mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
Support loading of parent ROM sets (e.g., scudp will load scud)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
* -----
* - If no complete game found, print missing files (because this error is very
* confusing).
#include "GameLoader.h"
#include "OSD/Logger.h"
#include "Util/NewConfig.h"
@ -268,46 +275,44 @@ bool GameLoader::ParseXML(const Util::Config::Node &xml)
return false;
std::set<std::string> GameLoader::IdentifyGamesFileBelongsTo(const std::string &filename, uint32_t crc32) const
std::set<std::string> GameLoader::IdentifyCompleteGamesInZipArchive(const ZipArchive &zip) const
std::set<std::string> games;
for (auto &v_game: m_regions_by_game)
std::set<std::string> complete_games;
std::map<std::string, std::set<File::ptr_t>> files_required_per_game;
std::map<std::string, std::set<File::ptr_t>> files_found_per_game;
// Determine which files each game requires and which files are present in
// the zip archive for each game
for (auto &v1: m_regions_by_game)
const std::string &game_name = v_game.first;
auto ®ions_by_name = v_game.second;
for (auto &v_region: regions_by_name)
const std::string &game_name = v1.first;
auto ®ions_by_name = v1.second;
for (auto &v2: regions_by_name)
Region::ptr_t region = v_region.second;
Region::ptr_t region = v2.second;
for (auto file: region->files)
if (file->Matches(filename, crc32))
// Add each file to the set of required files per game
// Check file in ROM definition against all files in zip
for (auto &v3: zip.files_by_crc)
const std::string &filename = v3.second.filename;
uint32_t crc32 = v3.first;
if (file->Matches(filename, crc32))
return games;
std::vector<std::string> GameLoader::IdentifyGamesInZipArchive(const ZipArchive &zip) const
std::map<std::string, size_t> files_per_game;
std::set<std::string> all_games_found;
for (auto &v: zip.files_by_crc)
// Determine whether we have any complete ROM sets in this zip archive
for (auto &v: files_found_per_game)
std::set<std::string> games = IdentifyGamesFileBelongsTo(v.second.filename, v.first);
all_games_found.insert(games.begin(), games.end());
for (auto &game: games)
if (v.second == files_required_per_game[v.first])
std::vector<std::string> sorted_games_found(all_games_found.begin(), all_games_found.end());
std::sort(sorted_games_found.begin(), sorted_games_found.end(),
[&files_per_game](const std::string &a, const std::string &b)
return files_per_game[a] > files_per_game[b]; // sort descending order
return sorted_games_found;
return complete_games;
bool GameLoader::ComputeRegionSize(uint32_t *region_size, const GameLoader::Region::ptr_t ®ion, const ZipArchive &zip) const
@ -326,7 +331,7 @@ bool GameLoader::ComputeRegionSize(uint32_t *region_size, const GameLoader::Regi
ErrorLog("File '%s' in '%s' is not sized in %d-byte chunks.", zipped_file->filename.c_str(), zip.zipfilename.c_str(), region->chunk_size);
error = true;
uint32_t num_chunks = (uint32_t)(zipped_file->uncompressed_size / region->chunk_size);
uint32_t num_chunks = (uint32_t)(zipped_file->uncompressed_size / region->chunk_size);
end_addr.push_back(file->offset + region->stride * (num_chunks - 1) + region->chunk_size);
@ -337,6 +342,17 @@ bool GameLoader::ComputeRegionSize(uint32_t *region_size, const GameLoader::Regi
return error;
// We need to preserve the absolute offsets in order for byte swapping to work
// properly when chunk size is 1
static void CopyBytes(uint8_t *dest_base, size_t dest_offset, const uint8_t *src_base, size_t src_offset, size_t size, bool byte_swap)
size_t swap = byte_swap ? 1 : 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
dest_base[(dest_offset + i) ^ swap] = src_base[src_offset + i];
bool GameLoader::LoadRegion(ROM *rom, const GameLoader::Region::ptr_t ®ion, const ZipArchive &zip)
bool error = false;
@ -350,41 +366,103 @@ bool GameLoader::LoadRegion(ROM *rom, const GameLoader::Region::ptr_t ®ion, c
size_t num_chunks = file_size / region->chunk_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++)
uint8_t *dest = rom->data.get() + file->offset + i * region->stride;
uint8_t *src = tmp.get() + i * region->chunk_size;
memcpy(dest, src, region->chunk_size);
* We have to check bounds because LoadROMs() may attempt to load
* regions whose size was computed incorrectly because a file was
* missing.
* It is also possible for ROM memory not to have been allocated at
* all in such a case, hence the check for that.
size_t dest_offset = file->offset + i * region->stride;
size_t src_offset = i * region->chunk_size;
size_t bytes_to_copy = region->chunk_size;
if ((dest_offset + bytes_to_copy) > rom->size || (src_offset + bytes_to_copy) > file_size)
ErrorLog("ROM region '%s' could not be created or loaded.", region->region_name.c_str());
error |= true;
if (!rom->data.get() || !tmp.get())
ErrorLog("ROM region '%s' could not be created or loaded.", region->region_name.c_str());
error |= true;
CopyBytes(rom->data.get(), dest_offset, tmp.get(), src_offset, region->chunk_size, region->byte_swap);
if (region->byte_swap)
Util::FlipEndian16(rom->data.get(), rom->size);
return error;
bool GameLoader::LoadROMs(ROMSet *rom_set, const std::string &game_name, const ZipArchive &zip)
bool GameLoader::LoadROMs(ROMSet *rom_set, const std::string &game_name, const ZipArchive *zip, const std::string &parent_name, const ZipArchive *parent_zip)
// First pass: scan child set and create ROM structures (but without
// allocating data)
auto it = m_regions_by_game.find(game_name);
if (it == m_regions_by_game.end())
ErrorLog("Game '%s' not found in '%s'.", game_name.c_str(), zip.zipfilename.c_str());
ErrorLog("Game '%s' not found in '%s'.", game_name.c_str(), zip->zipfilename.c_str());
return true;
auto *regions_by_name = &it->second;
bool error = false;
auto ®ions_by_name = it->second;
for (auto &v_region: regions_by_name)
for (auto &v: *regions_by_name)
auto ®ion = v_region.second;
auto ®ion = v.second;
uint32_t region_size = 0;
if (ComputeRegionSize(®ion_size, region, zip))
if (ComputeRegionSize(®ion_size, region, *zip))
error |= true;
auto &rom = rom_set->rom_by_region[region->region_name];
rom.size = region_size;
rom.data.reset(new uint8_t[region_size], std::default_delete<uint8_t[]>());
error |= LoadRegion(&rom, region, zip);
rom.size = region_size; // get size only
rom.data = nullptr; // don't allocate yet
// Second pass: scan parent set and create ROMs or resize existing ones.
// Memory is allocated here and parent ROMs are loaded.
if (parent_zip)
it = m_regions_by_game.find(parent_name);
if (it == m_regions_by_game.end())
ErrorLog("Parent game '%s' not found in '%s'.", parent_name.c_str(), parent_zip->zipfilename.c_str());
return true;
regions_by_name = &it->second;
for (auto &v: *regions_by_name)
auto ®ion = v.second;
uint32_t region_size = 0;
if (ComputeRegionSize(®ion_size, region, *parent_zip))
error |= true;
// Caution: if region size computation fails above, ROM buffer will not
// be allocated here!
auto &rom = rom_set->rom_by_region[region->region_name];
rom.size = std::max(rom.size, size_t(region_size));
rom.data.reset(new uint8_t[rom.size], std::default_delete<uint8_t[]>());
error |= LoadRegion(&rom, region, *parent_zip);
// Third pass: load child ROMs atop existing parent ROMs. If there is no
// parent, memory is allocated here.
regions_by_name = &(m_regions_by_game.find(game_name)->second);
for (auto &v: *regions_by_name)
auto ®ion = v.second;
auto &rom = rom_set->rom_by_region[region->region_name];
if (!rom.data) // not yet allocated
rom.data.reset(new uint8_t[rom.size], std::default_delete<uint8_t[]>());
error |= LoadRegion(&rom, region, *zip);
return error;
@ -397,6 +475,27 @@ bool GameLoader::LoadDefinitionXML(const std::string &filename)
return ParseXML(xml);
std::string StripFilename(const std::string &filepath)
// Search for last '/' or '\', if any
size_t last_slash = std::string::npos;
for (size_t i = filepath.length() - 1; i < filepath.length(); i--)
if (filepath[i] == '/' || filepath[i] =='\\')
last_slash = i;
// If none found, there is directory component here
if (last_slash == std::string::npos)
return "";
// Otherwise, strip everything after the slash
return std::string(filepath, 0, last_slash + 1);
bool GameLoader::Load(Game *game, ROMSet *rom_set, const std::string &zipfilename)
*game = Game();
@ -405,18 +504,40 @@ bool GameLoader::Load(Game *game, ROMSet *rom_set, const std::string &zipfilenam
ZipArchive zip;
if (LoadZipArchive(&zip, zipfilename))
return true;
std::vector<std::string> games_found = IdentifyGamesInZipArchive(zip);
std::set<std::string> games_found = IdentifyCompleteGamesInZipArchive(zip);
if (games_found.empty())
ErrorLog("No valid Model 3 ROMs found in '%s'.", zipfilename.c_str());
ErrorLog("No complete Model 3 games found in '%s'.", zipfilename.c_str());
return true;
else if (games_found.size() > 1)
ErrorLog("Files for multiple games found in '%s' (%s). Loading '%s'.", zipfilename.c_str(), std::string(Util::Format(", ").Join(games_found)).c_str(), games_found[0].c_str());
ErrorLog("Multiple games found in '%s' (%s). Loading '%s'.", zipfilename.c_str(), std::string(Util::Format(", ").Join(games_found)).c_str(), games_found.begin()->c_str());
// Load the top game by file count
*game = m_game_info_by_game[games_found[0]];
bool error = LoadROMs(rom_set, games_found[0], zip);
// Pick the first game in the first zip file
*game = m_game_info_by_game[*games_found.begin()];
// If there is a parent ROM set, determine where it is 1) contained in the
// same zip file or 2) try loading it from the same directory
ZipArchive zip2;
ZipArchive *parent_zip = nullptr;
if (!game->parent.empty())
if (games_found.count(game->parent) > 0)
parent_zip = &zip;
std::string parent_zipfilename = StripFilename(zipfilename) + game->parent + ".zip";
if (LoadZipArchive(&zip2, parent_zipfilename))
ErrorLog("Could not load parent ROM set of '%s' from '%s'.", game->name, parent_zipfilename);
return true;
parent_zip = &zip2;
// Load
bool error = LoadROMs(rom_set, game->name, &zip, game->parent, parent_zip);
if (error)
*game = Game();
return error;
@ -68,11 +68,10 @@ private:
const ZippedFile *LookupFile(const File::ptr_t &file, const ZipArchive &zip) const;
static bool MissingAttrib(const GameLoader &loader, const Util::Config::Node &node, const std::string &attribute);
bool ParseXML(const Util::Config::Node &xml);
std::set<std::string> IdentifyGamesFileBelongsTo(const std::string &filename, uint32_t crc32) const;
std::vector<std::string> IdentifyGamesInZipArchive(const ZipArchive &zip) const;
std::set<std::string> IdentifyCompleteGamesInZipArchive(const ZipArchive &zip) const;
bool ComputeRegionSize(uint32_t *region_size, const Region::ptr_t ®ion, const ZipArchive &zip) const;
bool LoadRegion(ROM *buffer, const GameLoader::Region::ptr_t ®ion, const ZipArchive &zip);
bool LoadROMs(ROMSet *rom_set, const std::string &game_name, const ZipArchive &zip);
bool LoadROMs(ROMSet *rom_set, const std::string &game_name, const ZipArchive *zip, const std::string &parent_name, const ZipArchive *parent_zip);
bool LoadDefinitionXML(const std::string &filename);
Reference in a new issue