mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00
Fixed compilation on gcc (gotos cannot cross variable declarations)
This commit is contained in:
@ -550,8 +550,8 @@ void CNew3D::InitMatrixStack(UINT32 matrixBaseAddr, Mat4& mat)
// Draws viewports of the given priority
void CNew3D::RenderViewport(UINT32 addr)
GLfloat color[8][3] = // RGB1 translation
static const GLfloat color[8][3] =
{ // RGB1 color translation
{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, // off
{ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }, // blue
{ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }, // green
@ -559,185 +559,173 @@ void CNew3D::RenderViewport(UINT32 addr)
{ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, // red
{ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }, // purple
{ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 }, // yellow
{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } // white
{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } // white
const UINT32 *vpnode;
UINT32 nextAddr, nodeAddr, matrixBase;
int curPri;
int vpX, vpY, vpWidth, vpHeight;
int spotColorIdx;
GLfloat scrollFog, scrollAtt;
Viewport* vp;
// Translate address and obtain pointer
vpnode = TranslateCullingAddress(addr);
const uint32_t *vpnode = TranslateCullingAddress(addr);
if (NULL == vpnode) {
if (vpnode[0x01] == 0) { // memory probably hasn't been set up yet, abort
if (vpnode[0x01] == 0) { // memory probably hasn't been set up yet, abort
if (vpnode[0]&0x20) {
goto next; // skip this viewport
if (!(vpnode[0] & 0x20)) { // only if viewport enabled
uint32_t curPri = (vpnode[0x00] >> 3) & 3; // viewport priority
uint32_t nodeAddr = vpnode[0x02]; // scene database node pointer
// create node object
m_nodes.back().models.reserve(2048); // create space for models
// get pointer to its viewport
Viewport *vp = &m_nodes.back().viewport;
vp->priority = curPri;
// Fetch viewport parameters (TO-DO: would rounding make a difference?)
int vpX = (int)(((vpnode[0x1A] & 0xFFFF) / 16.0f) + 0.5f); // viewport X (12.4 fixed point)
int vpY = (int)(((vpnode[0x1A] >> 16) / 16.0f) + 0.5f); // viewport Y (12.4)
int vpWidth = (int)(((vpnode[0x14] & 0xFFFF) / 4.0f) + 0.5f); // width (14.2)
int vpHeight = (int)(((vpnode[0x14] >> 16) / 4.0f) + 0.5f); // height (14.2)
uint32_t matrixBase = vpnode[0x16] & 0xFFFFFF; // matrix base address
if (vpX) {
vpX += 2;
if (vpY) {
vpY += 2;
LODBlendTable* tableTest = (LODBlendTable*)TranslateCullingAddress(vpnode[0x17]);
float angle_left = -atan2(*(float *)&vpnode[12], *(float *)&vpnode[13]);
float angle_right = atan2(*(float *)&vpnode[16], -*(float *)&vpnode[17]);
float angle_top = atan2(*(float *)&vpnode[14], *(float *)&vpnode[15]);
float angle_bottom = -atan2(*(float *)&vpnode[18], -*(float *)&vpnode[19]);
float near = 0.25f;
float far = 2e6;
if (m_step == 0x10) {
near = 8;
float l = near * tanf(angle_left);
float r = near * tanf(angle_right);
float t = near * tanf(angle_top);
float b = near * tanf(angle_bottom);
// TO-DO: investigate clipping near/far planes
if ((vpX == 0) && (vpWidth >= 495) && (vpY == 0) && (vpHeight >= 383))
float windowAR = (float)m_totalXRes / (float)m_totalYRes;
float originalAR = 496 / 384.f;
float correction = windowAR / originalAR; // expand horizontal frustum planes
vp->x = 0;
vp->y = m_yOffs + (GLint)((float)(384 - (vpY + vpHeight))*m_yRatio);
vp->width = m_totalXRes;
vp->height = (GLint)((float)vpHeight*m_yRatio);
vp->projectionMatrix.Frustum(l*correction, r*correction, b, t, near, far);
vp->x = m_xOffs + (GLint)((float)vpX*m_xRatio);
vp->y = m_yOffs + (GLint)((float)(384 - (vpY + vpHeight))*m_yRatio);
vp->width = (GLint)((float)vpWidth*m_xRatio);
vp->height = (GLint)((float)vpHeight*m_yRatio);
vp->projectionMatrix.Frustum(l, r, b, t, near, far);
// Lighting (note that sun vector points toward sun -- away from vertex)
vp->lightingParams[0] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x05]; // sun X
vp->lightingParams[1] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x06]; // sun Y
vp->lightingParams[2] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x04]; // sun Z
vp->lightingParams[3] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x07]; // sun intensity
vp->lightingParams[4] = (float)((vpnode[0x24] >> 8) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // ambient intensity
vp->lightingParams[5] = 0.0; // reserved
// Spotlight
int spotColorIdx = (vpnode[0x20] >> 11) & 7; // spotlight color index
vp->spotEllipse[0] = (float)((vpnode[0x1E] >> 3) & 0x1FFF); // spotlight X position (fractional component?)
vp->spotEllipse[1] = (float)((vpnode[0x1D] >> 3) & 0x1FFF); // spotlight Y
vp->spotEllipse[2] = (float)((vpnode[0x1E] >> 16) & 0xFFFF); // spotlight X size (16-bit? May have fractional component below bit 16)
vp->spotEllipse[3] = (float)((vpnode[0x1D] >> 16) & 0xFFFF); // spotlight Y size
vp->spotRange[0] = 1.0f / (*(float *)&vpnode[0x21]); // spotlight start
vp->spotRange[1] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x1F]; // spotlight extent
vp->spotColor[0] = color[spotColorIdx][0]; // spotlight color
vp->spotColor[1] = color[spotColorIdx][1];
vp->spotColor[2] = color[spotColorIdx][2];
// Spotlight is applied on a per pixel basis, must scale its position and size to screen
vp->spotEllipse[1] = 384.0f - vp->spotEllipse[1];
vp->spotRange[1] += vp->spotRange[0]; // limit
vp->spotEllipse[2] = 496.0f / sqrt(vp->spotEllipse[2]); // spotlight appears to be specified in terms of physical resolution (unconfirmed)
vp->spotEllipse[3] = 384.0f / sqrt(vp->spotEllipse[3]);
// Scale the spotlight to the OpenGL viewport
vp->spotEllipse[0] = vp->spotEllipse[0] * m_xRatio + m_xOffs;
vp->spotEllipse[1] = vp->spotEllipse[1] * m_yRatio + m_yOffs;
vp->spotEllipse[2] *= m_xRatio;
vp->spotEllipse[3] *= m_yRatio;
// Fog
vp->fogParams[0] = (float)((vpnode[0x22] >> 16) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // fog color R
vp->fogParams[1] = (float)((vpnode[0x22] >> 8) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // fog color G
vp->fogParams[2] = (float)((vpnode[0x22] >> 0) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // fog color B
vp->fogParams[3] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x23]; // fog density
vp->fogParams[4] = (float)(INT16)(vpnode[0x25] & 0xFFFF)*(1.0f / 255.0f); // fog start
if (std::isinf(vp->fogParams[3]) || std::isnan(vp->fogParams[3]) || std::isinf(vp->fogParams[4]) || std::isnan(vp->fogParams[4])) { // Star Wars Trilogy
vp->fogParams[3] = vp->fogParams[4] = 0.0f;
// Unknown light/fog parameters
// float scrollFog = (float)(vpnode[0x20] & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // scroll fog
// float scrollAtt = (float)(vpnode[0x24] & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // scroll attenuation
// Clear texture offsets before proceeding
// Set up coordinate system and base matrix
InitMatrixStack(matrixBase, m_modelMat);
// Safeguard: weird coordinate system matrices usually indicate scenes that will choke the renderer
if (NULL != m_matrixBasePtr)
float m21, m32, m13;
// Get the three elements that are usually set and see if their magnitudes are 1
m21 = m_matrixBasePtr[6];
m32 = m_matrixBasePtr[10];
m13 = m_matrixBasePtr[5];
m21 *= m21;
m32 *= m32;
m13 *= m13;
if ((m21>1.05) || (m21<0.95))
if ((m32>1.05) || (m32<0.95))
if ((m13>1.05) || (m13<0.95))
// Descend down the node link: Use recursive traversal
curPri = (vpnode[0x00] >> 3) & 3; // viewport priority
nextAddr = vpnode[0x01] & 0xFFFFFF; // next viewport
nodeAddr = vpnode[0x02]; // scene database node pointer
// create node object
m_nodes.back().models.reserve(2048); // create space for models
// get pointer to its viewport
vp = &m_nodes.back().viewport;
vp->priority = curPri;
// Fetch viewport parameters (TO-DO: would rounding make a difference?)
