/** ** Supermodel ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator. ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson ** ** This file is part of Supermodel. ** ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) ** any later version. ** ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for ** more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /* * CodeAnalyser.cpp */ #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER #include "CodeAnalyser.h" #include "CPUDebug.h" #include "Label.h" #include <cctype> #include <string> using namespace std; namespace Debugger { CEntryPoint::CEntryPoint(const CEntryPoint &other) : addr(other.addr), autoFlag(other.autoFlag) { if (other.autoLabel != NULL) { strncpy(autoLabelStr, other.autoLabel, 254); autoLabelStr[254] = '\0'; autoLabel = autoLabelStr; } else autoLabel = NULL; } CEntryPoint::CEntryPoint(UINT32 eAddr, ELabelFlags eAutoFlag, const char *eAutoLabel) : addr(eAddr), autoFlag(eAutoFlag) { if (eAutoLabel != NULL) { strncpy(autoLabelStr, eAutoLabel, 254); autoLabelStr[254] = '\0'; autoLabel = autoLabelStr; } else autoLabel = NULL; } CEntryPoint &CEntryPoint::operator=(const CEntryPoint &other) { addr = other.addr; autoFlag = other.autoFlag; if (other.autoLabel != NULL) { strncpy(autoLabelStr, other.autoLabel, 254); autoLabelStr[254] = '\0'; autoLabel = autoLabelStr; } else autoLabel = NULL; return *this; } bool CEntryPoint::operator==(const CEntryPoint &other) { return addr == other.addr && autoFlag == other.autoFlag; } bool CEntryPoint::operator!=(const CEntryPoint &other) { return addr != other.addr || autoFlag != other.autoFlag; } const char *CAutoLabel::s_defaultLabelFmts[] = { "Entry%s", "Ex%s", "Int%s", "Jmp%s", "Loop%s", "Sub%s", NULL }; const unsigned CAutoLabel::numLabelFlags = sizeof(s_defaultLabelFmts) / sizeof(char*); ELabelFlags CAutoLabel::GetLabelFlag(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= numLabelFlags) return LFNone; return (ELabelFlags)(1 << index); } int CAutoLabel::GetFlagIndex(ELabelFlags flag) { switch (flag) { case LFEntryPoint: return 0; case LFExcepHandler: return 1; case LFInterHandler: return 2; case LFJumpTarget: return 3; case LFLoopPoint: return 4; case LFSubroutine: return 5; case LFUnseenCode: return 6; default: return -1; } } const char *CAutoLabel::GetFlagString(ELabelFlags flag) { switch (flag) { case LFEntryPoint: return "Entry Point"; case LFExcepHandler: return "Exception Handler"; case LFInterHandler: return "Interrupt Handler"; case LFJumpTarget: return "Jump Target"; case LFLoopPoint: return "Loop Point"; case LFSubroutine: return "Subroutine"; case LFUnseenCode: return "Unseen Code"; default: return ""; } } CAutoLabel::CAutoLabel(CCPUDebug *lCPU, UINT32 lAddr) : CAddressRef(lCPU, lAddr), flags(LFNone), m_acquired(0) { memset(m_subLabels, NULL, sizeof(m_subLabels)); } CAutoLabel::~CAutoLabel() { // Delete all sub-labels for (int index = 0; index < numLabelFlags; index++) { if (m_subLabels[index] != NULL) { delete[] m_subLabels[index]; m_subLabels[index] = NULL; } } } void CAutoLabel::Acquire() { m_acquired++; } void CAutoLabel::Release() { if (--m_acquired == 0) delete this; } void CAutoLabel::AddFlag(ELabelFlags flag, const char *subLabel) { int index = GetFlagIndex(flag); if (index == -1) return; flags = (ELabelFlags)((unsigned)flags | (unsigned)flag); if (subLabel != NULL) { size_t len = strlen(subLabel); char *label = new char[len + 1]; strncpy(label, subLabel, len); label[len] = '\0'; m_subLabels[index] = label; } else m_subLabels[index] = CreateDefaultSubLabel(flag); } bool CAutoLabel::GetLabel(char *labelStr, ELabelFlags subFlags) { char *p = labelStr; *p = '\0'; for (int index = 0; index < numLabelFlags; index++) { ELabelFlags flag = GetLabelFlag(index); if (!(subFlags & flag)) continue; const char *subLabel = m_subLabels[index]; if (subLabel == NULL) continue; if (p > labelStr) { (*p++) = '/'; *p = '\0'; } strcat(p, subLabel); p += strlen(subLabel); *p = '\0'; } return p > labelStr; } bool CAutoLabel::ContainsSubLabel(const char *subLabel) { for (int i = 0; i < numLabelFlags; i++) { if (m_subLabels[i] != NULL && stricmp(subLabel, m_subLabels[i]) == 0) return true; } return false; } const char *CAutoLabel::CreateDefaultSubLabel(ELabelFlags flag) { int index = GetFlagIndex(flag); if (index == -1) return NULL; const char *labelFmt = s_defaultLabelFmts[index]; if (labelFmt == NULL) return NULL; char addrStr[50]; cpu->debugger->FormatData(addrStr, Hex, (unsigned)(cpu->memBusWidth / 8), (UINT64)addr); char *label = new char[255]; sprintf(label, labelFmt, addrStr); return label; } CCodeAnalysis::CCodeAnalysis(CCodeAnalyser *aAnalyser) : analyser(aAnalyser) { // } CCodeAnalysis::CCodeAnalysis(CCodeAnalyser *aAnalyser, unsigned aTotalIndices, vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, vector<UINT32> &unseenEntryAddrs) : analyser(aAnalyser), m_entryPoints(entryPoints), m_unseenEntryAddrs(unseenEntryAddrs), m_seenIndices(aTotalIndices), m_validIndices(aTotalIndices), m_acquired(0) { // } CCodeAnalysis::CCodeAnalysis(CCodeAnalysis *oldAnalysis, vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, vector<UINT32> &unseenEntryAddrs) : analyser(oldAnalysis->analyser), m_entryPoints(entryPoints), m_unseenEntryAddrs(unseenEntryAddrs), m_seenIndices(oldAnalysis->m_seenIndices), m_validIndices(oldAnalysis->m_validIndices), m_autoLabelsMap(oldAnalysis->m_autoLabelsMap), m_acquired(0), validIndexSet(oldAnalysis->validIndexSet) { for (map<unsigned,CAutoLabel*>::iterator it = m_autoLabelsMap.begin(); it != m_autoLabelsMap.end(); it++) it->second->Acquire(); } CCodeAnalysis::~CCodeAnalysis() { for (vector<CAutoLabel*>::iterator it = autoLabels.begin(); it != autoLabels.end(); it++) (*it)->Release(); autoLabels.clear(); m_autoLabelsMap.clear(); } void CCodeAnalysis::Acquire() { m_acquired++; } void CCodeAnalysis::Release() { if (--m_acquired == 0) delete this; } void CCodeAnalysis::FinishAnalysis() { for (map<UINT32,CAutoLabel*>::iterator it = m_autoLabelsMap.begin(); it != m_autoLabelsMap.end(); it++) autoLabels.push_back(it->second); } bool CCodeAnalysis::IsAddrValid(UINT32 addr) { unsigned index; if (!analyser->GetIndexOfAddr(addr, index)) return false; return IsIndexValid(index); } bool CCodeAnalysis::GetNextValidAddr(UINT32 &addr) { unsigned index; if (!analyser->GetIndexOfAddr(addr, index)) return false; if (IsIndexValid(index)) return true; set<unsigned>::iterator it = validIndexSet.lower_bound(index); if (it == validIndexSet.end()) return false; return analyser->GetAddrOfIndex(*it, addr); } bool CCodeAnalysis::IsIndexValid(unsigned index) { return index < m_validIndices.size() && m_validIndices[index]; } bool CCodeAnalysis::GetNextValidIndex(unsigned &index) { if (IsIndexValid(index)) return true; set<unsigned>::iterator it = validIndexSet.lower_bound(index); if (it == validIndexSet.end()) return false; index = *it; return true; } bool CCodeAnalysis::HasSeenAddr(UINT32 addr) { unsigned index; if (!analyser->GetIndexOfAddr(addr, index)) return false; return HaveSeenIndex(index); } bool CCodeAnalysis::HaveSeenIndex(unsigned index) { return index < m_seenIndices.size() && m_seenIndices[index]; } CAutoLabel *CCodeAnalysis::GetAutoLabel(UINT32 addr) { map<UINT32,CAutoLabel*>::iterator it = m_autoLabelsMap.find(addr); if (it == m_autoLabelsMap.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } CAutoLabel *CCodeAnalysis::GetAutoLabel(const char *subLabel) { for (vector<CAutoLabel*>::iterator it = autoLabels.begin(); it != autoLabels.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->ContainsSubLabel(subLabel)) return *it; } return NULL; } vector<CAutoLabel*> CCodeAnalysis::GetAutoLabels(ELabelFlags flag) { vector<CAutoLabel*> matched; for (vector<CAutoLabel*>::iterator it = autoLabels.begin(); it != autoLabels.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->flags & flag) matched.push_back(*it); } return matched; } CCodeAnalyser::CCodeAnalyser(CCPUDebug *aCPU) : cpu(aCPU), emptyAnalysis(this), analysis(&emptyAnalysis) { instrAlign = cpu->minInstrLen; totalIndices = 0; for (vector<CRegion*>::iterator it = cpu->regions.begin(); it != cpu->regions.end(); it++) { if (!(*it)->isCode) continue; m_codeRegions.push_back(*it); totalIndices += (*it)->size / instrAlign; m_indexBounds.push_back(totalIndices); } } CCodeAnalyser::~CCodeAnalyser() { if (analysis != &emptyAnalysis) analysis->Release(); } void CCodeAnalyser::Reset() { CCodeAnalysis *oldAnalysis = analysis; analysis = &emptyAnalysis; if (oldAnalysis != &emptyAnalysis) oldAnalysis->Release(); } bool CCodeAnalyser::GetAddrOfIndex(unsigned index, UINT32 &addr) { unsigned regIndex = 0; unsigned prevBound = 0; for (vector<unsigned>::iterator it = m_indexBounds.begin(); it != m_indexBounds.end(); it++) { if (*it > index) { addr = m_codeRegions[regIndex]->addr + (UINT32)(index - prevBound) * instrAlign; return true; } prevBound = *it; regIndex++; } return false; } bool CCodeAnalyser::GetIndexOfAddr(UINT32 addr, unsigned &index) { unsigned regIndex = 0; for (vector<CRegion*>::iterator it = m_codeRegions.begin(); it != m_codeRegions.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->addr <= addr && addr <= (*it)->addrEnd) { unsigned offset = (unsigned)((addr - (*it)->addr) / instrAlign); index = (regIndex > 0 ? m_indexBounds[regIndex - 1] + offset : (unsigned)offset); return true; } regIndex++; } return false; } void CCodeAnalyser::CheckEntryPoints(vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, vector<UINT32> &unseenEntryAddrs, vector<CEntryPoint> &prevPoints, bool &needsAnalysis, bool &reanalyse) { needsAnalysis = false; // Gather entry points GatherEntryPoints(entryPoints, unseenEntryAddrs, reanalyse); if (reanalyse) { needsAnalysis = true; return; } // Compare new entry points with previous ones for (size_t i = 0; i < entryPoints.size(); i++) { // Check if have more than before if (i >= prevPoints.size()) { needsAnalysis = true; return; } // Check if any have changed if (entryPoints[i] != prevPoints[i]) { // If entry points, exception handlers or interrupt handlers have changed, then force reanalysis if (entryPoints[i].autoFlag == LFEntryPoint || prevPoints[i].autoFlag == LFEntryPoint || entryPoints[i].autoFlag == LFExcepHandler || prevPoints[i].autoFlag == LFExcepHandler || entryPoints[i].autoFlag == LFInterHandler || prevPoints[i].autoFlag == LFInterHandler) reanalyse = true; needsAnalysis = true; return; } } // Check if have less than before if (entryPoints.size() < prevPoints.size()) { // If so, force reanalysis reanalyse = true; needsAnalysis = true; return; } } void CCodeAnalyser::GatherEntryPoints(vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, vector<UINT32> &unseenEntryAddrs, bool &reanalyse) { char labelStr[255]; UINT32 addr; unsigned index; entryPoints.clear(); reanalyse = false; // Add reset address as main entry point AddEntryPoint(entryPoints, cpu->GetResetAddr(), LFEntryPoint, "MainEntry"); // Add exception handlers as entry points for (vector<CException*>::iterator it = cpu->exceps.begin(); it != cpu->exceps.end(); it++) { if (!cpu->GetHandlerAddr(*it, addr)) continue; sprintf(labelStr, "Ex%s", (*it)->id); AddEntryPoint(entryPoints, addr, LFExcepHandler, labelStr); } // Add interrupt handlers as entry points for (vector<CInterrupt*>::iterator it = cpu->inters.begin(); it != cpu->inters.end(); it++) { if (!cpu->GetHandlerAddr(*it, addr)) continue; sprintf(labelStr, "Int%s", (*it)->id); AddEntryPoint(entryPoints, addr, LFInterHandler, labelStr); } // Add custom entry addresses unsigned i = 0; for (vector<UINT32>::iterator it = m_customEntryAddrs.begin(); it != m_customEntryAddrs.end(); it++) { sprintf(labelStr, "Custom%u", i++); AddEntryPoint(entryPoints, *it, LFEntryPoint, labelStr); } // If current PC address is at an unseen location or at location that was previously invalid, then add address as unseen entry point if (cpu->instrCount > 0 && GetIndexOfAddr(cpu->pc, index) && (!analysis->HaveSeenIndex(index) || !analysis->IsIndexValid(index))) { // If at location that was previously seen and was invalid, then force reanalysis (ie because code may have been modified) if (analysis->HaveSeenIndex(index) && !analysis->IsIndexValid(index)) reanalyse = true; // Check that address not already included in previous entry points bool unseen = true; for (vector<CEntryPoint>::iterator it = entryPoints.begin(); it != entryPoints.end(); it++) { if ((*it).addr == cpu->pc) { unseen = false; break; } } if (unseen && find(unseenEntryAddrs.begin(), unseenEntryAddrs.end(), cpu->pc) == unseenEntryAddrs.end()) unseenEntryAddrs.push_back(cpu->pc); } // Add unseen entry points for (vector<UINT32>::iterator it = unseenEntryAddrs.begin(); it != unseenEntryAddrs.end(); it++) AddEntryPoint(entryPoints, *it, LFUnseenCode, NULL); } void CCodeAnalyser::AddEntryPoint(vector<CEntryPoint> &entryPoints, UINT32 addr, ELabelFlags autoFlag, const char *autoLabel) { CEntryPoint entryPoint(addr, autoFlag, autoLabel); if (find(entryPoints.begin(), entryPoints.end(), entryPoint) == entryPoints.end()) entryPoints.push_back(entryPoint); } bool CCodeAnalyser::NeedsAnalysis() { vector<CEntryPoint> entryPoints; vector<UINT32> unseenEntryAddrs(analysis->m_unseenEntryAddrs); bool needsAnalysis; bool reanalyse; CheckEntryPoints(entryPoints, unseenEntryAddrs, analysis->m_entryPoints, needsAnalysis, reanalyse); return needsAnalysis; } bool CCodeAnalyser::AnalyseCode() { m_abortAnalysis = false; CCodeAnalysis *oldAnalysis = analysis; vector<CEntryPoint> entryPoints; vector<UINT32> unseenEntryAddrs(oldAnalysis->m_unseenEntryAddrs); bool needsAnalysis; bool reanalyse; CheckEntryPoints(entryPoints, unseenEntryAddrs, oldAnalysis->m_entryPoints, needsAnalysis, reanalyse); if (!needsAnalysis) return false; CCodeAnalysis *newAnalysis; if (reanalyse || oldAnalysis == &emptyAnalysis) newAnalysis = new CCodeAnalysis(this, totalIndices, entryPoints, unseenEntryAddrs); else newAnalysis = new CCodeAnalysis(oldAnalysis, entryPoints, unseenEntryAddrs); newAnalysis->Acquire(); for (vector<CEntryPoint>::iterator it = newAnalysis->m_entryPoints.begin(); it != newAnalysis->m_entryPoints.end(); it++) { AddFlagToAddr(newAnalysis->m_autoLabelsMap, it->addr, it->autoFlag, it->autoLabel); AnalyseCode(newAnalysis->m_seenIndices, newAnalysis->m_validIndices, newAnalysis->validIndexSet, newAnalysis->m_autoLabelsMap, it->addr); } newAnalysis->FinishAnalysis(); if (m_abortAnalysis) { newAnalysis->Release(); return false; } analysis = newAnalysis; if (oldAnalysis != &emptyAnalysis) oldAnalysis->Release(); cpu->debugger->AnalysisUpdated(this); return true; } void CCodeAnalyser::AnalyseCode(vector<bool> &seenIndices, vector<bool> &validIndices, set<unsigned> &validIndexSet, map<UINT32,CAutoLabel*> &autoLabelsMap, UINT32 addr) { if (m_abortAnalysis) return; unsigned index; if (!GetIndexOfAddr(addr, index) || seenIndices[index]) return; CRegion *region = cpu->GetRegion(addr); if (region == NULL || !region->isCode) return; set<unsigned>::iterator setIt = validIndexSet.end(); unsigned startIndex = index; do { if (m_abortAnalysis) return; // Flag that have seen this address index seenIndices[index] = true; // If unit is not valid (ie doesn't disassemble) then code block must be invalid (TODO - invalidate whole code block?) int codesLen = cpu->GetOpLength(addr); if (codesLen <= 0) return; validIndices[index] = true; if (setIt != validIndexSet.end()) setIt = validIndexSet.insert(setIt, index); else setIt = validIndexSet.insert(index).first; UINT32 opcode = cpu->GetOpcode(addr); EOpFlags opFlags = cpu->GetOpFlags(addr, opcode); // See if instruction is jump if (opFlags & (JumpSimple|JumpLoop|JumpSub)) { // If so, see if address is valid (ie known at disassemble time) UINT32 jumpAddr; if (cpu->GetJumpAddr(addr, opcode, jumpAddr)) { // If so, add flags to jump address and analyse destination code block too if (opFlags & JumpSub) AddFlagToAddr(autoLabelsMap, jumpAddr, LFSubroutine, NULL); else if (opFlags & JumpLoop) AddFlagToAddr(autoLabelsMap, jumpAddr, LFLoopPoint, NULL); else AddFlagToAddr(autoLabelsMap, jumpAddr, LFJumpTarget, NULL); AnalyseCode(seenIndices, validIndices, validIndexSet, autoLabelsMap, jumpAddr); } } // Finish if instruction terminates code block (ie is not conditional and is either a non-returning jump, a return or some sort // of reset/halting instruction) if (!(opFlags & Conditional) && (opFlags & (JumpSimple|JumpLoop|ReturnEx|ReturnSub|HaltExec))) return; // Move to next index index += (unsigned)codesLen / instrAlign; // If reach end of address indices, code block must be invalid (TODO - invalidate whole code block?) if (index >= totalIndices) return; // Move to next address addr += (UINT32)codesLen; // If move between regions, check new region is valid if (addr > region->addrEnd) { region = cpu->GetRegion(addr); if (region == NULL || !region->isCode) // (TODO - invalidate whole code block?) return; } } while (!seenIndices[index]); } void CCodeAnalyser::AddFlagToAddr(map<UINT32,CAutoLabel*> &autoLabelsMap, UINT32 addr, ELabelFlags flag, const char *subLabel) { if (flag == LFNone) return; map<UINT32,CAutoLabel*>::iterator it = autoLabelsMap.find(addr); CAutoLabel *label; if (it == autoLabelsMap.end()) { label = new CAutoLabel(cpu, addr); label->Acquire(); autoLabelsMap[addr] = label; } else label = it->second; label->AddFlag(flag, subLabel); } void CCodeAnalyser::AbortAnalysis() { m_abortAnalysis = true; } void CCodeAnalyser::ClearCustomEntryAddrs() { m_customEntryAddrs.clear(); } void CCodeAnalyser::AddCustomEntryAddr(UINT32 entryAddr) { if (find(m_customEntryAddrs.begin(), m_customEntryAddrs.end(), entryAddr) == m_customEntryAddrs.end()) m_customEntryAddrs.push_back(entryAddr); } bool CCodeAnalyser::RemoveCustomEntryAddr(UINT32 entryAddr) { vector<UINT32>::iterator it = find(m_customEntryAddrs.begin(), m_customEntryAddrs.end(), entryAddr); if (it == m_customEntryAddrs.end()) return false; m_customEntryAddrs.erase(it); return true; } #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE bool CCodeAnalyser::LoadState(CBlockFile *state) { // Load custom entry addresses char blockStr[255]; sprintf(blockStr, "%s.entryaddrs", cpu->name); if (state->FindBlock(blockStr) == OKAY) { m_customEntryAddrs.clear(); UINT32 numAddrs; state->Read(&numAddrs, sizeof(numAddrs)); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numAddrs; i++) { UINT32 addr; state->Read(&addr, sizeof(addr)); m_customEntryAddrs.push_back(addr); } } return true; } bool CCodeAnalyser::SaveState(CBlockFile *state) { // Save custom entry addresses char blockStr[255]; sprintf(blockStr, "%s.entryaddrs", cpu->name); state->NewBlock(blockStr, __FILE__); UINT32 numAddrs = m_customEntryAddrs.size(); state->Write(&numAddrs, sizeof(numAddrs)); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numAddrs; i++) { UINT32 addr = m_customEntryAddrs[i]; state->Write(&addr, sizeof(addr)); } return true; } #endif // DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE } #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER