 ** Supermodel
 ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
 ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson
 ** This file is part of Supermodel.
 ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
 ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 ** any later version.
 ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 ** more details.
 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 ** with Supermodel.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * DirectInputSystem.h
 * Header file for DirectInput, XInput, and Raw Input input system.


#include "Types.h"
#include "Inputs/Input.h"
#include "Inputs/InputSource.h"
#include "Inputs/InputSystem.h"

#include <SDL.h>

#include <windows.h>
#include <dinput.h>
#include <XInput.h>
#include <functional>

#include <vector>

#define NUM_DI_KEYS (sizeof(s_keyMap) / sizeof(DIKeyMapStruct))


#define XI_VIBRATE_MAX 65535

struct DIKeyMapStruct
	const char *keyName;
	int diKey;

struct RawMseState
	LONG x;
	LONG y;
	LONG z;
	LONG wheelDelta;
	SHORT wheelDir;
	USHORT buttons;

struct DIMseState
	LONG x;
	LONG y;
	LONG z;
	SHORT wheelDir;
	BYTE buttons[5];

struct DIJoyInfo
	// DirectInput details
	GUID guid;
	int dInputNum;

	// XInput details
	bool isXInput;  // True if joystick is XInput controller
	int xInputNum;  // XInput controller number

	// XInput force feedback state
	WORD xiConstForceLeft;
	WORD xiConstForceRight;
	WORD xiVibrateBoth;

// RawInput API
typedef /*WINUSERAPI*/ INT (WINAPI *GetRawInputDeviceListPtr)(OUT PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST pRawInputDeviceList, IN OUT PUINT puiNumDevices, IN UINT cbSize);
typedef /*WINUSERAPI*/ INT (WINAPI *GetRawInputDeviceInfoPtr)(IN HANDLE hDevice, IN UINT uiCommand, OUT LPVOID pData, IN OUT PUINT pcbSize);
typedef /*WINUSERAPI*/ bool (WINAPI *RegisterRawInputDevicesPtr)(IN PCRAWINPUTDEVICE pRawInputDevices, IN UINT uiNumDevices, IN UINT cbSize);
typedef /*WINUSERAPI*/ INT (WINAPI *GetRawInputDataPtr)(IN HRAWINPUT hRawInput, IN UINT uiCommand, OUT LPVOID pData, IN OUT PUINT pcbSize, IN UINT cbSizeHeader);

// XInput API
typedef /*WINUSERAPI*/ DWORD (WINAPI *XInputGetCapabilitiesPtr)(IN DWORD dwUserIndex, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PXINPUT_CAPABILITIES pCapabilities);
typedef /*WINUSERAPI*/ DWORD (WINAPI *XInputGetStatePtr)(IN DWORD dwUserIndex, OUT PXINPUT_STATE pState);
typedef /*WINUSERAPI*/ DWORD (WINAPI *XInputSetStatePtr)(IN DWORD dwUserIndex, IN PXINPUT_VIBRATION pVibration);

 * Input system that uses combination of DirectInput, XInput and RawInput APIs.
class CDirectInputSystem : public CInputSystem
  const Util::Config::Node &m_config;

	// Lookup table to map key names to DirectInput keycodes and Virtual keycodes
	static DIKeyMapStruct s_keyMap[];

	static const char *ConstructName(bool useRawInput, bool useXInput);

	bool m_useRawInput;
	bool m_useXInput;
	bool m_enableFFeedback;
	HWND m_hwnd;
	DWORD m_screenW;
	DWORD m_screenH;

	bool m_initializedCOM;
	bool m_activated;
	SDL_Window *m_window = nullptr;
	// Function pointers for RawInput API
	GetRawInputDeviceListPtr m_getRIDevListPtr;
	GetRawInputDeviceInfoPtr m_getRIDevInfoPtr;
	RegisterRawInputDevicesPtr m_regRIDevsPtr;
	GetRawInputDataPtr m_getRIDataPtr;
	// Keyboard, mouse and joystick details
	std::vector<KeyDetails> m_keyDetails;
	std::vector<MouseDetails> m_mseDetails;
	std::vector<JoyDetails> m_joyDetails;
	// RawInput keyboard and mice handles and states
	std::vector<HANDLE> m_rawKeyboards;
	std::vector<bool*> m_rawKeyStates;
	std::vector<HANDLE> m_rawMice;
	RawMseState m_combRawMseState;
	std::vector<RawMseState> m_rawMseStates;

	// Function pointers for XInput API
	XInputGetCapabilitiesPtr m_xiGetCapabilitiesPtr;
	XInputGetStatePtr m_xiGetStatePtr;
	XInputSetStatePtr m_xiSetStatePtr;

	// DirectInput pointers and details
	std::vector<LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8> m_di8Joysticks;
	// DirectInput keyboard and mouse states
	BYTE m_diKeyState[256];
	DIMseState m_diMseState;
	// DirectInput joystick infos and states
	std::vector<DIJoyInfo> m_diJoyInfos;
	std::vector<DIJOYSTATE2> m_diJoyStates;

	bool GetRegString(HKEY regKey, const char *regPath, std::string &str);

	bool GetRegDeviceName(const char *rawDevName, char *name);

	void OpenKeyboardsAndMice();

	void ActivateKeyboardsAndMice();

	void PollKeyboardsAndMice();

	void CloseKeyboardsAndMice();

	void ResetMice();

	void ProcessRawInput(HRAWINPUT hInput);

	void OpenJoysticks();

	void ActivateJoysticks();

	void PollJoysticks();

	void CloseJoysticks();

	HRESULT CreateJoystickEffect(LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 di8Joystick, int axisNum, ForceFeedbackCmd ffCmd, LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT *di8Effect);

	void LoadXInputDLL();

	 * Initializes the DirectInput input system.
	bool InitializeSystem();

	int GetKeyIndex(const char *keyName);

	const char *GetKeyName(int keyIndex);

	bool IsKeyPressed(int joyNum, int keyIndex);

	int GetMouseAxisValue(int mseNum, int axisNum);

	int GetMouseWheelDir(int mseNum);

	bool IsMouseButPressed(int mseNum, int butNum);

	int GetJoyAxisValue(int joyNum, int axisNum);

	bool IsJoyPOVInDir(int joyNum, int povNum, int povDir);

	bool IsJoyButPressed(int joyNum, int butNum);
	bool ProcessForceFeedbackCmd(int joyNum, int axisNum, ForceFeedbackCmd ffCmd);

	bool ConfigMouseCentered();

	CInputSource *CreateAnyMouseSource(EMousePart msePart);

	 * Constructs a DirectInput/XInput/RawInput input system.  
	 * If useRawInput is true then RawInput is used for keyboard and mice movements (allowing multiple devices, eg for dual lightguns in gun
	 * games such as Lost World).  If false then DirectInput is used instead (which doesn't allow multiple devices).  In both cases,
	 * DirectInput/XInput is used for reading joysticks.
	 * If useXInput is true then XInput is used for reading XBox 360 game controllers (and/or XInput compatible joysticks) and DirectInput is used
	 * for all other types of joystick.  If false, then DirectInput is used for reading all joysticks (including XBox 360 ones).
	 * The advantage of using XInput for XBox 360 game controllers is that it allows the left and right triggers to be used simultaneously
	 * (ie to brake and accelerate at the same time in order to power slide the car in Daytona USA 2).  Under DirectInput the triggers get mapped
	 * to the same shared axis and so cannot be distinguished when pressed together.
	 * If enableFFeedback is true then force feedback is enabled (for those joysticks which are force feedback capable).
	CDirectInputSystem(const Util::Config::Node &config, SDL_Window *window, bool useRawInput, bool useXInput);


	int GetNumKeyboards();	

	int GetNumMice();
	int GetNumJoysticks();

	const KeyDetails *GetKeyDetails(int kbdNum);

	const MouseDetails *GetMouseDetails(int mseNum);

	const JoyDetails *GetJoyDetails(int joyNum);

	bool Poll();

	void GrabMouse();

	void UngrabMouse();

	void SetMouseVisibility(bool visible);