#ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER #include "CPUDebug.h" #include "Debugger.h" #include "IO.h" #include "Watch.h" #include <string.h> namespace Debugger { UINT32 CWatch::GetIOAddress(CIO *io) { CMappedIO *mappedIO = dynamic_cast<CMappedIO*>(io); return (mappedIO != NULL ? mappedIO->addr : 0); } CWatch::CWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, UINT32 wAddr, unsigned wSize, char wSymbol, const char *wType, bool wTrigRead, bool wTrigWrite) : CAddressRef(wCPU, wAddr, wSize), io(NULL), symbol(wSymbol), type(wType), trigRead(wTrigRead), trigWrite(wTrigWrite), active(true), readCount(0), writeCount(0) { // } CWatch::CWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, CIO *wIO, char wSymbol, const char *wType, bool wTrigInput, bool mTrigOutput) : CAddressRef(wCPU, GetIOAddress(wIO), wIO->dataSize), io(wIO), symbol(wSymbol), type(wType), trigRead(wTrigInput), trigWrite(mTrigOutput), active(true), readCount(0), writeCount(0) { // } bool CWatch::HasValue() { if (io != NULL) return io->inCount + io->outCount > 0; else return true; } UINT64 CWatch::GetValue() { if (io != NULL) return *io->last; else return cpu->ReadMem(addr, size); } bool CWatch::CheckRead(UINT32 cAddr, unsigned cDataSize, UINT64 data) { if (!active || !trigRead) return false; // Take care with read that was not aligned with watch address and size UINT64 sData = CDebugger::GetSlottedData(cAddr, cDataSize, data, addr, size); return CheckBreak(true, sData); } bool CWatch::CheckWrite(UINT32 cAddr, unsigned cDataSize, UINT64 data) { if (!active || !trigWrite) return false; // Take care with write that was not aligned with watch address and size UINT64 sData = CDebugger::GetSlottedData(cAddr, cDataSize, data, addr, size); return CheckBreak(false, sData); } bool CWatch::CheckInput(CIO *cIO, UINT64 data) { // No need to align data as already aligned by CIO return active && trigRead && CheckBreak(true, data); } bool CWatch::CheckOutput(CIO *cIO, UINT64 data) { // No need to align data as already aligned by CIO return active && trigWrite && CheckBreak(false, data); } void CWatch::Reset() { // } bool CWatch::GetInfo(char *str) { return false; } CSimpleWatch::CSimpleWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, UINT32 wAddr, unsigned wSize, bool wTrigRead, bool wTrigWrite) : CWatch(wCPU, wAddr, wSize, '*', "simple", wTrigRead, wTrigWrite) { // } CSimpleWatch::CSimpleWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, CIO *wIO, bool wTrigInput, bool mTrigOutput) : CWatch(wCPU, wIO, '*', "simple", wTrigInput, mTrigOutput) { // } bool CSimpleWatch::CheckBreak(bool isRead, UINT64 data) { return true; } CCountWatch::CCountWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, UINT32 wAddr, unsigned wSize, bool wTrigRead, bool wTrigWrite, unsigned count) : CWatch(wCPU, wAddr, wSize, '+', "count", wTrigRead, wTrigWrite), m_count(count), m_counter(0) { // } CCountWatch::CCountWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, CIO *wIO, bool wTrigInput, bool mTrigOutput, unsigned count) : CWatch(wCPU, wIO, '+', "count", wTrigInput, mTrigOutput), m_count(count), m_counter(0) { // } bool CCountWatch::CheckBreak(bool isRead, UINT64 data) { return ++m_counter == m_count; } void CCountWatch::Reset() { m_counter = 0; } bool CCountWatch::GetInfo(char *str) { sprintf(str, "%d / %d", m_counter, m_count); return true; } CMatchWatch::CMatchWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, UINT32 wAddr, unsigned wSize, bool wTrigRead, bool wTrigWrite, vector<UINT64> &dataSeq) : CWatch(wCPU, wAddr, wSize, 'M', "match", wTrigRead, wTrigWrite), m_dataLen(dataSeq.size()), m_counter(0) { m_dataArray = new UINT64[m_dataLen]; copy(dataSeq.begin(), dataSeq.end(), m_dataArray); } CMatchWatch::CMatchWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, CIO *wIO, bool wTrigInput, bool mTrigOutput, vector<UINT64> &dataSeq) : CWatch(wCPU, wIO, 'M', "match", wTrigInput, mTrigOutput), m_dataLen(dataSeq.size()), m_counter(0) { m_dataArray = new UINT64[m_dataLen]; copy(dataSeq.begin(), dataSeq.end(), m_dataArray); } CMatchWatch::~CMatchWatch() { delete m_dataArray; } bool CMatchWatch::CheckBreak(bool isRead, UINT64 data) { if (m_dataArray[m_counter] == data) m_counter++; else m_counter = 0; return m_counter == m_dataLen; } void CMatchWatch::Reset() { m_counter = 0; } bool CMatchWatch::GetInfo(char *str) { sprintf(str, "%d / %d matched", m_counter, m_dataLen); return true; } CCaptureWatch::CCaptureWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, UINT32 wAddr, unsigned wSize, bool wTrigRead, bool wTrigWrite, unsigned wMaxLen) : CWatch(wCPU, wAddr, wSize, 'C', "capture", wTrigRead, wTrigWrite), m_maxLen(min<unsigned>(255, wMaxLen)), m_len(0), m_index(0) { // } CCaptureWatch::CCaptureWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, CIO *wIO, bool wTrigInput, bool mTrigOutput, unsigned wMaxLen) : CWatch(wCPU, wIO, 'C', "capture", wTrigInput, mTrigOutput), m_maxLen(min<unsigned>(255, wMaxLen)), m_len(0), m_index(0) { // } bool CCaptureWatch::CheckBreak(bool isRead, UINT64 data) { if (m_len < m_maxLen) { m_dataVals[m_len] = data; m_dataRW[m_len] = isRead; m_len++; m_index = 0; } else { m_dataVals[m_index] = data; m_dataRW[m_index] = isRead; m_index++; if (m_index >= m_maxLen) m_index = 0; } return false; } void CCaptureWatch::Reset() { m_len = 0; m_index = 0; } bool CCaptureWatch::GetInfo(char *str) { char dataStr[25]; unsigned ind, len; str[0] = '\0'; if (m_len == 0) return true; else if (m_len < m_maxLen) { ind = m_len - 1; len = m_len; } else { if (m_index == 0) ind = m_maxLen - 1; else ind = m_index - 1; len = m_maxLen; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++) { UINT64 data = m_dataVals[ind]; bool isRead = m_dataRW[ind]; cpu->FormatData(dataStr, size, data); if (i > 0) strcat(str, " "); strcat(str, (isRead ? "<" : ">")); strcat(str, dataStr); if (ind == 0) ind = m_maxLen - 1; else ind--; } return true; } CPrintWatch::CPrintWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, UINT32 wAddr, unsigned wSize, bool wTrigRead, bool wTrigWrite) : CWatch(wCPU, wAddr, wSize, 'P', "print", wTrigRead, wTrigWrite) { // } CPrintWatch::CPrintWatch(CCPUDebug *wCPU, CIO *io, bool wTrigInput, bool mTrigOutput) : CWatch(wCPU, io, 'P', "print", wTrigInput, mTrigOutput) { // } bool CPrintWatch::CheckBreak(bool isRead, UINT64 data) { const char *sizeStr = CDebugger::GetSizeString(size); char dataStr[50]; char addrStr[50]; char locStr[50]; cpu->FormatData(dataStr, size, data); cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr, true); const char *rwStr = (isRead ? "Read" : "Wrote"); const char *tfStr = (isRead ? "from" : "to"); if (io != NULL) { io->GetLocation(locStr); cpu->debugger->WriteOut(cpu, NULL, "%s data [%s] %s I/O %s\n", rwStr, dataStr, tfStr, locStr); } else cpu->debugger->WriteOut(cpu, NULL, "%s data [%s] %s memory address %s\n", rwStr, dataStr, tfStr, addrStr); return false; } } #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER