//TODO: collapse constructor, Init() and LoadROMSet().
 ** Supermodel
 ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
 ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson 
 ** This file is part of Supermodel.
 ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
 ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 ** any later version.
 ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 ** more details.
 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 ** with Supermodel.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * IEmulator.h
 * Header file defining the emulator interface, IEmulator.


class CBlockFile;
struct GameInfo;
class CRender2D;
class IRender3D;
class CInputs;
class COutputs;

 * IEmulator:
 * Interface (abstract base class) for emulation.
class IEmulator
   * SaveState(SaveState):
   * Saves an image of the current state. Must never be called while emulator
   * is running (i.e., inside RunFrame()).
   * Parameters:
   *    SaveState   Block file to save state information to.
  virtual void SaveState(CBlockFile *SaveState) = 0;

   * LoadState(SaveState):
   * Loads and resumes execution from a state image. Modifies data that may
   * be used by multiple threads -- use with caution and ensure threads are
   * not accessing data that will be touched, this can be done by calling
   * PauseThreads beforehand. Must never be called while emulator is running
   * (inside RunFrame()).
   * Parameters:
   *    SaveState   Block file to load state information from.
  virtual void LoadState(CBlockFile *SaveState) = 0;
   * SaveNVRAM(NVRAM):
   * Saves an image of the current non-volatile memory state.
   * Parameters:
   *    NVRAM   Block file to save NVRAM to.
  virtual void SaveNVRAM(CBlockFile *NVRAM) = 0;

   * LoadNVRAM(NVRAM):
   * Loads a non-volatile memory state.
   * Parameters:
   *    NVRAM   Block file to load NVRAM state from.
  virtual void LoadNVRAM(CBlockFile *NVRAM) = 0;
   * ClearNVRAM(void):
   * Clears all non-volatile memory.
  virtual void ClearNVRAM(void) = 0;
   * RunFrame(void):
   * Runs one video frame.
  virtual void RunFrame(void) = 0;

   * RenderFrame(void):
   * Renders one video frame.
  virtual void RenderFrame(void) = 0;

   * Reset(void):
   * Resets the system. Does not modify non-volatile memory.
  virtual void Reset(void) = 0;
   * GetGameInfo(void):
   * Returns:
   *    A pointer to the presently loaded game's information structure (or
   *    NULL if no ROM set has yet been loaded).
  virtual const struct GameInfo * GetGameInfo(void) = 0;
   * LoadROMSet(GameList, zipFile):
   * Loads a complete ROM set from the specified ZIP archive.
   * NOTE: Command line settings will not have been applied here yet.
   * Parameters:
   *    GameList  List of all supported games and their ROMs.
   *    zipFile   ZIP file to load from.
   * Returns:
   *    OKAY if successful, FAIL otherwise. Prints errors.
  virtual bool LoadROMSet(const struct GameInfo *GameList, const char *zipFile) = 0;
   * AttachRenderers(Render2DPtr, Render3DPtr):
   * Attaches the renderers to the appropriate device objects.
   * Parameters:
   *    Render2DPtr   Pointer to a tile renderer object.
   *    Render3DPtr   Same as above but for a 3D renderer.
  virtual void AttachRenderers(CRender2D *Render2DPtr, IRender3D *Render3DPtr) = 0;
   * AttachInputs(InputsPtr):
   * Attaches OSD-managed inputs.
   * Parameters:
   *    InputsPtr Pointer to the object containing input states.
  virtual void AttachInputs(CInputs *InputsPtr) = 0;
   * AttachInputs(InputsPtr):
   * Attaches OSD-managed outputs (cabinet lamps, etc.)
   * Parameters:
   *    OutputsPtr  Pointer to the object containing output states.
  virtual void AttachOutputs(COutputs *OutputsPtr) = 0;

   * Init(void):
   * One-time initialization of the context. Must be called prior to all
   * other members.
   * NOTE: Command line settings will not have been applied here yet.
   * Returns:
   *    OKAY is successful, otherwise FAILED if a non-recoverable error
   *    occurred. Prints own error messages.
  virtual bool Init(void) = 0;

   * PauseThreads(void):
   * Flags that any running threads should pause and waits for them to do so.
   * Should be used before invoking any method that accesses the internal 
   * state, eg LoadState or SaveState.
  virtual bool PauseThreads(void) = 0;

   * ResumeThreads(void):
   * Flags that any paused threads should resume running.
  virtual bool ResumeThreads(void) = 0;

   * ~IEmulator(void):
   * Destructor. Must free all resources.
  virtual ~IEmulator(void)