#ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER #include "ConsoleDebugger.h" #include "CPUDebug.h" #include "CodeAnalyser.h" #include "Label.h" #include #include namespace Debugger { CConsoleDebugger::CConsoleDebugger() : CDebugger(), m_nextFrame(false), m_listDism(0), m_listMem(0), m_analyseCode(true), m_addrFmt(HexDollar), m_portFmt(Decimal), m_dataFmt(HexDollar), m_showLabels(true), m_labelsOverAddr(true), m_showOpCodes(false), m_memBytesPerRow(12), m_file(NULL) { // } // TODO - tidy upf this function, ie do some proper parsing of commands - it is a mess! void CConsoleDebugger::WaitCommand(CCPUDebug *cpu) { m_cpu = cpu; UINT32 pc = m_cpu->pc; m_listDism = (m_cpu->instrCount > 0 && pc > 10 * m_cpu->minInstrLen ? pc - 10 * m_cpu->minInstrLen : 0); char bpChr; char addrStr[20]; char labelStr[13]; char opCodes[50]; int codesLen; char mnemonic[255]; char operands[255]; char cmd[255]; for (;;) { // Get code analyser and if available analyse code now if required if (m_analyseCode) { CCodeAnalyser *analyser = m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser(); if (analyser->NeedsAnalysis()) { Print("Analysing %s...\n", m_cpu->name); analyser->AnalyseCode(); } } // Close redirected output file, if exists if (m_file != NULL) { fclose(m_file); m_file = NULL; } // Get details for current PC address bool hasLabel; if (m_cpu->instrCount > 0) { m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, pc); hasLabel = GetLabelText(labelStr, 12, pc); codesLen = m_cpu->Disassemble(pc, mnemonic, operands); FormatOpCodes(opCodes, pc, abs(codesLen)); } else { addrStr[0] = '-'; addrStr[1] = '\0'; hasLabel = false; labelStr[0] = '\0'; opCodes[0] = '-'; opCodes[1] = '\0'; codesLen = 0; } CBreakpoint *bp = m_cpu->GetBreakpoint(pc); bpChr = (bp != NULL ? bp->symbol : ' '); // Output command prompt Print("%s%c", m_cpu->name, bpChr); if (m_showLabels) { if (m_labelsOverAddr) Print("%-12s ", (hasLabel ? labelStr : addrStr)); else Print("%s %-12s ", addrStr, labelStr); } else Print("%s ", addrStr); if (m_showOpCodes) Print("[%s] ", opCodes); if (codesLen > 0) Print("%-*s %s > ", (int)m_cpu->maxMnemLen, mnemonic, operands); else Print("??? > "); Flush(); // Wait for command Read(cmd, 255); if (cmd[0] == '\0') { m_cpu->SetStepMode(StepInto); break; } // Check for redirection char *pos = strchr(cmd, '>'); if (pos != NULL) { *pos = '\0'; pos++; const char *mode; if (*pos == '>') { mode = "ab"; pos++; } else mode = "w"; while (*pos == ' ') pos++; if (*pos != '\0') { m_file = fopen(pos, mode); if (m_file == NULL) { Error("Unable to direct output to file %s\n", pos); continue; } } else { Error("Missing file to direct output to\n"); continue; } } char *token = strtok(cmd, " "); if (ProcessToken(token, cmd)) break; pc = m_cpu->pc; } } bool CConsoleDebugger::ProcessToken(const char *token, const char *cmd) { UINT32 pc = m_cpu->pc; int number; unsigned size; const char *sizeStr; UINT32 addr; UINT16 portNum; UINT64 data; char addrStr[50]; char portNumStr[50]; char dataStr[50]; char mod[10]; EFormat fmt; // // Execution // if (CheckToken(token, "n", "next")) // next [=1] { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token != NULL) { if (!ParseInt(token, &number) || number <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid instruction count.\n"); return false; } if (number > 1) Print("Running %d instructions.\n", number); m_cpu->SetCount(number); } else m_cpu->SetStepMode(StepInto); return true; } else if (CheckToken(token, "nf", "nextframe")) // nextframe [=1] { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token != NULL) { if (!ParseInt(token, &number) || number <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid frame count.\n"); return false; } if (number > 1) Print("Running %d frames.\n", number); m_nextFrameCount = number; } else m_nextFrameCount = 1; m_nextFrame = true; return true; } else if (CheckToken(token, "s", "stepover")) // stepover { m_cpu->SetStepMode(StepOver); return true; } else if (CheckToken(token, "si", "stepinto")) // stepinto { m_cpu->SetStepMode(StepInto); return true; } else if (CheckToken(token, "so", "stepout")) // stepout { m_cpu->SetStepMode(StepOut); return true; } else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "continue")) // continue [] { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token != NULL) { if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid address.\n"); return false; } m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); Print("Continuing until %s.\n", addrStr); m_cpu->SetUntil(addr); } else m_cpu->SetContinue(); return true; } else if (CheckToken(token, "spc", "setpc")) // setpc { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing address.\n"); return false; } if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid address.\n"); return false; } if (!m_cpu->SetPC(addr)) { Error("Unable to set PC.\n"); return false; } m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); Print("PC set to %s.\n", addrStr); return true; } // // CPUs // else if (CheckToken(token, "lc", "listcpus")) // listcpus { ListCPUs(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "sc", "switchcpu")) // switchcpu (|) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); CCPUDebug *cpu; if (!ParseCPU(token, cpu)) return false; if (!cpu->enabled) { Error("CPU %s is currently disabled for debugging.\n", cpu->name); return false; } m_cpu = cpu; pc = cpu->pc; m_listDism = (cpu->instrCount > 0 && pc > 10 * cpu->minInstrLen ? pc - 10 * cpu->minInstrLen : 0); return false; } else if (CheckToken(token, "dc", "disablecpu")) // disablecpu (|) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); CCPUDebug *cpu; if (!ParseCPU(token, cpu)) return false; if (cpu == m_cpu) { Error("Cannot enable/disable debugging on current CPU.\n"); return false; } cpu->enabled = false; Print("Disabled debugging on CPU %s.\n", cpu->name); } else if (CheckToken(token, "ec", "enablecpu")) // enablecpu (|) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); CCPUDebug *cpu; if (!ParseCPU(token, cpu)) return false; if (cpu == m_cpu) { Error("Cannot enable/disable debugging on current CPU.\n"); return false; } cpu->enabled = true; Print("Enabled debugging on CPU %s.\n", cpu->name); } // // Registers // else if (CheckToken(token, "lr", "listregisters")) // listregisters { ListRegisters(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "pr", "printregister")) // printregister { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); CRegister *reg; if (!ParseRegister(token, reg)) return false; reg->GetValue(dataStr); Print("Register %s = %s\n", reg->name, dataStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "sr", "setregister")) // setregister { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); CRegister *reg; if (!ParseRegister(token, reg)) return false; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing value to set.\n"); return false; } if (!reg->SetValue(token)) { Error("Unable to set value of register %s.\n", reg->name); return false; } reg->GetValue(dataStr); Print("Set register %s to %s.\n", reg->name, dataStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "lm", "listmonitors")) // listmonitors { ListMonitors(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "m", "monitor") || // addmonitor CheckToken(token, "am", "addmonitor")) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); CRegister *reg; if (!ParseRegister(token, reg)) return false; m_cpu->AddRegMonitor(reg->name); Print("Monitor added to register %s.\n", reg->name); } else if (CheckToken(token, "rm", "removemonitor")) // removemonitor { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); CRegister *reg; if (!ParseRegister(token, reg)) return false; m_cpu->RemoveRegMonitor(reg->name); Print("Monitor for register %s removed.\n", reg->name); } else if (CheckToken(token, "ram", "removeallmonitors")) // removeallmonitors { m_cpu->RemoveAllRegMonitors(); Print("All register monitors removed.\n"); } // // Exceptions & interrupts // else if (CheckToken(token, "le", "listexceptions")) // listexceptions { ListExceptions(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "li", "listinterrupts")) // listinterrupts { ListInterrupts(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "t", "trap") || // addtrap ((e)xception|(i)nterrupt) CheckToken(token, "at", "addtrap")) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing type (e)xception or (i)interrupt\n"); return false; } if (CheckToken(token, "e", "exception")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing exception id.\n"); return false; } CException *ex = m_cpu->GetException(token); if (ex == NULL) { Error("Enter a valid exception id.\n"); return false; } ex->trap = true; Print("Trap added for exceptions of type %s.\n", ex->id); } else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "interrupt")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing interrupt id.\n"); return false; } CInterrupt *in = m_cpu->GetInterrupt(token); if (in == NULL) { Error("Enter a valid interrupt id.\n"); return false; } in->trap = true; Print("Trap added for interrupts of type %s.\n", in->id); } else { Error("Enter valid type (e)xception or (i)interrupt.\n"); return false; } } else if (CheckToken(token, "rt", "removetrap")) // removetrap ((e)xception|(i)nterrupt) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing type (e)xception or (i)interrupt.\n"); return false; } if (CheckToken(token, "e", "exception")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing exception id.\n"); return false; } CException *ex = m_cpu->GetException(token); if (ex == NULL) { Error("Enter a valid exception id.\n"); return false; } ex->trap = false; Print("Trap for exception %s removed.\n", ex->name); } else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "interrupt")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing interrupt id.\n"); return false; } CInterrupt *in = m_cpu->GetInterrupt(token); if (in == NULL) { Error("Enter a valid interrupt id.\n"); return false; } in->trap = false; Print("Trap for interrupt %s removed.\n", in->name); } else { Error("Enter a valid type (e)xception or (i)interrupt.\n"); return false; } } else if (CheckToken(token, "rat", "removealltraps")) // removealltraps [(a)ll|(e)xceptions|(i)nterrupts] { bool removeExs; bool removeInts; const char *coverage; if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "a", "all")) { removeExs = true; removeInts = true; coverage = "exceptions and interrupts"; } else if (CheckToken(token, "e", "exceptions")) { removeExs = true; removeInts = false; coverage = "exceptions"; } else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "interrupts")) { removeExs = false; removeInts = true; coverage = "interrupts"; } else { Error("Enter a valid mode (a)ll, (e)xceptions or (i)nterrupts\n"); return false; } if (removeExs) { for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->exceps.begin(); it != m_cpu->exceps.end(); it++) (*it)->trap = false; } if (removeInts) { for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->inters.begin(); it != m_cpu->inters.end(); it++) (*it)->trap = false; } Print("All traps for %s removed.\n", coverage); } // // Disassembly, labels & comments // else if (CheckToken(token, "l", "list") || // listdisassembly [=last [#=20|]] CheckToken(token, "ld", "listdisassembly")) { // Get start address UINT32 start; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) token = "last"; if (stricmp(token, "last") == 0) { // Use end of last listing start = m_listDism; } else if (!ParseAddress(token, &start)) { Error("Enter a valid start address.\n"); return false; } // Get end address UINT32 end; unsigned numInstrs; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token != NULL) { if (token[0] == '#') { if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid number of instructions.\n"); return false; } numInstrs = (unsigned)number; end = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { if (!ParseAddress(token, &end)) { Error("Enter a valid end address.\n"); return false; } numInstrs = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } else { // Default is 20 instructions after start end = 0xFFFFFFFF; numInstrs = 20; } // List the disassembled code m_listDism = ListDisassembly(start, end, numInstrs); } else if (CheckToken(token, "ll", "listlabels")) // listlabels [(d)efault|(c)ustom|(a)utos|(e)ntrypoints|e(x)cephandlers|(i)interhandlers|(j)umptargets|(l)ooppoints] { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); bool customLabels; ELabelFlags labelFlags; if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "d", "default")) { customLabels = true; labelFlags = (ELabelFlags)(LFEntryPoint | LFExcepHandler | LFInterHandler | LFSubroutine); } else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "custom")) { customLabels = true; labelFlags = LFNone; } else if (CheckToken(token, "a", "autos")) { customLabels = true; labelFlags = (ELabelFlags)(LFEntryPoint | LFExcepHandler | LFInterHandler | LFSubroutine | LFJumpTarget | LFLoopPoint); } else if (CheckToken(token, "e", "entrypoints")) { customLabels = false; labelFlags = LFEntryPoint; } else if (CheckToken(token, "x", "excephandlers")) { customLabels = false; labelFlags = LFExcepHandler; } else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "interhandlers")) { customLabels = false; labelFlags = LFInterHandler; } else if (CheckToken(token, "s", "subroutines")) { customLabels = false; labelFlags = LFSubroutine; } else if (CheckToken(token, "j", "jumptargets")) { customLabels = false; labelFlags = LFJumpTarget; } else if (CheckToken(token, "l", "looppoints")) { customLabels = false; labelFlags = LFLoopPoint; } else { Error("Enter a valid filter (a)ll, (c)ustom, (e)ntrypoints, e(x)cephandlers, (i)interhandlers, (j)umptargets or (l)ooppoints.\n"); return false; } ListLabels(customLabels, labelFlags); } else if (CheckToken(token, "al", "addlabel")) // addlabel { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing label address.\n"); return false; } else if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid label address.\n"); return false; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing label name.\n"); return false; } const char *name = token; // Add label CLabel *label = m_cpu->AddLabel(addr, name); m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, label->addr); Print("Label %s added at %s.\n", label->name, addrStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "rl", "removelabel")) // removelabel [|] { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) token = "-"; if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid label name or address.\n"); return false; } CLabel *label = m_cpu->GetLabel(addr); if (label == NULL) { m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); Error("No label at %s.\n", addrStr); return false; } const char *name = label->name; m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, label->addr); Print("Custom label '%s' removed at address %s.\n", name, addrStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "ral", "removealllabels")) // removealllabels { m_cpu->RemoveAllLabels(); Print("All custom labels removed.\m"); } else if (CheckToken(token, "ac", "addcomment")) // addcomment { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing comment address.\n"); return false; } else if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid comment address.\n"); return false; } char text[255]; text[0] = '\0'; token = strtok(NULL, " "); while (token != NULL) { size_t len = strlen(text); if (len + strlen(token) > 253) break; if (len > 0) strcat(text, " "); strcat(text, token); token = strtok(NULL, " "); } if (text[0] == '\0') { Error("Missing comment text.\n"); return false; } // Add comment CComment *comment = m_cpu->AddComment(addr, text); m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, comment->addr); Print("Comment added at %s.\n", addrStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "rc", "removecomment")) // removecomment [] { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) token = "-"; if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid comment address.\n"); return false; } m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); if (m_cpu->RemoveComment(addr)) Print("Comment at address %s removed.\n", addrStr); else Error("No comment at address %s.\n", addrStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "rac", "removeallcomments")) // removeallcomments { m_cpu->RemoveAllComments(); Print("All comments removed.\n"); } // // Breakpoints // else if (CheckToken(token, "lb", "listbreakpoints")) // listbreakpoints { ListBreakpoints(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "b", "breakpoint") || // addbreakpoint [ [[s)imple|(c)ount )]] CheckToken(token, "ab", "addbreakpoint")) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) token = "-"; if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid address.\n"); return false; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); CBreakpoint *bp; if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "s", "simple")) bp = m_cpu->AddSimpleBreakpoint(addr); else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "count")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing count.\n"); return false; } int count; if (!ParseInt(token, &count) || count <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid count.\n"); return false; } bp = m_cpu->AddCountBreakpoint(addr, count); } else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "print")) bp = m_cpu->AddPrintBreakpoint(addr); else { Error("Enter a valid breakpoint type (s)imple or (c)ount.\n"); return false; } m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, bp->addr); Print("Breakpoint #%d added at address %s.\n", bp->num, addrStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "rb", "removebreakpoint")) // removebreakpoint [#|] { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) token = "-"; if (token[0] == '#') { // Remove breakpoint by number if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number < 0 || number >= m_cpu->bps.size()) { Error("Enter a valid breakpoint number.\n"); return false; } // Remove breakpoint m_cpu->RemoveBreakpoint(m_cpu->bps[number]); Print("Breakpoint #%d removed.\n", number); } else { // Remove breakpoint by address if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid address.\n"); return false; } // Remove breakpoint m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); if (m_cpu->RemoveBreakpoint(addr)) Print("Breakpoint at address %s removed.\n", addrStr); else Error("No breakpoint at address %s.\n", addrStr); } } else if (CheckToken(token, "rab", "removeallbreakpoints")) // removeallbreakpoints { m_cpu->RemoveAllBreakpoints(); Print("All breakpoints removed.\n"); } // // Memory, I/O & watches // else if (CheckToken(token, "ln", "listregions")) // listregions { ListRegions(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "ly", "listmemory")) // listmemory [=last [#=8|]] { // Get start address UINT32 start; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) token = "last"; if (stricmp(token, "last") == 0) { // Use end of last listing start = m_listMem; } else if (!ParseAddress(token, &start)) { Error("Enter a valid start address.\n"); return false; } // Get end address UINT32 end; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token != NULL) { if (token[0] == '#') { if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid number of rows.\n"); return false; } end = start + number * m_memBytesPerRow; } else { if (!ParseAddress(token, &end)) { Error("Enter a valid end address.\n"); return false; } } } else // Default is 8 rows after start end = start + 8 * m_memBytesPerRow; // List the memory m_listMem = ListMemory(start, end, m_memBytesPerRow); } else if (CheckToken(token, "py", "printmemory", mod, 9, "b")) // printmemory[.=b] [(h)ex|hexdo(l)lar|hex(p)osth|(d)ecimal|(b)inary] { // Parse arguments if (!ParseDataSize(mod, size)) return false; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing address.\n"); return false; } if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid address.\n"); return false; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token != NULL) { if (!ParseFormat(token, fmt)) return false; } else fmt = m_dataFmt; // Read and print memory char uSizeStr[12]; sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(size, false); UpperFirst(uSizeStr, sizeStr); data = m_cpu->ReadMem(addr, size); FormatData(dataStr, fmt, size, data); m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); Print("%s data at %s = %s.\n", uSizeStr, addrStr, dataStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "sy", "setmemory", mod, 9, "b")) // setmemory[.=b] { // Parse arguments if (!ParseDataSize(mod, size)) return false; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing address.\n"); return false; } if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid address.\n"); return false; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing value to set.\n"); return false; } sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(size, false); if (!m_cpu->ParseData(token, size, &data)) { Error("Enter a valid %s value.\n", sizeStr); return false; } // Set memory char uSizeStr[12]; UpperFirst(uSizeStr, sizeStr); m_cpu->WriteMem(addr, size, data); m_cpu->FormatData(dataStr, size, data); m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); Print("Set %s data at %s to %s.\n", addrStr, dataStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "lo", "listios")) // listios { ListIOs(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "lw", "listmemwatches")) // listmemwatches { ListMemWatches(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "w", "memwatch", mod, 9, "b") || // addmemwatch[.=b] [((n)one|(r)ead|(w)rite|(rw)eadwrite) [((s)imple|(c)ount |(m)atch |captu(r)e |(p)rint)]] CheckToken(token, "aw", "addmemwatch", mod, 9, "b")) { // Parse arguments if (!ParseDataSize(mod, size)) return false; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing address.\n"); return false; } if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid address.\n"); return false; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); bool read; bool write; if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "n", "none")) { read = false; write = false; } else if (CheckToken(token, "r", "read")) { read = true; write = false; } else if (CheckToken(token, "w", "write")) { read = false; write = true; } else if (CheckToken(token, "rw", "read/write") || CheckToken(token, "wr", "write/read")) { read = true; write = true; } else { Error("Enter valid read/write flags (n)one, (r)ead, (w)rite or (rw)ead/write.\n"); return false; } // Add mem watch CWatch *watch; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "s", "simple")) watch = m_cpu->AddSimpleMemWatch(addr, size, read, write); else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "count")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing count.\n"); return false; } int count; if (!ParseInt(token, &count) || count <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid count.\n"); return false; } watch = m_cpu->AddCountMemWatch(addr, size, read, write, count); } else if (CheckToken(token, "m", "match")) { vector dataSeq; while ((token = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL) { if (m_cpu->ParseData(token, size, &data)) dataSeq.push_back(data); } if (dataSeq.size() == 0) { sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(size, false); Error("Enter a sequence of %s data to match.", sizeStr); return false; } watch = m_cpu->AddMatchMemWatch(addr, size, read, write, dataSeq); } else if (CheckToken(token, "r", "capture")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing maximum capture length.\n"); return false; } int maxLen; if (!ParseInt(token, &maxLen) || maxLen <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid maximum capture length.\n"); return false; } watch = m_cpu->AddCaptureMemWatch(addr, size, read, write, maxLen); } else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "print")) watch = m_cpu->AddPrintMemWatch(addr, size, read, write); else { Error("Enter a valid watch type (s)imple, (c)ount, (m)atch, captu(r)e or (p)rint.\n"); return false; } m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, watch->addr); number = GetIndexOfMemWatch(watch); Print("Memory watch #%d added at address %s.\n", number, addrStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "rw", "removememwatch")) // removememwatch (#|) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing watch number or address.\n"); return false; } if (token[0] == '#') { // Remove watch by number vector watches; GetAllMemWatches(watches); if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number < 0 || number >= watches.size()) { Error("Enter a valid watch number.\n"); return false; } // Remove watch m_cpu->RemoveWatch(watches[number]); Print("Memory watch #%d removed.\n", number); } else { // Remove watch by address if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr)) { Error("Enter a valid address.\n"); return false; } // Remove watch m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); if (m_cpu->RemoveMemWatch(addr, 1)) Print("Memory watch at address %s removed.\n", addrStr); else Error("No memory watch at address %s.\n", addrStr); } } else if (CheckToken(token, "raw", "removeallmemwatches")) // removeallmemwatches { // Remove all memory watches vector watches; GetAllMemWatches(watches); for (vector::iterator it = watches.begin(); it != watches.end(); it++) m_cpu->RemoveWatch(*it); Print("All memory watches removed.\n"); } else if (CheckToken(token, "lpw", "listportwatches")) // listportwatches { ListPortWatches(); } else if (CheckToken(token, "pw", "portwatch") || // addportwatch [((n)one|(i)nput|(o)|(io)nputoutput) [((s)imple|(c)ount |(m)atch |captu(r)e |(p)rint)]] CheckToken(token, "apw", "addportwatch")) { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing port number.\n"); return false; } if (!m_cpu->ParsePortNum(token, &portNum)) { Error("Enter a valid port number.\n"); return false; } token = strtok(NULL, " "); bool input; bool output; if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "n", "none")) { input = false; output = false; } else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "input")) { input = true; output = false; } else if (CheckToken(token, "o", "output")) { input = false; output = true; } else if (CheckToken(token, "io", "input/output") || CheckToken(token, "oi", "output/input")) { input = true; output = true; } else { Error("Enter valid input/output flags (n)one, (i)nput, (o)utput or (io)nput/output.\n"); return false; } // Add watch CPortIO *port = m_cpu->GetPortIO(portNum); CWatch *watch; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "s", "simple")) watch = port->AddSimpleWatch(input, output); else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "count")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing count.\n"); return false; } int count; if (!ParseInt(token, &count) || count <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid count.\n"); return false; } watch = port->AddCountWatch(input, output, count); } else if (CheckToken(token, "m", "match")) { vector dataSeq; while ((token = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL) { if (m_cpu->ParseData(token, port->dataSize, &data)) dataSeq.push_back(data); } if (dataSeq.size() == 0) { Error("Enter a sequence of %s to match.", GetDataSizeStr(port->dataSize, false)); return false; } watch = port->AddMatchWatch(input, output, dataSeq); } else if (CheckToken(token, "r", "capture")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing maximum capture length.\n"); return false; } int maxLen; if (!ParseInt(token, &maxLen) || maxLen <= 0) { Error("Enter a valid maximum capture length.\n"); return false; } watch = port->AddCaptureWatch(input, output, maxLen); } else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "print")) watch = port->AddPrintWatch(input, output); else { Error("Enter a valid watch type (s)imple, (c)ount, (m)atch, captu(r)e or (p)rint.\n"); return false; } m_cpu->FormatPortNum(portNumStr, portNum); number = GetIndexOfPortWatch(watch); Print("Port watch %d added for port %u.\n", number, portNumStr); } else if (CheckToken(token, "rpw", "removeportwatch")) // removeportwatch (a|n|p) [NUM|PORT] { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing watch number or port number.\n"); return false; } if (token[0] == '#') { // Remove watch by number vector watches; GetAllPortWatches(watches); if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number < 0 || number >= watches.size()) { Error("Enter a valid watch number.\n"); return false; } // Remove watch m_cpu->RemoveWatch(watches[number]); Print("Port watch #%d removed.\n", number); } else { // Remove watch by port number if (!m_cpu->ParsePortNum(token, &portNum)) { Error("Enter a valid port number.\n"); return false; } // Remove watch CPortIO *port = m_cpu->GetPortIO(portNum); m_cpu->FormatPortNum(portNumStr, portNum); if (port->RemoveWatch()) Print("Port watch for port %s removed.\n", portNumStr); else Error("No port watch for port %s.\n", portNumStr); } } else if (CheckToken(token, "rapw", "removeallportwatches")) // removeallportwatches { // Remove all port watches vector watches; GetAllPortWatches(watches); for (vector::iterator it = watches.begin(); it != watches.end(); it++) m_cpu->RemoveWatch(*it); Print("All port watches removed.\n"); } // // General // else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "print", mod, 9, "")) // print[.=v] [(h)ex|hexdo(l)lar|hex(p)osth|(d)ecimal|(b)inary] { // Parse arguments bool useDefSize; if (mod[0] == '\0') useDefSize = true; else if (ParseDataSize(mod, size)) useDefSize = false; else return false; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing expression.\n"); return false; } const char *expr = token; token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token != NULL) { if (!ParseFormat(token, fmt)) return false; } else fmt = m_dataFmt; // Check labels and registers CLabel *label = m_cpu->GetLabel(expr); if (label != NULL) { data = label->addr; if (useDefSize) size = m_cpu->memBusWidth / 8; } else { CCodeAnalyser *analyser = m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser(); CAutoLabel *autoLabel = analyser->analysis->GetAutoLabel(expr); if (autoLabel != NULL) { data = autoLabel->addr; if (useDefSize) size = m_cpu->memBusWidth / 8; } else { CRegister *reg = m_cpu->GetRegister(expr); if (reg != NULL) { data = reg->GetValueAsInt(); if (useDefSize) size = reg->dataWidth / 8; } else { if (!ParseData(expr, m_dataFmt, 8, &data)) { Print("Unable to parse expression %s\n", expr); return false; } if (useDefSize) size = 8; } } } char result[255]; FormatData(result, fmt, size, data); if (useDefSize) Print("%s = %s\n", expr, result); else { sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(size, true); Print("%s = %s.%s\n", expr, result, sizeStr); } } else if (CheckToken(token, "cfg", "configure")) // configure { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { // If no arguments, then print out current configuration Print("Configuration:\n"); Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Code Analysis", (m_analyseCode ? "On" : "Off"), "(a)nalysis"); Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Address Format", GetFmtConfig(m_addrFmt), "a(d)dressfmt"); Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Port Format", GetFmtConfig(m_portFmt), "(p)ortfmt"); Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Data Format", GetFmtConfig(m_dataFmt), "da(t)afmt"); Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Show Labels", (m_showLabels ? "On" : "Off"), "show(l)abels"); Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Show Opcodes", (m_showOpCodes ? "On" : "Off"), "show(o)pcodes"); Print(" %-20s %-12u %s\n", "Mem Bytes Per Row", m_memBytesPerRow, "mem(b)ytesrow"); return false; } if (CheckToken(token, "a", "analysis")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); SetBoolConfig(token, m_analyseCode); } else if (CheckToken(token, "d", "addressfmt")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); SetFmtConfig(token, m_addrFmt); } else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "portfmt")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); SetFmtConfig(token, m_portFmt); } else if (CheckToken(token, "t", "datafmt")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); SetFmtConfig(token, m_dataFmt); } else if (CheckToken(token, "l", "showlabels")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); SetBoolConfig(token, m_showLabels); } else if (CheckToken(token, "o", "showopcodes")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); SetBoolConfig(token, m_showOpCodes); } else if (CheckToken(token, "b", "membytesrow")) { token = strtok(NULL, " "); SetNumConfig(token, m_memBytesPerRow); } else { Error("Enter a valid option (a)nalysis, a(d)dressfmt, (p)ortfmt, da(t)afmt, show(l)abels, show(o)pcodes, mem(b)ytesrow.\n"); return false; } } else if (CheckToken(token, "ls", "loadstate")) // loadstate { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing filename.\n"); return false; } if (LoadState(token)) Print("Debugger state successfully loaded from <%s>\n", token); else Error("Unable to load debugger state from <%s>\n", token); } else if (CheckToken(token, "ss", "savestate")) // savestate { // Parse arguments token = strtok(NULL, " "); if (token == NULL) { Error("Missing filename.\n"); return false; } if (SaveState(token)) Print("Debugger state successfully saved to <%s>\n", token); else Error("Unable to save debugger state to <%s>\n", token); } else if (CheckToken(token, "h", "help")) // help { // TODO - improve the following const char *fmt = " %-6s %-25s %s\n"; Print("Debugger Commands:\n"); Print(" Execution:\n"); Print(fmt, "n", "next", "[=1]"); Print(fmt, "nf", "nextframe", "[=1]"); Print(fmt, "s", "stepover", ""); Print(fmt, "si", "stepinto", ""); Print(fmt, "so", "stepout", ""); Print(fmt, "c", "continue", "[]"); Print(fmt, "spc", "setpc", ""); Print(" CPUs:\n"); Print(fmt, "lc", "listcpus", ""); Print(fmt, "sc", "switchcpu", "(|)"); Print(fmt, "dc", "disablecpu", "(|)"); Print(fmt, "ec", "enablecpu", "(|)"); Print(" Registers:\n"); Print(fmt, "lr", "listregisters", ""); Print(fmt, "pr", "printregister", ""); Print(fmt, "sr", "setregister", " "); Print(fmt, "lm", "listmonitors", ""); Print(fmt, "m/am", "addmonitor", ""); Print(fmt, "rm", "removemonitor", ""); Print(fmt, "ram", "removeallmonitors", ""); Print(" Exceptions & interrupts:\n"); Print(fmt, "le", "listexceptions", ""); Print(fmt, "li", "listinterrupts", ""); Print(fmt, "t/at", "addtrap", "((e)xception|(i)nterrupt) "); Print(fmt, "rt", "removetrap", "((e)xception|(i)nterrupt) "); Print(fmt, "rat", "removealltraps", "[(a)ll|(e)xceptions|(i)nterrupts]"); Print(" Disassembly, labels & comments:\n"); Print(fmt, "l/ld", "listdisassembly", "[=last [#=20|]]"); Print(fmt, "ll", "listlabels", "[(d)efault|(c)ustom|(a)utos|(e)ntrypoints|e(x)cephandlers|(i)interhandlers|(j)umptargets|(l)ooppoints]"); Print(fmt, "al", "addlabel", " "); Print(fmt, "rl", "removelabel", "[|]"); Print(fmt, "ral", "removealllabels", ""); Print(fmt, "ac", "addcomment", " "); Print(fmt, "rc", "removecomment", "[]"); Print(fmt, "rac", "removeallcomments", ""); Print(" Breakpoints:\n"); Print(fmt, "lb", "listbreakpoints", ""); Print(fmt, "b/ab", "addbreakpoint", "[ [[s)imple|(c)ount )]]"); Print(fmt, "rb", "removebreakpoint", "[#|]"); Print(fmt, "rab", "removeallbreakpoints", ""); Print(" Memory, I/O & watches:\n"); Print(fmt, "ln", "listregions", ""); Print(fmt, "ly", "listmemory", "[=last [#=8|]]"); Print(fmt, "py", "printmemory[.=b]", ""); Print(fmt, "sy", "setmemory[.=b]", " "); Print(fmt, "lo", "listios", ""); Print(fmt, "lw", "listmemwatches", ""); Print(fmt, "w/aw", "addmemwatch[.=b]", " [((n)one|(r)ead|(w)rite|(rw)eadwrite) [((s)imple|(c)ount |(m)atch |captu(r)e |(p)rint)]]"); Print(fmt, "rw", "removememwatch", "(#|)"); Print(fmt, "raw", "removeallmemwatches", ""); Print(fmt, "lpw", "listportwatches", ""); Print(fmt, "pw/apw", "addportwatch", " [((n)one|(i)nput|(o)utput|(io)nputoutput) [(s)imple|(c)ount |(m)atch |captu(r)e |(p)rint]]"); Print(fmt, "rpw", "removeportwatch", "(#|)"); Print(fmt, "rapw", "removeallportwatches", ""); Print("General:\n"); Print(fmt, "p", "print[.=v]", " [(h)ex|hexdo(l)lar|hex(p)osth|(d)ecimal|(b)inary]"); Print(fmt, "cfg", "configure", ""); Print(fmt, "ls", "loststate", ""); Print(fmt, "ss", "savestate", ""); Print(fmt, "h", "help", ""); Print(fmt, "x", "exit", ""); } else if (CheckToken(token, "x", "exit")) // exit { Print("Exiting...\n"); SetExit(); return true; } else Print("Unknown command '%s'.\n", token); return false; } void CConsoleDebugger::Read(char *str, size_t maxSize) { if (fgets(str, maxSize, stdin) != NULL) { char *pos = strchr(str, '\n'); if (pos) *pos = '\0'; } else str[0] = '\0'; } void CConsoleDebugger::Print(const char *fmtStr, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmtStr); PrintVL(fmtStr, vl); va_end(vl); } void CConsoleDebugger::Error(const char *fmtStr, ...) { // Don't log errors to file va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmtStr); vprintf(fmtStr, vl); va_end(vl); } void CConsoleDebugger::PrintVL(const char *fmtStr, va_list vl) { if (m_file != NULL) vfprintf(m_file, fmtStr, vl); else vprintf(fmtStr, vl); } void CConsoleDebugger::Flush() { fflush(stdout); } bool CConsoleDebugger::CheckToken(const char *token, const char *simple, const char *full) { return stricmp(token, simple) == 0 || stricmp(token, full) == 0; } bool CConsoleDebugger::CheckToken(const char *token, const char *simple, const char *full, char *modifier, size_t modSize, const char *defaultMod) { const char *pos = strchr(token, '.'); if (pos == NULL) { strncpy(modifier, defaultMod, modSize); modifier[modSize] = '\0'; return CheckToken(token, simple, full); } else { pos++; if (pos == '\0') return false; strncpy(modifier, pos, modSize); modifier[modSize] = '\0'; char actual[255]; size_t actSize = min(pos - token - 1, 254); strncpy(actual, token, actSize); actual[actSize] = '\0'; return CheckToken(actual, simple, full); } } void CConsoleDebugger::Truncate(char *dst, size_t maxLen, const char *src) { strncpy(dst, src, maxLen); if (strlen(src) > maxLen) strncpy(&dst[maxLen - 3], "...", 3); dst[maxLen] = '\0'; } void CConsoleDebugger::UpperFirst(char *dst, const char *src) { if (*src != '\0') { *dst++ = toupper(*src++); while (*src != '\0') *dst++ = *src++; } *dst = '\0'; } void CConsoleDebugger::FormatOpCodes(char *str, int addr, int codesLen) { char *p = str; int i = 0; while (i < codesLen) { UINT8 opCode = (UINT8)m_cpu->ReadMem(addr++, 1); sprintf(p, "%02X", opCode); p += 2; i++; } while (i++ < m_cpu->maxInstrLen) { *p++ = ' '; *p++ = ' '; } *p = '\0'; } bool CConsoleDebugger::GetLabelText(char *str, int maxLen, UINT32 addr) { char labelStr[255]; CLabel *label = m_cpu->GetLabel(addr); if (label != NULL) { Truncate(str, maxLen, label->name); return true; } if (m_analyseCode) { CCodeAnalyser *analyser = m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser(); CAutoLabel *autoLabel = analyser->analysis->GetAutoLabel(addr); if (autoLabel != NULL && autoLabel->GetLabel(labelStr)) { Truncate(str, maxLen, labelStr); return true; } } str[0] = '\0'; return false; } bool CConsoleDebugger::SetBoolConfig(const char *str, bool &cfg) { if (str == NULL) { Print("Current setting: %-12s\n", (cfg ? "On" : "Off")); Print("Change setting with (o)n, o(f)f.\n"); return false; } if (CheckToken(str, "o", "on")) { cfg = true; Print("Changed setting: On\n"); ApplyConfig(); return true; } else if (CheckToken(str, "f", "off")) { cfg = false; Print("Changed setting: Off\n"); ApplyConfig(); return true; } else { Error("Enter a valid setting (o)n, o(f)f.\n"); return false; } } bool CConsoleDebugger::SetNumConfig(const char *str, unsigned &cfg) { if (str == NULL) { Print("Current setting: %-12u\n", cfg); return false; } int number; if (!ParseInt(str, &number)) { Error("Enter a valid number.\n"); return false; } cfg = (unsigned)number; Print("Changed setting: %-12u\n", cfg); ApplyConfig(); return true; } const char *CConsoleDebugger::GetFmtConfig(EFormat fmt) { switch (fmt) { case Hex0x: return "Hex (0x00)"; case HexDollar: return "Hex ($00)"; case HexPostH: return "Hex (00h)"; case Decimal: return "Decimal"; case Binary: return "Binary"; default: return "-"; } } bool CConsoleDebugger::SetFmtConfig(const char *str, EFormat &cfg) { if (str == NULL) { Print("Current setting: %-12s\n", GetFmtConfig(cfg)); Print("Change setting with (h)ex, hex(z)ero, hexdo(l)ar, hex(p)osth, (d)ecimal, (b)inary.\n"); return false; } if (!ParseFormat(str, cfg)) return false; Print("Changed setting: %-12s\n", GetFmtConfig(cfg)); ApplyConfig(); return true; } bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseAddress(const char *str, UINT32 *addr) { if (m_cpu->instrCount > 0 && CheckToken(str, "-", "current")) { *addr = m_cpu->pc; return true; } return m_cpu->ParseAddress(str, addr); } const char *CConsoleDebugger::GetDataSizeStr(unsigned dataSize, bool shortName) { switch (dataSize) { case 1: return (shortName ? "b" : "byte"); case 2: return (shortName ? "w" : "word"); case 4: return (shortName ? "l" : "long"); case 8: return (shortName ? "v" : "vlong"); default: return GetSizeString(dataSize); } } bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseDataSize(const char *str, unsigned &dataSize) { int num = -1; ParseInt(str, &num); if (CheckToken(str, "b", "byte") || num == 1) { dataSize = 1; return true; } else if (CheckToken(str, "w", "word") || num == 2) { dataSize = 2; return true; } else if (CheckToken(str, "l", "long") || num == 4) { dataSize = 4; return true; } else if (CheckToken(str, "v", "verylong") || num == 8) { dataSize = 8; return true; } else { Error("Enter a valid size (b)yte, (w)ord, (l)ong or (v)erylong or a number 1, 2, 4 or 8.\n"); return false; } } bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseFormat(const char *str, EFormat &fmt) { if (CheckToken(str, "h", "hex")) fmt = Hex; else if (CheckToken(str, "z", "hexzero")) fmt = Hex0x; else if (CheckToken(str, "l", "hexdollar")) fmt = HexDollar; else if (CheckToken(str, "p", "hexposth")) fmt = HexPostH; else if (CheckToken(str, "d", "decimal")) fmt = Decimal; else if (CheckToken(str, "b", "binary")) fmt = Binary; else { Error("Enter a valid format (h)ex, hex(z)ero, hexdo(l)ar, hex(p)osth, (d)ecimal, (b)inary.\n"); return false; } return true; } bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseCPU(const char *str, CCPUDebug *&cpu) { if (str == NULL) { Error("Missing CPU name or number.\n"); return false; } int cpuNum; if (ParseInt(str, &cpuNum)) { if (cpuNum >= 0 && cpuNum < (int)cpus.size()) { cpu = cpus[cpuNum]; return true; } } cpu = GetCPU(str); if (cpu == NULL) { Error("No CPU with that name or number.\n"); return false; } return true; } bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseRegister(const char *str, CRegister *®) { if (str == NULL) { Error("Missing register name.\n"); return false; } reg = m_cpu->GetRegister(str); if (reg == NULL) { Error("Enter a valid register name.\n"); return false; } return true; } void CConsoleDebugger::ListCPUs() { Print("CPUs:\n"); if (cpus.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } Print(" %-3s %-12s %-9s %12s\n", "Num", "CPU", "Debugging", "Instr Count"); unsigned num = 0; const char *stateStr; for (vector::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { stateStr = ((*it)->enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); if ((*it)->instrCount > 0) Print(" %-3u %-12s %-9s %12llu\n", num++, (*it)->name, stateStr, (*it)->instrCount - 1); else Print(" %-3u %-12s %-9s -\n", num++, (*it)->name, stateStr); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ListRegisters() { Print("%s Registers:\n", m_cpu->name); if (m_cpu->regs.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } // Get groups vector groups; vector > regsByGroup; size_t totalRows = 0; for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->regs.begin(); it != m_cpu->regs.end(); it++) { const char *group = (*it)->group; // TODO - find with stricmp rather than default find if (find(groups.begin(), groups.end(), group) == groups.end()) { groups.push_back(group); regsByGroup.resize(regsByGroup.size() + 1); } int index = find(groups.begin(), groups.end(), group) - groups.begin(); vector *pRegsInGroup = ®sByGroup[index]; pRegsInGroup->push_back(*it); totalRows = max(totalRows, pRegsInGroup->size()); } // Get max label and value widths in each group and print group headers size_t numGroups = groups.size(); vector labelWidths(numGroups); vector valueWidths(numGroups); vector groupWidths(numGroups); char valStr[50]; Print(" "); for (size_t index = 0; index < numGroups; index++) { labelWidths[index] = 0; valueWidths[index] = 0; vector *pRegsInGroup = ®sByGroup[index]; for (vector::iterator it = pRegsInGroup->begin(); it != pRegsInGroup->end(); it++) { labelWidths[index] = max(labelWidths[index], strlen((*it)->name)); (*it)->GetValue(valStr); valueWidths[index] = max(valueWidths[index], strlen(valStr)); } const char *group = groups[index]; groupWidths[index] = max(labelWidths[index] + valueWidths[index] + 3, strlen(group) + 1); Print("%-*s", (int)groupWidths[index], group); } Print("\n"); // Print rows of register values char rowStr[50]; for (size_t row = 0; row < totalRows; row++) { Print(" "); for (size_t index = 0; index < numGroups; index++) { vector *pRegsInGroup = ®sByGroup[index]; if (row < pRegsInGroup->size()) { CRegister *reg = (*pRegsInGroup)[row]; reg->GetValue(valStr); bool hasMon = m_cpu->GetRegMonitor(reg->name) != NULL; sprintf(rowStr, "%c%-*s %-*s", (hasMon ? '*' : ' '), (int)labelWidths[index], reg->name, (int)valueWidths[index], valStr); } else rowStr[0] = '\0'; Print("%-*s", (int)groupWidths[index], rowStr); } Print("\n"); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ListExceptions() { Print("%s Exceptions:\n", m_cpu->name); if (m_cpu->exceps.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } char addrStr[20]; UINT32 handlerAddr; for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->exceps.begin(); it != m_cpu->exceps.end(); it++) { if (m_cpu->GetHandlerAddr(*it, handlerAddr)) m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, handlerAddr, true, (m_analyseCode ? LFExcepHandler : LFNone)); else addrStr[0] = '\0'; Print("%c%-12s %-30s %-12s %u\n", ((*it)->trap ? '*' : ' '), (*it)->id, (*it)->name, addrStr, (*it)->count); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ListInterrupts() { Print("%s Interrupts:\n", m_cpu->name); if (m_cpu->inters.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } char addrStr[20]; UINT32 handlerAddr; for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->inters.begin(); it != m_cpu->inters.end(); it++) { if (m_cpu->GetHandlerAddr(*it, handlerAddr)) m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, handlerAddr, true, (m_analyseCode ? LFInterHandler : LFNone)); else addrStr[0] = '\0'; Print("%c%-12s %-30s %-12s %u\n", ((*it)->trap ? '*' : ' '), (*it)->id, (*it)->name, addrStr, (*it)->count); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ListIOs() { Print("%s I/O Ports:\n", m_cpu->name); if (m_cpu->ios.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } const char *group = NULL; char locStr[255]; char dirChar; char inStr[50]; char outStr[50]; for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->ios.begin(); it != m_cpu->ios.end(); it++) { // Print group heading if starting a new group if (group == NULL || stricmp((*it)->group, group) != 0) { group = (*it)->group; Print(" %s:\n", group); } // Get location string (memory address or port number) (*it)->GetLocation(locStr); // See whether port was last read or written if ((*it)->inCount + (*it)->outCount > 0) dirChar = ((*it)->last == &(*it)->lastIn ? '<' : '>'); else dirChar = ' '; // Formatt last input if ((*it)->inCount > 0) m_cpu->FormatData(inStr, (*it)->dataSize, (*it)->lastIn); else { inStr[0] = '*'; inStr[1] = '\0'; } size_t inLen = strlen(inStr); int inLPad = 5 - (int)inLen / 2; int inRPad = 5 - (int)inLen + (int)inLen / 2; // Format last output if ((*it)->inCount > 0) m_cpu->FormatData(outStr, (*it)->dataSize, (*it)->lastOut); else { outStr[0] = '*'; outStr[1] = '\0'; } size_t outLen = strlen(outStr); int outLPad = 5 - (int)outLen / 2; int outRPad = 5 - (int)outLen + (int)outLen / 2; // Print details Print(" %c%-12s %-30s %-8s %*s%s%*s%c%*s%s%*s\n", ((*it)->watch != NULL ? '*' : ' '), locStr, (*it)->name, GetDataSizeStr((*it)->dataSize, true), inLPad, "", inStr, inRPad, "", dirChar, outLPad, "", outStr, outRPad, ""); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ListRegions() { Print("%s Regions:\n", m_cpu->name); if (m_cpu->regions.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } char startStr[255]; char endStr[255]; for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->regions.begin(); it != m_cpu->regions.end(); it++) { // Format start and end address m_cpu->FormatAddress(startStr, (*it)->addr); m_cpu->FormatAddress(endStr, (*it)->addrEnd); // Print details Print("%c%s-%s %s\n", ((*it)->isCode ? '*' : ' '), startStr, endStr, (*it)->name); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ListLabels(bool customLabels, ELabelFlags autoLabelFlags) { Print("%s Labels:\n", m_cpu->name); unsigned count = 0; char addrStr[20]; if (customLabels && m_cpu->labels.size() > 0) { Print(" Custom Labels:\n"); for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->labels.begin(); it != m_cpu->labels.end(); it++) { m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, (*it)->addr); Print(" %s %s\n", addrStr, (*it)->name); count++; } } if (m_analyseCode) { char labelStr[255]; CCodeAnalyser *analyser = m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser(); for (unsigned index = 0; index < CAutoLabel::numLabelFlags; index++) { ELabelFlags flag = CAutoLabel::GetLabelFlag(index); if (!(autoLabelFlags & flag)) continue; vector withFlag = analyser->analysis->GetAutoLabels(flag); if (withFlag.size() == 0) continue; const char *flagStr = CAutoLabel::GetFlagString(flag); Print(" %ss:\n", flagStr); for (vector::iterator it = withFlag.begin(); it != withFlag.end(); it++) { if (!(*it)->GetLabel(labelStr, flag)) continue; CBreakpoint *bp = m_cpu->GetBreakpoint((*it)->addr); char bpChr = (bp != NULL ? bp->symbol : ' '); m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, (*it)->addr); Print(" %c%s %s\n", bpChr, addrStr, labelStr); count++; } } } if (count == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } } void CConsoleDebugger::GetAllMemWatches(vector &watches) { for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->memWatches.begin(); it != m_cpu->memWatches.end(); it++) watches.push_back(*it); for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->ioWatches.begin(); it != m_cpu->ioWatches.end(); it++) { if (dynamic_cast((*it)->io) != NULL) watches.push_back(*it); } } int CConsoleDebugger::GetIndexOfMemWatch(CWatch *watch) { vector watches; GetAllMemWatches(watches); vector::iterator it = find(watches.begin(), watches.end(), watch); if (it == watches.end()) return -1; return it - watches.begin(); } void CConsoleDebugger::ListMemWatches() { Print("%s Memory Watches:\n", m_cpu->name); vector watches; GetAllMemWatches(watches); if (watches.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } Print(" %-3s %-8s %-12s %-5s %-4s %-20s %s\n", "Num", "Type", "Address", "Size", "Trig", "Value", "Info"); char typeStr[12]; char addrStr[20]; char sizeStr[20]; const char *dSizeStr; const char *trigStr; char valStr[20]; char infoStr[255]; unsigned wNum = 0; for (vector::iterator it = watches.begin(); it != watches.end(); it++) { UpperFirst(typeStr, (*it)->type); m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, (*it)->addr, true); dSizeStr = GetDataSizeStr((*it)->size, false); UpperFirst(sizeStr, dSizeStr); if ((*it)->trigRead && (*it)->trigWrite) trigStr = "R/W"; else if ((*it)->trigRead) trigStr = "R"; else if ((*it)->trigWrite) trigStr = "W"; else trigStr = "-"; m_cpu->FormatData(valStr, (*it)->size, (*it)->GetValue()); if (!(*it)->GetInfo(infoStr)) { infoStr[0] = '-'; infoStr[1] = '\0'; } Print(" %-3u %-8s %-12s %-5s %-4s %-20s %s\n", wNum++, typeStr, addrStr, sizeStr, trigStr, valStr, infoStr); } } void CConsoleDebugger::GetAllPortWatches(vector &watches) { for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->ioWatches.begin(); it != m_cpu->ioWatches.end(); it++) { if (dynamic_cast((*it)->io) != NULL) watches.push_back(*it); } } int CConsoleDebugger::GetIndexOfPortWatch(CWatch *watch) { vector watches; GetAllPortWatches(watches); vector::iterator it = find(watches.begin(), watches.end(), watch); if (it == watches.end()) return -1; return it - watches.begin(); } void CConsoleDebugger::ListPortWatches() { Print("%s I/O Port Watches:\n", m_cpu->name); vector watches; GetAllPortWatches(watches); if (watches.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } Print(" %-3s %-8s %-12s %-4s %-20s %s\n", "Num", "Type", "Location", "Trig", "Last In/Out", "Info"); char typeStr[12]; char locStr[255]; const char *trigStr; char valStr[20]; char infoStr[255]; unsigned wNum = 0; for (vector::iterator it = watches.begin(); it != watches.end(); it++) { UpperFirst(typeStr, (*it)->type); (*it)->io->GetLocation(locStr); if ((*it)->trigRead && (*it)->trigWrite) trigStr = "I/O"; else if ((*it)->trigRead) trigStr = "I"; else if ((*it)->trigWrite) trigStr = "O"; else trigStr = "-"; if ((*it)->readCount + (*it)->writeCount == 0) { valStr[0] = '-'; valStr[1] = '\0'; } else m_cpu->FormatData(valStr, (*it)->size, (*it)->GetValue()); if (!(*it)->GetInfo(infoStr)) { infoStr[0] = '-'; infoStr[1] = '\0'; } Print(" %-3u %-8s %-12s %-4s %-20s %s\n", wNum++, typeStr, locStr, trigStr, valStr, infoStr); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ListBreakpoints() { Print("%s Breakpoints:\n", m_cpu->name); if (m_cpu->bps.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } Print(" %-3s %-8s %-12s %-20s\n", "Num", "Type", "Address", "Info"); char typeStr[12]; char addrStr[20]; char infoStr[255]; for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->bps.begin(); it != m_cpu->bps.end(); it++) { UpperFirst(typeStr, (*it)->type); m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, (*it)->addr, true, (m_analyseCode ? LFAll : LFNone)); if (!(*it)->GetInfo(infoStr)) { infoStr[0] = '-'; infoStr[1] = '\0'; } Print(" %-3u %-8s %-12s %-20s\n", (*it)->num, typeStr, addrStr, infoStr); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ListMonitors() { Print("%s Register Monitors:\n", m_cpu->name); if (m_cpu->regMons.size() == 0) { Print(" None\n"); return; } char valStr[255]; int num = 0; for (vector::iterator it = m_cpu->regMons.begin(); it != m_cpu->regMons.end(); it++) { (*it)->GetBeforeValue(valStr); Print(" %d - %s change from: %s\n", num++, (*it)->reg->name, valStr); } } UINT32 CConsoleDebugger::ListDisassembly(UINT32 start, UINT32 end, unsigned numInstrs) { UINT32 addr; char startStr[20]; char endStr[20]; char opCodes[50]; char mnemonic[100]; char operands[155]; char addrStr[20]; char labelStr[13]; unsigned instr; UINT32 pc = m_cpu->pc; CCodeAnalyser *analyser = (m_analyseCode ? m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser() : NULL); // Align address to instruction boundary start -= start%m_cpu->minInstrLen; if (analyser != NULL) { // Use code analyser to find valid start address if (!analyser->analysis->GetNextValidAddr(start)) return start; } else { // In the absence of code analyser, try to align code with current PC address if (m_cpu->instrCount > 0 && pc >= start && pc <= end) { while (start < end) { bool okay = false; addr = start; instr = 0; while (addr < end && instr < numInstrs) { if (addr == pc) { okay = true; break; } int codesLen = m_cpu->GetOpLength(addr); addr += abs(codesLen); instr++; } if (okay) break; start += m_cpu->minInstrLen; } } } // Get true end address addr = start; instr = 0; while (addr < end && instr < numInstrs) { // Get instruction length int codesLen = m_cpu->Disassemble(addr, mnemonic, operands); // Move onto next valid instruction address addr += abs(codesLen); if (analyser != NULL && !analyser->analysis->GetNextValidAddr(addr)) break; instr++; } end = addr; // Format start and end addresses and output title m_cpu->FormatAddress(startStr, start); m_cpu->FormatAddress(endStr, end); Print("%s Code %s - %s:\n", m_cpu->name, startStr, endStr); // Output the disassembly addr = start; instr = 0; while (addr < end) { // Add markers for current PC address and any breakpoints char ind[4]; if (m_cpu->instrCount > 0 && addr == pc) { ind[0] = '>'; ind[1] = '>'; } else { ind[0] = ' '; ind[1] = ' '; } CBreakpoint *bp = m_cpu->GetBreakpoint(addr); ind[2] = (bp != NULL ? bp->symbol : ' '); ind[3] = '\0'; // Format current address m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); // Get labels at address (if any) bool hasLabel = GetLabelText(labelStr, 12, addr); // Get mnemonic, operands and instruction length and print them int codesLen = m_cpu->Disassemble(addr, mnemonic, operands); FormatOpCodes(opCodes, addr, abs(codesLen)); // Get comment at address (if any) CComment *comment = m_cpu->GetComment(addr); // Output line Print("%s", ind); if (m_showLabels) { if (m_labelsOverAddr) Print("%-12s ", (hasLabel ? labelStr : addrStr)); else Print("%s %-12s ", addrStr, labelStr); } else Print("%s ", addrStr); if (m_showOpCodes) Print("[%s] ", opCodes); if (codesLen > 0) Print("%-*s %-20s", (int)m_cpu->maxMnemLen, mnemonic, operands); else Print("???"); if (comment != NULL) Print(" ; %s", comment->text); Print("\n"); // Move onto next valid instruction address addr += abs(codesLen); if (analyser != NULL && !analyser->analysis->GetNextValidAddr(addr)) break; } return end; } UINT32 CConsoleDebugger::ListMemory(UINT32 start, UINT32 end, unsigned bytesPerRow) { char startStr[255]; char endStr[255]; char addrStr[20]; char labelStr[13]; char wChar, dChar; UINT8 data; // Adjust start/end points to be on row boundary start -= (start % bytesPerRow); end += bytesPerRow - (end % bytesPerRow); // Format start and end addresses and output title m_cpu->FormatAddress(startStr, start); m_cpu->FormatAddress(endStr, end); Print("%s Memory %s - %s:\n", m_cpu->name, startStr, endStr); UINT32 addr = start; while (addr < end) { // TODO - check address going out of region or out of range // Format current address m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr); // Get labels at address (if any) bool hasLabel = GetLabelText(labelStr, 12, addr); // Output line if (m_showLabels) { if (m_labelsOverAddr) Print(" %-12s", (hasLabel ? labelStr : addrStr)); else Print(" %s %-12s", addrStr, labelStr); } else Print(" %s%c", addrStr); UINT32 lAddr = addr; for (unsigned i = 0; i < bytesPerRow; i++) { CWatch *watch = m_cpu->GetMemWatch(lAddr, 1); // TODO - handling of mapped I/O //CMappedIO *io = m_cpu->GetMappedIO(lAddr); wChar = (watch != NULL ? watch->symbol : ' '); //if (io != NULL) // data = (UINT8)io->last; //else data = (UINT8)m_cpu->ReadMem(lAddr, 1); Print("%c%02X", wChar, data); lAddr++; } Print(" "); lAddr = addr; for (unsigned i = 0; i < bytesPerRow; i++) { // TODO - handling of mapped I/O //CMappedIO *io = m_cpu->GetMappedIO(lAddr); //if (io != NULL) // data = io->last; //else data = (UINT8)m_cpu->ReadMem(lAddr, 1); dChar = (data >= 32 && data <= 126 ? (char)data : '.'); Print("%c", dChar); lAddr++; } Print("\n"); addr += bytesPerRow; } return addr; } void CConsoleDebugger::AnalysisUpdated(CCodeAnalyser *analyser) { // } void CConsoleDebugger::ExceptionTrapped(CException *ex) { PrintEvent(ex->cpu, "Exception %s (%s) trapped.\n", ex->id, ex->name); } void CConsoleDebugger::InterruptTrapped(CInterrupt *in) { PrintEvent(in->cpu, "Interrupt %s (%s) trapped.\n", in->id, in->name); } void CConsoleDebugger::MemWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data, bool isRead) { const char *sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(dataSize, true); const char *rwStr = (isRead ? "Read from" : "Write to"); char dataStr[50]; char addrStr[255]; m_cpu->FormatData(dataStr, dataSize, data); watch->cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr, true); int num = GetIndexOfMemWatch(watch); PrintEvent(watch->cpu, "%s %s (%s.%s) triggered memory watch #%d.\n", rwStr, addrStr, dataStr, sizeStr, num); } void CConsoleDebugger::IOWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, CIO *io, UINT64 data, bool isInput) { const char *sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(io->dataSize, true); const char *ioStr = (isInput ? "Input from" : "Output to"); char dataStr[50]; char locStr[255]; m_cpu->FormatData(dataStr, io->dataSize, data); watch->io->GetLocation(locStr); int num = GetIndexOfPortWatch(watch); if (num >= 0) PrintEvent(watch->cpu, "%s %s (%s.%s) triggered port watch #%d.\n", ioStr, locStr, dataStr, sizeStr, num); else { num = GetIndexOfMemWatch(watch); PrintEvent(watch->cpu, "%s %s (%s.%s) triggered memory watch #%d.\n", ioStr, locStr, dataStr, sizeStr, num); } } void CConsoleDebugger::BreakpointReached(CBreakpoint *bp) { PrintEvent(bp->cpu, "Breakpoint #%d triggered.\n", bp->num); } void CConsoleDebugger::MonitorTriggered(CRegMonitor *regMon) { char valStr[255]; CRegister *reg = regMon->reg; reg->GetValue(valStr); PrintEvent(reg->cpu, "Write to register %s (%s) triggered monitor.\n", reg->name, valStr); } void CConsoleDebugger::ExecutionHalted(CCPUDebug *cpu, EHaltReason reason) { if (reason&HaltUser) PrintEvent(cpu, "Execution halted.\n"); } void CConsoleDebugger::Log(CCPUDebug *cpu, const char *typeStr, const char *fmtStr, va_list vl) { if (cpu != NULL) { char pcStr[255]; cpu->FormatAddress(pcStr, cpu->pc, true, LFNone); Print("%s @ %s: ", cpu->name, pcStr); } if (typeStr != NULL) Print(" %s - ", typeStr); PrintVL(fmtStr, vl); } void CConsoleDebugger::Attach() { CDebugger::Attach(); ApplyConfig(); Attached(); } void CConsoleDebugger::Detach() { Detaching(); CDebugger::Detach(); // Close redirected output file, if exists if (m_file != NULL) { fclose(m_file); m_file = NULL; } } void CConsoleDebugger::Poll() { CDebugger::Poll(); if (m_nextFrame) { if (--m_nextFrameCount == 0) ForceBreak(true); } } void CConsoleDebugger::ApplyConfig() { for (vector::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { (*it)->addrFmt = m_addrFmt; (*it)->portFmt = m_portFmt; (*it)->dataFmt = m_dataFmt; } } void CConsoleDebugger::Attached() { // } void CConsoleDebugger::Detaching() { // } } #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER