#include "Util/NewConfig.h" #include "OSD/Logger.h" #include "Pkgs/tinyxml2.h" #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> #include <queue> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> namespace Util { namespace Config { static void PopulateFromXML(Util::Config::Node *config, const tinyxml2::XMLDocument &xml) { using namespace tinyxml2; std::queue<std::pair<const XMLElement *, Util::Config::Node *>> q; // Push the top level of the XML tree for (const XMLElement *e = xml.RootElement(); e != 0; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) q.push( { e, config } ); // Process the elements in order, pushing subsequent levels along with the // config nodes to add them to while (!q.empty()) { const XMLElement *element = q.front().first; Util::Config::Node *parent_node = q.front().second; q.pop(); // Create a config entry for this XML element Util::Config::Node *node = &parent_node->Add(element->Name(), element->GetText() ? std::string(element->GetText()) : std::string()); // Create entries for each attribute for (const XMLAttribute *a = element->FirstAttribute(); a != 0; a = a->Next()) node->Add(a->Name(), a->Value()); // Push all child elements for (const XMLElement *e = element->FirstChildElement(); e != 0; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) q.push( { e, node } ); } } bool FromXML(Node *config, const std::string &text) { *config = Node("xml"); using namespace tinyxml2; XMLDocument xml; auto ret = xml.Parse(text.c_str()); if (ret != XML_SUCCESS) { ErrorLog("Failed to parse XML (%s).", xml.ErrorName()); return true; } PopulateFromXML(config, xml); return false; } bool FromXMLFile(Node *config, const std::string &filename) { *config = Node("xml"); using namespace tinyxml2; XMLDocument xml; auto ret = xml.LoadFile(filename.c_str()); if (ret != XML_SUCCESS) { ErrorLog("Failed to parse %s (%s).", filename.c_str(), xml.ErrorName()); return true; } PopulateFromXML(config, xml); return false; } static std::string StripComment(const std::string &line) { // Find first semicolon not enclosed in "" bool inside_quotes = false; for (auto it = line.begin(); it != line.end(); ++it) { inside_quotes ^= (*it == '\"'); if (!inside_quotes && *it == ';') return std::string(line.begin(), it); } return line; } static void ParseAssignment(Node *current_section, const std::string &filename, size_t line_num, const std::string &line) { size_t idx_equals = line.find_first_of('='); if (idx_equals == std::string::npos) { ErrorLog("%s:%d: Syntax error. No '=' found.", filename.c_str(), line_num); return; } std::string lvalue(TrimWhiteSpace(std::string(line.begin(), line.begin() + idx_equals))); if (lvalue.empty()) { ErrorLog("%s:%d: Syntax error. Setting name missing before '='.", filename.c_str(), line_num); return; } // Get rvalue, which is allowed to be empty and strip off quotes if they // exist. Only a single pair of quotes encasing the rvalue are permitted. std::string rvalue(TrimWhiteSpace(std::string(line.begin() + idx_equals + 1, line.end()))); size_t idx_first_quote = rvalue.find_first_of('\"'); size_t idx_last_quote = rvalue.find_last_of('\"'); if (idx_first_quote == 0 && idx_last_quote == (rvalue.length() - 1) && idx_first_quote != idx_last_quote) rvalue = std::string(rvalue.begin() + idx_first_quote + 1, rvalue.begin() + idx_last_quote); if (std::count(rvalue.begin(), rvalue.end(), '\"') != 0) { ErrorLog("%s:%d: Warning: Extraneous quotes present on line.", filename.c_str(), line_num); } // In INI files, we do not allow multiple settings with the same key. If // a setting is specified multiple times, previous ones are overwritten. current_section->Set(lvalue, rvalue); } bool FromINIFile(Node *config, const std::string &filename) { std::ifstream file; file.open(filename); if (file.fail()) { ErrorLog("Unable to open '%s'. Configuration will not be loaded.", filename.c_str()); return true; } *config = Node("Global"); // the root is also the "Global" section Node &global = *config; Node *current_section = &global; size_t line_num = 1; while (!file.eof()) { if (file.fail()) { ErrorLog("%s:%d: File read error. Configuration will be incomplete."); return true; } std::string line; std::getline(file, line); line = StripComment(line); line = TrimWhiteSpace(line); if (!line.empty()) { if (*line.begin() == '[' && *line.rbegin() == ']') { // Check if section exists else create a new one std::string section(TrimWhiteSpace(std::string(line.begin() + 1, line.begin() + line.length() - 1))); if (section.empty() || section == "Global") // empty section names (e.g., "[]") assigned to "[ Global ]" current_section = &global; else if (!global.TryGet(section)) { Node &new_section = global.Add(section); current_section = &new_section; } else current_section = global.TryGet(section); } else { ParseAssignment(current_section, filename, line_num, line); } } line_num++; } return false; } /* * Produces a new INI section by merging two existing sections. * * - Nodes from x and y with children are ignored as per INI semantics. * The presence of children indicates a section, not a setting. * - Settings from y override settings in x if already present. * - If multiple settings with the same key are present in either of the * source configs (which technically violates INI semantics), the last * ends up being used. * - x's key is retained. */ void MergeINISections(Node *merged, const Node &x, const Node &y) { *merged = Node(x.Key()); // result has same key as x // First copy settings from section x for (auto it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it) { if (it->IsLeaf()) { // INI semantics: take care to only create a single setting per key merged->Set(it->Key(), it->GetValue()); } } // Merge in settings from section y for (auto it = y.begin(); it != y.end(); ++it) { if (it->IsLeaf() && it->Exists()) merged->Set(it->Key(), it->GetValue()); } } static void WriteSection(std::ofstream &file, const Node §ion) { file << "[ " << section.Key() << " ]" << std::endl; file << std::endl; for (auto it = section.begin(); it != section.end(); ++it) { if (it->IsLeaf()) //TODO: check if value exists? file << it->Key() << " = \"" << it->ValueAs<std::string>() << "\"" << std::endl; } file << std::endl << std::endl; } void WriteINIFile(const std::string &filename, const Node &config, const std::string &header_comment) { std::ofstream file; file.open(filename); if (file.fail()) { ErrorLog("Unable to write to '%s'. Configuration will not be saved."); return; } if (!header_comment.empty()) file << header_comment << std::endl << std::endl; WriteSection(file, config); for (auto it = config.begin(); it != config.end(); ++it) { if (it->HasChildren()) WriteSection(file, *it); } } } }