 ** Supermodel
 ** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
 ** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson
 ** This file is part of Supermodel.
 ** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 ** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free 
 ** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 ** any later version.
 ** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 ** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 ** more details.
 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 ** with Supermodel.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * Games.h
 * Header file containing Model 3 game and ROM file information.


#include "ROMLoad.h"  // ROMInfo structure


// Input flags
#define GAME_INPUT_COMMON           0x000000001 // game has common controls
#define GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE          0x000000002 // game has vehicle controls
#define GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1        0x000000004 // game has joystick 1 
#define GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2        0x000000008 // game has joystick 2
#define GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING         0x000000010 // game has fighting game controls
#define GAME_INPUT_VR4              0x000000020 // game has four VR view buttons
#define GAME_INPUT_VIEWCHANGE       0x000000040 // game has single view change button
#define GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4           0x000000080 // game has 4-speed shifter
#define GAME_INPUT_SHIFTUPDOWN      0x000000100 // game has up/down shifter
#define GAME_INPUT_HANDBRAKE        0x000000200 // game has handbrake
#define GAME_INPUT_HARLEY           0x000000400 // game has Harley Davidson controls
#define GAME_INPUT_GUN1             0x000000800 // game has light gun 1
#define GAME_INPUT_GUN2             0x000001000 // game has light gun 2
#define GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK  0x000002000 // game has analog joystick
#define GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS   0x000004000 // game has twin joysticks
#define GAME_INPUT_SOCCER           0x000008000 // game has soccer controls
#define GAME_INPUT_SPIKEOUT         0x000010000 // game has Spikeout buttons
#define GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_GUN1      0x000020000 // game has analog gun 1
#define GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_GUN2      0x000040000 // game has analog gun 2
#define GAME_INPUT_SKI              0x000080000 // game has ski controls
#define GAME_INPUT_MAGTRUCK         0x000100000 // game has magical truck controls
#define GAME_INPUT_FISHING          0x000200000 // game has fishing controls
#define GAME_INPUT_ALL              0x0003FFFFF

 Data Structures

 * GameInfo:
 * Describes a Model 3 game. List is terminated when title == NULL.
struct GameInfo
  // Game information
  const char  id[10];         // 9-character game identifier (also serves as zip archive file name)
  const char  *parent;        // parent game identifier
  const char  *title;         // complete game title
  const char  *mfgName;       // name of manufacturer
  unsigned    year;           // year released (in decimal)
  int         step;           // Model 3 hardware stepping: 0x10 = 1.0, 0x15 = 1.5, 0x20 = 2.0, 0x21 = 2.1
  uint32_t    cromSize;       // size of fixed CROM (up to 8 MB)
  bool        mirrorLow64MB;  // mirror low 64 MB of banked CROM space to upper 64 MB
  uint32_t    vromSize;       // size of video ROMs (32 or 64 MB; if 32 MB, will have to be mirrored)
  uint32_t    sampleSize;     // size of sample ROMS (8 or 16 MB; if 8 MB, will have to be mirrored)
  uint32_t    inputFlags;     // game input types
  int         mpegBoard;      // MPEG music board type: 0 = none, 1 = DSB1 (Z80), 2 = DSB2 (68K).
  bool        driveBoard;     // drive board (supported if true)
  uint32_t    encryptionKey;  // security board encryption device key (or 0 if not applicable)

  // ROM files
  struct ROMInfo ROM[48];

 Model 3 Game List

 All games supported by Supermodel. All ROMs are loaded according to their 
 native endianness. That is, the PowerPC ROMs are loaded just as a real 
 PowerPC would see them. The emulator may reorder the bytes on its own for 
 performance reasons (but the ROMs are not specified that way here).

extern const struct GameInfo g_Model3GameList[];