 ** Supermodel
 ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
 ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski 
 ** This file is part of Supermodel.
 ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
 ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 ** any later version.
 ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 ** more details.
 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 ** with Supermodel.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Model3.h
 * Header file defining the CModel3 and CModel3Inputs classes.


 * CModel3:
 * A complete Model 3 system.
 * Inherits CBus in order to pass the address space handlers to devices that
 * may need them (CPU, DMA, etc.)
 * NOTE: Currently NOT re-entrant due to a non-OOP PowerPC core. Do NOT create
 * create more than one CModel3 object!
class CModel3: public CBus, public CPCIDevice
	 * ReadPCIConfigSpace(device, reg, bits, offset):
	 * Handles unknown PCI devices. See CPCIDevice definition for more details.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		device	Device number.
	 *		reg		Register number.
	 *		bits	Bit width of access (8, 16, or 32 only).;
	 *		offset	Byte offset within register, aligned to the specified bit
	 *				width, and offset from the 32-bit aligned base of the
	 * 				register number.
	 * Returns:
	 *		Register data.
	UINT32 ReadPCIConfigSpace(unsigned device, unsigned reg, unsigned bits, unsigned width);
	 * WritePCIConfigSpace(device, reg, bits, offset, data):
	 * Handles unknown PCI devices. See CPCIDevice definition for more details.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		device	Device number.
	 *		reg		Register number.
	 *		bits	Bit width of access (8, 16, or 32 only).
	 *		offset	Byte offset within register, aligned to the specified bit
	 *				width, and offset from the 32-bit aligned base of the
	 * 				register number.
	 *		data	Data.
	void WritePCIConfigSpace(unsigned device, unsigned reg, unsigned bits, unsigned width, UINT32 data);

	 * Read8(addr):
	 * Read16(addr):
	 * Read32(addr):
	 * Read64(addr):
	 * Read a byte, 16-bit half word, 32-bit word, or 64-bit double word from 
	 * the PowerPC address space. This implements the PowerPC address bus. Note
	 * that it is big endian, so when accessing from a little endian device,
	 * the byte order must be manually reversed.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		addr	Address to read.
	 * Returns:
	 *		Data at the address.
	UINT8 Read8(UINT32 addr);
	UINT16 Read16(UINT32 addr);
	UINT32 Read32(UINT32 addr);
	UINT64 Read64(UINT32 addr);
	 * Write8(addr, data):
	 * Write16(addr, data):
	 * Write32(addr, data):
	 * Write64(addr, data):
	 * Write a byte, half word, word, or double word to the PowerPC address
	 * space. Note that everything is stored in big endian form, so when
	 * accessing with a little endian device, the byte order must be manually
	 * reversed.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		addr	Address to write.
	 *		data	Data to write.
	void Write8(UINT32 addr, UINT8 data);
	void Write16(UINT32 addr, UINT16 data);
	void Write32(UINT32 addr, UINT32 data);
	void Write64(UINT32 addr, UINT64 data);
	 * SaveState(SaveState):
	 * Saves an image of the current state. Must never be called while emulator
	 * is running (inside RunFrame()).
	 * Parameters:
	 *		SaveState	Block file to save state information to.
	void SaveState(CBlockFile *SaveState);

	 * LoadState(SaveState):
	 * Loads and resumes execution from a state image. Modifies data that may
	 * be used by multiple threads -- use with caution and ensure threads are
	 * not accessing data that will be touched. Must never be called while
	 * emulator is running (inside RunFrame()).
	 * Parameters:
	 *		SaveState	Block file to load state information from.
	void LoadState(CBlockFile *SaveState);
	 * Saves an image of the current NVRAM state.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		NVRAM	Block file to save NVRAM to.
	void SaveNVRAM(CBlockFile *NVRAM);

	 * Loads an NVRAM image.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		NVRAM	Block file to load NVRAM state from.
	void LoadNVRAM(CBlockFile *NVRAM);
	 * ClearNVRAM(void):
	 * Clears all NVRAM (backup RAM and EEPROM).
	void ClearNVRAM(void);
	 * RunFrame(void):
	 * Runs one frame (assuming 60 Hz video refresh rate).
	void RunFrame(void);

	 * Reset(void):
	 * Resets the system. Does not modify non-volatile memory.
	void Reset(void);
	 * GetGameInfo(void):
	 * Returns:
	 *		A pointer to the presently loaded game's information structure (or
	 *		NULL if no ROM set has yet been loaded).
	const struct GameInfo * GetGameInfo(void);
	 * LoadROMSet(GameList, zipFile):
	 * Loads a complete ROM set from the specified ZIP archive.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		GameList	List of all supported games and their ROMs.
 	 *		zipFile		ZIP file to load from.
 	 * Returns:
 	 *		OKAY if successful, FAIL otherwise. Prints errors.
 	BOOL LoadROMSet(const struct GameInfo *GameList, const char *zipFile);
	 * AttachRenderers(Render2DPtr, Render3DPtr):
	 * Attaches the renderers to the appropriate device objects.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		Render2DPtr		Pointer to a tile renderer object.
	 *		Render3DPtr		Same as above but for a 3D renderer.
	void AttachRenderers(CRender2D *Render2DPtr, CRender3D *Render3DPtr);
	 * AttachInputs(InputsPtr):
	 * Attaches OSD-managed inputs.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		InputsPtr	Pointer to the object containing input states.
	void AttachInputs(CInputs *InputsPtr);
	 * Init(ppcFrequencyParam, multiThreadedParam):
	 * One-time initialization of the context. Must be called prior to all
	 * other members. Allocates memory and initializes device states.
	 * Parameters:
	 *		ppcFrequencyParam	PowerPC frequency in Hz. If less than 1 MHz,
	 *							will be clamped to 1 MHz.
	 * Returns:
	 *		OKAY is successful, otherwise FAILED if a non-recoverable error
	 *		occurred. Prints own error messages.
	BOOL Init(unsigned ppcFrequencyParam, BOOL multiThreadedParam);
	 * CModel3(void):
	 * ~CModel3(void):
	 * Constructor and destructor for Model 3 class. Constructor performs a 
	 * bare-bones initialization of object; does not perform any memory 
	 * allocation or any actions that can fail. The destructor will deallocate
	 * memory and free resources used by the object (and its child objects).
	 * Private Property.
	 * Tresspassers will be shot! ;)
	// Private member functions
	UINT8	ReadInputs(unsigned reg);
	void	WriteInputs(unsigned reg, UINT8 data);
	UINT32	ReadSecurity(unsigned reg);
	void	WriteSecurity(unsigned reg, UINT32 data);
	void 	SetCROMBank(unsigned idx);
	UINT8	ReadSystemRegister(unsigned reg);
	void 	WriteSystemRegister(unsigned reg, UINT8 data);
	void	Patch(void);

	void    RunMainBoardFrame();    // Runs the main board (PPC) for a frame
	bool    StartThreads();         // Starts all threads
	void    StopThreads();          // Stops all threads
	void    DeleteThreadObjects();  // Deletes all threads and synchronization objects

	static int StartSoundBoardThread(void *data);    // Callback to start sound board thread
	static int StartDriveBoardThread(void *data);    // Callback to start drive board thread

	void    RunSoundBoardThread();                   // Runs sound board thread 
	void    RunDriveBoardThread();                   // Runs drive board thread
	// Game and hardware information
	const struct GameInfo	*Game;
	// Game inputs
	CInputs     *Inputs;
	// Input registers (game controls)
	UINT8		inputBank;
	UINT8		serialFIFO1, serialFIFO2;
	UINT8		gunReg;
	int			adcChannel;
	// MIDI port
	UINT8		midiCtrlPort;	// controls MIDI (SCSP) IRQ behavior
	// Emulated core Model 3 memory regions
	UINT8		*memoryPool;	// single allocated region for all ROM and system RAM
	UINT8		*ram;			// 8 MB PowerPC RAM
	UINT8		*crom;			// 8+128 MB CROM (fixed CROM first, then 64MB of banked CROMs -- Daytona2 might need extra?)
	UINT8		*vrom;			// 64 MB VROM (video ROM, visible only to Real3D)
	UINT8		*soundROM;		// 512 KB sound ROM (68K program)
	UINT8		*sampleROM;		// 8 MB samples (68K)
	UINT8		*dsbROM;		// 128 KB DSB ROM (Z80 program)
	UINT8		*mpegROM;		// 8 MB DSB MPEG ROM
	UINT8		*backupRAM;		// 128 KB Backup RAM (battery backed)
	UINT8		*securityRAM;	// 128 KB Security Board RAM
	// Banked CROM
	UINT8		*cromBank;		// currently mapped in CROM bank
	unsigned	cromBankReg;	// the CROM bank register 
	// Security device
	unsigned	securityPtr;	// pointer to current offset in security data
	// PowerPC
	unsigned			ppcFrequency;	// clock frequency (Hz)

	// Multiple threading
	bool        multiThreaded;     // True if should run CPUs in multiple threads, otherwise everything is run in a single thread
	bool        startedThreads;    // True if threads have been created and started
	CThread     *sndBrdThread;     // Sound board thread
	CThread     *drvBrdThread;     // Drive board thread
	bool        sndBrdThreadDone;  // Flag to indicate sound board thread has finished processing for current frame
	bool        drvBrdThreadDone;  // Flag to indicate drive board thread has finished processing for current frame

	// Thread synchronization objects
	CSemaphore  *sndBrdThreadSync;
	CSemaphore  *drvBrdThreadSync;
	CMutex      *notifyLock;
	CCondVar    *notifySync;	
	// Other devices
	CIRQ		IRQ;		// Model 3 IRQ controller
	CMPC10x		PCIBridge;	// MPC10x PCI/bridge/memory controller
	CPCIBus		PCIBus;		// Model 3's PCI bus
	C53C810		SCSI;		// NCR 53C810 SCSI controller
	CRTC72421	RTC;		// Epson RTC-72421 real-time clock
	C93C46		EEPROM;		// 93C46 EEPROM
	CTileGen	TileGen;	// Sega 2D tile generator
	CReal3D		GPU;		// Real3D graphics hardware
	CSoundBoard	SoundBoard;	// Sound board
	CDSB		*DSB;		// Digital Sound Board (type determined dynamically at load time)
	CDriveBoard DriveBoard; // Drive board