#ifndef INCLUDED_GAME_H #define INCLUDED_GAME_H #include <string> #include <memory> struct Game { std::string name; std::string parent; std::string title; std::string version; std::string manufacturer; unsigned year = 0; std::string stepping; std::string mpeg_board; enum AudioTypes { MONO = 0, // Merge DSB+SCSP1+SCSP2 to 1 channel mono STEREO_LR, // Merge DSP+SCSP1+SCSP2 to 2 channels stereo Left/Right (most common) STEREO_RL, // Merge DSP+SCSP1+SCSP2 to 2 channels stereo reversed Right/Left QUAD_1_FLR_2_RLR, // Split DSB+SCSP1 to FrontLeft/FrontRight and SCSP2 to RearLeft/RearRight (Daytona2) QUAD_1_FRL_2_RRL, // Split DSB+SCSP1 to FrontRight/FrontLeft and SCSP2 to RearRight/RearLeft QUAD_1_RLR_2_FLR, // Split DSB+SCSP1 to RearLeft/RearRight and SCSP2 to FrontLeft/FrontRight QUAD_1_RRL_2_FRL, // Split DSB+SCSP1 to RearRight/RearLeft and SCSP2 to FrontRight/FrontLeft QUAD_1_LR_2_FR_MIX, // Specific srally2: Split SCSP2 and mix first channel to DSB+SCP11 Front Left/Right and second to Read Left/Right }; AudioTypes audio = STEREO_LR; std::string pci_bridge; // overrides default PCI bridge type for stepping (empty string for default) uint32_t real3d_pci_id = 0; // overrides default Real3D PCI ID for stepping (0 for default) float real3d_status_bit_set_percent_of_frame = 0; // overrides default status bit timing (0 for default) uint32_t encryption_key = 0; bool netboard_present; enum Inputs { INPUT_UI = 0, // special code reserved for Supermodel UI inputs INPUT_COMMON = 0x00000001, // common controls (coins, service, test) INPUT_VEHICLE = 0x00000002, // vehicle controls INPUT_JOYSTICK1 = 0x00000004, // joystick 1 INPUT_JOYSTICK2 = 0x00000008, // joystick 2 INPUT_FIGHTING = 0x00000010, // fighting game controls INPUT_VR4 = 0x00000020, // four VR view buttons INPUT_VIEWCHANGE = 0x00000040, // single view change button INPUT_SHIFT4 = 0x00000080, // 4-speed shifter INPUT_SHIFTUPDOWN = 0x00000100, // up/down shifter INPUT_HANDBRAKE = 0x00000200, // handbrake INPUT_HARLEY = 0x00000400, // Harley Davidson controls INPUT_GUN1 = 0x00000800, // light gun 1 INPUT_GUN2 = 0x00001000, // light gun 2 INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK = 0x00002000, // analog joystick INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS = 0x00004000, // twin joysticks INPUT_SOCCER = 0x00008000, // soccer controls INPUT_SPIKEOUT = 0x00010000, // Spikeout buttons INPUT_ANALOG_GUN1 = 0x00020000, // analog gun 1 INPUT_ANALOG_GUN2 = 0x00040000, // analog gun 2 INPUT_SKI = 0x00080000, // ski controls INPUT_MAGTRUCK = 0x00100000, // magical truck controls INPUT_FISHING = 0x00200000, // fishing controls INPUT_ALL = 0x003FFFFF }; uint32_t inputs = 0; enum DriveBoardType { DRIVE_BOARD_NONE = 0, DRIVE_BOARD_WHEEL, DRIVE_BOARD_JOYSTICK, DRIVE_BOARD_SKI, DRIVE_BOARD_BILLBOARD }; DriveBoardType driveboard_type = DriveBoardType::DRIVE_BOARD_NONE; }; #endif // INCLUDED_GAME_H