 ** Supermodel
 ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
 ** Copyright 2011-2016 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson 
 ** This file is part of Supermodel.
 ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
 ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 ** any later version.
 ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 ** more details.
 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 ** with Supermodel.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Legacy3D.cpp
 * Core module for OpenGL-based Real3D graphics engine.
 * Optimization To-Do List
 * -----------------------
 * 0. Optimize backface culling. Is it possible to compute normal matrix only
 *    when needed? Should also be more careful about OpenGL state info, such as
 *    the winding mode.
 * 1. Do not store matrices in a uniform, use glLoadMatrix() in MODELVIEW mode.
 *    It will no longer be necessary to compute normal matrix!
 * 2. Move stuff into vertex shader (vision by 2048? Subtract of 0.5,0.5 for bilinear filtering?)
 * 3. Just one call to BufferSubData rather than 2
 * Viewports
 * ---------
 * Ville Linde passed along the following information:
 *    - Bit 0x20 of viewport word 0 disables the viewport when set, according
 *      to Scud Race's secret menu. Not yet known whether any game uses this.
 *    - Bits 0x300 of word 0 constitute the viewport number (0-3). Not sure how
 *      this relates to the priority bits (0x18).
 * Spotlight
 * ---------
 * Spotlight illumination occurs between two Z ranges within an ellipse
 * specified in coordinates that ought to be relative to the viewport. They
 * actually appear to be defined in terms of physical display coordinates
 * regardless of the size of the viewport, although this has not been 100%
 * confirmed. 
 * The parameters that describe the ellipse in display coordinates are:
 *    cx,cy Center point.
 *    a,b   Width (or rather, half-width) and height of spotlight.
 * These correspond to the standard form of the ellipse equation:
 *    ((x-cx)/a)^2 + ((y-cy)/b)^2 = 1
 * It is trivial to test whether a point lies inside an ellipse by plugging
 * it into the equation and checking to see if it is less than or equal to
 * 1. The a and b parameters appear to be stored as values w and h, which
 * range from 0 to 255 (according to the Scud Race debug menu) but which
 * may be up to 16 bits (this has not been observed). They are already
 * inverted, scaled by the screen size, and squared.
 *    w = (496/a)^2 ->  a = 496/sqrt(w)
 *    h = (384/b)^2 ->  b = 384/sqrt(h)
 * This is mostly a guess. It is almost certain, however, based on
 * observations of the Scud Race backfire effect that w and h are related
 * to spotlight size in an inverse-square-root fashion. The spotlight in
 * view 3 should be smaller than in view 4, but the values are actually
 * larger. Here is some data:
 *    View 3:
 *      X,Y=247,342
 *      W,H=24,16
 *      N,F=1e-9,200
 *      Car translation length: 4.93
 *    View 4:
 *      X,Y=247,317
 *      W,H=48,32
 *      N,F=1e-9,200
 *      Car translation length: 7.5
 * The translation length is the total translation vector for the car model
 * extracted by applying the scene matrices. Note that sqrt(48/24) = 1.4
 * and 7.5/4.93 = 1.52, a fairly close match.
 * It remains unknown whether the spotlight parameters are relative to the
 * physical display resolution (496x384), as computed here, or the viewport
 * size. What is needed is an example of a spotlight in a viewport whose
 * dimensions are not 496x384.
 * The spotlight near and far ranges are in viewspace (eye) coordinates.
 * The inverse of the near range is specified and the far range is stored
 * as a displacement (I think) from the near range. Color is RGB111.
 * The spotlight should be smooth at the edges. Using the magnitude of the
 * ellipse test works well -- when it is 1.0, the spotlight should be fully
 * attenuated (0 intensity) and when it is 0.0, render at full intensity.
 * Alpha Processing
 * ----------------
 * When processing "alpha" (translucent) polygons, alpha values range from 0.0,
 * completely transparent, to 1.0, completely opaque. This appears to be the 
 * same convention as for Model 3 and corresponds to a blend mode setting of:
 * For all texels and colors which do not include an alpha channel, for 
 * translucency to work properly, the alpha channel must be set to opaque.
 * Contour textures use T=1 to indicate transparency, therefore their alpha 
 * value must be inverted.
 * Translucent Polygons
 * --------------------
 * The 32-level polygon translucency appears to be applied as follows
 *    1. If polygon is untextured, fragment color is the polygon color and
 *       the translucency level becomes the alpha channel.
 *    2. If contour textures are used, the translucency level becomes the
 *       alpha channel regardless of the contour bit. I assume that contour
 *       bit processing is still carried out, if enabled, however.
 *    3. If the texture format is RGBA4, translucency is multiplied by texel
 *       alpha.
 *    4. Other texture formats: ???
 * A simple way to handle this is to force alpha to 1.0 for polygon colors, 
 * discard fragments if required by the contour setting (forcing alpha to 1.0
 * otherwise), and then in the end, multiplying whatever alpha value remains by
 * the translucency level.
 * List of Safeguards
 * ------------------
 * During boot-up, many games load up scene data that cannot feasibly be
 * processed (way too many models). This occurs in Scud Race and Virtual On 2,
 * for example. This is currently being handled by attempting to detect the
 * defective scenes.
 *    1. Scud Race: the coordinate system matrix is checked for vectors whose
 *       magnitudes are not 1.0.
 *    2. Virtual On 2: model 0x200000 is not rendered.
 * There are probably better ways of doing it.
 * To-Do List
 * ----------
 * - Can some of the floating point flag attribs be replaced with ints?

#include "Legacy3D.h"

#include "Supermodel.h"
#include "Shaders3D.h"  // fragment and vertex shaders
#include "Graphics/Shader.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>

namespace Legacy3D {

// Microsoft doesn't provide isnan() and isinf()
#ifdef _MSC_VER
  #include <float.h>
  #define ISNAN(x)  (_isnan(x))
  #define ISINF(x)  (!_finite(x))
  #define ISNAN(x)  (std::isnan(x))
  #define ISINF(x)  (std::isinf(x))

 Definitions and Constants

// Shader program files
#define VERTEX_SHADER_FILE    "Src/Graphics/Vertex.glsl"
#define FRAGMENT_SHADER_FILE  "Src/Graphics/Fragment.glsl"

// Model cache settings
#define NUM_STATIC_VERTS        700000  // suggested maximum number of static vertices
#define NUM_DYNAMIC_VERTS       64000   // "" dynamic vertices
#define NUM_LOCAL_VERTS         32768   // size of local vertex buffer
#define NUM_STATIC_MODELS       10000   // maximum number of unique static models to cache
#define NUM_DYNAMIC_MODELS      1024    // maximum number of unique dynamic models to cache
#define NUM_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEMS  10000   // maximum number of model instances displayed per frame

 Texture Management 

// Default mapping from Model3 texture format to texture sheet.
// Currently this is just a simple 1-to-1 mapping but if/when more formats get
// added, sheets will start to get reused.
int CLegacy3D::defaultFmtToTexSheetNum[] = {
  0, // Fmt 0  -> 0
  1, //     1  -> 1
  2, //     2  -> 2
  3, //     3  -> 3
  4, //     4  -> 4
  5, //     5  -> 5
  6, //     6  -> 6
  7  //     7  -> 7

void CLegacy3D::DecodeTexture(int format, int x, int y, int width, int height)
  x &= 2047;
  y &= 2047;
  if ((x+width)>2048 || (y+height)>2048)
  if (width > 1024 || height > 1024)
    //ErrorLog("Encountered a texture that is too large (%d,%d,%d,%d)", x, y, width, height);
  // Map Model3 format to texture sheet
  TexSheet *texSheet = fmtToTexSheet[format];
  // Check to see if ALL texture tiles have been properly decoded on texture sheet
  if ((texSheet->texFormat[y/32][x/32] == format) && (texSheet->texWidth[y/32][x/32] >= width) && (texSheet->texHeight[y/32][x/32] >= height))

  //printf("Decoding texture format %u: %u x %u @ (%u, %u) sheet %u\n", format, width, height, x, y, texNum);

  // Copy and decode
  int i = 0;
  switch (format)
  default:  // Unknown
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        textureBuffer[i++] = 0.0; // R
        textureBuffer[i++] = 0.0; // G
        textureBuffer[i++] = 1.0f;  // B
        textureBuffer[i++] = 1.0f;  // A
  case 0: // T1RGB5
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        textureBuffer[i++] = (GLfloat) ((textureRAM[yi*2048+xi]>>10)&0x1F) * (1.0f/31.0f);  // R
        textureBuffer[i++] = (GLfloat) ((textureRAM[yi*2048+xi]>>5)&0x1F) * (1.0f/31.0f); // G
        textureBuffer[i++] = (GLfloat) ((textureRAM[yi*2048+xi]>>0)&0x1F) * (1.0f/31.0f); // B
        textureBuffer[i++] = ((textureRAM[yi*2048+xi]&0x8000)?0.0f:1.0f);         // T
  case 7: // RGBA4
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        textureBuffer[i++] = (GLfloat) ((textureRAM[yi*2048+xi]>>12)&0xF) * (1.0f/15.0f); // R
        textureBuffer[i++] = (GLfloat) ((textureRAM[yi*2048+xi]>>8)&0xF) * (1.0f/15.0f);  // G
        textureBuffer[i++] = (GLfloat) ((textureRAM[yi*2048+xi]>>4)&0xF) * (1.0f/15.0f);  // B
        textureBuffer[i++] = (GLfloat) ((textureRAM[yi*2048+xi]>>0)&0xF) * (1.0f/15.0f);  // A
  case 5: // 8-bit grayscale
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        // Interpret as 8-bit grayscale
        uint16_t texel = textureRAM[yi*2048+xi] & 0xFF;
        GLfloat c = texel * (1.0f/255.0f);
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = (texel == 0xFF) ? 0.f : 1.f;
  case 4: // 8-bit L4A4 (high byte)
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        uint16_t texel = textureRAM[yi*2048+xi] >> 8;
        GLfloat c = (texel >> 4) * (1.0f/15.0f);
        GLfloat a = (texel & 0xF) * (1.0f/15.0f);
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = a;
  case 6: // 8-bit grayscale
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        uint16_t texel = textureRAM[yi*2048+xi] >> 8;
        GLfloat c = texel * (1.0f/255.0f);
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = (texel == 0xFF) ? 0.f : 1.f;
  case 2: // 8-bit L4A4 (low byte)
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        uint16_t texel = textureRAM[yi*2048+xi] & 0xFF;
        GLfloat c = (texel >> 4) * (1.0f/15.0f);
        GLfloat a = (texel & 0xF) * (1.0f/15.0f);
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = a;
  case 3: // 8-bit A4L4 (high byte)
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        uint16_t texel = textureRAM[yi*2048+xi] >> 8;
        GLfloat c = (texel & 0xF) * (1.0f/15.0f);
        GLfloat a = (texel >> 4) * (1.0f/15.0f);
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = a;
  case 1: // 8-bit A4L4 (low byte)
    for (int yi = y; yi < (y+height); yi++)
      for (int xi = x; xi < (x+width); xi++)
        uint16_t texel = textureRAM[yi*2048+xi] & 0xFF;
        GLfloat c = (texel & 0xF) * (1.0f/15.0f);
        GLfloat a = (texel >> 4) * (1.0f/15.0f);
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = c;
        textureBuffer[i++] = a;
  // Upload texture to correct position within texture map
  glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
  glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + texSheet->mapNum);           // activate correct texture unit
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texMapIDs[texSheet->mapNum]); // bind correct texture map
  glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, texSheet->xOffset + x, texSheet->yOffset + y, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, textureBuffer);
  // Mark texture as decoded
  texSheet->texFormat[y/32][x/32] = format;
  texSheet->texWidth[y/32][x/32] = width;
  texSheet->texHeight[y/32][x/32] = height;

// Signals that new textures have been uploaded. Flushes model caches. Be careful not to exceed bounds!
void CLegacy3D::UploadTextures(unsigned level, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height)
#ifdef DEBUG
  // Make everything red
  for (int i = 0; i < 512*512; )
    textureBuffer[i++] = 1.0f;
    textureBuffer[i++] = 0.0f;
    textureBuffer[i++] = 0.0f;
    textureBuffer[i++] = 1.0f;

  // Update all texture sheets
  for (size_t texSheet = 0; texSheet < numTexSheets; texSheet++)
    for (size_t xi = x/32; xi < (x+width)/32; xi++)
      for (size_t yi = y/32; yi < (y+height)/32; yi++)
        texSheets[texSheet].texFormat[yi][xi] = -1;
        texSheets[texSheet].texWidth[yi][xi] = -1;
        texSheets[texSheet].texHeight[yi][xi] = -1;

 Real3D Address Translation
 Functions that interpret word-granular Real3D addresses and return pointers.

// Translates 24-bit culling RAM addresses
const UINT32 *CLegacy3D::TranslateCullingAddress(UINT32 addr)
  addr &= 0x00FFFFFF; // caller should have done this already
  if ((addr>=0x800000) && (addr<0x840000))
    return &cullingRAMHi[addr&0x3FFFF];
  else if (addr < 0x100000)
    return &cullingRAMLo[addr];
#ifdef DEBUG
  ErrorLog("TranslateCullingAddress(): invalid address: %06X", addr);
  return NULL;

// Translates model references
const UINT32 *CLegacy3D::TranslateModelAddress(UINT32 modelAddr)
  modelAddr &= 0x00FFFFFF;  // caller should have done this already
  if (modelAddr < 0x100000)
    return &polyRAM[modelAddr];
    return &vrom[modelAddr];

 Matrix Stack

// Macro to generate column-major (OpenGL) index from y,x subscripts
#define CMINDEX(y,x)  (x*4+y)

 * MultMatrix():
 * Multiplies the matrix stack by the specified Real3D matrix. The matrix 
 * index is a 12-bit number specifying a matrix number relative to the base.
 * The base matrix MUST be set up before calling this function.
void CLegacy3D::MultMatrix(UINT32 matrixOffset)
  GLfloat   m[4*4];
  const float *src = &matrixBasePtr[matrixOffset*12];
  if (matrixBasePtr==NULL)  // LA Machineguns
  m[CMINDEX(0, 0)] = src[3];
  m[CMINDEX(0, 1)] = src[4];
  m[CMINDEX(0, 2)] = src[5];
  m[CMINDEX(0, 3)] = src[0];
  m[CMINDEX(1, 0)] = src[6];
  m[CMINDEX(1, 1)] = src[7];
  m[CMINDEX(1, 2)] = src[8];
  m[CMINDEX(1, 3)] = src[1];
  m[CMINDEX(2, 0)] = src[9];
  m[CMINDEX(2, 1)] = src[10];
  m[CMINDEX(2, 2)] = src[11];
  m[CMINDEX(2, 3)] = src[2];
  m[CMINDEX(3, 0)] = 0.0;
  m[CMINDEX(3, 1)] = 0.0;
  m[CMINDEX(3, 2)] = 0.0;
  m[CMINDEX(3, 3)] = 1.0; 

 * InitMatrixStack():
 * Initializes the modelview (model space -> view space) matrix stack and 
 * Real3D coordinate system. These are the last transforms to be applied (and
 * the first to be defined on the stack) before projection.
 * Model 3 games tend to define the following unusual base matrix:
 *    0  0 -1 0
 *    1  0  0 0
 *    0 -1  0 0
 *    0  0  0 1
 * When this is multiplied by a column vector, the output is:
 *    -Z
 *     X
 *    -Y
 *     1
 * My theory is that the Real3D GPU accepts vectors in Z,X,Y order. The games
 * store everything as X,Y,Z and perform the translation at the end. The Real3D
 * also has Y and Z coordinates opposite of the OpenGL convention. This
 * function inserts a compensating matrix to undo these things.
 * NOTE: This function assumes we are in GL_MODELVIEW matrix mode.

void CLegacy3D::InitMatrixStack(UINT32 matrixBaseAddr)
  GLfloat m[4*4];

  // This matrix converts vectors back from the weird Model 3 Z,X,Y ordering
  // and also into OpenGL viewspace (-Y,-Z)
  m[CMINDEX(0,0)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(0,1)]=1.0;  m[CMINDEX(0,2)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(0,3)]=0.0;
  m[CMINDEX(1,0)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(1,1)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(1,2)]=-1.0; m[CMINDEX(1,3)]=0.0;
  m[CMINDEX(2,0)]=-1.0; m[CMINDEX(2,1)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(2,2)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(2,3)]=0.0;
  m[CMINDEX(3,0)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(3,1)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(3,2)]=0.0;  m[CMINDEX(3,3)]=1.0;
  if (step > 0x10)
    // Scaling seems to help w/ Step 1.0's extremely large coordinates
    GLfloat s = 1.0f/2048.0f;
  // Set matrix base address and apply matrix #0 (coordinate system matrix)
  matrixBasePtr = (float *) TranslateCullingAddress(matrixBaseAddr);

 Scene Database
 Complete scene database traversal and rendering.

static bool IsVROMModel(UINT32 modelAddr)
  return modelAddr >= 0x100000;

static bool IsDynamicModel(const UINT32 *data)
  if (data == NULL)
    return false;
  unsigned sharedVerts[16] = { 0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4 };
  // VROM models are only dynamic if they reference polygon RAM via color palette indices
  bool done = false;
    // Check if polygon has color palette reference, if so polygon is dynamic and can return here
    if ((data[1]&2) == 0)
      return true;
    if (data[6] == 0)
    // Get number of vertices
    unsigned numVerts = (data[0]&0x40 ? 4 : 3);
    // Deduct number of reused verts
    numVerts -= sharedVerts[data[0]&0xf];
	done = (data[1] & 4) > 0;
    // Skip header and vertices to next polygon
    data += 7 + numVerts * 4;
  while (!done);
  return false;

 * DrawModel():
 * Draw the specified model (adds it to the display list). This is where vertex
 * buffer overflows and display list overflows will be detected. An attempt is
 * made to salvage the situation if this occurs, so if DrawModel() returns
 * FAIL, it is a serious matter and rendering should be aborted for the frame.
 * Models are cached for each unique culling node texture offset state.
bool CLegacy3D::DrawModel(UINT32 modelAddr)
  //if (modelAddr==0x7FFF00)  // Fighting Vipers (this is not polygon data!)
  //  return;
  if (modelAddr == 0x200000)  // Virtual On 2 (during boot-up, causes slow-down)
    return OKAY;
  const UINT32 *model = TranslateModelAddress(modelAddr);
  // Determine whether model is in polygon RAM or VROM
  ModelCache *Cache = IsVROMModel(modelAddr) ? &VROMCache : &PolyCache;
  // Look up the model in the LUT and cache it if necessary
  int lutIdx = modelAddr&0xFFFFFF;
  struct VBORef *ModelRef = LookUpModel(Cache, lutIdx, m_textureOffset.state);
  if (NULL == ModelRef && Cache == &VROMCache)
    // If the model was a VROM model, it may be dynamic, so we need to try
    // another lookup in the dynamic cache
    ModelRef = LookUpModel(&PolyCache, lutIdx, m_textureOffset.state);
    if (ModelRef != NULL)
      Cache = &PolyCache;
  if (NULL == ModelRef)
    // Attempt to cache the model, and perform a final check to determine 
    // whether VROM model is in fact dynamic (this should be fixed -- models
    // should be decoded to a common buffer and the cache determined
    // afterwards)
    if (Cache == &VROMCache && IsDynamicModel(model))
      Cache = &PolyCache;
    ModelRef = CacheModel(Cache, lutIdx, m_textureOffset.state, model);
    if (NULL == ModelRef)
      // Model could not be cached. Render what we have so far and try again.
      DrawDisplayList(&VROMCache, POLY_STATE_NORMAL);
      DrawDisplayList(&PolyCache, POLY_STATE_NORMAL);
      DrawDisplayList(&VROMCache, POLY_STATE_ALPHA);
      DrawDisplayList(&PolyCache, POLY_STATE_ALPHA);
      // Try caching again...
      ModelRef = CacheModel(Cache, lutIdx, m_textureOffset.state, model);
      if (NULL == ModelRef)
        return ErrorUnableToCacheModel(modelAddr);  // nothing we can do :(

  // If cache is static then decode all the texture references contained in the cached model
  // before rendering (models in dynamic cache will have been decoded already in CacheModel)
  if (!Cache->dynamic)

  // Add to display list
  return AppendDisplayList(Cache, false, ModelRef);

// Descends into a 10-word culling node
void CLegacy3D::DescendCullingNode(UINT32 addr)
  // Stack depth of 64 is too small for Star Wars Trilogy (Hoth)
  if (stackDepth>=(512+64)) // safety (prevent overflows -- OpenGL matrix stack will still overflow by this point)

  const UINT32 *node = TranslateCullingAddress(addr);
  if (NULL == node)
  // Set color table address, if one is specified
  if ((node[0x00] & 0x04))
    m_colorTableAddr = ((node[0x03-offset] >> 19) << 0) | ((node[0x07-offset] >> 28) << 13) | ((node[0x08-offset] >> 25) << 17);
    m_colorTableAddr &= 0x000FFFFF; // clamp to 4MB (in words) range

#ifdef DEBUG
  bool oldDebugHighlightAll = m_debugHighlightAll;
  m_debugHighlightAll = (m_debugHighlightCullingNodeIdx >= 0) && (node[m_debugHighlightCullingNodeIdx] & m_debugHighlightCullingNodeMask) != 0;
  //printf("%08x NODE %d\n", addr, stackDepth);
  //for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
  //  printf("  %08x\n", node[i]);

  // Debug: texture offset? (NOTE: offsets 1 and 2 don't exist on step 1.0)
  //if (node[0x02]&0xFFFF)
  //  printf("%X -> %02X %04X\n", addr, node[0x00]&0xFF, node[0x02]&0xFFFF);
  // Extract known fields
  const UINT32 node1Ptr     = node[0x07-offset];
  const UINT32 node2Ptr     = node[0x08-offset];
  const UINT32 matrixOffset = node[0x03-offset]&0xFFF;
  const float x             = *(float *) &node[0x04-offset];
  const float y             = *(float *) &node[0x05-offset];
  const float z             = *(float *) &node[0x06-offset];
  // Texture offset?
  TextureOffset oldTextureOffset = m_textureOffset; // save old offsets
  if (!offset)  // Step 1.5+
    if ((node[0x02] & 0x8000))  // apply texture offset, else retain current ones
      m_textureOffset = TextureOffset(node[0x02]);
  // Apply matrix and translation
  if ((node[0x00]&0x10))  // apply translation vector
  else if (matrixOffset)  // multiply matrix, if specified
  // Descend down first link
  if ((node[0x00]&0x08))  // 4-element LOD table
    const UINT32 *lodTable = TranslateCullingAddress(node1Ptr);
    if (NULL != lodTable)
      if ((node[0x03-offset]&0x20000000))

  // Proceed to second link
#ifdef DEBUG
  m_debugHighlightAll = oldDebugHighlightAll;
  if ((node[0x00] & 0x07) != 0x06)  // seems to indicate second link is invalid (fixes circular references)
  // Restore old texture offsets
  m_textureOffset = oldTextureOffset;

// A list of pointers. MAME assumes that these may only point to culling nodes.
void CLegacy3D::DescendPointerList(UINT32 addr)
  if (listDepth > 2)  // several Step 2.1 games require this safeguard
  const UINT32 *list = TranslateCullingAddress(addr);
  if (NULL == list)
  // Traverse the list forward and print it out
  int listEnd = 0;
  while (1)
    if ((list[listEnd] & 0x02000000)) // end of list (?)
    if ((list[listEnd] == 0) || (((list[listEnd])>>24) != 0))
      //printf("ATTENTION: Unknown list termination: %08X.\n", list[listEnd]);
      listEnd--;  // back up to last valid list element

  // Traverse the list backward and descend into each pointer
  while (listEnd >= 0)
    UINT32 nodeAddr = list[listEnd]&0x00FFFFFF;  // clear upper 8 bits to ensure this is processed as a culling node
    if (!(list[listEnd]&0x01000000))//Fighting Vipers
      if ((nodeAddr != 0) && (nodeAddr != 0x800800))
      //  printf("Strange pointers encountered\n");

 * DescendNodePtr():
 * The old scene traversal engine. Recursively descends into a node pointer.
void CLegacy3D::DescendNodePtr(UINT32 nodeAddr)
  // Ignore null links
  if ((nodeAddr&0x00FFFFFF) == 0)
  switch ((nodeAddr>>24)&0xFF)  // pointer type encoded in upper 8 bits
  case 0x00:  // culling node
  case 0x01:  // model (perhaps bit 1 is a flag in this case?)
  case 0x03:
  case 0x04:  // pointer list
    //printf("ATTENTION: Unknown pointer format: %08X\n\n", nodeAddr);

// Draws viewports of the given priority
void CLegacy3D::RenderViewport(UINT32 addr, int pri, bool wideScreen)
  static const GLfloat color[8][3] = {
    { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },    // off
    { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },    // blue
    { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 },    // green
    { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 },    // cyan
    { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 },    // red
    { 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 },    // purple
    { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 },    // yellow
    { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }     // white

  // Translate address and obtain pointer
  const UINT32 *vpnode = TranslateCullingAddress(addr);
  if (NULL == vpnode)

  // Recursively process next viewport
  UINT32 nextAddr = vpnode[0x01]; // next viewport              
  UINT32 nodeAddr = vpnode[0x02]; // scene database node pointer
  if (nextAddr == 0)  // memory probably hasn't been set up yet, abort
  if (nextAddr != 0x01000000)
    RenderViewport(nextAddr, pri, wideScreen);

  // Skip disabled viewports
  //if ((vpnode[0] & 0x20) != 0)
  //  return;

  // If the priority doesn't match, do not process
  int curPri = (vpnode[0x00] >> 3) & 3; // viewport priority
  if (curPri != pri)
  // Fetch viewport parameters (TO-DO: would rounding make a difference?)
  int vpX       = (vpnode[0x1A]&0xFFFF)>>4;   // viewport X (12.4 fixed point)
  int vpY       = (vpnode[0x1A]>>20)&0xFFF;   // viewport Y (12.4)
  int vpWidth   = (vpnode[0x14]&0xFFFF)>>2;   // width (14.2)
  int vpHeight  = (vpnode[0x14]>>18)&0x3FFF;  // height (14.2)
  // Field of view and clipping
  GLfloat vpTopAngle  = (float) asin(*(float *)&vpnode[0x0E]);  // FOV Y upper half-angle (radians)
  GLfloat vpBotAngle  = (float) asin(*(float *)&vpnode[0x12]);  // FOV Y lower half-angle
  GLfloat fovYDegrees = (vpTopAngle+vpBotAngle)*(float)(180.0/3.14159265358979323846);
  // TO-DO: investigate clipping planes
  // Set up viewport and projection (TO-DO: near and far clipping)
  if (wideScreen && (vpX==0) && (vpWidth>=495) && (vpY==0) && (vpHeight >= 383))  // only expand viewports that occupy whole screen
    // Wide screen hack only modifies X axis and not the Y FOV
    viewportX      = 0;
    viewportY      = yOffs + (GLint) ((float)(384-(vpY+vpHeight))*yRatio);
    viewportWidth  = totalXRes;
    viewportHeight = (GLint) ((float)vpHeight*yRatio);
    gluPerspective(fovYDegrees,(GLfloat)viewportWidth/(GLfloat)viewportHeight,0.1f,1e5);  // use actual full screen ratio to get proper X FOV
    //printf("viewportX=%d, viewportY=%d, viewportWidth=%d, viewportHeight=%d\tvpY=%d vpHeight=%d\n", viewportX, viewportY, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, vpY,vpHeight);
    viewportX      = xOffs + (GLint) ((float)vpX*xRatio);
    viewportY      = yOffs + (GLint) ((float)(384-(vpY+vpHeight))*yRatio);
    viewportWidth  = (GLint) ((float)vpWidth*xRatio);
    viewportHeight = (GLint) ((float)vpHeight*yRatio);
    gluPerspective(fovYDegrees,(GLfloat)vpWidth/(GLfloat)vpHeight,0.1f,1e5);        // use Model 3 viewport ratio
  // Lighting (note that sun vector points toward sun -- away from vertex)
  lightingParams[0] = *(float *) &vpnode[0x05];             // sun X
  lightingParams[1] = *(float *) &vpnode[0x06];             // sun Y
  lightingParams[2] = *(float *) &vpnode[0x04];             // sun Z
  lightingParams[3] = *(float *) &vpnode[0x07];             // sun intensity
  lightingParams[4] = (float) ((vpnode[0x24]>>8)&0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f); // ambient intensity
  lightingParams[5] = 0.0;  // reserved
  // Spotlight
  int spotColorIdx  = (vpnode[0x20]>>11)&7;                 // spotlight color index
  spotEllipse[0]    = (float) ((vpnode[0x1E]>>3)&0x1FFF);   // spotlight X position (fractional component?)
  spotEllipse[1]    = (float) ((vpnode[0x1D]>>3)&0x1FFF);   // spotlight Y
  spotEllipse[2]    = (float) ((vpnode[0x1E]>>16)&0xFFFF);  // spotlight X size (16-bit? May have fractional component below bit 16)
  spotEllipse[3]    = (float) ((vpnode[0x1D]>>16)&0xFFFF);  // spotlight Y size
  spotRange[0]      = 1.0f/(*(float *) &vpnode[0x21]);      // spotlight start
  spotRange[1]      = *(float *) &vpnode[0x1F];             // spotlight extent
  spotColor[0]      = color[spotColorIdx][0];               // spotlight color
  spotColor[1]      = color[spotColorIdx][1];
  spotColor[2]      = color[spotColorIdx][2];
  //printf("(%g,%g),(%g,%g),(%g,%g) -> \n", spotEllipse[0], spotEllipse[1], spotEllipse[2], spotEllipse[3], spotRange[0], spotRange[1]);
  // Spotlight is applied on a per pixel basis, must scale its position and size to screen
  spotEllipse[1] = 384.0f-spotEllipse[1];
  spotRange[1] += spotRange[0]; // limit
  spotEllipse[2] = 496.0f/sqrt(spotEllipse[2]); // spotlight appears to be specified in terms of physical resolution (unconfirmed)
  spotEllipse[3] = 384.0f/sqrt(spotEllipse[3]);

