#include "Supermodel.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; CInputs::CInputs(CInputSystem *system) : m_system(system) { // UI Controls uiExit = AddSwitchInput("UIExit", "Exit UI", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ESCAPE"); uiReset = AddSwitchInput("UIReset", "Reset", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_R"); uiPause = AddSwitchInput("UIPause", "Pause", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_P"); uiSaveState = AddSwitchInput("UISaveState", "Save State", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_F5"); uiChangeSlot = AddSwitchInput("UIChangeSlot", "Change Save Slot", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_F6"); uiLoadState = AddSwitchInput("UILoadState", "Load State", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_F7"); uiDumpInpState = AddSwitchInput("UIDumpInputState", "Dump Input State", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_F8"); uiClearNVRAM = AddSwitchInput("UIClearNVRAM", "Clear NVRAM", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_N"); uiToggleCursor = AddSwitchInput("UIToggleCursor", "Toggle Cursor", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_I"); uiToggleFrLimit = AddSwitchInput("UIToggleFrameLimit", "Toggle Frame Limiting", GAME_INPUT_UI, "KEY_ALT+KEY_T"); // Common Controls start[0] = AddSwitchInput("Start1", "P1 Start", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_1,JOY1_BUTTON9"); start[1] = AddSwitchInput("Start2", "P2 Start", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_2,JOY2_BUTTON9"); coin[0] = AddSwitchInput("Coin1", "P1 Coin", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_3,JOY1_BUTTON10"); coin[1] = AddSwitchInput("Coin2", "P2 Coin", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_4,JOY2_BUTTON10"); service[0] = AddSwitchInput("ServiceA", "Service A", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_5"); service[1] = AddSwitchInput("ServiceB", "Service B", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_7"); test[0] = AddSwitchInput("TestA", "Test A", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_6"); test[1] = AddSwitchInput("TestB", "Test B", GAME_INPUT_COMMON, "KEY_8"); // 8-Way Joysticks up[0] = AddSwitchInput("JoyUp", "P1 Joystick Up", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1, "KEY_UP,JOY1_UP"); down[0] = AddSwitchInput("JoyDown", "P1 Joystick Down", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1, "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_DOWN"); left[0] = AddSwitchInput("JoyLeft", "P1 Joystick Left", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1, "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_LEFT"); right[0] = AddSwitchInput("JoyRight", "P1 Joystick Right", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK1, "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_RIGHT"); up[1] = AddSwitchInput("JoyUp2", "P2 Joystick Up", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2, "JOY2_UP"); down[1] = AddSwitchInput("JoyDown2", "P2 Joystick Down", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2, "JOY2_DOWN"); left[1] = AddSwitchInput("JoyLeft2", "P2 Joystick Left", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2, "JOY2_LEFT"); right[1] = AddSwitchInput("JoyRight2", "P2 Joystick Right", GAME_INPUT_JOYSTICK2, "JOY2_RIGHT"); // Fighting Game Buttons punch[0] = AddSwitchInput("Punch", "P1 Punch", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"); kick[0] = AddSwitchInput("Kick", "P1 Kick", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"); guard[0] = AddSwitchInput("Guard", "P1 Guard", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"); escape[0] = AddSwitchInput("Escape", "P1 Escape", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "KEY_F,JOY1_BUTTON4"); punch[1] = AddSwitchInput("Punch2", "P2 Punch", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "JOY2_BUTTON1"); kick[1] = AddSwitchInput("Kick2", "P2 Kick", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "JOY2_BUTTON2"); guard[1] = AddSwitchInput("Guard2", "P2 Guard", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "JOY2_BUTTON3"); escape[1] = AddSwitchInput("Escape2", "P2 Escape", GAME_INPUT_FIGHTING, "JOY2_BUTTON4"); // Virtua Striker Buttons shortPass[0] = AddSwitchInput("ShortPass", "P1 Short Pass", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"); longPass[0] = AddSwitchInput("LongPass", "P1 Long Pass", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"); shoot[0] = AddSwitchInput("Shoot", "P1 Shoot", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"); shortPass[1] = AddSwitchInput("ShortPass1", "P2 Short Pass", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "JOY2_BUTTON1"); longPass[1] = AddSwitchInput("LongPass1", "P2 Long Pass", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "JOY2_BUTTON2"); shoot[1] = AddSwitchInput("Shoot1", "P2 Shoot", GAME_INPUT_SOCCER, "JOY2_BUTTON3"); // Racing Game Steering Controls CAnalogInput *steeringLeft = AddAnalogInput("SteeringLeft", "Steer Left", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "KEY_LEFT"); CAnalogInput *steeringRight = AddAnalogInput("SteeringRight", "Steer Right", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "KEY_RIGHT"); steering = AddAxisInput ("Steering", "Full Steering", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "JOY1_XAXIS", steeringLeft, steeringRight); accelerator = AddAnalogInput("Accelerator", "Accelerator Pedal", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "KEY_UP,JOY1_UP"); brake = AddAnalogInput("Brake", "Brake Pedal", GAME_INPUT_VEHICLE, "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_DOWN"); // Racing Game Gear Shift CSwitchInput *shift1 = AddSwitchInput("GearShift1", "Shift 1/Up", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "KEY_Q,JOY1_BUTTON5"); CSwitchInput *shift2 = AddSwitchInput("GearShift2", "Shift 2/Down", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "KEY_W,JOY1_BUTTON6"); CSwitchInput *shift3 = AddSwitchInput("GearShift3", "Shift 3", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON7"); CSwitchInput *shift4 = AddSwitchInput("GearShift4", "Shift 4", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON8"); CSwitchInput *shiftUp = AddSwitchInput("GearShiftUp", "Shift Up", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "NONE"); CSwitchInput *shiftDown = AddSwitchInput("GearShiftDown", "Shift Down", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, "NONE"); gearShift4 = AddGearShift4Input("GearShift", "Gear Shift", GAME_INPUT_SHIFT4, shift1, shift2, shift3, shift4, shiftUp, shiftDown); // Racing Game VR View Buttons vr[0] = AddSwitchInput("VR1", "VR1", GAME_INPUT_VR, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"); vr[1] = AddSwitchInput("VR2", "VR2", GAME_INPUT_VR, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"); vr[2] = AddSwitchInput("VR3", "VR3", GAME_INPUT_VR, "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"); vr[3] = AddSwitchInput("VR4", "VR4", GAME_INPUT_VR, "KEY_F,JOY1_BUTTON4"); // Sega Rally Buttons viewChange = AddSwitchInput("ViewChange", "View Change", GAME_INPUT_RALLY, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"); handBrake = AddSwitchInput("HandBrake", "Hand Brake", GAME_INPUT_RALLY, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"); // Virtua On Controls twinJoyTurnLeft = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyTurnLeft", "Turn Left", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_Q,JOY1_RXAXIS_NEG"); twinJoyTurnRight = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyTurnRight", "Turn Right", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_W,JOY1_RXAXIS_POS"); twinJoyForward = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyForward", "Forward", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_UP,JOY1_YAXIS_NEG"); twinJoyReverse = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyReverse", "Reverse", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_YAXIS_POS"); twinJoyStrafeLeft = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyStrafeLeft", "Strafe Left", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_XAXIS_NEG"); twinJoyStrafeRight = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyStrafeRight", "Strafe Right", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_XAXIS_POS"); twinJoyJump = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyJump", "Jump", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON1"); twinJoyCrouch = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyCrouch", "Crouch", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON2"); twinJoyLeftShot = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyLeftShot", "Left Shot Trigger", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON5"); twinJoyRightShot = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyRightShot", "Right Shot Trigger", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON6"); twinJoyLeftTurbo = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyLeftTurbo", "Left Turbo", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_Z,JOY1_BUTTON7"); twinJoyRightTurbo = AddSwitchInput("TwinJoyRightTurbo", "Right Turbo", GAME_INPUT_TWIN_JOYSTICKS, "KEY_X,JOY1_BUTTON8"); // Analog Joystick CAnalogInput *analogJoyLeft = AddAnalogInput("AnalogJoyLeft", "Analog Left", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_LEFT"); CAnalogInput *analogJoyRight = AddAnalogInput("AnalogJoyRight", "Analog Right", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_RIGHT"); CAnalogInput *analogJoyUp = AddAnalogInput("AnalogJoyUp", "Analog Up", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_UP"); CAnalogInput *analogJoyDown = AddAnalogInput("AnalogJoyDown", "Analog Down", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_DOWN"); analogJoyX = AddAxisInput ("AnalogJoyX", "Analog X-Axis", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "JOY_XAXIS,MOUSE_XAXIS", analogJoyLeft, analogJoyRight); analogJoyY = AddAxisInput ("AnalogJoyY", "Analog Y-Axis", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "JOY_YAXIS,MOUSE_YAXIS", analogJoyUp, analogJoyDown); analogJoyTrigger = AddSwitchInput("AnalogJoyTrigger", "Trigger Button", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_A,JOY_BUTTON1,MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON"); analogJoyEvent = AddSwitchInput("AnalogJoyEvent", "Event Button", GAME_INPUT_ANALOG_JOYSTICK, "KEY_S,JOY_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON"); // Lightguns CAnalogInput *gun1Left = AddAnalogInput("GunLeft", "P1 Gun Left", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_LEFT"); CAnalogInput *gun1Right = AddAnalogInput("GunRight", "P1 Gun Right", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_RIGHT"); CAnalogInput *gun1Up = AddAnalogInput("GunUp", "P1 Gun Up", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_UP"); CAnalogInput *gun1Down = AddAnalogInput("GunDown", "P1 Gun Down", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_DOWN"); gunX[0] = AddAxisInput("GunX", "P1 Gun X-Axis", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "MOUSE_XAXIS,JOY1_XAXIS", gun1Left, gun1Right, 150, 400, 651); // normalize to [150,651] gunY[0] = AddAxisInput("GunY", "P1 Gun Y-Axis", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "MOUSE_YAXIS,JOY1_YAXIS", gun1Up, gun1Down, 80, 272, 465); // normalize to [80,465] CSwitchInput *gun1Trigger = AddSwitchInput("Trigger", "P1 Trigger", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1,MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON"); CSwitchInput *gun1Offscreen = AddSwitchInput("Offscreen", "P1 Point Off-screen", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON"); trigger[0] = AddTriggerInput("AutoTrigger", "P1 Auto Trigger", GAME_INPUT_GUN1, gun1Trigger, gun1Offscreen); CAnalogInput *gun2Left = AddAnalogInput("GunLeft2", "P2 Gun Left", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "NONE"); CAnalogInput *gun2Right = AddAnalogInput("GunRight2", "P2 Gun Right", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "NONE"); CAnalogInput *gun2Up = AddAnalogInput("GunUp2", "P2 Gun Up", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "NONE"); CAnalogInput *gun2Down = AddAnalogInput("GunDown2", "P2 Gun Down", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "NONE"); gunX[1] = AddAxisInput("GunX2", "P2 Gun X-Axis", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "JOY2_XAXIS", gun2Left, gun2Right, 150, 400, 651); // normalize to [150,651] gunY[1] = AddAxisInput("GunY2", "P2 Gun Y-Axis", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "JOY2_YAXIS", gun2Up, gun2Down, 80, 272, 465); // normalize to [80,465] CSwitchInput *gun2Trigger = AddSwitchInput("Trigger2", "P2 Trigger", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "JOY2_BUTTON1"); CSwitchInput *gun2Offscreen = AddSwitchInput("Offscreen2", "P2 Point Off-screen", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, "JOY2_BUTTON2"); trigger[1] = AddTriggerInput("AutoTrigger2", "P2 Auto Trigger", GAME_INPUT_GUN2, gun2Trigger, gun2Offscreen); } CInputs::~CInputs() { for (vector::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) delete *it; m_inputs.clear(); } CSwitchInput *CInputs::AddSwitchInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping, UINT16 offVal, UINT16 onVal) { CSwitchInput *input = new CSwitchInput(id, label, gameFlags, defaultMapping, offVal, onVal); m_inputs.push_back(input); return input; } CAnalogInput *CInputs::AddAnalogInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping, UINT16 minVal, UINT16 maxVal) { CAnalogInput *input = new CAnalogInput(id, label, gameFlags, defaultMapping, minVal, maxVal); m_inputs.push_back(input); return input; } CAxisInput *CInputs::AddAxisInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping, CAnalogInput *axisNeg, CAnalogInput *axisPos, UINT16 minVal, UINT16 offVal, UINT16 maxVal) { CAxisInput *input = new CAxisInput(id, label, gameFlags, defaultMapping, axisNeg, axisPos, minVal, offVal, maxVal); m_inputs.push_back(input); return input; } CGearShift4Input *CInputs::AddGearShift4Input(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, CSwitchInput *shift1, CSwitchInput *shift2, CSwitchInput *shift3, CSwitchInput *shift4, CSwitchInput *shiftUp, CSwitchInput *shiftDown) { CGearShift4Input *input = new CGearShift4Input(id, label, gameFlags, shift1, shift2, shift3, shift4, shiftUp, shiftDown); m_inputs.push_back(input); return input; } CTriggerInput *CInputs::AddTriggerInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, CSwitchInput *trigger, CSwitchInput *offscreen, UINT16 offVal, UINT16 onVal) { CTriggerInput *input = new CTriggerInput(id, label, gameFlags, trigger, offscreen, offVal, onVal); m_inputs.push_back(input); return input; } void CInputs::PrintHeader(const char *fmt, ...) { char header[1024]; va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); vsprintf(header, fmt, vl); va_end(vl); puts(header); for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(header); i++) putchar('-'); printf("\n\n"); } void CInputs::PrintConfigureInputsHelp() { puts("For each control, use the following keys to map the inputs:"); puts(""); puts(" Return Set current input mapping and move to next control,"); puts(" c Clear current input mapping and remain there,"); puts(" s Set the current input mapping and remain there,"); puts(" a Append to current input mapping (for multiple assignments)"); puts(" and remain there,"); puts(" r Reset current input mapping to default and remain there,"); puts(" Down Move onto next control,"); puts(" Up Go back to previous control,"); puts(" i Display information about input system and attached devices,"); puts(" h Display this help again,"); puts(" q Finish and save all changes,"); puts(" Esc Finish without saving any changes."); puts(""); puts("To assign input(s), simply press the appropriate key(s), mouse button(s)"); puts("or joystick button(s) or move the mouse along one or more axes or move a"); puts("joystick's axis or POV hat controller(s). The input(s) will be accepted"); puts("as soon as all pressed keys and buttons are released and all moved mouse"); puts("and joystick controllers are returned to their rest positions."); puts(""); puts("NOTES:"); puts(" - in order to assign keys the configuration window must on top,"); puts(" - in order to assign mouse buttons the mouse must be clicked"); puts(" within the window,"); puts(" - in order to assign mouse axes, the cursor must first be placed in"); puts(" the center of the window and then moved in the corresponding"); puts(" direction to the window's edge and then returned to the center."); puts(""); } unsigned CInputs::Count() { return (unsigned)m_inputs.size(); } CInput *CInputs::operator[](const unsigned index) { return m_inputs[index]; } CInput *CInputs::operator[](const char *idOrLabel) { for (vector::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) { if (stricmp((*it)->id, idOrLabel) == 0 || stricmp((*it)->label, idOrLabel) == 0) return *it; } return NULL; } CInputSystem *CInputs::GetInputSystem() { return m_system; } bool CInputs::Initialize() { // Make sure the input system is initialized too if (!m_system->Initialize()) return false; // Initialize all the inputs for (vector::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) (*it)->Initialize(m_system); return true; } void CInputs::ReadFromINIFile(CINIFile *ini, const char *section) { m_system->ReadFromINIFile(ini, section); for (vector::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) (*it)->ReadFromINIFile(ini, section); } void CInputs::WriteToINIFile(CINIFile *ini, const char *section) { m_system->WriteToINIFile(ini, section); for (vector::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) (*it)->WriteToINIFile(ini, section); } bool CInputs::ConfigureInputs(const GameInfo *game, unsigned dispX, unsigned dispY, unsigned dispW, unsigned dispH) { m_system->UngrabMouse(); // Let the input system know the display geometry m_system->SetDisplayGeom(dispX, dispY, dispW, dispH); // Print header and help message int gameFlags; if (game != NULL) { PrintHeader("Configure Inputs for %s", game->title); gameFlags = game->inputFlags; } else { PrintHeader("Configure Inputs"); gameFlags = GAME_INPUT_ALL; } PrintConfigureInputsHelp(); // Get all inputs to be configured vector toConfigure; vector::iterator it; for (it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->IsConfigurable() && ((*it)->gameFlags & gameFlags)) toConfigure.push_back(*it); } // Remember current mappings for each input in case changes need to be undone later vector oldMappings(toConfigure.size()); size_t index = 0; for (it = toConfigure.begin(); it != toConfigure.end(); it++) oldMappings[index++] = (*it)->GetMapping(); const char *groupLabel = NULL; // Loop through all the inputs to be configured index = 0; while (index < toConfigure.size()) { // Get the current input CInput *input = toConfigure[index]; // If have moved to a new input group, print the group heading const char *itGroupLabel = input->GetInputGroup(); if (groupLabel == NULL || stricmp(groupLabel, itGroupLabel) != 0) { groupLabel = itGroupLabel; printf("%s:\n", groupLabel); } Redisplay: // Print the input label, current input mapping and available options if (index > 0) printf(" %s [%s]: Ret/c/s/a/r/Up/Down/h/q/Esc? ", input->label, input->GetMapping()); else printf(" %s [%s]: Ret/c/s/a/r/Down/h/q/Esc? ", input->label, input->GetMapping()); fflush(stdout); // required on terminals that use buffering // Loop until user has selected a valid option bool done = false; char mapping[50]; while (!done) { // Wait for input from user if (!m_system->ReadMapping(mapping, 50, false, READ_KEYBOARD|READ_MERGE, uiExit->GetMapping())) { // If user pressed aborted input, then undo all changes and finish configuration index = 0; for (it = toConfigure.begin(); it != toConfigure.end(); it++) { (*it)->SetMapping(oldMappings[index].c_str()); index++; } puts(""); m_system->GrabMouse(); return false; } if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_RETURN") == 0 || stricmp(mapping, "KEY_S") == 0) { // Set the input mapping printf("Setting..."); fflush(stdout); // required on terminals that use buffering if (input->Configure(false, uiExit->GetMapping())) { printf(" %s\n", input->GetMapping()); if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_RETURN") == 0) index++; done = true; } else { printf(" [Cancelled]\n"); goto Redisplay; } } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_A") == 0) { // Append to the input mapping(s) printf("Appending..."); fflush(stdout); // required on terminals that use buffering if (input->Configure(true, uiExit->GetMapping())) printf(" %s\n", input->GetMapping()); else printf(" [Cancelled]\n"); goto Redisplay; } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_C") == 0) { // Clear the input mapping(s) input->SetMapping("NONE"); printf("Cleared\n"); goto Redisplay; } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_R") == 0) { // Reset the input mapping(s) to the default input->ResetToDefaultMapping(); printf("Reset\n"); goto Redisplay; } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_DOWN") == 0) { // Move forward to the next mapping puts(""); index++; done = true; } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_UP") == 0) { // Move back to the previous mapping if (index > 0) { puts(""); index--; done = true; } } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_HOME") == 0) { // Move to first input puts(""); index = 0; done = true; } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_I") == 0) { // Print info about input system printf("\n\n"); m_system->PrintSettings(); goto Redisplay; } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_H") == 0) { // Print the help message again printf("\n\n"); PrintConfigureInputsHelp(); goto Redisplay; } else if (stricmp(mapping, "KEY_Q") == 0) { // Finish configuration puts(""); m_system->GrabMouse(); return true; } } } // All inputs set, finish configuration puts(""); m_system->GrabMouse(); return true; } void CInputs::PrintInputs(const GameInfo *game) { // Print header int gameFlags; if (game != NULL) { PrintHeader("Input Assignments for %s", game->title); gameFlags = game->inputFlags; } else { PrintHeader("Input Assignments"); gameFlags = GAME_INPUT_ALL; } const char *groupLabel = NULL; for (vector::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) { if (!(*it)->IsConfigurable() || !((*it)->gameFlags & gameFlags)) continue; const char *itGroupLabel = (*it)->GetInputGroup(); if (groupLabel == NULL || stricmp(groupLabel, itGroupLabel) != 0) { groupLabel = itGroupLabel; printf("%s:\n", groupLabel); } printf(" %s = %s\n", (*it)->label, (*it)->GetMapping()); } puts(""); } bool CInputs::Poll(const GameInfo *game, unsigned dispX, unsigned dispY, unsigned dispW, unsigned dispH) { // Update the input system with the current display geometry m_system->SetDisplayGeom(dispX, dispY, dispW, dispH); // Poll the input system if (!m_system->Poll()) return false; // Poll all UI inputs and all the inputs used by the current game, or all inputs if game is NULL int gameFlags = (game != NULL ? game->inputFlags : GAME_INPUT_ALL); for (vector::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->IsUIInput() || ((*it)->gameFlags & gameFlags)) (*it)->Poll(); } return true; } void CInputs::DumpState(const GameInfo *game) { // Print header int gameFlags; if (game != NULL) { PrintHeader("Input States for %s", game->title); gameFlags = game->inputFlags; } else { PrintHeader("Input States"); gameFlags = GAME_INPUT_ALL; } // Loop through the inputs used by the current game, or all inputs if game is NULL, and dump their values to stdout for (vector::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++) { if (!(*it)->IsUIInput() && !((*it)->gameFlags & gameFlags)) continue; if ((*it)->IsVirtual()) printf("%s = (%d)\n", (*it)->id, (*it)->value); else printf("%s [%s] = (%d)\n", (*it)->id, (*it)->GetMapping(), (*it)->value); } }