 ** Supermodel
 ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
 ** Copyright 2011-2012 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson 
 ** This file is part of Supermodel.
 ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
 ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 ** any later version.
 ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 ** more details.
 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 ** with Supermodel.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Render2D.h
 * Header file defining the CRender2D class: OpenGL tile generator graphics.


#include "Pkgs/glew.h"
#include "Util/NewConfig.h"

 * CRender2D:
 * Tile generator graphics engine. This must be constructed and initialized 
 * before being attached to any objects that want to make use of it. Apart from
 * the constructor, all members assume that a global GL device
 * context is available and that GL functions may be called.
class CRender2D
   * BeginFrame(void):
   * Prepare to render a new frame. Must be called once per frame prior to
   * drawing anything.
  void BeginFrame(void);

   * PreRenderFrame(void):
   * Draws the all top layers (above 3D graphics) and bottom layers (below 3D
   * graphics) but does not yet display them. May send data to the GPU.
  void PreRenderFrame(void);

   * RenderFrameBottom(void):
   * Overwrites the color buffer with bottom surface that was pre-rendered by
   * the last call to PreRenderFrame().
  void RenderFrameBottom(void);

   * RenderFrameTop(void):
   * Draws the top surface (if it exists) that was pre-rendered by the last 
   * call to PreRenderFrame(). Previously drawn graphics layers will be visible
   * through transparent regions.
  void RenderFrameTop(void);
   * EndFrame(void):
   * Signals the end of rendering for this frame. Must be called last during
   * the frame.
  void EndFrame(void);
   * WriteVRAM(addr, data):
   * Indicates what will be written next to the tile generator's RAM. The
   * VRAM address must not have yet been updated, to allow the renderer to
   * check for changes. Data is accepted in the same form as the tile 
   * generator: the MSB is what was written to addr+3. This function is 
   * intended to facilitate on-the-fly decoding of tiles and palette data.
   * Parameters:
   *    addr  Address in tile generator RAM. Caller must ensure it is 
   *          clamped to the range 0x000000 to 0x11FFFF because this
   *          function does not.
   *    data  The data to write.
  void WriteVRAM(unsigned addr, uint32_t data);
   * AttachRegisters(regPtr):
   * Attaches tile generator registers. This must be done prior to any 
   * rendering otherwise the program may crash with an access violation.
   * Parameters:
   *    regPtr  Pointer to the base of the tile generator registers. There
   *        are assumed to be 64 in all.
  void AttachRegisters(const uint32_t *regPtr);
   * AttachPalette(palPtr):
   * Attaches tile generator palettes. This must be done prior to any
   * rendering.
   * Parameters:
   *    palPtr  Pointer to two palettes. The first is for layers A/A' and
   *        the second is for B/B'.
  void AttachPalette(const uint32_t *palPtr[2]);

   * AttachVRAM(vramPtr):
   * Attaches tile generator RAM. This must be done prior to any rendering
   * otherwise the program may crash with an access violation.
   * Parameters:
   *    vramPtr   Pointer to the base of the tile generator RAM (0x120000
   *              bytes). VRAM is assumed to be in little endian format.
  void AttachVRAM(const uint8_t *vramPtr);

   * Init(xOffset, yOffset, xRes, yRes, totalXRes, totalYRes);
   * One-time initialization of the context. Must be called before any other
   * members (meaning it should be called even before being attached to any
   * other objects that want to use it).
   * Parameters:
   *    xOffset   X offset of the viewable area within OpenGL display 
   *              surface, in pixels.
   *    yOffset   Y offset.
   *    xRes      Horizontal resolution of the viewable area.
   *    yRes      Vertical resolution.
   *    totalXRes Horizontal resolution of the complete display area.
   *    totalYRes Vertical resolution.
   * Returns:
   *    OKAY is successful, otherwise FAILED if a non-recoverable error
   *    occurred. Prints own error messages.
  bool Init(unsigned xOffset, unsigned yOffset, unsigned xRes, unsigned yRes, unsigned totalXRes, unsigned totalYRes);
   * CRender2D(config):
   * ~CRender2D(void):
   * Constructor and destructor.
   * Parameters:
   *    config  Run-time configuration.
  CRender2D(const Util::Config::Node &config);
  // Private member functions
  std::pair<bool, bool> DrawTilemaps(uint32_t *destBottom, uint32_t *destTop);
  void DisplaySurface(int surface);
  void Setup2D(bool isBottom);
  // Run-time configuration
  const Util::Config::Node &m_config;

  // Data received from tile generator device object
  const uint32_t *m_vram;
  const uint32_t *m_palette[2]; // palettes for A/A' and B/B'
  const uint32_t *m_regs;
  // OpenGL data
  GLuint    m_texID[2];       // IDs for the 2 layer textures (top and bottom)
  unsigned  m_xPixels = 496;  // display surface resolution
  unsigned  m_yPixels = 384;  // ...
  unsigned  m_xOffset = 0;    // offset
  unsigned  m_yOffset = 0;
  unsigned  m_totalXPixels;   // total display surface resolution
  unsigned  m_totalYPixels;
  unsigned  m_correction = 0;
  // Shader programs and input data locations
  GLuint m_shaderProgram;   // shader program object
  GLuint m_vertexShader;    // vertex shader handle
  GLuint m_fragmentShader;  // fragment shader
  GLuint m_textureMapLoc;   // location of "textureMap" uniform

  // PreRenderFrame() tracks which surfaces exist in current frame
  std::pair<bool, bool> m_surfaces_present = std::pair<bool, bool>(false, false);

  // Buffers
  uint8_t   *m_memoryPool = 0;    // all memory is allocated here
  uint32_t  *m_topSurface = 0;    // 512x384x32bpp pixel surface for top layers
  uint32_t  *m_bottomSurface = 0; // bottom layers