  // Scale the spotlight to the OpenGL viewport
  spotEllipse[0] = spotEllipse[0]*xRatio + xOffs;
  spotEllipse[1] = spotEllipse[1]*yRatio + yOffs;
  spotEllipse[2] *= xRatio;
  spotEllipse[3] *= yRatio;

  // Fog
  fogParams[0] = (float) ((vpnode[0x22]>>16)&0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f); // fog color R
  fogParams[1] = (float) ((vpnode[0x22]>>8)&0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f);  // fog color G
  fogParams[2] = (float) ((vpnode[0x22]>>0)&0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f);  // fog color B
  fogParams[3] = *(float *) &vpnode[0x23];                          // fog density
  fogParams[4] = (float) (INT16) (vpnode[0x25]&0xFFFF)*(1.0f/255.0f); // fog start
  if (ISINF(fogParams[3]) || ISNAN(fogParams[3]) || ISINF(fogParams[4]) || ISNAN(fogParams[4])) // Star Wars Trilogy
    fogParams[3] = fogParams[4] = 0.0f;
  // Unknown light/fog parameters
  //GLfloat scrollFog = (float) (vpnode[0x20]&0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f);  // scroll fog
  //GLfloat scrollAtt = (float) (vpnode[0x24]&0xFF) * (1.0f/255.0f);  // scroll attenuation
  //printf("scrollFog = %g, scrollAtt = %g\n", scrollFog, scrollAtt);
  //printf("Fog: R=%02X G=%02X B=%02X density=%g (%X) %d start=%g\n", ((vpnode[0x22]>>16)&0xFF), ((vpnode[0x22]>>8)&0xFF), ((vpnode[0x22]>>0)&0xFF), fogParams[3], vpnode[0x23], (fogParams[3]==fogParams[3]), fogParams[4]);
  // Clear texture offsets before proceeding
  m_textureOffset = TextureOffset();
  // Set up coordinate system and base matrix
  UINT32 matrixBase = vpnode[0x16] & 0xFFFFFF;
  // Safeguard: weird coordinate system matrices usually indicate scenes that will choke the renderer
  if (NULL != matrixBasePtr)
    float m21, m32, m13;
    // Get the three elements that are usually set and see if their magnitudes are 1
    m21 = matrixBasePtr[6];
    m32 = matrixBasePtr[10];
    m13 = matrixBasePtr[5];
    m21 *= m21;
    m32 *= m32;
    m13 *= m13;

    if ((m21>1.05) || (m21<0.95))
    if ((m32>1.05) || (m32<0.95))
    if ((m13>1.05) || (m13<0.95))
  // Render
  AppendDisplayList(&VROMCache, true, 0); // add a viewport display list node
  AppendDisplayList(&PolyCache, true, 0);
  stackDepth = 0;
  listDepth = 0;
  // Descend down the node link: Use recursive traversal

void CLegacy3D::RenderFrame(void)
  bool wideScreen = m_config["WideScreen"].ValueAs<bool>();

  // Begin frame
  ClearErrors();  // must be cleared each frame
  // Z buffering (Z buffer is cleared by display list viewport nodes)

  // Stencil buffering
  glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 0, 0xFF);       // stencil test passes if stencil buffer value is 0
  glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_INCR); // if the stencil test passes, increment value in stencil buffer
  glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST);             // enabled only for select models

  // Bind Real3D shader program and texture maps
  for (unsigned mapNum = 0; mapNum < numTexMaps; mapNum++)
    // Map Model3 format to texture unit and texture unit to texture sheet number
    glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + mapNum);           // activate correct texture unit
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texMapIDs[mapNum]); // bind correct texture sheet
    glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);  // fragment shader performs its own interpolation
  // Enable VBO client states
  if (subTextureLoc != -1)   glEnableVertexAttribArray(subTextureLoc);
  if (texParamsLoc != -1)    glEnableVertexAttribArray(texParamsLoc);
  if (texFormatLoc != -1)    glEnableVertexAttribArray(texFormatLoc);
  if (texMapLoc != -1)       glEnableVertexAttribArray(texMapLoc);
  if (transLevelLoc != -1)   glEnableVertexAttribArray(transLevelLoc);
  if (lightEnableLoc != -1)  glEnableVertexAttribArray(lightEnableLoc);
  if (specularLoc != -1)     glEnableVertexAttribArray(specularLoc);
  if (shininessLoc != -1)    glEnableVertexAttribArray(shininessLoc);
  if (fogIntensityLoc != -1) glEnableVertexAttribArray(fogIntensityLoc);
  // Draw
#ifdef DEBUG
  m_debugHighlightPolyHeaderIdx = m_config["Debug/HighlightPolyHeaderIdx"].ValueAsDefault<int>(-1);
  m_debugHighlightPolyHeaderMask = m_config["Debug/HighlightPolyHeaderMask"].ValueAsDefault<uint32_t>(0);
  m_debugHighlightCullingNodeIdx = m_config["Debug/HighlightCullingNodeIdx"].ValueAsDefault<int>(-1);
  m_debugHighlightCullingNodeMask = m_config["Debug/HighlightCullingNodeMask"].ValueAsDefault<uint32_t>(0);
  if (m_config["Debug/ForceFlushModels"].ValueAsDefault<bool>(false))
  for (int pri = 0; pri <= 3; pri++)
    DrawDisplayList(&VROMCache, POLY_STATE_NORMAL);
    DrawDisplayList(&PolyCache, POLY_STATE_NORMAL);
    DrawDisplayList(&VROMCache, POLY_STATE_ALPHA);
    DrawDisplayList(&PolyCache, POLY_STATE_ALPHA);
  glFrontFace(GL_CW);         // restore front face
  glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); // make sure this is turned off
  // Disable VBO client states
  if (fogIntensityLoc != -1)  glDisableVertexAttribArray(fogIntensityLoc);
  if (shininessLoc != -1)     glDisableVertexAttribArray(shininessLoc);
  if (specularLoc != -1)      glDisableVertexAttribArray(specularLoc);
  if (lightEnableLoc != -1)   glDisableVertexAttribArray(lightEnableLoc);
  if (transLevelLoc != -1)    glDisableVertexAttribArray(transLevelLoc);
  if (texMapLoc != -1)        glDisableVertexAttribArray(texMapLoc);
  if (texFormatLoc != -1)     glDisableVertexAttribArray(texFormatLoc);
  if (texParamsLoc != -1)     glDisableVertexAttribArray(texParamsLoc);
  if (subTextureLoc != -1)    glDisableVertexAttribArray(subTextureLoc);

void CLegacy3D::EndFrame(void)

void CLegacy3D::BeginFrame(void)
  //printf("--- BEGIN FRAME ---\n");

 Configuration, Initialization, and Shutdown

void CLegacy3D::AttachMemory(const UINT32 *cullingRAMLoPtr, const UINT32 *cullingRAMHiPtr, const UINT32 *polyRAMPtr, const UINT32 *vromPtr, const UINT16 *textureRAMPtr)
  cullingRAMLo = cullingRAMLoPtr;
  cullingRAMHi = cullingRAMHiPtr;
  polyRAM = polyRAMPtr;
  vrom = vromPtr;
  textureRAM = textureRAMPtr;
  DebugLog("Legacy3D attached Real3D memory regions\n");

void CLegacy3D::SetStepping(int stepping)
  step = stepping;
  if ((step!=0x10) && (step!=0x15) && (step!=0x20) && (step!=0x21))
    DebugLog("Legacy3D: Unrecognized stepping: %d.%d\n", (step>>4)&0xF, step&0xF);
    step = 0x10;
  if (step > 0x10)
    offset = 0;           // culling nodes are 10 words
    vertexFactor = (1.0f/2048.0f);  // vertices are in 13.11 format
    offset = 2;           // 8 words
    vertexFactor = (1.0f/128.0f); // 17.7
  DebugLog("Legacy3D set to Step %d.%d\n", (step>>4)&0xF, step&0xF);
bool CLegacy3D::Init(unsigned xOffset, unsigned yOffset, unsigned xRes, unsigned yRes, unsigned totalXResParam, unsigned totalYResParam)
  // Allocate memory for texture buffer
  textureBuffer = new(std::nothrow) GLfloat[1024*1024*4];
  if (NULL == textureBuffer)
    return ErrorLog("Insufficient memory for texture decode buffer.");
  glGetError(); // clear error flag
  // Create model caches and VBOs
    return FAIL;
    return FAIL;

  // Initialize lighting parameters (updated as viewports are traversed)
  lightingParams[0] = 0.0;
  lightingParams[1] = 0.0;
  lightingParams[2] = 0.0;
  lightingParams[3] = 0.0;
  lightingParams[4] = 1.0;  // full ambient intensity in case we want to render a standalone model
  lightingParams[5] = 0.0;

  // Resolution and offset within physical display area
  xRatio = (GLfloat) xRes / 496.0f;
  yRatio = (GLfloat) yRes / 384.0f;
  xOffs = xOffset;
  yOffs = yOffset;
  totalXRes = totalXResParam;
  totalYRes = totalYResParam;

  // Get ideal number of texture sheets required by default mapping from Model3 texture format to texture sheet
  int idealTexSheets = 0;
  for (size_t fmt = 0; fmt < 8; fmt++)
    int sheetNum = defaultFmtToTexSheetNum[fmt];
    idealTexSheets = std::max<int>(idealTexSheets, sheetNum + 1);

  // Get upper limit for number of texture maps to use from max number of texture units supported by video card
  GLint glMaxTexUnits;
  glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &glMaxTexUnits);
  int maxTexMaps = std::max<int>(1, std::min<int>(m_config["MaxTexMaps"].ValueAsDefault<int>(9), glMaxTexUnits));
  // Get upper limit for extent of texture maps to use from max texture size supported by video card
  GLint maxTexSize;
  glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTexSize);
  int mapExtent = std::max<int>(1, std::min<unsigned>(m_config["MaxTexMapExtent"].ValueAsDefault<int>(4), maxTexSize / 2048));
  int mapSize = 2048 * mapExtent;
  while (mapExtent > 1)
    if ((mapExtent - 1) * (mapExtent - 1) < idealTexSheets)
      // Use a GL proxy texture to double check max texture size returned above
      glTexImage2D(GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, mapSize, mapSize, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, NULL);
      GLint glTexWidth;
      glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &glTexWidth);
      if (glTexWidth == mapSize)
    mapSize -= 2048;

  // Load shaders, using multi-sheet shader if requested.
  const char *fragmentShaderSource = (m_config["MultiTexture"].ValueAs<bool>() ? fragmentShaderMultiSheetSource : fragmentShaderSingleSheetSource); // single texture shader
  if (OKAY != LoadShaderProgram(&shaderProgram,&vertexShader,&fragmentShader,m_config["VertexShader"].ValueAs<std::string>(),m_config["FragmentShader"].ValueAs<std::string>(),vertexShaderSource,fragmentShaderSource))
    return FAIL;
  // Try locating default "textureMap" uniform in shader program
  glUseProgram(shaderProgram); // bind program
  textureMapLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "textureMap");
  // If exists, bind to first texture unit
  int mapCount = 0;
  if (textureMapLoc != -1)
    glUniform1i(textureMapLoc, mapCount++);
  // Try locating "textureMap[0-7]" uniforms in shader program
  for (int mapNum = 0; mapNum < 8 && mapCount < maxTexMaps; mapNum++)
    char uniformName[12];
    sprintf(uniformName, "textureMap%u", mapNum);
    textureMapLocs[mapNum] = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, uniformName);  
    // If exist, bind to remaining texture units
    if (textureMapLocs[mapNum] != -1)
      glUniform1i(textureMapLocs[mapNum], mapCount++);
  // Check sucessully located at least one "textureMap" uniform in shader program
  if (mapCount == 0)
    return ErrorLog("Fragment shader must contain at least one 'textureMap' uniform.");
  InfoLog("Located and bound %u 'textureMap' uniform(s) in fragment shader.", mapCount);

  // Readjust map extent so as to utilise as many texture maps found in shader program as possible
  while (mapExtent > 1 && mapCount * (mapExtent - 1) * (mapExtent - 1) >= idealTexSheets)
    mapSize -= 2048;
  // Create required number of GL textures for texture maps, decreasing map extent if memory is insufficent
  unsigned sheetsPerMap = mapExtent * mapExtent;
  while (true)
    numTexMaps = std::min<unsigned>(mapCount, 1 + (idealTexSheets - 1) / sheetsPerMap);

    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    glGenTextures(numTexMaps, texMapIDs);
    bool okay = true;
    for (unsigned mapNum = 0; mapNum < numTexMaps; mapNum++)
      glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + mapNum); // activate correct texture unit
      glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texMapIDs[mapNum]); // bind correct texture sheet
      glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);  // fragment shader performs its own interpolation
      glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, mapSize, mapSize, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, 0);
      if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR)
        // Ran out of video memory or texture size is too large
        numTexMaps = mapNum;
        okay = false;
    if (okay || mapExtent == 1)

    // Delete textures, decrease extent and try again
    glDeleteTextures(numTexMaps, texMapIDs);    
    mapSize -= 2048;
    sheetsPerMap = mapExtent * mapExtent;
  // Check successfully created at least one texture map
  if (numTexMaps == 0)
    return ErrorLog("OpenGL was unable to provide any 2048x2048-texel texture maps.");
  InfoLog("Created %u %ux%u-texel GL texture map(s).", numTexMaps, mapSize, mapSize);

  // Create texture sheet objects and assign them to texture maps
  numTexSheets = std::min<unsigned>(numTexMaps * sheetsPerMap, idealTexSheets);
  texSheets = new(std::nothrow) TexSheet[numTexSheets];
  if (texSheets == NULL)
    return ErrorLog("Unable to assign memory for %u texture sheet objects.", numTexSheets);
  for (unsigned sheetNum = 0; sheetNum < numTexSheets; sheetNum++)
    unsigned mapNum = sheetNum / sheetsPerMap;
    unsigned posInMap = sheetNum % sheetsPerMap;
    texSheets[sheetNum].sheetNum = sheetNum;
    texSheets[sheetNum].mapNum = mapNum;
    texSheets[sheetNum].xOffset = 2048 * (posInMap % mapExtent);
    texSheets[sheetNum].yOffset = 2048 * (posInMap / mapExtent);

  // Assign Model3 texture formats to texture sheets (cannot just use default mapping as may have ended up with fewer
  // texture sheets than anticipated)
  for (unsigned fmt = 0; fmt < 8; fmt++)
    int sheetNum = defaultFmtToTexSheetNum[fmt] % numTexSheets; 
    fmtToTexSheet[fmt] = &texSheets[sheetNum];

  InfoLog("Mapped %u Model3 texture formats to %u texture sheet(s) in %u %ux%u-texel texture map(s).", 8, numTexSheets, numTexMaps, mapSize, mapSize);

  // Get location of the rest of the uniforms
  modelViewMatrixLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram,"modelViewMatrix");
  projectionMatrixLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram,"projectionMatrix");
  lightingLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "lighting");
  mapSizeLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "mapSize");
  spotEllipseLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "spotEllipse");
  spotRangeLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "spotRange");
  spotColorLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "spotColor");
  // Get locations of custom vertex attributes
  subTextureLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"subTexture");
  texParamsLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"texParams");
  texFormatLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"texFormat");
  texMapLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"texMap");
  transLevelLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"transLevel");
  lightEnableLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"lightEnable");
  specularLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"specular");
  shininessLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"shininess");
  fogIntensityLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram,"fogIntensity");
  // Set map size
  if (mapSizeLoc != -1)
    glUniform1f(mapSizeLoc, (GLfloat)mapSize);

  // Additional OpenGL stuff
  glFrontFace(GL_CW);   // polygons are uploaded w/ clockwise winding

  // Mark all textures as dirty
  UploadTextures(0, 0, 0, 2048, 2048);

  DebugLog("Legacy3D initialized\n");
  return OKAY;

void CLegacy3D::SetSunClamp(bool enable)

void CLegacy3D::SetSignedShade(bool enable)

float CLegacy3D::GetLosValue(int layer)
	return 0.0f;

CLegacy3D::CLegacy3D(const Util::Config::Node &config)
  : m_config(config)
  cullingRAMLo = NULL;
  cullingRAMHi = NULL;
  polyRAM = NULL;
  vrom = NULL;
  textureRAM = NULL;
  textureBuffer = NULL;
  texSheets = NULL;
  // Clear model cache pointers so we can safely destroy them if init fails
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    VROMCache.verts[i] = NULL;
    PolyCache.verts[i] = NULL;
    VROMCache.Models = NULL;
    PolyCache.Models = NULL;
    VROMCache.lut = NULL;
    PolyCache.lut = NULL;
    VROMCache.List = NULL;
    PolyCache.List = NULL;
    VROMCache.ListHead[i] = NULL;
    PolyCache.ListHead[i] = NULL;
    VROMCache.ListTail[i] = NULL;
    PolyCache.ListTail[i] = NULL;
  DebugLog("Built Legacy3D\n");

  if (glBindBuffer != NULL) // we may have failed earlier due to lack of OpenGL 2.0 functions 
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // disable VBOs by binding to 0
  glDeleteTextures(numTexMaps, texMapIDs);
  cullingRAMLo = NULL;
  cullingRAMHi = NULL;
  polyRAM = NULL;
  vrom = NULL;
  textureRAM = NULL;
  if (texSheets != NULL)
    delete [] texSheets;

  if (textureBuffer != NULL)
    delete [] textureBuffer;
  textureBuffer = NULL;

  DebugLog("Destroyed Legacy3D\n");

} // Legacy3D