/** ** Supermodel ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator. ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson ** ** This file is part of Supermodel. ** ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) ** any later version. ** ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for ** more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ** with Supermodel. If not, see . **/ /* * Main.cpp * * Main program driver for the SDL port. * * Compile-Time Options * -------------------- * - SUPERMODEL_WIN32: Define this if compiling on Windows. * - SUPERMODEL_OSX: Define this if compiling on Mac OS X. * - SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER: Enable the debugger. * - DEBUG: Debug mode (use with caution, produces large logs of game behavior) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Pkgs/glew.h" #ifdef SUPERMODEL_OSX #include #else #include #endif #include "Supermodel.h" #include "SDLInputSystem.h" #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 #include "DirectInputSystem.h" #endif /****************************************************************************** Error and Debug Logging ******************************************************************************/ // Log file names #define DEBUG_LOG_FILE "debug.log" #define ERROR_LOG_FILE "error.log" // Logger object is used to redirect log messages appropriately static CLogger *s_Logger = NULL; CLogger *GetLogger() { return s_Logger; } void SetLogger(CLogger *Logger) { s_Logger = Logger; } void DebugLog(const char *fmt, ...) { if (s_Logger == NULL) return; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); s_Logger->DebugLog(fmt, vl); va_end(vl); } void InfoLog(const char *fmt, ...) { if (s_Logger == NULL) return; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); s_Logger->InfoLog(fmt, vl); va_end(vl); } bool ErrorLog(const char *fmt, ...) { if (s_Logger == NULL) return FAIL; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); s_Logger->ErrorLog(fmt, vl); va_end(vl); return FAIL; } /****************************************************************************** Display Management ******************************************************************************/ /* * Position and size of rectangular region within OpenGL display to render to. * Unlike the g_Config object, these end up containing the actual resolution * (and computed offsets within the viewport) that will be rendered based on * what was obtained from SDL. */ unsigned xOffset, yOffset; // offset of renderer output within OpenGL viewport unsigned xRes, yRes; // renderer output resolution (can be smaller than GL viewport) /* * CreateGLScreen(): * * Creates an OpenGL display surface of the requested size. xOffset and yOffset * are used to return a display surface offset (for OpenGL viewport commands) * because the actual drawing area may need to be adjusted to preserve the * Model 3 aspect ratio. The new resolution will be passed back as well. */ static bool CreateGLScreen(const char *caption, unsigned *xOffsetPtr, unsigned *yOffsetPtr, unsigned *xResPtr, unsigned *yResPtr, bool keepAspectRatio, bool fullScreen) { const SDL_VideoInfo *VideoInfo; GLenum err; float model3Ratio, ratio; float xRes, yRes; // Initialize video subsystem if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) return ErrorLog("Unable to initialize SDL video subsystem: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); // Important GL attributes SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE,5); // need at least RGB555 for Model 3 textures SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE,5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE,5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE,16); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER,1); // Set video mode if (SDL_SetVideoMode(*xResPtr,*yResPtr,0,SDL_OPENGL|(fullScreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN|SDL_HWSURFACE:0)) == NULL) { ErrorLog("Unable to create an OpenGL display: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return FAIL; } // What resolution did we actually get? VideoInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); // If required, fix the aspect ratio of the resolution that the user passed to match Model 3 ratio xRes = (float) *xResPtr; yRes = (float) *yResPtr; if (keepAspectRatio) { model3Ratio = 496.0f/384.0f; ratio = xRes/yRes; if (yRes < (xRes/model3Ratio)) xRes = yRes*model3Ratio; if (xRes < (yRes*model3Ratio)) yRes = xRes/model3Ratio; } // Center the visible area *xOffsetPtr = (*xResPtr - (unsigned) xRes)/2; *yOffsetPtr = (*yResPtr - (unsigned) yRes)/2; // If the desired resolution is smaller than what we got, re-center again if (*xResPtr < VideoInfo->current_w) *xOffsetPtr += (VideoInfo->current_w - *xResPtr)/2; if (*yResPtr < VideoInfo->current_h) *yOffsetPtr += (VideoInfo->current_h - *yResPtr)/2; // Create window caption SDL_WM_SetCaption(caption,NULL); // Initialize GLEW, allowing us to use features beyond OpenGL 1.2 err = glewInit(); if (GLEW_OK != err) { ErrorLog("OpenGL initialization failed: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err)); return FAIL; } // OpenGL initialization glViewport(0,0,*xResPtr,*yResPtr); glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); glClearDepth(1.0); glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(90.0,(GLfloat)xRes/(GLfloat)yRes,0.1,1e5); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // clear at least once to ensure black border // Write back resolution parameters *xResPtr = (unsigned) xRes; *yResPtr = (unsigned) yRes; // Scissor box (to clip visible area) if (VideoInfo->current_w > *xResPtr || VideoInfo->current_h > *yResPtr) { glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glScissor(*xOffsetPtr, *yOffsetPtr, *xResPtr, *yResPtr); } return 0; } /* * PrintGLInfo(): * * Queries and prints OpenGL information. A full list of extensions can * optionally be printed. */ static void PrintGLInfo(bool createScreen, bool infoLog, bool printExtensions) { const GLubyte *str; char *strLocal; GLint value; unsigned xOffset, yOffset, xRes=496, yRes=384; if (createScreen) { if (OKAY != CreateGLScreen("Supermodel - Querying OpenGL Information...",&xOffset,&yOffset,&xRes,&yRes,false,false)) { ErrorLog("Unable to query OpenGL.\n"); return; } } if (infoLog) InfoLog("OpenGL information:"); else puts("OpenGL information:\n"); str = glGetString(GL_VENDOR); if (infoLog) InfoLog(" Vendor: %s", str); else printf(" Vendor: %s\n", str); str = glGetString(GL_RENDERER); if (infoLog) InfoLog(" Renderer: %s", str); else printf(" Renderer: %s\n", str); str = glGetString(GL_VERSION); if (infoLog) InfoLog(" Version: %s", str); else printf(" Version: %s\n", str); str = glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION); if (infoLog) InfoLog(" Shading Language Version: %s", str); else printf(" Shading Language Version: %s\n", str); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES, &value); if (infoLog) InfoLog("Maximum Vertex Array Size: %d vertices", value); else printf("Maximum Vertex Array Size: %d vertices\n", value); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &value); if (infoLog) InfoLog(" Maximum Texture Size: %d texels", value); else printf(" Maximum Texture Size: %d texels\n", value); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &value); if (infoLog) InfoLog("Maximum Vertex Attributes: %d", value); else printf("Maximum Vertex Attributes: %d\n", value); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &value); if (infoLog) InfoLog(" Maximum Vertex Uniforms: %d", value); else printf(" Maximum Vertex Uniforms: %d\n", value); if (printExtensions) { str = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); strLocal = (char *) malloc((strlen((char *) str)+1)*sizeof(char)); if (NULL == strLocal) { if (infoLog) InfoLog(" Supported Extensions: %s", str); else printf(" Supported Extensions: %s\n", str); } else { strcpy(strLocal, (char *) str); if (infoLog) InfoLog(" Supported Extensions: %s", (strLocal = strtok(strLocal, " \t\n"))); else printf(" Supported Extensions: %s\n", (strLocal = strtok(strLocal, " \t\n"))); while ((strLocal = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) != NULL) { if (infoLog) InfoLog(" %s", strLocal); else printf(" %s\n", strLocal); } } } if (infoLog) InfoLog(""); else printf("\n"); } /****************************************************************************** Configuration Configuration file management and input settings. ******************************************************************************/ #define CONFIG_FILE_PATH "Config/Supermodel.ini" #define CONFIG_FILE_COMMENT ";\n" \ "; Supermodel Configuration File\n" \ ";\n" // Create and configure inputs static bool ConfigureInputs(CInputs *Inputs, bool configure) { // Open and parse configuration file CINIFile INI; INI.Open(CONFIG_FILE_PATH); // doesn't matter if it exists or not, will get overwritten INI.SetDefaultSectionName("Global"); INI.Parse(); Inputs->ReadFromINIFile(&INI, "Global"); // If the user wants to configure the inputs, do that now if (configure) { // Open an SDL window unsigned xOffset, yOffset, xRes=496, yRes=384; if (OKAY != CreateGLScreen("Supermodel - Configuring Inputs...",&xOffset,&yOffset,&xRes,&yRes,false,false)) return (bool) ErrorLog("Unable to start SDL to configure inputs.\n"); // Configure the inputs if (Inputs->ConfigureInputs(NULL, xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes)) { // Write input configuration and input system settings to config file Inputs->WriteToINIFile(&INI, "Global"); if (OKAY != INI.Write(CONFIG_FILE_COMMENT)) ErrorLog("Unable to save configuration to '%s'.", CONFIG_FILE_PATH); else printf("Configuration successfully saved to '%s'.\n", CONFIG_FILE_PATH); } else puts("Configuration aborted..."); puts(""); } INI.Close(); return OKAY; } // Apply configuration settings from configuration file (does NOT read input settings; see ConfigureInputs()) static void ApplySettings(CINIFile *INI, const char *section) { unsigned x; string String; // Model 3 if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "MultiThreaded", x)) g_Config.multiThreaded = x ? true : false; if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "PowerPCFrequency", x)) g_Config.SetPowerPCFrequency(x); // 3D renderer INI->Get(section, "VertexShader", g_Config.vertexShaderFile); INI->Get(section, "FragmentShader", g_Config.fragmentShaderFile); // SCSP and DSB if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "SoundVolume", x)) g_Config.SetSoundVolume(x); if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "MusicVolume", x)) g_Config.SetMusicVolume(x); if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "EmulateSound", x)) g_Config.emulateSound = x ? true : false; if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "EmulateDSB", x)) g_Config.emulateDSB = x ? true : false; // Drive board #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "ForceFeedback", x)) g_Config.forceFeedback = x ? true : false; #endif // OSD INI->Get(section, "XResolution", g_Config.xRes); INI->Get(section, "YResolution", g_Config.yRes); if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "FullScreen", x)) g_Config.fullScreen = x ? true : false; if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "Throttle", x)) g_Config.throttle = x ? true : false; if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "ShowFrameRate", x)) g_Config.showFPS = x ? true : false; if (OKAY == INI->Get(section, "FlipStereo", x)) g_Config.flipStereo = x ? true : false; #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 // DirectInput ForceFeedback INI->Get(section, "DirectInputConstForceMax", g_Config.dInputConstForceLeftMax); INI->Get(section, "DirectInputConstForceMax", g_Config.dInputConstForceRightMax); INI->Get(section, "DirectInputConstForceLeftMax", g_Config.dInputConstForceLeftMax); INI->Get(section, "DirectInputConstForceRightMax", g_Config.dInputConstForceRightMax); INI->Get(section, "DirectInputSelfCenterMax", g_Config.dInputSelfCenterMax); INI->Get(section, "DirectInputFrictionMax", g_Config.dInputFrictionMax); INI->Get(section, "DirectInputVibrateMax", g_Config.dInputVibrateMax); // XInput ForceFeedback INI->Get(section, "XInputConstForceThreshold", g_Config.xInputConstForceThreshold); INI->Get(section, "XInputConstForceMax", g_Config.xInputConstForceMax); INI->Get(section, "XInputVibrateMax", g_Config.xInputVibrateMax); #endif // SUPERMODEL_WIN32 } // Read settings (from a specific section) from the config file static void ReadConfigFile(const char *section) { CINIFile INI; INI.Open(CONFIG_FILE_PATH); INI.SetDefaultSectionName("Global"); // required to read settings not associated with a specific section INI.Parse(); ApplySettings(&INI, section); INI.Close(); } // Log the configuration to info log static void LogConfig(void) { InfoLog("Program settings:"); // COSDConfig InfoLog("\tXResolution = %d", g_Config.xRes); InfoLog("\tYResolution = %d", g_Config.yRes); InfoLog("\tFullScreen = %d", g_Config.fullScreen); InfoLog("\tThrottle = %d", g_Config.throttle); InfoLog("\tShowFrameRate = %d", g_Config.showFPS); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER InfoLog("\tDisableDebugger = %d", g_Config.disableDebugger); #endif InfoLog("\tInputSystem = %s", g_Config.GetInputSystem()); InfoLog("\tFlipStereo = %d", g_Config.flipStereo); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 // DirectInput ForceFeedback InfoLog("\tDirectInputConstForceLeftMax = %u", g_Config.dInputConstForceLeftMax); InfoLog("\tDirectInputConstForceRightMax = %u", g_Config.dInputConstForceRightMax); InfoLog("\tDirectInputSelfCenterMax = %u", g_Config.dInputSelfCenterMax); InfoLog("\tDirectInputFrictionMax = %u", g_Config.dInputFrictionMax); InfoLog("\tDirectInputVibrateMax = %u", g_Config.dInputVibrateMax); // XInput ForceFeedback InfoLog("\tXInputConstForceThreshold = %u", g_Config.xInputConstForceThreshold); InfoLog("\tXInputConstForceMax = %u", g_Config.xInputConstForceMax); InfoLog("\tXInputVibrateMax = %u", g_Config.xInputVibrateMax); #endif // SUPERMODEL_WIN32 // CModel3Config InfoLog("\tMultiThreaded = %d", g_Config.multiThreaded); InfoLog("\tPowerPCFrequency = %d", g_Config.GetPowerPCFrequency()); // CSoundBoardConfig InfoLog("\tEmulateSound = %d", g_Config.emulateSound); // CDSBConfig InfoLog("\tEmulateDSB = %d", g_Config.emulateDSB); InfoLog("\tSoundVolume = %d", g_Config.GetSoundVolume()); InfoLog("\tMusicVolume = %d", g_Config.GetMusicVolume()); // CDriveBoardConfig #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 InfoLog("\tForceFeedback = %d", g_Config.forceFeedback); #endif // CRender3DConfig InfoLog("\tVertexShader = %s", g_Config.vertexShaderFile.c_str()); InfoLog("\tFragmentShader = %s", g_Config.fragmentShaderFile.c_str()); InfoLog(""); } /****************************************************************************** Save States and NVRAM Save states and NVRAM use the same basic format. When anything changes that breaks compatibility with previous versions of Supermodel, the save state and NVRAM version numbers must be incremented as needed. Header block name: "Supermodel Save State" or "Supermodel NVRAM State" Data: Save state file version (4-byte integer), ROM set ID (up to 9 bytes, including terminating \0). Different subsystems output their own blocks. ******************************************************************************/ #define STATE_FILE_VERSION 1 // save state file version #define NVRAM_FILE_VERSION 0 // NVRAM file version static unsigned saveSlot = 0; // save state slot # static void SaveState(CModel3 *Model3) { CBlockFile SaveState; char filePath[24]; int fileVersion = STATE_FILE_VERSION; sprintf(filePath, "Saves/%s.st%d", Model3->GetGameInfo()->id, saveSlot); if (OKAY != SaveState.Create(filePath, "Supermodel Save State", "Supermodel Version " SUPERMODEL_VERSION)) { ErrorLog("Unable to save state to '%s'.", filePath); return; } // Write file format version and ROM set ID to header block SaveState.Write(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion)); SaveState.Write(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id, strlen(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id)+1); // Save state Model3->SaveState(&SaveState); SaveState.Close(); printf("Saved state to '%s'.\n", filePath); DebugLog("Saved state to '%s'.\n", filePath); } static void LoadState(CModel3 *Model3) { CBlockFile SaveState; char filePath[24]; int fileVersion; // Generate file path sprintf(filePath, "Saves/%s.st%d", Model3->GetGameInfo()->id, saveSlot); // Open and check to make sure format is correct if (OKAY != SaveState.Load(filePath)) { ErrorLog("Unable to load state from '%s'.", filePath); return; } if (OKAY != SaveState.FindBlock("Supermodel Save State")) { ErrorLog("'%s' does not appear to be a valid save state file.", filePath); return; } SaveState.Read(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion)); if (fileVersion != STATE_FILE_VERSION) { ErrorLog("'%s' is incompatible with this version of Supermodel.", filePath); return; } // Load Model3->LoadState(&SaveState); SaveState.Close(); printf("Loaded state from '%s'.\n", filePath); DebugLog("Loaded state from '%s'.\n", filePath); } static void SaveNVRAM(CModel3 *Model3) { CBlockFile NVRAM; char filePath[24]; int fileVersion = NVRAM_FILE_VERSION; sprintf(filePath, "NVRAM/%s.nv", Model3->GetGameInfo()->id); if (OKAY != NVRAM.Create(filePath, "Supermodel NVRAM State", "Supermodel Version " SUPERMODEL_VERSION)) { ErrorLog("Unable to save NVRAM to '%s'. Make sure directory exists!", filePath); return; } // Write file format version and ROM set ID to header block NVRAM.Write(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion)); NVRAM.Write(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id, strlen(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id)+1); // Save NVRAM Model3->SaveNVRAM(&NVRAM); NVRAM.Close(); DebugLog("Saved NVRAM to '%s'.\n", filePath); } static void LoadNVRAM(CModel3 *Model3) { CBlockFile NVRAM; char filePath[24]; int fileVersion; // Generate file path sprintf(filePath, "NVRAM/%s.nv", Model3->GetGameInfo()->id); // Open and check to make sure format is correct if (OKAY != NVRAM.Load(filePath)) { //ErrorLog("Unable to restore NVRAM from '%s'.", filePath); return; } if (OKAY != NVRAM.FindBlock("Supermodel NVRAM State")) { ErrorLog("'%s' does not appear to be a valid NVRAM file.", filePath); return; } NVRAM.Read(&fileVersion, sizeof(fileVersion)); if (fileVersion != NVRAM_FILE_VERSION) { ErrorLog("'%s' is incompatible with this version of Supermodel.", filePath); return; } // Load Model3->LoadNVRAM(&NVRAM); NVRAM.Close(); DebugLog("Loaded NVRAM from '%s'.\n", filePath); } /****************************************************************************** UI Rendering Currently, only does crosshairs for light gun games. ******************************************************************************/ static void GunToViewCoords(float *x, float *y) { *x = (*x-150.0f)/(651.0f-150.0f); // Scale [150,651] -> [0.0,1.0] *y = (*y-80.0f)/(465.0f-80.0f); // Scale [80,465] -> [0.0,1.0] } static void DrawCrosshair(float x, float y, float r, float g, float b) { float base = 0.01f, height = 0.02f; // geometric parameters of each triangle float dist = 0.004f; // distance of triangle tip from center float a = (float)xRes/(float)yRes; // aspect ratio (to square the crosshair) glColor3f(r, g, b); glVertex2f(x, y+dist); // bottom triangle glVertex2f(x+base/2.0f, y+(dist+height)*a); glVertex2f(x-base/2.0f, y+(dist+height)*a); glVertex2f(x, y-dist); // top triangle glVertex2f(x-base/2.0f, y-(dist+height)*a); glVertex2f(x+base/2.0f, y-(dist+height)*a); glVertex2f(x-dist, y); // left triangle glVertex2f(x-dist-height, y+(base/2.0f)*a); glVertex2f(x-dist-height, y-(base/2.0f)*a); glVertex2f(x+dist, y); // right triangle glVertex2f(x+dist+height, y-(base/2.0f)*a); glVertex2f(x+dist+height, y+(base/2.0f)*a); } static void UpdateCrosshairs(CInputs *Inputs, unsigned showCrosshairs) { float x[2], y[2]; showCrosshairs &= 3; if (!showCrosshairs) return; // Set up the viewport and orthogonal projection glViewport(xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // no texture mapping glDisable(GL_BLEND); // no blending glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // no Z-buffering needed glUseProgram(NULL); // no shaders // Convert gun coordinates to viewspace coordinates x[0] = (float) Inputs->gunX[0]->value; y[0] = (float) Inputs->gunY[0]->value; x[1] = (float) Inputs->gunX[1]->value; y[1] = (float) Inputs->gunY[1]->value; GunToViewCoords(&x[0], &y[0]); GunToViewCoords(&x[1], &y[1]); // Draw visible crosshairs glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); if ((showCrosshairs & 1) && !Inputs->trigger[0]->offscreenValue) // Player 1 DrawCrosshair(x[0], y[0], 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if ((showCrosshairs & 2) && !Inputs->trigger[1]->offscreenValue) // Player 2 DrawCrosshair(x[1], y[1], 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glEnd(); } /****************************************************************************** Main Program Loop ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER int Supermodel(const char *zipFile, CModel3 *Model3, CInputs *Inputs, Debugger::CDebugger *Debugger, CINIFile *CmdLine) { CLogger *oldLogger; #else int Supermodel(const char *zipFile, CInputs *Inputs, CINIFile *CmdLine) { CModel3 *Model3 = new CModel3(); #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER char baseTitleStr[128], titleStr[128]; CRender2D *Render2D = new CRender2D(); CRender3D *Render3D = new CRender3D(); unsigned prevFPSTicks, currentFPSTicks, currentTicks, targetTicks, startTicks; unsigned fpsFramesElapsed, framesElapsed; unsigned showCrosshairs = 0; // bit 1: player 1 crosshair, bit 0: player 2 bool gameHasLightguns = false; bool quit = 0; bool paused = 0; // Initialize and load ROMs if (OKAY != Model3->Init()) return 1; if (OKAY != Model3->LoadROMSet(g_Model3GameList, zipFile)) return 1; // Apply game-specific settings and then, lastly, command line settings ReadConfigFile(Model3->GetGameInfo()->id); ApplySettings(CmdLine, "Global"); // Load NVRAM LoadNVRAM(Model3); // Start up SDL and open a GL window xRes = g_Config.xRes; yRes = g_Config.yRes; sprintf(baseTitleStr, "Supermodel - %s", Model3->GetGameInfo()->title); if (OKAY != CreateGLScreen(baseTitleStr,&xOffset,&yOffset,&xRes,&yRes,true,g_Config.fullScreen)) return 1; // Info log GL information and user options PrintGLInfo(false, true, false); LogConfig(); // Initialize audio system if (OKAY != OpenAudio()) return 1; // Hide mouse if fullscreen, enable crosshairs for gun games Inputs->GetInputSystem()->SetMouseVisibility(!g_Config.fullScreen); gameHasLightguns = !!(Model3->GetGameInfo()->inputFlags & (GAME_INPUT_GUN1|GAME_INPUT_GUN2)); if (g_Config.fullScreen && gameHasLightguns) showCrosshairs = 1; // show player 1 cursor only by default (TODO: add an IsMapped() member to CInput to allow testing for both lightguns) // Attach the inputs to the emulator Model3->AttachInputs(Inputs); // Initialize the renderer if (OKAY != Render2D->Init(xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes)) goto QuitError; if (OKAY != Render3D->Init(xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes)) goto QuitError; Model3->AttachRenderers(Render2D,Render3D); // Reset emulator Model3->Reset(); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // If debugger was supplied, set it as logger and attach it to system oldLogger = GetLogger(); if (Debugger != NULL) { SetLogger(Debugger); Debugger->Attach(); } #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // Emulate! fpsFramesElapsed = 0; framesElapsed = 0; prevFPSTicks = SDL_GetTicks(); startTicks = prevFPSTicks; while (!quit) { // Check if paused if (!paused) { // If not, run one frame Model3->RunFrame(); // Show crosshairs for light gun games UpdateCrosshairs(Inputs, showCrosshairs); // Swap the buffers SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); } // Poll the inputs if (!Inputs->Poll(Model3->GetGameInfo(), xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes)) quit = 1; #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER bool processUI = true; if (Debugger != NULL) { Debugger->Poll(); // Check if debugger requests exit or pause if (Debugger->CheckExit()) { quit = 1; processUI = false; } else if (Debugger->CheckPause()) { paused = 1; processUI = false; } } if (processUI) { #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // Check UI controls if (Inputs->uiExit->Pressed()) { // Quit emulator quit = 1; } else if (Inputs->uiReset->Pressed()) { if (!paused) { Model3->PauseThreads(); SetAudioEnabled(false); } // Reset emulator Model3->Reset(); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // If debugger was supplied, reset it too if (Debugger != NULL) Debugger->Reset(); #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER if (!paused) { Model3->ResumeThreads(); SetAudioEnabled(true); } puts("Model 3 reset."); } else if (Inputs->uiPause->Pressed()) { // Toggle emulator paused flag paused = !paused; if (paused) { Model3->PauseThreads(); SetAudioEnabled(false); sprintf(titleStr, "%s (Paused)", baseTitleStr); SDL_WM_SetCaption(titleStr,NULL); } else { Model3->ResumeThreads(); SetAudioEnabled(true); SDL_WM_SetCaption(baseTitleStr,NULL); } } else if (Inputs->uiSaveState->Pressed()) { if (!paused) { Model3->PauseThreads(); SetAudioEnabled(false); } // Save game state SaveState(Model3); if (!paused) { Model3->ResumeThreads(); SetAudioEnabled(true); } } else if (Inputs->uiChangeSlot->Pressed()) { // Change save slot ++saveSlot; saveSlot %= 10; // clamp to [0,9] printf("Save slot: %d\n", saveSlot); } else if (Inputs->uiLoadState->Pressed()) { if (!paused) { Model3->PauseThreads(); SetAudioEnabled(false); } // Load game state LoadState(Model3); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // If debugger was supplied, reset it after loading state if (Debugger != NULL) Debugger->Reset(); #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER if (!paused) { Model3->ResumeThreads(); SetAudioEnabled(true); } } else if (Inputs->uiMusicVolUp->Pressed()) { // Increase music volume by 10% if (Model3->GetGameInfo()->mpegBoard) { int vol = (int) g_Config.GetMusicVolume() + 10; if (vol > 200) vol = 200; g_Config.SetMusicVolume(vol); printf("Music volume: %d%%", vol); if (200 == vol) puts(" (maximum)"); else printf("\n"); } else puts("This game does not have an MPEG music board."); } else if (Inputs->uiMusicVolDown->Pressed()) { // Decrease music volume by 10% if (Model3->GetGameInfo()->mpegBoard) { int vol = (int) g_Config.GetMusicVolume() - 10; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; g_Config.SetMusicVolume(vol); printf("Music volume: %d%%", vol); if (0 == vol) puts(" (muted)"); else printf("\n"); } else puts("This game does not have an MPEG music board."); } else if (Inputs->uiSoundVolUp->Pressed()) { // Increase sound volume by 10% int vol = (int) g_Config.GetSoundVolume() + 10; if (vol > 200) vol = 200; g_Config.SetSoundVolume(vol); printf("Sound volume: %d%%", vol); if (200 == vol) puts(" (maximum)"); else printf("\n"); } else if (Inputs->uiSoundVolDown->Pressed()) { // Decrease sound volume by 10% int vol = (int) g_Config.GetSoundVolume() - 10; if (vol < 0) vol = 0; g_Config.SetSoundVolume(vol); printf("Sound volume: %d%%", vol); if (0 == vol) puts(" (muted)"); else printf("\n"); } else if (Inputs->uiDumpInpState->Pressed()) { // Dump input states Inputs->DumpState(Model3->GetGameInfo()); } else if (Inputs->uiSelectCrosshairs->Pressed() && gameHasLightguns) { showCrosshairs++; switch ((showCrosshairs&3)) { case 0: puts("Crosshairs disabled."); break; case 3: puts("Crosshairs enabled."); break; case 1: puts("Showing Player 1 crosshair only."); break; case 2: puts("Showing Player 2 crosshair only."); break; } } else if (Inputs->uiClearNVRAM->Pressed()) { // Clear NVRAM Model3->ClearNVRAM(); puts("NVRAM cleared."); } else if (Inputs->uiToggleFrLimit->Pressed()) { // Toggle frame limiting g_Config.throttle = !g_Config.throttle; printf("Frame limiting: %s\n", g_Config.throttle?"On":"Off"); } #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER else if (Debugger != NULL && Inputs->uiEnterDebugger->Pressed()) { // Break execution and enter debugger Debugger->ForceBreak(true); } } #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // FPS and frame rate currentFPSTicks = SDL_GetTicks(); currentTicks = currentFPSTicks; // FPS if (g_Config.showFPS) { ++fpsFramesElapsed; if((currentFPSTicks-prevFPSTicks) >= 1000) // update FPS every 1 second (each tick is 1 ms) { sprintf(titleStr, "%s - %1.1f FPS%s", baseTitleStr, (float)fpsFramesElapsed*(float)(currentFPSTicks-prevFPSTicks)/1000.0f, paused ? " (Paused)" : ""); SDL_WM_SetCaption(titleStr,NULL); prevFPSTicks = currentFPSTicks; // reset tick count fpsFramesElapsed = 0; // reset frame count } } // Frame limiting/paused if (paused || g_Config.throttle) { ++framesElapsed; targetTicks = startTicks + (unsigned) ((float)framesElapsed * 1000.0f/60.0f); if (currentTicks <= targetTicks) // add a delay until we reach the next (target) frame time SDL_Delay(targetTicks-currentTicks); else // begin a new frame { framesElapsed = 0; startTicks = currentTicks; } } } // Make sure all threads are paused before shutting down Model3->PauseThreads(); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // If debugger was supplied, detach it from system and restore old logger if (Debugger != NULL) { Debugger->Detach(); SetLogger(oldLogger); } #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // Save NVRAM SaveNVRAM(Model3); // Close audio CloseAudio(); // Shut down #ifndef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER delete Model3; #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER delete Render2D; delete Render3D; // Dump PowerPC registers #ifdef DEBUG for (int i = 0; i < 32; i += 4) printf("R%d=%08X\tR%d=%08X\tR%d=%08X\tR%d=%08X\n", i + 0, ppc_get_gpr(i + 0), i + 1, ppc_get_gpr(i + 1), i + 2, ppc_get_gpr(i + 2), i + 3, ppc_get_gpr(i + 3)); printf("PC =%08X\n", ppc_get_pc()); printf("LR =%08X\n", ppc_get_lr()); /* printf("DBAT0U=%08X\tIBAT0U=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT0U), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT0U)); printf("DBAT0L=%08X\tIBAT0L=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT0L), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT0L)); printf("DBAT1U=%08X\tIBAT1U=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT1U), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT1U)); printf("DBAT1L=%08X\tIBAT1L=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT1L), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT1L)); printf("DBAT2U=%08X\tIBAT2U=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT2U), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT2U)); printf("DBAT2L=%08X\tIBAT2L=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT2L), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT2L)); printf("DBAT3U=%08X\tIBAT3U=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT3U), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT3U)); printf("DBAT3L=%08X\tIBAT3L=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_DBAT3L), ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_IBAT3L)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("SR%d =%08X\n", i, ppc_read_sr(i)); for (int i = 10; i < 16; i++) printf("SR%d=%08X\n", i, ppc_read_sr(i)); printf("SDR1=%08X\n", ppc_read_spr(SPR603E_SDR1)); */ #endif return 0; // Quit with an error QuitError: #ifndef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER delete Model3; #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER delete Render2D; delete Render3D; return 1; } /****************************************************************************** CROM Disassembler ******************************************************************************/ // Disassemble instructions from CROM static int DisassembleCROM(const char *zipFile, UINT32 addr, unsigned n) { const struct GameInfo *Game; UINT8 *crom; struct ROMMap Map[] = { { "CROM", NULL }, { "CROMxx", NULL }, { NULL, NULL } }; char mnem[16], oprs[48]; UINT32 op; // Do we have a valid CROM address? if (addr < 0xFF800000) return ErrorLog("Valid CROM address range is FF800000-FFFFFFFF."); // Allocate memory and set ROM region crom = new(std::nothrow) UINT8[0x8800000]; if (NULL == crom) return ErrorLog("Insufficient memory to load CROM (need %d MB).", (0x8800000/8)); Map[0].ptr = crom; Map[1].ptr = &crom[0x800000]; // Load ROM set Game = LoadROMSetFromZIPFile(Map, g_Model3GameList, zipFile, false); if (NULL == Game) return ErrorLog("Failed to load ROM set."); // Mirror CROM if necessary if (Game->cromSize < 0x800000) // high part of fixed CROM region contains CROM0 CopyRegion(crom, 0, 0x800000-0x200000, &crom[0x800000], 0x800000); // Disassemble! addr -= 0xFF800000; while ((n > 0) && ((addr+4) <= 0x800000)) { op = (crom[addr+0]<<24) | (crom[addr+1]<<16) | (crom[addr+2]<<8) | crom[addr+3]; printf("%08X: ", addr+0xFF800000); if (DisassemblePowerPC(op, addr+0xFF800000, mnem, oprs, 1)) { if (mnem[0] != '\0') // invalid form printf("%08X %s*\t%s\n", op, mnem, oprs); else printf("%08X ?\n", op); } else printf("%08X %s\t%s\n", op, mnem, oprs); addr += 4; --n; } delete [] crom; return OKAY; } /****************************************************************************** Entry Point and Command Line Procesing ******************************************************************************/ // Print Supermodel title and copyright information static void Title(void) { puts("Supermodel: A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator (Version "SUPERMODEL_VERSION")"); puts("Copyright (C) 2011 by Bart Trzynadlowski and Nik Henson\n"); } // Print usage information static void Help(void) { puts("Usage: Supermodel [options]"); puts("ROM set must be a valid ZIP file containing a single game."); puts(""); puts("General Options:"); puts(" -?, -h Print this help text"); puts(" -print-games List supported games and quit"); puts(""); puts("Core Options:"); printf(" -ppc-frequency= PowerPC frequency in MHz [Default: %d]\n", g_Config.GetPowerPCFrequency()); puts(" -no-threads Disable multi-threading"); puts(""); puts("Video Options:"); puts(" -res=, Resolution"); puts(" -fullscreen Full screen mode"); puts(" -no-throttle Disable 60 Hz frame rate lock"); puts(" -show-fps Display frame rate in window title bar"); puts(" -vert-shader= Load 3D vertex shader from external file"); puts(" -frag-shader= Load 3D fragment shader from external file"); puts(" -print-gl-info Print OpenGL driver information and quit"); puts(""); puts("Audio Options:"); puts(" -sound-volume= Volume of sound effects in % [Default: 100]"); puts(" -music-volume= Volume of MPEG music in % [Default: 100]"); puts(" -flip-stereo Swap left and right audio channels"); puts(" -no-sound Disable sound board emulation (sound effects)"); puts(" -no-dsb Disable Digital Sound Board (MPEG music)"); puts(""); puts("Input Options:"); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 puts(" -force-feedback Enable force feedback (DirectInput, XInput)"); #endif puts(" -config-inputs Configure keyboards, mice, and game controllers"); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 printf(" -input-system= Input system [Default: %s]\n", g_Config.GetInputSystem()); #endif puts(" -print-inputs Prints current input configuration"); puts(""); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER puts("Debug Options:"); puts(" -disable-debugger Completely disable debugger functionality"); puts(" -enter-debugger Enter debugger at start of emulation"); puts(" -dis=[,n] Disassemble PowerPC code from CROM"); puts(""); #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER } // Print game list static void PrintGameList(void) { int i, j; puts("Supported games:"); puts(""); puts(" ROM Set Title"); puts(" ------- -----"); for (i = 0; g_Model3GameList[i].title != NULL; i++) { printf(" %s", g_Model3GameList[i].id); for (j = strlen(g_Model3GameList[i].id); j < 9; j++) // pad for alignment (no game ID is more than 9 letters) printf(" "); printf(" %s\n", g_Model3GameList[i].title); } } /* * main(argc, argv): * * Program entry point. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { CINIFile CmdLine; // not associated with any files, holds command line options int i, ret; int fileIdx=0; bool cmdPrintInputs=false, cmdConfigInputs=false, cmdDis=false; #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER int cmdEnterDebugger=false; #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER char *inputSystem = NULL; // use default input system unsigned n; UINT32 addr; Title(); if (argc <= 1) { Help(); return 0; } // Create default logger CFileLogger Logger(DEBUG_LOG_FILE, ERROR_LOG_FILE); Logger.ClearLogs(); SetLogger(&Logger); // Log the command line used to start Supermodel InfoLog("Started as:"); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) InfoLog("\targv[%d] = %s", i, argv[i]); InfoLog(""); // Read global settings from INI file ReadConfigFile("Global"); /* * Parse command line. * * Settings are stored in CmdLine so that they can be applied later, after * game-specific settings are read from the configuration file (which * requires the ROM set to be identified and therefore is done later). * * Some commands are processed here directly. */ CmdLine.SetDefaultSectionName("Global"); // command line settings are global-level for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h") || !strcmp(argv[i],"-?")) { Help(); return 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-print-games")) { PrintGameList(); return 0; } else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ppc-frequency",14)) { int f; ret = sscanf(&argv[i][14],"=%d",&f); if (ret != 1) ErrorLog("'-ppc-frequency' requires a frequency."); else CmdLine.Set("Global", "PowerPCFrequency", f); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-no-threads")) { n = 0; CmdLine.Set("Global", "MultiThreaded", n); } #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-disable-debugger")) g_Config.disableDebugger = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-enter-debugger")) cmdEnterDebugger = true; #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-sound-volume",13)) { ret = sscanf(&argv[i][13],"=%d",&n); if (ret != 1) ErrorLog("'-sound-volume' requires a volume setting."); else CmdLine.Set("Global", "SoundVolume", n); } else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-music-volume",13)) { ret = sscanf(&argv[i][13],"=%d",&n); if (ret != 1) ErrorLog("'-music-volume' requires a volume setting."); else CmdLine.Set("Global", "MusicVolume", n); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-flip-stereo")) { n = 1; CmdLine.Set("Global", "FlipStereo", n); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-no-sound")) { n = 0; CmdLine.Set("Global", "EmulateSound", n); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-no-dsb")) { n = 0; CmdLine.Set("Global", "EmulateDSB", n); } #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-force-feedback")) { n = 1; CmdLine.Set("Global", "ForceFeedback", n); } #endif else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-res",4)) { unsigned x, y; ret = sscanf(&argv[i][4],"=%d,%d",&x,&y); if (ret != 2) ErrorLog("'-res' requires both a width and a height."); else { CmdLine.Set("Global", "XResolution", x); CmdLine.Set("Global", "YResolution", y); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-fullscreen")) { n = 1; CmdLine.Set("Global", "FullScreen", n); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-no-throttle")) { n = 0; CmdLine.Set("Global", "Throttle", n); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-show-fps")) { n = 1; CmdLine.Set("Global", "ShowFrameRate", n); } else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-vert-shader",12)) { if (argv[i][12] == '\0') ErrorLog("'-vert-shader' requires a file path."); else if (argv[i][12] != '=') ErrorLog("Ignoring unrecognized option: %s", argv[i]); else if (argv[i][13] == '\0') ErrorLog("'-vert-shader' requires a file path."); else CmdLine.Set("Global", "VertexShader", &argv[i][13]); } else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-frag-shader",12)) { if (argv[i][12] == '\0') ErrorLog("'-frag-shader' requires a file path."); else if (argv[i][12] != '=') ErrorLog("Ignoring unrecognized option: %s", argv[i]); else if (argv[i][13] == '\0') ErrorLog("'-frag-shader' requires a file path."); else CmdLine.Set("Global", "FragmentShader", &argv[i][13]); } #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-input-system", 13)) // this setting is not written to the config file! { if (argv[i][13] == '\0') ErrorLog("'-input-system' requires an input system name."); else if (argv[i][13] != '=') ErrorLog("Ignoring unrecognized option: %s", argv[i]); else if (argv[i][14] == '\0') ErrorLog("'-input-system' requires an input system name."); else inputSystem = &argv[i][14]; } #endif // SUPERMODEL_WIN32 else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-print-inputs")) cmdPrintInputs = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-config-inputs")) cmdConfigInputs = true; else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-dis",4)) { ret = sscanf(&argv[i][4],"=%X,%X",&addr,&n); if (ret == 1) { n = 16; cmdDis = true; } else if (ret == 2) cmdDis = true; else ErrorLog("'-dis' requires address and, optionally, number of instructions."); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-print-gl-info")) { PrintGLInfo(true, false, false); return 0; } else if (argv[i][0] == '-') ErrorLog("Ignoring unrecognized option: %s", argv[i]); else { if (fileIdx) // already specified a file ErrorLog("Multiple files specified. Using '%s', ignoring '%s'.", argv[fileIdx], argv[i]); else fileIdx = i; } } // Initialize SDL (individual subsystems get initialized later) if (SDL_Init(0) != 0) { ErrorLog("Unable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } // Create input system (default is SDL) and debugger CInputSystem *InputSystem = NULL; CInputs *Inputs = NULL; int exitCode = 0; #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER CModel3 *Model3 = NULL; Debugger::CSupermodelDebugger *Debugger = NULL; #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // Create input system g_Config.SetInputSystem(inputSystem); if (stricmp(g_Config.GetInputSystem(), "sdl") == 0) InputSystem = new CSDLInputSystem(); #ifdef SUPERMODEL_WIN32 else if (stricmp(g_Config.GetInputSystem(), "dinput") == 0) InputSystem = new CDirectInputSystem(false, false); else if (stricmp(g_Config.GetInputSystem(), "xinput") == 0) InputSystem = new CDirectInputSystem(false, true); else if (stricmp(g_Config.GetInputSystem(), "rawinput") == 0) InputSystem = new CDirectInputSystem(true, false); #endif // SUPERMODEL_WIN32 else { ErrorLog("Unknown input system: %s\n", g_Config.GetInputSystem()); exitCode = 1; goto Exit; } // Create inputs from input system (configuring them if required) Inputs = new CInputs(InputSystem); if (!Inputs->Initialize()) { ErrorLog("Unable to initalize inputs.\n"); exitCode = 1; goto Exit; } if (ConfigureInputs(Inputs, cmdConfigInputs)) { exitCode = 1; goto Exit; } if (cmdPrintInputs) { Inputs->PrintInputs(NULL); InputSystem->PrintSettings(); } // From this point onwards, a ROM set is needed if (fileIdx == 0) { ErrorLog("No ROM set specified."); exitCode = 1; goto Exit; } if (cmdDis) { if (OKAY != DisassembleCROM(argv[fileIdx], addr, n)) exitCode = 1; goto Exit; } #ifdef SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER // Create Model3 Model3 = new CModel3(); // Create Supermodel debugger unless debugging is disabled if (!g_Config.disableDebugger) { Debugger = new Debugger::CSupermodelDebugger(Model3, Inputs, &Logger); // If -enter-debugger option was set force debugger to break straightaway if (cmdEnterDebugger) Debugger->ForceBreak(true); } // Fire up Supermodel with debugger exitCode = Supermodel(argv[fileIdx],Model3,Inputs,Debugger,&CmdLine); if (Debugger != NULL) delete Debugger; delete Model3; #else // Fire up Supermodel exitCode = Supermodel(argv[fileIdx],Inputs,&CmdLine); #endif // SUPERMODEL_DEBUGGER Exit: if (Inputs != NULL) delete Inputs; if (InputSystem != NULL) delete InputSystem; SDL_Quit(); if (exitCode) InfoLog("Program terminated due to an error."); else InfoLog("Program terminated normally."); return exitCode; }