 ** Supermodel
 ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
 ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson
 ** This file is part of Supermodel.
 ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
 ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 ** any later version.
 ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 ** more details.
 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 ** with Supermodel.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * transform.cpp
 * Amp library internal module.

/* this file is a part of amp software, (C) tomislav uzelac 1996,1997
/* transform.c  imdct and polyphase(DCT) transforms
 * Created by: tomislav uzelac  May 1996
 * Karl Anders Oygard optimized this for speed, Mar 13 97
 * Some optimisations based on ideas from Michael Hipp's mpg123 package

 * Comments for this file:
 * The polyphase algorithm is clearly the most cpu consuming part of mpeg 1
 * layer 3 decoding.  Thus, there has been some effort to optimise this
 * particular algorithm.  Currently, everything has been kept in straight C
 * with no assembler optimisations, but in order to provide efficient paths
 * for different architectures, alternative implementations of some
 * critical sections has been done.  You may want to experiment with these,
 * to see which suits your architecture better.
 * Selection of the different implementations is done with the following
 * defines:
 *         Define this if your architecture supports preincrementation of
 *         pointers when referencing (applies to e.g. 68k)
 * For those who are optimising amp, check out the Pentium rdtsc code
 * (define PENTIUM_RDTSC).  This code uses the rdtsc counter for showing
 * how many cycles are spent in different parts of the code.

#include <math.h>

#include "audio.h"
#include "getdata.h"
#include "misc2.h"

#include "transform.h"

#define PI12      0.261799387f
#define PI36      0.087266462f

void imdct_init()
  int i;

  for(i=0;i<36;i++) /* 0 */
    win[0][i] = (float) sin(PI36 *(i+0.5));
  for(i=0;i<18;i++) /* 1 */
    win[1][i] = (float) sin(PI36 *(i+0.5));
    win[1][i] = 1.0f;
    win[1][i] = (float) sin(PI12 *(i+0.5-18));
    win[1][i] = 0.0f;
  for(i=0;i<6;i++) /* 3 */
    win[3][i] = 0.0f;
    win[3][i] = (float) sin(PI12 * (i+ 0.5 - 6.0));
    win[3][i] = 1.0f;
    win[3][i] = (float) sin(PI36 * (i + 0.5));

/* This uses Byeong Gi Lee's Fast Cosine Transform algorithm to decompose
   the 36 point and 12 point IDCT's into 9 point and 3 point IDCT's,
   respectively. Then the 9 point IDCT is computed by a modified version of
   Mikko Tommila's IDCT algorithm, based on the WFTA. See his comments
   before the first 9 point IDCT. The 3 point IDCT is already efficient to
   implement. -- Jeff Tsay. */
/* I got the unrolled IDCT from Jeff Tsay; the code is presumably by 
   Francois-Raymond Boyer - I unrolled it a little further. tu */

void imdct(int win_type,int sb,int ch)
/*                                                                  */
/*    Function: Calculation of the inverse MDCT                     */
/*    In the case of short blocks the 3 output vectors are already  */
/*    overlapped and added in this modul.                           */
/*                                                                  */
/*    New layer3                                                    */
/*                                                                  */

       float tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, tmp10, tmp11;

       register float  save;
       float  pp1, pp2;
       float   *win_bt;
       int     i, p, ss;
		 float *in = xr[ch][sb];
		 float *s_p = s[ch][sb];
		 float *res_p = res[sb];
		 float out[36];

   if(win_type == 2){
		for(p=0;p<36;p+=9) {
			out[p]   = out[p+1] = out[p+2] = out[p+3] =
			out[p+4] = out[p+5] = out[p+6] = out[p+7] =
			out[p+8] = 0.0f;

	for(ss=0;ss<18;ss+=6) {

	 *  12 point IMDCT

	        /* Begin 12 point IDCT */

	        /* Input aliasing for 12 pt IDCT */

		/* Input aliasing on odd indices (for 6 point IDCT) */
		in[5+ss] += in[3+ss];  in[3+ss]  += in[1+ss];

		/* 3 point IDCT on even indices */

		pp2 = in[4+ss] * 0.500000000f;
		pp1 = in[2+ss] * 0.866025403f;
		save = in[0+ss] + pp2;
		tmp1 = in[0+ss] - in[4+ss];
		tmp0 = save + pp1;
		tmp2 = save - pp1;

		/* End 3 point IDCT on even indices */

		/* 3 point IDCT on odd indices (for 6 point IDCT) */

		pp2 = in[5+ss] * 0.500000000f;
		pp1 = in[3+ss] * 0.866025403f;
		save = in[1+ss] + pp2;
		tmp4 = in[1+ss] - in[5+ss];
		tmp5 = save + pp1;
		tmp3 = save - pp1;

		/* End 3 point IDCT on odd indices */

		/* Twiddle factors on odd indices (for 6 point IDCT) */

		tmp3 *= 1.931851653f;
		tmp4 *= 0.707106781f;
		tmp5 *= 0.517638090f;

		/* Output butterflies on 2 3 point IDCT's (for 6 point IDCT) */

		save = tmp0;
		tmp0 += tmp5;
		tmp5 = save - tmp5;

		save = tmp1;
		tmp1 += tmp4;
		tmp4 = save - tmp4;

		save = tmp2;
		tmp2 += tmp3;
		tmp3 = save - tmp3;

		/* End 6 point IDCT */

		/* Twiddle factors on indices (for 12 point IDCT) */

		tmp0 *= 0.504314480f;
		tmp1 *= 0.541196100f;
		tmp2 *= 0.630236207f;
		tmp3 *= 0.821339815f;
		tmp4 *= 1.306562965f;
		tmp5 *= 3.830648788f;

		/* End 12 point IDCT */

		/* Shift to 12 point modified IDCT, multiply by window type 2 */
		tmp8  = tmp0 * -0.793353340f;
		tmp9  = tmp0 * -0.608761429f;
		tmp7  = tmp1 * -0.923879532f;
		tmp10 = tmp1 * -0.382683432f;
		tmp6  = tmp2 * -0.991444861f;
		tmp11 = tmp2 * -0.130526192f;

		tmp0  = tmp3;
		tmp1  = tmp4 *  0.382683432f;
		tmp2  = tmp5 *  0.608761429f;

		tmp3  = tmp5 * -0.793353340f;
		tmp4  = tmp4 * -0.923879532f;
		tmp5  = tmp0 * -0.991444861f;

		tmp0 *= 0.130526192f;

		out[ss + 6]  += tmp0;
		out[ss + 7]  += tmp1;
		out[ss + 8]  += tmp2;
		out[ss + 9]  += tmp3;
		out[ss + 10] += tmp4;
		out[ss + 11] += tmp5;
		out[ss + 12] += tmp6;
		out[ss + 13] += tmp7;
		out[ss + 14] += tmp8;
		out[ss + 15] += tmp9;
		out[ss + 16] += tmp10;
		out[ss + 17] += tmp11;

	if (sb&1) {
		for (i=0;i<18;i+=2) res_p[i]=out[i] + s_p[i];
		for (i=1;i<18;i+=2) res_p[i]=-out[i] - s_p[i];
	} else
		for (i=0;i<18;i++) res_p[i]=out[i] + s_p[i];
	for (i=18;i<36;i++) s_p[i-18]=out[i];

    } else {
 * 36 point IDCT ****************************************************************
	float tmp[18];

      /* input aliasing for 36 point IDCT */
      in[17]+=in[16]; in[16]+=in[15]; in[15]+=in[14]; in[14]+=in[13];
      in[13]+=in[12]; in[12]+=in[11]; in[11]+=in[10]; in[10]+=in[9];
      in[9] +=in[8];  in[8] +=in[7];  in[7] +=in[6];  in[6] +=in[5];
      in[5] +=in[4];  in[4] +=in[3];  in[3] +=in[2];  in[2] +=in[1];
      in[1] +=in[0];

      /* 18 point IDCT for odd indices */
      /* input aliasing for 18 point IDCT */
      in[17]+=in[15]; in[15]+=in[13]; in[13]+=in[11]; in[11]+=in[9];
      in[9] +=in[7];  in[7] +=in[5];  in[5] +=in[3];  in[3] +=in[1];

   float tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp0_,tmp1_,tmp2_,tmp3_;
   float tmp0o,tmp1o,tmp2o,tmp3o,tmp4o,tmp0_o,tmp1_o,tmp2_o,tmp3_o;

/* Fast 9 Point Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
// By  Francois-Raymond Boyer
//         mailto:boyerf@iro.umontreal.ca
//         http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~boyerf
// The code has been optimized for Intel processors
//  (takes a lot of time to convert float to and from iternal FPU representation)
// It is a simple "factorization" of the IDCT matrix.
   /* 9 point IDCT on even indices */
   /* 5 points on odd indices (not realy an IDCT) */
   float i0 = in[0]+in[0];
   float i0p12 = i0 + in[12];

   tmp0 = i0p12 + in[4]*1.8793852415718f  + in[8]*1.532088886238f   + in[16]*0.34729635533386f;
   tmp1 = i0    + in[4]                   - in[8] - in[12] - in[12] - in[16];
   tmp2 = i0p12 - in[4]*0.34729635533386f - in[8]*1.8793852415718f  + in[16]*1.532088886238f;
   tmp3 = i0p12 - in[4]*1.532088886238f   + in[8]*0.34729635533386f - in[16]*1.8793852415718f;
   tmp4 = in[0] - in[4]                   + in[8] - in[12]          + in[16];
   float i6_ = in[6]*1.732050808f;		

   tmp0_ = in[2]*1.9696155060244f  + i6_ + in[10]*1.2855752193731f  + in[14]*0.68404028665134f;
   tmp1_ = (in[2]                        - in[10]                   - in[14])*1.732050808f;
   tmp2_ = in[2]*1.2855752193731f  - i6_ - in[10]*0.68404028665134f + in[14]*1.9696155060244f;
   tmp3_ = in[2]*0.68404028665134f - i6_ + in[10]*1.9696155060244f  - in[14]*1.2855752193731f;

   /* 9 point IDCT on odd indices */
   /* 5 points on odd indices (not realy an IDCT) */
   float i0 = in[0+1]+in[0+1];
   float i0p12 = i0 + in[12+1];

   tmp0o = i0p12   + in[4+1]*1.8793852415718f  + in[8+1]*1.532088886238f       + in[16+1]*0.34729635533386f;
   tmp1o = i0      + in[4+1]                   - in[8+1] - in[12+1] - in[12+1] - in[16+1];
   tmp2o = i0p12   - in[4+1]*0.34729635533386f - in[8+1]*1.8793852415718f      + in[16+1]*1.532088886238f;
   tmp3o = i0p12   - in[4+1]*1.532088886238f   + in[8+1]*0.34729635533386f     - in[16+1]*1.8793852415718f;
   tmp4o = (in[0+1] - in[4+1]                   + in[8+1] - in[12+1]            + in[16+1])*0.707106781f; /* Twiddled */
   /* 4 points on even indices */
   float i6_ = in[6+1]*1.732050808f;		/* Sqrt[3] */

   tmp0_o = in[2+1]*1.9696155060244f  + i6_ + in[10+1]*1.2855752193731f  + in[14+1]*0.68404028665134f;
   tmp1_o = (in[2+1]                        - in[10+1]                   - in[14+1])*1.732050808f;
   tmp2_o = in[2+1]*1.2855752193731f  - i6_ - in[10+1]*0.68404028665134f + in[14+1]*1.9696155060244f;
   tmp3_o = in[2+1]*0.68404028665134f - i6_ + in[10+1]*1.9696155060244f  - in[14+1]*1.2855752193731f;

   /* Twiddle factors on odd indices
   // and
   // Butterflies on 9 point IDCT's
   // and
   // twiddle factors for 36 point IDCT
   float e, o;
   e = tmp0 + tmp0_; o = (tmp0o + tmp0_o)*0.501909918f; tmp[0] = (e + o)*(-0.500476342f*.5f);    tmp[17] = (e - o)*(-11.46279281f*.5f);
   e = tmp1 + tmp1_; o = (tmp1o + tmp1_o)*0.517638090f; tmp[1] = (e + o)*(-0.504314480f*.5f);    tmp[16] = (e - o)*(-3.830648788f*.5f);
   e = tmp2 + tmp2_; o = (tmp2o + tmp2_o)*0.551688959f; tmp[2] = (e + o)*(-0.512139757f*.5f);    tmp[15] = (e - o)*(-2.310113158f*.5f);
   e = tmp3 + tmp3_; o = (tmp3o + tmp3_o)*0.610387294f; tmp[3] = (e + o)*(-0.524264562f*.5f);    tmp[14] = (e - o)*(-1.662754762f*.5f);
                                                        tmp[4] = (tmp4 + tmp4o)*(-0.541196100f); tmp[13] = (tmp4 - tmp4o)*(-1.306562965f);
   e = tmp3 - tmp3_; o = (tmp3o - tmp3_o)*0.871723397f; tmp[5] = (e + o)*(-0.563690973f*.5f);    tmp[12] = (e - o)*(-1.082840285f*.5f);
   e = tmp2 - tmp2_; o = (tmp2o - tmp2_o)*1.183100792f; tmp[6] = (e + o)*(-0.592844523f*.5f);    tmp[11] = (e - o)*(-0.930579498f*.5f);
   e = tmp1 - tmp1_; o = (tmp1o - tmp1_o)*1.931851653f; tmp[7] = (e + o)*(-0.630236207f*.5f);    tmp[10] = (e - o)*(-0.821339815f*.5f);
   e = tmp0 - tmp0_; o = (tmp0o - tmp0_o)*5.736856623f; tmp[8] = (e + o)*(-0.678170852f*.5f);    tmp[9] =  (e - o)*(-0.740093616f*.5f);
	/* shift to modified IDCT */
	win_bt = win[win_type];

	if (sb&1) {
		res_p[0] =  -tmp[9]  * win_bt[0] + s_p[0];
		res_p[1] =-(-tmp[10] * win_bt[1] + s_p[1]);
		res_p[2] =  -tmp[11] * win_bt[2] + s_p[2];
		res_p[3] =-(-tmp[12] * win_bt[3] + s_p[3]);
		res_p[4] =  -tmp[13] * win_bt[4] + s_p[4];
		res_p[5] =-(-tmp[14] * win_bt[5] + s_p[5]);
		res_p[6] =  -tmp[15] * win_bt[6] + s_p[6];
		res_p[7] =-(-tmp[16] * win_bt[7] + s_p[7]);
		res_p[8] =  -tmp[17] * win_bt[8] + s_p[8];
		res_p[9] = -(tmp[17] * win_bt[9] + s_p[9]);
		res_p[10]=  tmp[16] * win_bt[10] + s_p[10];
		res_p[11]=-(tmp[15] * win_bt[11] + s_p[11]);
		res_p[12]=  tmp[14] * win_bt[12] + s_p[12];
		res_p[13]=-(tmp[13] * win_bt[13] + s_p[13]);
		res_p[14]=  tmp[12] * win_bt[14] + s_p[14];
		res_p[15]=-(tmp[11] * win_bt[15] + s_p[15]);
		res_p[16]=  tmp[10] * win_bt[16] + s_p[16];
		res_p[17]=-(tmp[9]  * win_bt[17] + s_p[17]);
	} else {
		res_p[0] = -tmp[9]  * win_bt[0] + s_p[0];
		res_p[1] = -tmp[10] * win_bt[1] + s_p[1];
		res_p[2] = -tmp[11] * win_bt[2] + s_p[2];
		res_p[3] = -tmp[12] * win_bt[3] + s_p[3];
		res_p[4] = -tmp[13] * win_bt[4] + s_p[4];
		res_p[5] = -tmp[14] * win_bt[5] + s_p[5];
		res_p[6] = -tmp[15] * win_bt[6] + s_p[6];
		res_p[7] = -tmp[16] * win_bt[7] + s_p[7];
		res_p[8] = -tmp[17] * win_bt[8] + s_p[8];
		res_p[9] = tmp[17] * win_bt[9] + s_p[9];
		res_p[10]= tmp[16] * win_bt[10] + s_p[10];
		res_p[11]= tmp[15] * win_bt[11] + s_p[11];
		res_p[12]= tmp[14] * win_bt[12] + s_p[12];
		res_p[13]= tmp[13] * win_bt[13] + s_p[13];
		res_p[14]= tmp[12] * win_bt[14] + s_p[14];
		res_p[15]= tmp[11] * win_bt[15] + s_p[15];
		res_p[16]= tmp[10] * win_bt[16] + s_p[16];
		res_p[17]= tmp[9]  * win_bt[17] + s_p[17];

	s_p[0]= tmp[8]  * win_bt[18];
	s_p[1]= tmp[7]  * win_bt[19];
	s_p[2]= tmp[6]  * win_bt[20];
	s_p[3]= tmp[5]  * win_bt[21];
	s_p[4]= tmp[4]  * win_bt[22];
	s_p[5]= tmp[3]  * win_bt[23];
	s_p[6]= tmp[2]  * win_bt[24];
	s_p[7]= tmp[1]  * win_bt[25];
	s_p[8]= tmp[0]  * win_bt[26];

	s_p[9]= tmp[0]  * win_bt[27];
	s_p[10]= tmp[1]  * win_bt[28];
	s_p[11]= tmp[2]  * win_bt[29];
	s_p[12]= tmp[3]  * win_bt[30];
	s_p[13]= tmp[4]  * win_bt[31];
	s_p[14]= tmp[5]  * win_bt[32];
	s_p[15]= tmp[6]  * win_bt[33];
	s_p[16]= tmp[7]  * win_bt[34];
	s_p[17]= tmp[8]  * win_bt[35];

/* fast DCT according to Lee[84]
 * reordering according to Konstantinides[94]
void poly(const int ch,int f)
static float u[2][2][17][16]; /* no v[][], it's redundant */
static int u_start[2]={0,0}; /* first element of u[][] */
static int u_div[2]={0,0}; /* which part of u[][] is currently used */
int start = u_start[ch];
int div = u_div[ch];
float (*u_p)[16];

#if defined(PENTIUM_RDTSC)
unsigned int cnt4, cnt3, cnt2, cnt1;
static int min_cycles = 99999999;

	__asm__(".byte 0x0f,0x31" : "=a" (cnt1), "=d" (cnt4));

	float d16,d17,d18,d19,d20,d21,d22,d23,d24,d25,d26,d27,d28,d29,d30,d31;
	float d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,d10,d11,d12,d13,d14,d15;

	/* step 1: initial reordering and 1st (16 wide) butterflies

	d0 = res[ 0][f]; d16=(d0  - res[31][f]) *  b1; d0 += res[31][f];
	d1 = res[ 1][f]; d17=(d1  - res[30][f]) *  b3; d1 += res[30][f];
	d3 = res[ 2][f]; d19=(d3  - res[29][f]) *  b5; d3 += res[29][f];
	d2 = res[ 3][f]; d18=(d2  - res[28][f]) *  b7; d2 += res[28][f];
	d6 = res[ 4][f]; d22=(d6  - res[27][f]) *  b9; d6 += res[27][f];
	d7 = res[ 5][f]; d23=(d7  - res[26][f]) * b11; d7 += res[26][f];
	d5 = res[ 6][f]; d21=(d5  - res[25][f]) * b13; d5 += res[25][f];
	d4 = res[ 7][f]; d20=(d4  - res[24][f]) * b15; d4 += res[24][f];
	d12= res[ 8][f]; d28=(d12 - res[23][f]) * b17; d12+= res[23][f];
	d13= res[ 9][f]; d29=(d13 - res[22][f]) * b19; d13+= res[22][f];
	d15= res[10][f]; d31=(d15 - res[21][f]) * b21; d15+= res[21][f];
	d14= res[11][f]; d30=(d14 - res[20][f]) * b23; d14+= res[20][f];
	d10= res[12][f]; d26=(d10 - res[19][f]) * b25; d10+= res[19][f];
	d11= res[13][f]; d27=(d11 - res[18][f]) * b27; d11+= res[18][f];
	d9 = res[14][f]; d25=(d9  - res[17][f]) * b29; d9 += res[17][f];
	d8 = res[15][f]; d24=(d8  - res[16][f]) * b31; d8 += res[16][f];

	float c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13,c14,c15;

/* a test to see what can be done with memory separation
 * first we process indexes 0-15
	c0 = d0 + d8 ; c8 = ( d0 - d8 ) *  b2;
	c1 = d1 + d9 ; c9 = ( d1 - d9 ) *  b6;
	c2 = d2 + d10; c10= ( d2 - d10) * b14;
	c3 = d3 + d11; c11= ( d3 - d11) * b10;
	c4 = d4 + d12; c12= ( d4 - d12) * b30;
	c5 = d5 + d13; c13= ( d5 - d13) * b26;
	c6 = d6 + d14; c14= ( d6 - d14) * b18;
	c7 = d7 + d15; c15= ( d7 - d15) * b22;
	/* step 3: 4-wide butterflies
	d0 = c0 + c4 ; d4 = ( c0 - c4 ) *  b4;
	d1 = c1 + c5 ; d5 = ( c1 - c5 ) * b12;
	d2 = c2 + c6 ; d6 = ( c2 - c6 ) * b28;
	d3 = c3 + c7 ; d7 = ( c3 - c7 ) * b20;
	d8 = c8 + c12; d12= ( c8 - c12) *  b4;
	d9 = c9 + c13; d13= ( c9 - c13) * b12;
	d10= c10+ c14; d14= (c10 - c14) * b28;
	d11= c11+ c15; d15= (c11 - c15) * b20;

	/* step 4: 2-wide butterflies
	float rb8 = b8;
	float rb24 = b24;

/**/	c0 = d0 + d2 ; c2 = ( d0 - d2 ) *  rb8;
	c1 = d1 + d3 ; c3 = ( d1 - d3 ) * rb24;
/**/	c4 = d4 + d6 ; c6 = ( d4 - d6 ) *  rb8;
	c5 = d5 + d7 ; c7 = ( d5 - d7 ) * rb24;
/**/	c8 = d8 + d10; c10= ( d8 - d10) *  rb8;
	c9 = d9 + d11; c11= ( d9 - d11) * rb24;
/**/	c12= d12+ d14; c14= (d12 - d14) *  rb8;
	c13= d13+ d15; c15= (d13 - d15) * rb24;

	/* step 5: 1-wide butterflies
	float rb16 = b16;

	/* this is a little 'hacked up'
	d0 = (-c0 -c1) * 2; d1 = ( c0 - c1 ) * rb16; 
	d2 = c2 + c3; d3 = ( c2 - c3 ) * rb16; 
	d3 -= d2;

	d4 = c4 +c5; d5 = ( c4 - c5 ) * rb16;
	d5 += d4;
	d7 = -d5;
	d7 += ( c6 - c7 ) * rb16; d6 = +c6 +c7;

	d8 = c8 + c9 ; d9 = ( c8 - c9 ) * rb16;
	d11= +d8 +d9;
	d11 +=(c10 - c11) * rb16; d10= c10+ c11; 

	d12 = c12+ c13; d13 = (c12 - c13) * rb16;
	d13 += -d8-d9+d12;
	d14 = c14+ c15; d15 = (c14 - c15) * rb16;
	d14 += -d8 -d10;

        /* step 6: final resolving & reordering
         * the other 32 are stored for use with the next granule

        u_p = (float (*)[16]) &u[ch][div][0][start];

/*16*/  u_p[ 0][0] =+d1 ;
        u_p[ 2][0] = +d9 -d14;
/*20*/  u_p[ 4][0] = +d5 -d6;
        u_p[ 6][0] = -d10 +d13;
/*24*/  u_p[ 8][0] =d3;
        u_p[10][0] = -d8 -d9 +d11 -d13;
/*28*/  u_p[12][0] = +d7;
        u_p[14][0] = +d15;

        /* the other 32 are stored for use with the next granule

        u_p = (float (*)[16]) &u[ch][!div][0][start];

/*0*/   u_p[16][0] = d0;
        u_p[14][0] = -(+d8 );
/*4*/   u_p[12][0] = -(+d4 );
        u_p[10][0] = -(-d8 +d12 );
/*8*/   u_p[ 8][0] = -(+d2 );
        u_p[ 6][0] = -(+d8 +d10 -d12 );
/*12*/  u_p[ 4][0] = -(-d4 +d6 );
        u_p[ 2][0] = -d14;
        u_p[ 0][0] = -d1;

	float c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13,c14,c15;

/* memory separation, second part
/* 2
        c0=d16 + d24; c8= (d16 - d24) *  b2;
        c1=d17 + d25; c9= (d17 - d25) *  b6;
        c2=d18 + d26; c10= (d18 - d26) * b14;
        c3=d19 + d27; c11= (d19 - d27) * b10;
        c4=d20 + d28; c12= (d20 - d28) * b30;
        c5=d21 + d29; c13= (d21 - d29) * b26;
        c6=d22 + d30; c14= (d22 - d30) * b18;
        c7=d23 + d31; c15= (d23 - d31) * b22;

/* 3
        d16= c0+ c4; d20= (c0 - c4) *  b4;
        d17= c1+ c5; d21= (c1 - c5) * b12;
        d18= c2+ c6; d22= (c2 - c6) * b28;
        d19= c3+ c7; d23= (c3 - c7) * b20;

        d24= c8+ c12; d28= (c8 - c12) *  b4;
        d25= c9+ c13; d29= (c9 - c13) * b12;
        d26= c10+ c14; d30= (c10 - c14) * b28;
        d27= c11+ c15; d31= (c11 - c15) * b20;

/* 4
        float rb8 = b8;
        float rb24 = b24;

/**/    c0= d16+ d18; c2= (d16 - d18) *  rb8;
        c1= d17+ d19; c3= (d17 - d19) * rb24;
/**/    c4= d20+ d22; c6= (d20 - d22) *  rb8;
        c5= d21+ d23; c7= (d21 - d23) * rb24;
/**/    c8= d24+ d26; c10= (d24 - d26) *  rb8;
        c9= d25+ d27; c11= (d25 - d27) * rb24;
/**/    c12= d28+ d30; c14= (d28 - d30) *  rb8;
        c13= d29+ d31; c15= (d29 - d31) * rb24;

/* 5
        float rb16 = b16;
        d16= c0+ c1; d17= (c0 - c1) * rb16;
        d18= c2+ c3; d19= (c2 - c3) * rb16;

        d20= c4+ c5; d21= (c4 - c5) * rb16;
        d20+=d16; d21+=d17;
        d22= c6+ c7; d23= (c6 - c7) * rb16;
        d22+=d16; d22+=d18;
        d23+=d16; d23+=d17; d23+=d19;

        d24= c8+ c9; d25= (c8 - c9) * rb16;
        d26= c10+ c11; d27= (c10 - c11) * rb16;
        d27+=d24; d27+=d25;

        d28= c12+ c13; d29= (c12 - c13) * rb16;
        d28-=d20; d29+=d28; d29-=d21;
        d30= c14+ c15; d31= (c14 - c15) * rb16;

	/* step 6: final resolving & reordering 
	 * the other 32 are stored for use with the next granule
	u_p = (float (*)[16]) &u[ch][!div][0][start];

	u_p[ 1][0] = -(+d30 );	
	u_p[ 3][0] = -(+d22 -d26 );
	u_p[ 5][0] = -(-d18 -d20 +d26 );
	u_p[ 7][0] = -(+d18 -d28 );
	u_p[ 9][0] = -(+d28 );
	u_p[11][0] = -(+d20 -d24 );
	u_p[13][0] = -(-d16 +d24 );
	u_p[15][0] = -(+d16 );

	/* the other 32 are stored for use with the next granule

	u_p = (float (*)[16]) &u[ch][div][0][start];

	u_p[15][0] = +d31;
	u_p[13][0] = +d23 -d27;
	u_p[11][0] = -d19 -d20 -d21 +d27;
	u_p[ 9][0] = +d19 -d29;
	u_p[ 7][0] = -d18 +d29;
	u_p[ 5][0] = +d18 +d20 +d21 -d25 -d26;
	u_p[ 3][0] = -d17 -d22 +d25 +d26;
	u_p[ 1][0] = +d17 -d30;

#if defined(PENTIUM_RDTSC)
	__asm__(".byte 0x0f,0x31" : "=a" (cnt3), "=d" (cnt4));

	/* we're doing dewindowing and calculating final samples now

#if defined(ARCH_i586)
	/* x86 assembler optimisations.  These optimisations are tuned
           specifically for Intel Pentiums. */

	    asm("movl $15,%%eax\n\t"\
	"flds (%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls (%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 4(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 4(%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 8(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 8(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 12(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 12(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 16(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 16(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 20(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 20(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 24(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 24(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 28(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 28(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 32(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 32(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 36(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 36(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 40(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 40(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 44(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 44(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 48(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 48(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 52(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 52(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 56(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 56(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 60(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 60(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"addl $64,%0\n\t"\
	"addl $128,%1\n\t"\
	"subl $4,%%esp\n\t"\
	"fistpl (%%esp)\n\t"\
	"popl %%ecx\n\t"\
	"cmpl $32767,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jle 2f\n\t"\
	"movw $32767,%%cx\n\t"\
	"jmp 3f\n\t"\
	"2: cmpl $-32768,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jge 3f\n\t"\
	"movw $-32768,%%cx\n\t"\
	"3: movw %%cx,(%2)\n\t"\
	"addl %3,%2\n\t"\
	"decl %%eax\n\t"\
	"jns 1b\n\t"\

	"testb $1,%4\n\t"\
        "je 4f\n\t"

	"flds (%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls (%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 8(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 8(%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 16(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 16(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 24(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 24(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 32(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 32(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 40(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 40(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 48(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 48(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 56(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 56(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"subl $4,%%esp\n\t"\
	"subl $64,%0\n\t"\
	"subl $192,%1\n\t"\
	"fistpl (%%esp)\n\t"\
	"popl %%ecx\n\t"\
	"cmpl $32767,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jle 2f\n\t"\
	"movw $32767,%%cx\n\t"\
	"jmp 3f\n\t"\
	"2: cmpl $-32768,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jge 3f\n\t"\
	"movw $-32768,%%cx\n\t"\
	"3: movw %%cx,(%2)\n\t"\

	"movl %5,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"sall $3,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"addl %%ecx,%1\n\t"\
	"addl %3,%2\n\t"\
	"movl $14,%%eax\n\t"\

	"1:flds 4(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 56(%1)\n\t"\
	"flds (%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 60(%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 12(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 48(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 8(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 52(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 20(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 40(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 16(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 44(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 28(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 32(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 24(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 36(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 36(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 24(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 32(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 28(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 44(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 16(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 40(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 20(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 52(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 8(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 48(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 12(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 60(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls (%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 56(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 4(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"subl $64,%0\n\t"\
	"subl $128,%1\n\t"\
	"subl $4,%%esp\n\t"\
	"fistpl (%%esp)\n\t"\
	"popl %%ecx\n\t"\
	"cmpl $32767,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jle 2f\n\t"\
	"movw $32767,%%cx\n\t"\
	"jmp 3f\n\t"\
	"2: cmpl $-32768,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jge 3f\n\t"\
	"movw $-32768,%%cx\n\t"\
	"3: movw %%cx,(%2)\n\t"\
	"addl %3,%2\n\t"\
	"decl %%eax\n\t"\
	"jns 1b\n\t"\
	"jmp 5f\n\t"\

	"4:flds 4(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 4(%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 12(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 12(%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 20(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 20(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 28(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 28(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 36(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 36(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 44(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 44(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 52(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 52(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 60(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 60(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"subl $4,%%esp\n\t"\
	"subl $64,%0\n\t"\
	"subl $192,%1\n\t"\
	"fistpl (%%esp)\n\t"\
	"popl %%ecx\n\t"\
	"cmpl $32767,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jle 2f\n\t"\
	"movw $32767,%%cx\n\t"\
	"jmp 3f\n\t"\
	"2: cmpl $-32768,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jge 3f\n\t"\
	"movw $-32768,%%cx\n\t"\
	"3: movw %%cx,(%2)\n\t"\

	"movl %5,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"sall $3,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"addl %%ecx,%1\n\t"\
	"addl %3,%2\n\t"\

	"movl $14,%%eax\n\t"\
	"1:flds (%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 60(%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 4(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 56(%1)\n\t"\
	"flds 8(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 52(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 12(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 48(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 16(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 44(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 20(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 40(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 24(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 36(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 28(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 32(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 32(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 28(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 36(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 24(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 40(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 20(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 44(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 16(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 48(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 12(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 52(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 8(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 56(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls 4(%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"flds 60(%0)\n\t"\
	"fmuls (%1)\n\t"\
	"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"\
	"subl $64,%0\n\t"\
	"subl $128,%1\n\t"\
	"subl $4,%%esp\n\t"\
	"fistpl (%%esp)\n\t"\
	"popl %%ecx\n\t"\
	"cmpl $32767,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jle 2f\n\t"\
	"movw $32767,%%cx\n\t"\
	"jmp 3f\n\t"\
	"2: cmpl $-32768,%%ecx\n\t"\
	"jge 3f\n\t"\
	"movw $-32768,%%cx\n\t"\
	"3: movw %%cx,(%2)\n\t"\
	"addl %3,%2\n\t"\
	"decl %%eax\n\t"\
	"jns 1b\n\t"\

	    : : "b" (u[ch][div]), "d" (t_dewindow[0] + 16 - start), "S" (&sample_buffer[f>>(2-nch)][nch==2?0:(f&1?16:0)][ch]), "m" (sizeof(short) * nch), "m" (div), "m" (start)\
	    : "eax", "ecx", "memory");
	  short *samples = (&sample_buffer[f>>(2-nch)][nch==2?0:(f&1?16:0)][ch]);
	  int out, j;

#define PUT_SAMPLE(out)			\
		if (out > 32767)	\
		  *samples = 32767;	\
		else			\
		  if (out < -32768)	\
		    *samples = -32768;	\
		  else			\
		    *samples = out;	\
		samples += nch;

#if defined(SUPERHACK)
	  /* These is a simple implementation which should be nicer to the
             cache; computation of samples are done in one pass rather than
             two.  However, for various reasons which I do not have time to
             investigate, it runs quite a lot slower than two pass
             computations.  If you have time, you are welcome to look into
             it. */

            float (*u_ptr)[16] = u[ch][div];
	    const float *dewindow2 = t_dewindow[0] + start;

	      float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;

	      outf1  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow[0x0];
	      outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow[0x1];
	      outf3  = u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow[0x2];
	      outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow[0x3];
	      outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow[0x4];
	      outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow[0x5];
	      outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow[0x6];
	      outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow[0x7];
	      outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow[0x8];
	      outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow[0x9];
	      outf3 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow[0xa];
	      outf4 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow[0xb];
	      outf1 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow[0xc];
	      outf2 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow[0xd];
	      outf3 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow[0xe];
	      outf4 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow[0xf];

	      out = outf1 + outf2 + outf3 + outf4;

	      dewindow += 32;
	      dewindow2 += 32;

	      if (out > 32767)
		samples[0] = 32767;
		if (out < -32768)
		  samples[0] = -32768;
		  samples[0] = out;

            if (div & 0x1) {
              for (j = 1; j < 16; ++j) {
                float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;

                outf1  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow[0x0];
                outf3  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow2[0xf];
                outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow[0x1];
                outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow2[0xe];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow[0x2];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow2[0xd];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow[0x3];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow2[0xc];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow[0x4];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow2[0xb];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow[0x5];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow2[0xa];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow[0x6];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow2[0x9];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow[0x7];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow2[0x8];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow[0x8];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow2[0x7];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow[0x9];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow2[0x6];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow[0xa];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow2[0x5];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow[0xb];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow2[0x4];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow[0xc];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow2[0x3];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow[0xd];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow2[0x2];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow[0xe];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow2[0x1];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow[0xf];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow2[0x0];

                dewindow += 32;
                dewindow2 += 32;

                out = outf1 + outf2;

                if (out > 32767)
                  samples[j * 2] = 32767;
                  if (out < -32768)
                    samples[j * 2] = -32768;
                    samples[j * 2] = out;

                out = outf4 - outf3;

                if (out > 32767)
                  samples[64 - (j * 2)] = 32767;
                  if (out < -32768)
                    samples[64 - (j * 2)] = -32768;
                    samples[64 - (j * 2)] = out;

                float outf2, outf4;

                outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow[0x0];
                outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow[0x2];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow[0x4];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow[0x6];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow[0x8];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow[0xa];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow[0xc];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow[0xe];

                out = outf2 + outf4;

                if (out > 32767)
                  samples[16 * 2] = 32767;
                  if (out < -32768)
                    samples[16 * 2] = -32768;
                    samples[16 * 2] = out;
            } else {
              for (j = 1; j < 16; ++j) {
                float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;

                outf1  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow[0x0];
                outf3  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow2[0xf];
                outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow[0x1];
                outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow2[0xe];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow[0x2];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow2[0xd];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow[0x3];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow2[0xc];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow[0x4];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow2[0xb];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow[0x5];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow2[0xa];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow[0x6];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow2[0x9];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow[0x7];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow2[0x8];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow[0x8];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow2[0x7];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow[0x9];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow2[0x6];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow[0xa];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow2[0x5];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow[0xb];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow2[0x4];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow[0xc];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow2[0x3];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow[0xd];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow2[0x2];
                outf1 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow[0xe];
                outf3 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow2[0x1];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow[0xf];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow2[0x0];

                dewindow += 32;
                dewindow2 += 32;

                out = outf1 + outf2;

                if (out > 32767)
                  samples[j * 2] = 32767;
                  if (out < -32768)
                    samples[j * 2] = -32768;
                    samples[j * 2] = out;

                out = outf3 - outf4;

                if (out > 32767)
                  samples[64 - (j * 2)] = 32767;
                  if (out < -32768)
                    samples[64 - (j * 2)] = -32768;
                    samples[64 - (j * 2)] = out;

                float outf2, outf4;

                outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow[0x1];
                outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow[0x3];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow[0x5];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow[0x7];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow[0x9];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow[0xb];
                outf2 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow[0xd];
                outf4 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow[0xf];

                out = outf2 + outf4;

                if (out > 32767)
                  samples[16 * 2] = 32767;
                  if (out < -32768)
                    samples[16 * 2] = -32768;
                    samples[16 * 2] = out;
#elif defined(HAS_AUTOINCREMENT)
	  const float *dewindow = t_dewindow[0] + 15 - start;

	  /* This is tuned specifically for architectures with
             autoincrement and -decrement. */

	    float *u_ptr = (float*) u[ch][div];


	    for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
	      float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;

	      outf1  = *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf2  = *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf3  = *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf4  = *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf1 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf2 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf3 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf4 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf1 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf2 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf3 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf4 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf1 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf2 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf3 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;
	      outf4 += *++u_ptr * *++dewindow;

	      out = outf1 + outf2 + outf3 + outf4;

	      dewindow += 16;


	    if (div & 0x1) {
		float outf2, outf4;

		outf2  = u_ptr[ 1] * dewindow[0x1];
		outf4  = u_ptr[ 3] * dewindow[0x3];
		outf2 += u_ptr[ 5] * dewindow[0x5];
		outf4 += u_ptr[ 7] * dewindow[0x7];
		outf2 += u_ptr[ 9] * dewindow[0x9];
		outf4 += u_ptr[11] * dewindow[0xb];
		outf2 += u_ptr[13] * dewindow[0xd];
		outf4 += u_ptr[15] * dewindow[0xf];

		out = outf2 + outf4;


	      dewindow -= 31;
	      dewindow += start;
	      dewindow += start;
	      u_ptr -= 16;

	      for (; j < 31; ++j) {
		float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;

		outf1  = *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf2  = *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf3  = *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf4  = *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf1 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf2 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf3 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf4 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf1 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf2 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf3 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf4 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf1 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf2 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf3 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf4 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;

		out = outf2 - outf1 + outf4 - outf3;

		dewindow -= 16;
		u_ptr -= 32;

	    } else {
		float outf2, outf4;

		outf2  = u_ptr[ 2] * dewindow[ 0x2];
		outf4  = u_ptr[ 4] * dewindow[ 0x4];
		outf2 += u_ptr[ 6] * dewindow[ 0x6];
		outf4 += u_ptr[ 8] * dewindow[ 0x8];
		outf2 += u_ptr[10] * dewindow[ 0xa];
		outf4 += u_ptr[12] * dewindow[ 0xc];
		outf2 += u_ptr[14] * dewindow[ 0xe];
		outf4 += u_ptr[16] * dewindow[0x10];

		out = outf2 + outf4;


	      dewindow -= 31;
	      dewindow += start;
	      dewindow += start;
	      u_ptr -= 16;

	      for (; j < 31; ++j) {
		float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;

		outf1  = *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf2  = *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf3  = *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf4  = *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf1 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf2 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf3 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf4 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf1 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf2 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf3 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf4 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf1 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf2 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf3 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;
		outf4 += *++u_ptr * *--dewindow;

		out = outf1 - outf2 + outf3 - outf4;

		dewindow -= 16;
		u_ptr -= 32;

	  const float *dewindow = t_dewindow[0] + 16 - start;

	  /* These optimisations are tuned specifically for architectures
             without autoincrement and -decrement. */

	    float (*u_ptr)[16] = u[ch][div];

	    for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
	      float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;

	      outf1  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow[0x0];
	      outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow[0x1];
	      outf3  = u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow[0x2];
	      outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow[0x3];
	      outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow[0x4];
	      outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow[0x5];
	      outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow[0x6];
	      outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow[0x7];
	      outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow[0x8];
	      outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow[0x9];
	      outf3 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow[0xa];
	      outf4 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow[0xb];
	      outf1 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow[0xc];
	      outf2 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow[0xd];
	      outf3 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow[0xe];
	      outf4 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow[0xf];

	      out = (int) (outf1 + outf2 + outf3 + outf4);

	      dewindow += 32;


	    if (div & 0x1) {
		float outf2, outf4;

		outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow[0x0];
		outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow[0x2];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow[0x4];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow[0x6];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow[0x8];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow[0xa];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow[0xc];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow[0xe];

		out = (int) (outf2 + outf4);


	      dewindow -= 48;
	      dewindow += start;
	      dewindow += start;

	      for (; j < 31; ++j) {
		float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;


		outf1  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow[0xf];
		outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow[0xe];
		outf3  = u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow[0xd];
		outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow[0xc];
		outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow[0xb];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow[0xa];
		outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow[0x9];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow[0x8];
		outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow[0x7];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow[0x6];
		outf3 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow[0x5];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow[0x4];
		outf1 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow[0x3];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow[0x2];
		outf3 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow[0x1];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow[0x0];

		out = (int) (-outf1 + outf2 - outf3 + outf4);

		dewindow -= 32;

	    } else {
		float outf2, outf4;

		outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow[0x1];
		outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow[0x3];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow[0x5];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow[0x7];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow[0x9];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow[0xb];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow[0xd];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow[0xf];

		out = (int) (outf2 + outf4);


	      dewindow -= 48;
	      dewindow += start;
	      dewindow += start;

	      for (; j < 31; ++j) {
		float outf1, outf2, outf3, outf4;


		outf1  = u_ptr[0][ 0] * dewindow[0xf];
		outf2  = u_ptr[0][ 1] * dewindow[0xe];
		outf3  = u_ptr[0][ 2] * dewindow[0xd];
		outf4  = u_ptr[0][ 3] * dewindow[0xc];
		outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 4] * dewindow[0xb];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 5] * dewindow[0xa];
		outf3 += u_ptr[0][ 6] * dewindow[0x9];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][ 7] * dewindow[0x8];
		outf1 += u_ptr[0][ 8] * dewindow[0x7];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][ 9] * dewindow[0x6];
		outf3 += u_ptr[0][10] * dewindow[0x5];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][11] * dewindow[0x4];
		outf1 += u_ptr[0][12] * dewindow[0x3];
		outf2 += u_ptr[0][13] * dewindow[0x2];
		outf3 += u_ptr[0][14] * dewindow[0x1];
		outf4 += u_ptr[0][15] * dewindow[0x0];

		out = (int) (outf1 - outf2 + outf3 - outf4);

		dewindow -= 32;


	u_start[ch] &= 0xf;
	u_div[ch]=u_div[ch] ? 0 : 1;

#if defined(PENTIUM_RDTSC)
	__asm__(".byte 0x0f,0x31" : "=a" (cnt2), "=d" (cnt4));
	if (cnt2-cnt1 < min_cycles) {
	  min_cycles = cnt2-cnt1;
	  //printf("%d, %d cycles, %d\n", cnt3-cnt1, min_cycles, start);

void premultiply()
  int i,t;

  for (i = 0; i < 17; ++i)
    for (t = 0; t < 32; ++t)
      t_dewindow[i][t] *= 16383.5f;