mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
Removed unused dirty rectangle code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -453,161 +453,6 @@ void CRender2D::DrawCompleteLayer(int layerNum, const UINT16 *nameTableBase)
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 496, 384, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surf);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 496, 384, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surf);
* DrawRect():
* Draws a rectangular portion of the given layer and uploads it. Scrolling is
* applied but the result must be clipped against the rectangular window
* defined here by tileX, tileY, tileW, and tileH.
* Clipping for the right side is not checked, which will always work as long
* as the X and Y tile positions never exceed 61 and 47, respectively (the
* dimensions of the physical display; there is border space because the
* layers are 64x64).
* Parameters:
* layerNum Layer number (0 or 1).
* nameTableBase Pointer to the layer's name table.
* tileX Position of upper-left corner of rectangle on the
* screen, in units of 8-pixel tiles (0-61).
* tileY "" (0-47)
* tileW Width of rectangular region in tiles.
* tileH "" (height)
void CRender2D::DrawRect(int layerNum, const UINT16 *nameTableBase, int tileX, int tileY, int tileW, int tileH)
UINT32 *dest = surf; // destination surface to write to
const UINT16 *maskTable; // pointer to start of mask table
const UINT16 *hScrollTablePri, *hScrollTableAlt; // pointers to line scroll tables
const UINT16 *nameTablePri = nameTableBase; // primary (this layer) name table
const UINT16 *nameTableAlt = &nameTableBase[64*64]; // alternate layer's name table
const UINT16 *nameTable;
int colorDepthPri, colorDepthAlt; // primary and alternate layer color depths
int hScrollPri, hScrollAlt; // primary and alternate layer scroll offsets
int vScrollPri, vScrollAlt;
int hFullScrollPri, hFullScrollAlt; // full-screen horizontal scroll values (from registers)
int hOffset, vOffset; // pixel offsets
int ntOffset; // offset in name table
int tx;
bool lineScrollPri, lineScrollAlt; // line scrolling enable/disable
UINT16 mask;
// Determine layer color depths (1 if 4-bit, 0 if 8-bit)
colorDepthPri = regs[0x20/4] & (1<<(12+layerNum*2));
colorDepthAlt = regs[0x20/4] & (1<<(12+layerNum*2+1));
// Line scroll tables
hScrollTablePri = (UINT16 *) &vram[(0xF6000+layerNum*2*0x400)/4];
hScrollTableAlt = (UINT16 *) &vram[(0xF6000+layerNum*2*0x400+0x400)/4];
// Get correct offset into mask table
maskTable = (UINT16 *) &vram[0xF7000/4];
if (layerNum == 0)
++maskTable; // little endian, layer 0 is second word in each pair
// Load horizontal full-screen scroll values and scroll mode
hFullScrollPri = regs[0x60/4+layerNum*2]&0x3FF;
hFullScrollAlt = regs[0x60/4+layerNum*2+1]&0x3FF;
lineScrollPri = regs[0x60/4+layerNum*2]&0x8000;
lineScrollAlt = regs[0x60/4+layerNum*2+1]&0x8000;
// Load vertical scroll values
vScrollPri = (regs[0x60/4+layerNum*2]>>16)&0x3FF;
vScrollAlt = (regs[0x60/4+layerNum*2+1]>>16)&0x3FF;
// Iterate over actual line on screen
for (int y = tileY*8; y < (tileY+tileH)*8; y++)
// Load horizontal scroll values
if (lineScrollPri)
hScrollPri = hScrollTablePri[y];
hScrollPri = hFullScrollPri;
if (lineScrollAlt)
hScrollAlt = hScrollTableAlt[y];
hScrollAlt = hFullScrollAlt;
* Draw all tiles from primary layer first
// Compute scroll offsets into name table and destination
hOffset = -(hScrollPri&7);
vOffset = (y+vScrollPri)&7;
ntOffset = tileX+hScrollPri/8;
// Advance name table to our line (prior to h-scrolling)
nameTable = &nameTablePri[64*((y+vScrollPri)/8) & 0xFFF]; // clamp to 64x64=0x1000
// Each bit in the mask table corresponds to 4 tiles
mask = maskTable[y*2];
// Render a line!
//TODO: add one if scrolling
for (tx = 0; tx < tileW; tx++)
if ( ((mask<<((tileX+tx)/4)) & 0x8000) )
if (colorDepthPri)
DrawTileLine4Bit(dest, hOffset, nameTable[(ntOffset^1)&63], vOffset); // make sure ^1 belongs inside parenthesis...
DrawTileLine8Bit(dest, hOffset, nameTable[(ntOffset^1)&63], vOffset);
hOffset += 8;
// When scrolling, extra tile must be rendered at right edge of region
if ( ((mask<<((tileX+tx)/4)) & 0x8000) ) // re-use the last mask bit (mask doesn't scroll)
if (colorDepthPri)
DrawTileLine4BitRightClip(dest, hOffset, nameTable[(ntOffset^1)&63], vOffset, hScrollPri&7);
DrawTileLine8BitRightClip(dest, hOffset, nameTable[(ntOffset^1)&63], vOffset, hScrollPri&7);
* Draw the alternate layer wherever the primary layer was masked
hOffset = -(hScrollAlt&7);
vOffset = (y+vScrollAlt)&7;
ntOffset = tileX+hScrollAlt/8;
nameTable = &nameTableAlt[64*((y+vScrollAlt)/8)];
mask = maskTable[y*2];
for (tx = 0; tx < tileW; tx++)
if (0 == ((mask<<((tileX+tx)/4)) & 0x8000))
if (colorDepthAlt)
DrawTileLine4Bit(dest, hOffset, nameTable[(ntOffset^1)&63], vOffset);
DrawTileLine8Bit(dest, hOffset, nameTable[(ntOffset^1)&63], vOffset);
hOffset += 8;
// When scrolling, extra tile must be rendered at right edge of region
if (0 == ((mask<<((tileX+tx)/4)) & 0x8000)) // re-use the last mask bit (mask doesn't scroll)
if (colorDepthAlt)
DrawTileLine4BitRightClip(dest, hOffset, nameTable[(ntOffset^1)&63], vOffset, hScrollAlt&7);
DrawTileLine8BitRightClip(dest, hOffset, nameTable[(ntOffset^1)&63], vOffset, hScrollAlt&7);
// Next line
dest += tileW*8; // image surface is only as wide as the rectangle we're updating
// Upload
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, tileX*8, tileY*8, tileW*8, tileH*8, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surf);
// Updates any changed portions of a layer
// Updates any changed portions of a layer
void CRender2D::UpdateLayer(int layerNum)
void CRender2D::UpdateLayer(int layerNum)
Reference in a new issue