vpX = (int)(((vpnode[0x1A] & 0xFFFF) / 16.0f) + 0.5f); // viewport X (12.4 fixed point)
vpY = (int)(((vpnode[0x1A] >> 16) / 16.0f) + 0.5f); // viewport Y (12.4)
vpWidth = (int)(((vpnode[0x14] & 0xFFFF) / 4.0f) + 0.5f); // width (14.2)
vpHeight = (int)(((vpnode[0x14] >> 16) / 4.0f) + 0.5f); // height (14.2)
matrixBase = vpnode[0x16] & 0xFFFFFF; // matrix base address
if (vpX) {
vpX += 2;
if (vpY) {
vpY += 2;
LODBlendTable* tableTest = (LODBlendTable*)TranslateCullingAddress(vpnode[0x17]);
float angle_left = -atan2(*(float *)&vpnode[12], *(float *)&vpnode[13]);
float angle_right = atan2(*(float *)&vpnode[16], -*(float *)&vpnode[17]);
float angle_top = atan2(*(float *)&vpnode[14], *(float *)&vpnode[15]);
float angle_bottom = -atan2(*(float *)&vpnode[18], -*(float *)&vpnode[19]);
float near = 0.25f;
float far = 2e6;
if (m_step == 0x10) {
near = 8;
float l = near * tanf(angle_left);
float r = near * tanf(angle_right);
float t = near * tanf(angle_top);
float b = near * tanf(angle_bottom);
// TO-DO: investigate clipping near/far planes
if ((vpX == 0) && (vpWidth >= 495) && (vpY == 0) && (vpHeight >= 383))
float windowAR = (float)m_totalXRes / (float)m_totalYRes;
float originalAR = 496 / 384.f;
float correction = windowAR / originalAR; // expand horizontal frustum planes
vp->x = 0;
vp->y = m_yOffs + (GLint)((float)(384 - (vpY + vpHeight))*m_yRatio);
vp->width = m_totalXRes;
vp->height = (GLint)((float)vpHeight*m_yRatio);
vp->projectionMatrix.Frustum(l*correction, r*correction, b, t, near, far);
vp->x = m_xOffs + (GLint)((float)vpX*m_xRatio);
vp->y = m_yOffs + (GLint)((float)(384 - (vpY + vpHeight))*m_yRatio);
vp->width = (GLint)((float)vpWidth*m_xRatio);
vp->height = (GLint)((float)vpHeight*m_yRatio);
vp->projectionMatrix.Frustum(l, r, b, t, near, far);
// Lighting (note that sun vector points toward sun -- away from vertex)
vp->lightingParams[0] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x05]; // sun X
vp->lightingParams[1] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x06]; // sun Y
vp->lightingParams[2] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x04]; // sun Z
vp->lightingParams[3] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x07]; // sun intensity
vp->lightingParams[4] = (float)((vpnode[0x24] >> 8) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // ambient intensity
vp->lightingParams[5] = 0.0; // reserved
// Spotlight
spotColorIdx = (vpnode[0x20] >> 11) & 7; // spotlight color index
vp->spotEllipse[0] = (float)((vpnode[0x1E] >> 3) & 0x1FFF); // spotlight X position (fractional component?)
vp->spotEllipse[1] = (float)((vpnode[0x1D] >> 3) & 0x1FFF); // spotlight Y
vp->spotEllipse[2] = (float)((vpnode[0x1E] >> 16) & 0xFFFF); // spotlight X size (16-bit? May have fractional component below bit 16)
vp->spotEllipse[3] = (float)((vpnode[0x1D] >> 16) & 0xFFFF); // spotlight Y size
vp->spotRange[0] = 1.0f / (*(float *)&vpnode[0x21]); // spotlight start
vp->spotRange[1] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x1F]; // spotlight extent
vp->spotColor[0] = color[spotColorIdx][0]; // spotlight color
vp->spotColor[1] = color[spotColorIdx][1];
vp->spotColor[2] = color[spotColorIdx][2];
// Spotlight is applied on a per pixel basis, must scale its position and size to screen
vp->spotEllipse[1] = 384.0f - vp->spotEllipse[1];
vp->spotRange[1] += vp->spotRange[0]; // limit
vp->spotEllipse[2] = 496.0f / sqrt(vp->spotEllipse[2]); // spotlight appears to be specified in terms of physical resolution (unconfirmed)
vp->spotEllipse[3] = 384.0f / sqrt(vp->spotEllipse[3]);
// Scale the spotlight to the OpenGL viewport
vp->spotEllipse[0] = vp->spotEllipse[0] * m_xRatio + m_xOffs;
vp->spotEllipse[1] = vp->spotEllipse[1] * m_yRatio + m_yOffs;
vp->spotEllipse[2] *= m_xRatio;
vp->spotEllipse[3] *= m_yRatio;
// Fog
vp->fogParams[0] = (float)((vpnode[0x22] >> 16) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // fog color R
vp->fogParams[1] = (float)((vpnode[0x22] >> 8) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // fog color G
vp->fogParams[2] = (float)((vpnode[0x22] >> 0) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // fog color B
vp->fogParams[3] = *(float *)&vpnode[0x23]; // fog density
vp->fogParams[4] = (float)(INT16)(vpnode[0x25] & 0xFFFF)*(1.0f / 255.0f); // fog start
if (std::isinf(vp->fogParams[3]) || std::isnan(vp->fogParams[3]) || std::isinf(vp->fogParams[4]) || std::isnan(vp->fogParams[4])) { // Star Wars Trilogy
vp->fogParams[3] = vp->fogParams[4] = 0.0f;
// Unknown light/fog parameters
scrollFog = (float)(vpnode[0x20] & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // scroll fog
scrollAtt = (float)(vpnode[0x24] & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f); // scroll attenuation
// Clear texture offsets before proceeding
// Set up coordinate system and base matrix
InitMatrixStack(matrixBase, m_modelMat);
// Safeguard: weird coordinate system matrices usually indicate scenes that will choke the renderer
if (NULL != m_matrixBasePtr)
float m21, m32, m13;
// Get the three elements that are usually set and see if their magnitudes are 1
m21 = m_matrixBasePtr[6];
m32 = m_matrixBasePtr[10];
m13 = m_matrixBasePtr[5];
m21 *= m21;
m32 *= m32;
m13 *= m13;
if ((m21>1.05) || (m21<0.95))
if ((m32>1.05) || (m32<0.95))
if ((m13>1.05) || (m13<0.95))
// Descend down the node link: Use recursive traversal
// render next viewport
if (vpnode[0x01] != 0x01000000) {
Reference in a new issue