finds index of the setting in the given section. Returns FAIL if not found.
BOOL CINIFile::LookUpSetting(unsigned *idx, unsigned sectionIdx, string SettingName)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sections[sectionIdx].Settings.size(); i++)
if (Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[i].Name == SettingName)
*idx = i;
return OKAY;
return FAIL;
// Assigns a value to the given setting, creating the setting if it does not exist. Nulls out the string (sets it to "").
void CINIFile::Set(string SectionName, string SettingName, unsigned value)
unsigned sectionIdx, settingIdx;
if (OKAY != LookUpSection(§ionIdx, SectionName))
//printf("unable to find %s:%s, creating section\n", SectionName.c_str(), SettingName.c_str());
struct Section NewSection;
NewSection.Name = SectionName;
sectionIdx = Sections.size()-1; // the new section will be at the last index
if (OKAY != LookUpSetting(&settingIdx, sectionIdx, SettingName))
//printf("unable to find %s:%s, creating setting\n", SectionName.c_str(), SettingName.c_str());
struct Setting NewSetting;
NewSetting.Name = SettingName;
settingIdx = Sections[sectionIdx].Settings.size()-1;
// Update value of this setting
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].isNumber = TRUE;
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].value = value;
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].String = "";
// Assigns the string to the given setting, creating the setting if it does not exist. Zeros out the value.
void CINIFile::Set(string SectionName, string SettingName, string String)
unsigned sectionIdx, settingIdx;
if (OKAY != LookUpSection(§ionIdx, SectionName))
//printf("unable to find %s:%s, creating section\n", SectionName.c_str(), SettingName.c_str());
struct Section NewSection;
NewSection.Name = SectionName;
sectionIdx = Sections.size()-1; // the new section will be at the last index
if (OKAY != LookUpSetting(&settingIdx, sectionIdx, SettingName))
//printf("unable to find %s:%s, creating setting\n", SectionName.c_str(), SettingName.c_str());
struct Setting NewSetting;
NewSetting.Name = SettingName;
settingIdx = Sections[sectionIdx].Settings.size()-1;
// Update string
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].isNumber = FALSE;
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].String = String;
Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].value = 0;
// Obtains a numerical setting, if it exists, otherwise does nothing.
BOOL CINIFile::Get(string SectionName, string SettingName, unsigned& value)
unsigned sectionIdx, settingIdx;
if (OKAY != LookUpSection(§ionIdx, SectionName))
return FAIL;
if (OKAY != LookUpSetting(&settingIdx, sectionIdx, SettingName))
return FAIL;
value = Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].value;
return OKAY;
// Obtains a string setting, if it exists, otherwise does nothing.
BOOL CINIFile::Get(string SectionName, string SettingName, string& String)
unsigned sectionIdx, settingIdx;
if (OKAY != LookUpSection(§ionIdx, SectionName))
return FAIL;
if (OKAY != LookUpSetting(&settingIdx, sectionIdx, SettingName))
return FAIL;
String = Sections[sectionIdx].Settings[settingIdx].String;
return OKAY;
Never need to check for newlines because it is assumed these have been
stripped by getline().
// Token types
#define TOKEN_INVALID -1
#define TOKEN_NULL 0
#define TOKEN_NUMBER 2
#define TOKEN_STRING 3
// Token constructor (initializes token to null)
type = TOKEN_NULL;
// Returns true for white space, comment symbol, or null terminator.
static BOOL IsBlank(char c)
if (isspace(c) || (c==';') || (c=='\0'))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Fetches a string. Tolerates all characters between quotes.
CINIFile::CToken CINIFile::GetString(void)
CToken T;
// Search for next quote
while (1)
if (linePtr[0] == '\"')
++linePtr; // so we can find next token
else if (linePtr[0] == '\0')
//printf("tokenizer: warning: string is missing end quote\n");
T.String += linePtr[0];
return T;
// Fetch number (decimal or hexadecimal integer). linePtr must point to a character and therefore linePtr[1] is guaranteed to be within bounds.
CINIFile::CToken CINIFile::GetNumber(void)
CToken T;
unsigned long long number = 0;
int overflow = 0;
// Hexadecimal?
if ((linePtr[0]=='0') && ((linePtr[1]=='X') || (linePtr[1]=='x')))
linePtr += 2; // advance to digits
// Ensure that at we have at least one digit
if (!isxdigit(linePtr[0]))
//printf("tokenizer: invalid hexadecimal number\n");
return T;
// Read number digit by digit
while (1)
if (isxdigit(linePtr[0]))
number <<= 4;
if (isdigit(linePtr[0]))
number |= (linePtr[0]-'0');
else if (isupper(linePtr[0]))
number |= (linePtr[0]-'A');
else // must be lowercase...
number |= (linePtr[0]-'a');
// Check for overflows
if (number > 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL)
overflow = 1;
else if (IsBlank(linePtr[0]))
//printf("tokenizer: invalid hexadecimal number\n");
return T;
// Decimal?
// Read number digit by digit
while (1)
if (isdigit(linePtr[0]))
number *= 10;
number += (linePtr[0]-'0');
// Check for overflows
if (number > 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL)
overflow = 1;
else if (IsBlank(linePtr[0]))
//printf("tokenizer: invalid number\n");
return T;
//if (overflow)
// printf("tokenizer: number exceeds 32 bits and has been truncated\n");
T.number = (unsigned) number;
return T;
// Fetch identifier
CINIFile::CToken CINIFile::GetIdentifier(void)
CToken T;
while (1)
if (isalpha(linePtr[0]) || isdigit(linePtr[0]) || (linePtr[0]=='_'))
T.String += linePtr[0];
return T;
// Fetch token
CINIFile::CToken CINIFile::GetToken(void)
CToken T;
while (1)
// Gobble up whitespace
if (isspace(linePtr[0]))
// Comment or end of line
else if ((linePtr[0]==';') || (linePtr[0]=='\0'))
T.type = TOKEN_NULL;
return T;
// Delimiters
else if ((linePtr[0]=='[') || (linePtr[0]==']') || (linePtr[0]=='='))
T.type = *linePtr++;
return T;
// Identifier?
else if (isalpha(linePtr[0]) || (linePtr[0] == '_'))
T = GetIdentifier();
return T;
// Number? (+/-?)
else if (isdigit(linePtr[0]))
T = GetNumber();
return T;
// String?
else if (linePtr[0]=='\"')
T = GetString();
return T;
// Illegal symbol
break; // return null token
// If we got here, invalid token
return T;
BOOL CINIFile::Parse(void)
CToken T, U, V, W;
string currentSection; // current section we're processing
BOOL parseStatus = OKAY;
//currentSection = defaultSection; // default "global" section
lineNum = 0;
if (!File.is_open())
return FAIL;
if (!File.good())
return FAIL;
while (!File.eof())
if (File.fail())
return FAIL;
linePtr = lineBuf; // beginning of line
// Top level
T = GetToken();
U = GetToken();
V = GetToken();
W = GetToken(); // should always be null
switch (T.type)
// [ Identifier ]
case '[':
if ((U.type==TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) && (V.type==']') && (W.type==TOKEN_NULL))
//printf("Section: %s\n", U.String.c_str());
currentSection = U.String;
parseStatus = FAIL;
//printf("%d: parse error\n", lineNum);
// Identifier '=' Argument
if (U.type != '=')
parseStatus = FAIL;
//printf("%d: expected '=' after identifier\n", lineNum);
if (((V.type==TOKEN_NUMBER) || (V.type==TOKEN_STRING)) && (W.type==TOKEN_NULL))
if (V.type == TOKEN_NUMBER)
//printf("\t%s = %X\n", T.String.c_str(), V.number);
Set(currentSection, T.String, V.number);
else if (V.type == TOKEN_STRING)
//printf("\t%s = %s\n", T.String.c_str(), V.String.c_str());
Set(currentSection, T.String, V.String);
parseStatus = FAIL;
//printf("%d: expected a number or string after '='\n", lineNum);
// Blank line
// Illegal
parseStatus = FAIL;
//printf("%d: parse error\n", lineNum);
//printf("end of file reached\n");
return parseStatus;