/** ** Supermodel ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator. ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson ** ** This file is part of Supermodel. ** ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) ** any later version. ** ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for ** more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ /* * Debugger.cpp */ #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER #include "Supermodel.h" #include "Debugger.h" #include "CPUDebug.h" #include <cctype> #include <string> using namespace std; namespace Debugger { unsigned CDebugger::GetDataSize(UINT64 data) { if (data <= 0xFFULL) return 1; else if (data <= 0xFFFFULL) return 2; else if (data <= 0xFFFFFFULL) return 3; else if (data <= 0xFFFFFFFFULL) return 4; else if (data <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFULL) return 5; else if (data <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFULL) return 6; else if (data <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL) return 7; else return 8; } const char *CDebugger::GetSizeString(unsigned dataSize) { switch (dataSize) { case 1: return "8-bit"; case 2: return "16-bit"; case 3: return "24-bit"; case 4: return "32-bit"; case 5: return "40-bit"; case 6: return "48-bit"; case 7: return "56-bit"; case 8: return "64-bit"; default: return ""; } } UINT64 CDebugger::MaskData(unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data) { switch (dataSize) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return data&0xFFULL; case 2: return data&0xFFFFULL; case 3: return data&0xFFFFFFULL; case 4: return data&0xFFFFFFFFULL; case 5: return data&0xFFFFFFFFFFULL; case 6: return data&0xFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; case 7: return data&0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; default: return data; } } UINT64 CDebugger::GetSlottedData(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data, UINT32 slotAddr, unsigned slotDataSize) { if (addr == slotAddr && dataSize == slotDataSize) { // Data perfectly aligned with slot return MaskData(slotDataSize, data); } unsigned overlap, shift; if (addr >= slotAddr) { // Data starts after slot beginning overlap = slotAddr + slotDataSize - addr; if (overlap < dataSize) { // Data ends after slot end shift = dataSize - overlap; return MaskData(overlap, data>>(8 * shift)); } else { // Data falls completely inside slot shift = overlap - dataSize; return MaskData(dataSize, data)<<(8 * shift); } } else { // Data starts before slot beginning overlap = addr + dataSize - slotAddr; if (overlap < slotDataSize) { // Data ends before slot end shift = slotDataSize - overlap; return MaskData(overlap, data)<<(8 * shift); } else { // Slot lies completely inside data shift = overlap - slotDataSize; return MaskData(slotDataSize, data>>(8 * shift)); } } } bool CDebugger::ParseInt(const char *str, int *val) { return sscanf(str, "%d", val) == 1; } CDebugger::CDebugger() : m_exit(false), m_pause(false), m_break(false), m_breakUser(false), frameCount(0), logDebug(true), logInfo(true), logError(true) { #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD m_mutex = CThread::CreateMutex(); m_primaryCPU = NULL; #endif // DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD } CDebugger::~CDebugger() { DeleteCPUs(); } void CDebugger::DeleteCPUs() { for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) delete *it; cpus.clear(); } void CDebugger::AddCPU(CCPUDebug *cpu) { cpu->AttachToDebugger(this); cpus.push_back(cpu); if (m_break) cpu->ForceBreak(m_breakUser); } void CDebugger::RemoveCPU(CCPUDebug *cpu) { cpu->DetachFromDebugger(this); vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = find(cpus.begin(), cpus.end(), cpu); if (it != cpus.end()) cpus.erase(it); } CCPUDebug *CDebugger::GetCPU(const char *name) { for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { if (stricmp(name, (*it)->name) == 0) return *it; } return NULL; } void CDebugger::SetExit() { m_exit = true; for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { //(*it)->RemoveAllExceptionTraps(); (*it)->RemoveAllMemWatches(); (*it)->RemoveAllIOWatches(); (*it)->RemoveAllBreakpoints(); (*it)->RemoveAllRegMonitors(); (*it)->SetContinue(); } } void CDebugger::SetPause(bool pause) { m_pause = pause; } void CDebugger::ForceBreak(bool user) { m_break = true; m_breakUser = user; for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) (*it)->ForceBreak(user); } void CDebugger::ClearBreak() { m_break = false; m_breakUser = false; for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) (*it)->ClearBreak(); } #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD bool CDebugger::MakePrimary(CCPUDebug *cpu) { m_mutex->Lock(); bool isPrimary = m_primaryCPU == NULL || m_primaryCPU == cpu; if (isPrimary) m_primaryCPU = cpu; m_mutex->Unlock(); if (isPrimary) { for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { if ((*it) != m_primaryCPU) (*it)->ForceWait(); } for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { if ((*it) != m_primaryCPU) (*it)->WaitForHalt(); } } return isPrimary; } void CDebugger::ReleasePrimary() { m_mutex->Lock(); m_primaryCPU = NULL; for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { if ((*it) == m_primaryCPU) (*it)->ClearBreak(); else (*it)->ClearWait(); } m_mutex->Unlock(); } #endif // DEBUGGER_HASTHREAD void CDebugger::Attach() { AddCPUs(); for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) (*it)->AttachToCPU(); } void CDebugger::Detach() { for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) (*it)->DetachFromCPU(); DeleteCPUs(); } void CDebugger::Reset() { frameCount = 0; for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) (*it)->DebuggerReset(); } void CDebugger::Poll() { frameCount++; for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) (*it)->DebuggerPolled(); } void CDebugger::PrintEvent(CCPUDebug *cpu, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); Log(cpu, NULL, fmt, vl); va_end(vl); } #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER void CDebugger::DebugLog(const char *fmt, va_list vl) { if (logDebug) Log(NULL, "Debug", fmt, vl); } void CDebugger::InfoLog(const char *fmt, va_list vl) { if (logInfo) Log(NULL, "Info", fmt, vl); } void CDebugger::ErrorLog(const char *fmt, va_list vl) { if (logError) Log(NULL, "Error", fmt, vl); } #endif // DEBUGGER_HASLOGGER bool CDebugger::ParseData(const char *str, EFormat format, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 *data) { unsigned i; char upperStr[255]; const char *p; switch (format) { case Hex: case Hex0x: case HexDollar: case HexPostH: for (i = 0; str[i] && i < 254; i++) upperStr[i] = toupper(str[i]); upperStr[i] = '\0'; if (sscanf(upperStr, "%llX", data) != 1 && sscanf(upperStr, "0x%llX", data) != 1 && sscanf(upperStr, "$%llX", data) != 1 && sscanf(upperStr, "%llXH", data) != 1) return false; break; case Decimal: if (sscanf(str, "%llu", data) != 1) return false; break; case Binary: p = str; while (*p != '\0' && *p != '0' && *p != '1') p++; if (*p == '\0') return false; *data = 0; for (i = 0; i < dataSize * 8; i++) { if (*p == '1') *data |= 1; else if (*p != '0') break; *data <<= 1; p++; } break; case ASCII: // TODO return false; default: return false; } switch (dataSize) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return *data <= (UINT64)0xFF; case 2: return *data <= (UINT64)0xFFFF; case 3: return *data <= (UINT64)0xFFFFFF; case 4: return *data <= (UINT64)0xFFFFFFFF; case 5: return *data <= (UINT64)0xFFFFFFFFFF; case 6: return *data <= (UINT64)0xFFFFFFFFFFFF; case 7: return *data <= (UINT64)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; default: return true; } } void CDebugger::FormatData(char *str, EFormat format, unsigned dataSize, INT64 data) { if (data >= 0) FormatData(str, format, dataSize, (UINT64)data); else { *str++ = '-'; FormatData(str, format, dataSize, (UINT64)(data >= 0 ? data : -data)); // No portable abs64 available } } void CDebugger::FormatData(char *str, EFormat format, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data) { data = MaskData(dataSize, data); unsigned i; switch (format) { case Hex: sprintf(str, "%0*llX", (int)dataSize * 2, data); break; case Hex0x: sprintf(str, "0x%0*llX", (int)dataSize * 2, data); break; case HexDollar: sprintf(str, "$%0*llX", (int)dataSize * 2, data); break; case HexPostH: sprintf(str, "%0*llXh", (int)dataSize * 2, data); break; case Decimal: sprintf(str, "%llu", data); break; case Binary: str += dataSize * 8; *str-- = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < dataSize * 8; i++) { *str-- = ((data&1) ? '1' : '0'); data >>= 1; } break; case ASCII: for (i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { *str++ = (char)(data & 0xFF); data >>= 8; } *str++ = '\0'; break; default: str[0] = '\0'; break; } } bool CDebugger::HasState() { for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->labels.size() + (*it)->comments.size() > 0) return true; } return false; } bool CDebugger::LoadState(const char *fileName) { #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE // Open file and find header CBlockFile state; if (state.Load(fileName) != OKAY) return false; if (state.FindBlock("Debugger State") != OKAY) { state.Close(); return false; } // Check version in header matches unsigned version; state.Read(&version, sizeof(version)); if (version != DEBUGGER_STATEFILE_VERSION) { state.Close(); return false; } // Load debugger state if (!LoadState(&state)) { state.Close(); return false; } // Load state for each CPU for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { if (!(*it)->LoadState(&state)) { state.Close(); return false; } } state.Close(); return true; #else return false; #endif // DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE } bool CDebugger::SaveState(const char *fileName) { #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE // Create file with header CBlockFile state; if (state.Create(fileName, "Debugger State", __FILE__) != OKAY) return false; // Write out version in header unsigned version = DEBUGGER_STATEFILE_VERSION; state.Write(&version, sizeof(version)); // Save debugger state if (!SaveState(&state)) { state.Close(); return false; } // Save state for each CPU for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++) { if (!(*it)->SaveState(&state)) return false; } state.Close(); return true; #else return false; #endif // DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE } #ifdef DEBUGGER_HASBLOCKFILE bool CDebugger::LoadState(CBlockFile *state) { return true; } bool CDebugger::SaveState(CBlockFile *state) { return true; } #endif } #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER