/** ** Supermodel ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator. ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson ** ** This file is part of Supermodel. ** ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) ** any later version. ** ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for ** more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /* * Debugger.h */ #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER #ifndef INCLUDED_DEBUGGER_H #define INCLUDED_DEBUGGER_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include "Types.h" //#if defined(SUPERMODEL_WIN32) || defined(SUPERMODEL_UNIX) || defined(SUPERMODEL_OSX) #define DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE #define DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER #define DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD //#endif #define DEBUGGER_STATEFILE_VERSION 0 #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE #include "BlockFile.h" #endif // DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER #ifndef SUPERMODEL_VERSION #define SUPERMODEL_VERSION "" #endif // SUPERMODEL_VERSEION #include "OSD/Logger.h" #endif // DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD #include "OSD/Thread.h" #endif // DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD #ifndef stricmp #ifdef _MSC_VER // MS VisualC++ #define stricmp _stricmp #else // Assume GC #define stricmp strcasecmp #endif // _MSC_VER #endif // stricmp namespace Debugger { class CCPUDebug; class CCodeAnalyser; class CException; class CInterrupt; class CIO; class CWatch; class CBreakpoint; class CRegMonitor; enum EHaltReason { HaltNone = 0, HaltState = 1, HaltUser = 2, HaltStep = 4, HaltCount = 8, HaltUntil = 16 }; enum EFormat { Hex = 0, Hex0x, HexDollar, HexPostH, Decimal, Binary, ASCII }; /* * Base class for a debugger. * Provides common methods for loading/saving debugger state, formatting/parsing data and general control of the debugger. * Also holds references to the CCPUDebug objects, one for each debuggable CPU, and contains pure virtual methods for sub-classes to * implement which act as callbacks for the various debugging events that can occur. */ #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER class CDebugger : public CLogger #else class CDebugger #endif // DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER { friend class CCPUDebug; friend class CCodeAnalyser; private: bool m_exit; bool m_pause; bool m_break; bool m_breakUser; #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD CMutex *m_mutex; CCPUDebug *m_primaryCPU; #endif protected: virtual void AddCPUs() = 0; virtual void DeleteCPUs(); #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE virtual bool LoadState(CBlockFile *state); virtual bool SaveState(CBlockFile *state); #endif // DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE // // Protected virtual methods for sub-classes to implement // virtual void AnalysisUpdated(CCodeAnalyser *analyser) = 0; virtual void ExceptionTrapped(CException *ex) = 0; virtual void InterruptTrapped(CInterrupt *in) = 0; virtual void MemWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data, bool isRead) = 0; virtual void IOWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, CIO *io, UINT64 data, bool isInput) = 0; virtual void BreakpointReached(CBreakpoint *bp) = 0; virtual void MonitorTriggered(CRegMonitor *regMon) = 0; virtual void ExecutionHalted(CCPUDebug *cpu, EHaltReason reason) = 0; virtual void WaitCommand(CCPUDebug *cpu) = 0; virtual void Log(CCPUDebug *cpu, const char *typeStr, const char *fmtStr, va_list vl) = 0; public: std::vector<CCPUDebug*> cpus; UINT64 frameCount; #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER bool logDebug; bool logInfo; bool logError; #endif // DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER static unsigned GetDataSize(UINT64 data); static const char *GetSizeString(unsigned dataSize); static UINT64 MaskData(unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data); static UINT64 GetSlottedData(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data, UINT32 slotAddr, unsigned slotDataSize); static bool ParseInt(const char *str, int *val); CDebugger(); virtual ~CDebugger(); void AddCPU(CCPUDebug *cpu); void RemoveCPU(CCPUDebug *cpu); CCPUDebug *GetCPU(const char *name); void SetExit(); void SetPause(bool pause); void ForceBreak(bool user); void ClearBreak(); bool CheckExit(); bool CheckPause(); #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD bool MakePrimary(CCPUDebug *cpu); void ReleasePrimary(); #endif // DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD // // Printing/logging // void PrintEvent(CCPUDebug *cpu, const char *fmt, ...); #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER // CLogger logging methods virtual void DebugLog(const char *fmt, va_list vl); virtual void InfoLog(const char *fmt, va_list vl); virtual void ErrorLog(const char *fmt, va_list vl); #endif // DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER // // Formatting/parsing // // TODO - add in bufSize virtual bool ParseData(const char *str, EFormat format, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 *data); virtual void FormatData(char *str, EFormat format, unsigned dataSize, INT64 data); virtual void FormatData(char *str, EFormat format, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data); // // State loading/saving // virtual bool HasState(); virtual bool LoadState(const char *fileName); virtual bool SaveState(const char *fileName); // // Public virtual methods for sub-classes to implement // virtual void Attach(); virtual void Detach(); virtual void Reset(); virtual void Poll(); }; // // Inlined methods // inline bool CDebugger::CheckExit() { return m_exit; } inline bool CDebugger::CheckPause() { return m_pause; } } #endif // INCLUDED_DEBUGGER_H #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER