mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:44 +00:00

- Added 'crosshairs' command line and config option. - Added 'vsync' command line and config option (so far only tested on NVidia cards on Windows 7 - other graphics drivers, O/Ss or driver settings may simply chose to ignore this). - Added fullscreen toggle within game using Alt+Enter key combination. - Added framework for lamp outputs and 'outputs' command line and config option. So far only the lamps for driving games are hooked up in the emulator (others to be added later). - Added an initial outputs implementation for Windows that sends MAMEHooker compatible messages (-outputs=win to enable) - Fixed fps calculation in Main.cpp that was producing incorrect results and so giving the impression that frame throttling wasn't working properly when in fact it was. - Fixed palette indexed colours as the index was always off by one, causing incorrect colours in various games, eg drivers' suits and flashing Start sign in Daytona 2. - Altered caching of models so that models with palette indexed colours use the dynamic cache rather than the static one. This is so that changes in palette indexed colours appear on screen, eg the flashing Start sign on the advanced course of Daytona 2 (although currently the START message itself is not visible due to other problems with texture decoding). - Fixed small bug in TileGen.cpp which meant both palettes were being completely recomputed pretty much with every frame. This was a significant performance hit, particularly as palette recomputation is currently being done in SyncSnapshots (it should be moved out of here at some point, although for now it's no big deal). - Made sure all OpenGL objects and resources are deleted in Render2D/3D destructors, in particular the deleting of the VBO buffer in DestroyModelCache. - Made sure that GLSL uniforms are always checked to see if they are bound before using them in order to stop unecessary (but harmless) GL errors. - Altered the default texture sheet handling to use a single large GL texture holding multiple Model3 texture sheets rather than multiple GL textures as before (if required, the old behaviour can still be selected with the mulisheet fragment shader). I believe this fixes the disappearing crosshairs/corrupt GL state problem which the multisheet fragment shader seemed to be triggering somehow. - Fixed a bug in debugger which meant memory watches were not triggering properly
1042 lines
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1042 lines
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** Supermodel
** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson
** This file is part of Supermodel.
** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
** any later version.
** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
** more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* CPUDebug.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#include "Types.h"
#include "CodeAnalyser.h"
#include "AddressTable.h"
#include "Breakpoint.h"
#include "Debugger.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "Interrupt.h"
#include "IO.h"
#include "Register.h"
#include "Watch.h"
#include "BlockFile.h"
#include "OSD/Thread.h"
#define MAX_EXCEPTIONS 255
#define MAX_INTERRUPTS 255
#define MAX_IOPORTS 255
namespace Debugger
class CRegion;
class CLabel;
class CComment;
enum EStepMode
StepInto = 0,
enum EOpFlags
NormalOp = 0,
JumpSimple = 1,
JumpLoop = 2,
JumpSub = 4,
JumpEx = 8,
ReturnSub = 16,
ReturnEx = 32,
HaltExec = 64,
Relative = 128,
Conditional = 256,
NotFixed = 512
* Base class that facilitates the debugging of a particular emulated CPU.
* It holds the debugging hooks that the CPU should call to implement debugging.
* Also contains CPU-specific information and provides access to CPU-specific objects such as CRegister, CException etc.
class CCPUDebug
friend class CDebugger;
bool m_enabled;
bool m_break;
bool m_breakWait;
bool m_breakUser;
bool m_halted;
bool m_step;
EStepMode m_stepMode;
bool m_stepBreak;
bool m_steppingOver;
UINT32 m_stepOverAddr;
bool m_steppingOut;
UINT32 m_stepOutAddr;
int m_count;
bool m_until;
UINT32 m_untilAddr;
UINT32 m_execAndMask;
UINT32 m_execOrMask;
UINT32 m_mem8AndMask;
UINT32 m_mem8OrMask;
UINT32 m_mem16AndMask;
UINT32 m_mem16OrMask;
UINT32 m_mem32AndMask;
UINT32 m_mem32OrMask;
UINT32 m_mem64AndMask;
UINT32 m_mem64OrMask;
CMutex *m_mutex;
CCondVar *m_condVar;
CException *m_exArray[MAX_EXCEPTIONS];
CInterrupt *m_intArray[MAX_INTERRUPTS];
CPortIO *m_portArray[MAX_IOPORTS];
CAddressTable *m_mappedIOTable;
CAddressTable *m_memWatchTable;
CAddressTable *m_bpTable;
int m_numRegMons;
CRegMonitor **m_regMonArray;
bool ShiftAddress(UINT32 &addr, unsigned &dataSize, UINT64 &data, CAddressRef *ref);
void CheckRead(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data);
void CheckWrite(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data);
void MemWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data, bool isRead);
void IOWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, CIO *io, UINT64 data, bool isRead);
void AttachToDebugger(CDebugger *theDebugger);
void DetachFromDebugger(CDebugger *theDebugger);
void UpdateRegMonArray();
void UpdateIOWatchNums();
void UpdateMemWatchNums();
void UpdateExecMasks();
void UpdateMemMasks();
bool CheckExecute(UINT32 newPC, UINT32 newOpcode, UINT32 lastCycles);
CCodeAnalyser *m_analyser;
bool m_stateUpdated;
CException *m_exRaised;
CException *m_exTrapped;
CInterrupt *m_intRaised;
CInterrupt *m_intTrapped;
CBreakpoint *m_bpReached;
CWatch *m_memWatchTriggered;
CWatch *m_ioWatchTriggered;
CRegMonitor *m_regMonTriggered;
UINT64 m_prevTotalCycles;
CCPUDebug(const char *cpuType, const char *cpuName,
UINT8 cpuMinInstrLen, UINT8 cpuMaxInstrLen, bool cpuBigEndian, UINT8 cpuMemBusWidth, UINT8 cpuMaxMnemLen);
// Protected virtual methods for sub-class to implement
virtual bool UpdatePC(UINT32 pc) = 0;
virtual bool ForceException(CException *ex) = 0;
virtual bool ForceInterrupt(CInterrupt *in) = 0;
const char *type;
const char *name;
const UINT8 minInstrLen;
const UINT8 maxInstrLen;
const bool bigEndian;
const UINT8 memBusWidth;
const UINT8 maxMnemLen;
EFormat addrFmt;
EFormat portFmt;
EFormat dataFmt;
CDebugger *debugger;
UINT16 numExCodes;
UINT16 numIntCodes;
UINT16 numPorts;
UINT32 memSize;
bool active;
UINT64 instrCount;
UINT64 totalCycles;
UINT64 cyclesPerPoll;
UINT32 pc;
UINT32 opcode;
vector<CRegister*> regs;
vector<CException*> exceps;
vector<CInterrupt*> inters;
vector<CIO*> ios;
// TODO - should use map<UINT32,T*> for T=CRegion,CLabel&CComment so that look-ups via address are faster
vector<CRegion*> regions;
vector<CLabel*> labels;
vector<CComment*> comments;
vector<CWatch*> memWatches;
vector<CWatch*> ioWatches;
vector<CBreakpoint*> bps;
vector<CRegMonitor*> regMons;
virtual ~CCPUDebug();
// Methods to define CPU registers (must be called before attached to debugger)
CPCRegister *AddPCRegister(const char *name, const char *group);
CAddrRegister *AddAddrRegister(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, GetInt32FPtr getFunc, SetInt32FPtr setFunc = NULL);
CIntRegister *AddInt8Register(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, GetInt8FPtr getFunc, SetInt8FPtr setFunc = NULL);
CIntRegister *AddInt16Register(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, GetInt16FPtr getFunc, SetInt16FPtr setFunc = NULL);
CIntRegister *AddInt32Register(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, GetInt32FPtr getFunc, SetInt32FPtr setFunc = NULL);
CIntRegister *AddInt64Register(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, GetInt64FPtr getFunc, SetInt64FPtr setFunc = NULL);
CStatusRegister *AddStatus8Register(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, const char *bitStr, GetInt8FPtr getFunc, SetInt8FPtr setFunc = NULL);
CStatusRegister *AddStatus16Register(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, const char *bitStr, GetInt16FPtr getFunc, SetInt16FPtr setFunc = NULL);
CStatusRegister *AddStatus32Register(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, const char *bitStr, GetInt32FPtr getFunc, SetInt32FPtr setFunc = NULL);
CFPointRegister *AddFPointRegister(const char *name, const char *group, unsigned id, GetFPointFPtr getFunc, SetFPointFPtr setFunc = NULL);
// Methods to add exceptions and interrupts (must be called before attached to debugger)
CException *AddException(const char *id, UINT16 code, const char *name);
CInterrupt *AddInterrupt(const char *id, UINT16 code, const char *name);
// Methods to define memory layout (must be called before attached to debugger)
CRegion *AddRegion(UINT32 start, UINT32 end, bool isCode, bool isReadOnly, const char *name);
CPortIO *AddPortIO(UINT16 portNum, unsigned dataSize, const char *name, const char *group);
CMappedIO *AddMappedIO(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, const char *name, const char *group);
// Parsing and formatting methods
bool ParseData(const char *str, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 *data, bool registers = true);
void FormatData(char *str, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data);
bool ParseAddress(const char *str, UINT32 *addr, bool customLabels = true, bool autoLabels = true, bool registers = true);
void FormatAddress(char *str, UINT32 addr, bool customLabels = false, ELabelFlags autoLabelFlags = LFNone);
void FormatJumpAddress(char *str, UINT32 jumpAddr, EOpFlags opFlags);
bool ParsePortNum(const char *str, UINT16 *portNum, bool customLabels = true, bool registers = true);
void FormatPortNum(char *str, UINT16 portNum, bool customLabels = false);
// Checking methods that hook into CPU emulation code
* Should be called after every 8-bit read.
void CheckRead8(UINT32 addr, UINT8 data);
* Should be called after every 16-bit read.
void CheckRead16(UINT32 addr, UINT16 data);
* Should be called after every 32-bit read.
void CheckRead32(UINT32 addr, UINT32 data);
* Should be called after every 64-bit read.
void CheckRead64(UINT32 addr, UINT64 data);
* Should be called after every 8-bit write.
void CheckWrite8(UINT32 addr, UINT8 data);
* Should be called after every 16-bit write.
void CheckWrite16(UINT32 addr, UINT16 data);
* Should be called after every 32-bit write.
void CheckWrite32(UINT32 addr, UINT32 data);
* Should be called after every 64-bit write.
void CheckWrite64(UINT32 addr, UINT64 data);
* Should be called after every read from an I/O port.
void CheckPortInput(UINT16 portNum, UINT64 data);
* Should be called after every write to an I/O port.
void CheckPortOutput(UINT16 portNum, UINT64 data);
* Should be called by CPU when it becomes active and starts executing an instruction loop.
* This call is needed so that the debugger can handle multi-threading of CPUs.
void CPUActive();
* Should be called by CPU when it becomes inactive after having finished executing an instruction loop.
* This call is needed so that the debugger can handle multi-threading of CPUs.
void CPUInactive();
* Should be called by CPU before every instruction.
* If returns true, then PC may have been changed by user and/or an exception/interrupt may have forced, so CPU core should
* check for this and handle appropriately. Otherwise, it can continue to execute as normal.
bool CPUExecute(UINT32 newPC, UINT32 newOpcode, UINT32 lastCycles);
* Should be called by CPU whenever a CPU exception is raised (and before the exception handler is executed).
virtual void CPUException(UINT16 exCode);
* Should be called by CPU whenever a CPU interrupt is raised (and before the interrupt handler is executed).
virtual void CPUInterrupt(UINT16 intCode);
void WaitCommand(EHaltReason reason);
void ForceWait();
void WaitForHalt();
void ClearWait();
// Execution control
bool IsEnabled();
void SetEnabled(bool enabled);
void ForceBreak(bool user);
void ClearBreak();
void SetContinue();
void SetStepMode(EStepMode stepMode);
void SetCount(int count);
void SetUntil(UINT32 untilAddr);
bool SetPC(UINT32 newPC);
bool GenerateException(CException *ex);
bool GenerateInterrupt(CInterrupt *in);
// Register access
CRegister *GetRegister(const char *name);
// Exception access
CException *GetException(const char *id);
CException *GetException(UINT16 code);
// Interrupt access
CInterrupt *GetInterrupt(const char *id);
CInterrupt *GetInterrupt(UINT16 code);
// I/O access
CPortIO *GetPortIO(UINT16 portNum);
CMappedIO *GetMappedIO(UINT32 addr);
// Region access
CRegion *GetRegion(UINT32 addr);
// Label handling
CLabel *AddLabel(UINT32 addr, const char *name);
CLabel *GetLabel(UINT32 addr);
CLabel *GetLabel(const char *name);
bool RemoveLabel(const char *name);
bool RemoveLabel(UINT32 addr);
bool RemoveLabel(CLabel *label);
bool RemoveAllLabels();
// Comment handling
CComment *AddComment(UINT32 addr, const char *commentText);
CComment *GetComment(UINT32 addr);
bool RemoveComment(UINT32 addr);
bool RemoveComment(CComment *comment);
bool RemoveAllComments();
// Watch handling
CSimpleWatch *AddSimpleMemWatch(UINT32 addr, UINT32 size, bool trigRead, bool trigWrite);
CCountWatch *AddCountMemWatch(UINT32 addr, UINT32 size, bool trigRead, bool trigWrite, unsigned count);
CMatchWatch *AddMatchMemWatch(UINT32 addr, UINT32 size, bool trigRead, bool trigWrite, vector<UINT64> &dataSeq);
CPrintWatch *AddPrintMemWatch(UINT32 addr, UINT32 size, bool trigRead, bool trigWrite);
CCaptureWatch *AddCaptureMemWatch(UINT32 addr, UINT32 size, bool trigRead, bool trigWrite, unsigned maxLen);
bool RemoveAllMemWatches();
bool RemoveAllIOWatches();
bool RemoveMemWatch(UINT32 addr, unsigned size);
CWatch *GetMemWatch(UINT32 addr, unsigned size);
void AddWatch(CWatch *watch);
bool RemoveWatch(CWatch *watch);
// Breakpoint handling
CSimpleBreakpoint *AddSimpleBreakpoint(UINT32 addr);
CCountBreakpoint *AddCountBreakpoint(UINT32 addr, unsigned count);
CPrintBreakpoint *AddPrintBreakpoint(UINT32 addr);
void AddBreakpoint(CBreakpoint *bp);
CBreakpoint *GetBreakpoint(UINT32 addr);
bool RemoveBreakpoint(UINT32 addr);
bool RemoveBreakpoint(CBreakpoint *bp);
bool RemoveAllBreakpoints();
void UpdateBreakpointNums();
// Register monitor handling
CRegMonitor *AddRegMonitor(const char *regName);
CRegMonitor *GetRegMonitor(const char *regName);
void AddRegMonitor(CRegMonitor *regMon);
bool RemoveRegMonitor(const char *regName);
bool RemoveRegMonitor(CRegMonitor *regMon);
bool RemoveAllRegMonitors();
// Code analyser
CCodeAnalyser *GetCodeAnalyser();
// Memory searching
bool FindInMem(UINT32 start, UINT32 end, const char *str, bool matchCase, UINT32 &findAddr);
bool FindInMem(UINT32 start, UINT32 end, UINT8 *bytes, unsigned length, UINT32 &findAddr);
// Debugger state loading/saving
bool LoadState(CBlockFile *state);
bool SaveState(CBlockFile *state);
// Public virtual methods for sub-class to implement
virtual void AttachToCPU() = 0;
virtual void DetachFromCPU() = 0;
virtual void DebuggerReset();
virtual void DebuggerPolled();
virtual UINT32 GetResetAddr() = 0;
virtual UINT64 ReadMem(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize);
virtual bool WriteMem(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data);
virtual UINT64 ReadPort(UINT16 portNum);
virtual bool WritePort(UINT16 portNum, UINT64 data);
virtual int Disassemble(UINT32 addr, char *mnemonic, char *operands) = 0;
virtual int GetOpLength(UINT32 addr);
// Returns head (no more than 32-bits or min instr length) of full opcode for use with following methods
virtual UINT32 GetOpcode(UINT32 addr);
virtual EOpFlags GetOpFlags(UINT32 addr, UINT32 opcode) = 0;
virtual bool GetJumpAddr(UINT32 addr, UINT32 opcode, UINT32 &jumpAddr) = 0;
virtual bool GetJumpRetAddr(UINT32 addr, UINT32 opcode, UINT32 &retAddr) = 0;
virtual bool GetReturnAddr(UINT32 addr, UINT32 opcode, UINT32 &retAddr) = 0;
virtual bool GetHandlerAddr(CException *ex, UINT32 &handlerAddr) = 0;
virtual bool GetHandlerAddr(CInterrupt *in, UINT32 &handlerAddr) = 0;
// Inlined methods
inline bool CCPUDebug::ShiftAddress(UINT32 &addr, unsigned &dataSize, UINT64 &data, CAddressRef *ref)
UINT32 refAddr = ref->addr;
unsigned refSize = ref->size;
unsigned offset;
if (refAddr >= addr)
offset = refAddr - addr;
// dataSize will always be >= offset
dataSize -= offset;
if (dataSize <= refSize)
return false;
addr = refAddr + refSize;
dataSize -= refSize;
//data <<= (8 * (offset + refSize));
return true;
offset = refAddr + refSize - addr;
if (dataSize <= offset)
return false;
addr += offset;
dataSize -= offset;
//data <<= (8 * offset);
return true;
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckRead(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data)
// TODO - currently assumes big-endian - should act according to this->bigEndian
// For reads larger than 1 byte, care is taken with mapped I/O or watches that overlap within the read region
while (dataSize > 0)
// Check if address is mapped I/O
CMappedIO *mappedIO = NULL;
if (m_mappedIOTable != NULL)
mappedIO = (CMappedIO*)m_mappedIOTable->Get(addr, dataSize);
if (mappedIO != NULL)
// Check with I/O if its watch is triggered
if (mappedIO->CheckInput(addr, dataSize, data))
IOWatchTriggered(mappedIO->watch, mappedIO, data, true);
// See if still have remaining data to check
if (!ShiftAddress(addr, dataSize, data, mappedIO))
// Check if address has a watch
CWatch *watch = NULL;
if (m_memWatchTable != NULL)
watch = (CWatch*)m_memWatchTable->Get(addr, dataSize);
if (watch != NULL)
// Check if watch is triggered
if (watch->CheckRead(addr, dataSize, data))
MemWatchTriggered(watch, addr, dataSize, data, true);
// See if still have remaining data to check
if (!ShiftAddress(addr, dataSize, data, watch))
else if (mappedIO == NULL)
else if (mappedIO == NULL)
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckWrite(UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data)
// TODO - currently assumes big-endian - should act according to this->bigEndian
// For writes larger than 1 byte, care is taken with mapped I/O or watches that overlap within the written region
while (dataSize > 0)
// Check if writing to mapped I/O address
CMappedIO *mappedIO = NULL;
if (m_mappedIOTable != NULL)
mappedIO = (CMappedIO*)m_mappedIOTable->Get(addr, dataSize);
if (mappedIO != NULL)
// Check with I/O if its watch is triggered
if (mappedIO->CheckOutput(addr, dataSize, data))
IOWatchTriggered(mappedIO->watch, mappedIO, data, false);
// See if still have remaining data to check
if (!ShiftAddress(addr, dataSize, data, mappedIO))
// Check if address has a watch
CWatch *watch = NULL;
if (m_memWatchTable != NULL)
watch = (CWatch*)m_memWatchTable->Get(addr, dataSize);
if (watch != NULL)
// Check if watch is triggered
if (watch->CheckWrite(addr, dataSize, data))
MemWatchTriggered(watch, addr, dataSize, data, false);
// See if still have remaining data to check
if (!ShiftAddress(addr, dataSize, data, watch))
else if (mappedIO == NULL)
else if (mappedIO == NULL)
inline void CCPUDebug::MemWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data, bool read)
m_memWatchTriggered = watch;
debugger->MemWatchTriggered(watch, addr, dataSize, data, read);
m_break = true;
inline void CCPUDebug::IOWatchTriggered(CWatch* watch, CIO *io, UINT64 data, bool read)
m_ioWatchTriggered = watch;
debugger->IOWatchTriggered(watch, io, data, read);
m_break = true;
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckRead8(UINT32 addr, UINT8 data)
if ((addr&m_mem8AndMask) != m_mem8AndMask || (addr&m_mem8OrMask) != 0)
// Check if reading from mapped I/O address
unsigned dataSize = 1;
if (m_mappedIOTable != NULL)
CMappedIO *mappedIO = (CMappedIO*)m_mappedIOTable->Get(addr);
if (mappedIO != NULL)
if (mappedIO->CheckInput(addr, dataSize, data))
IOWatchTriggered(mappedIO->watch, mappedIO, data, true);
// Check if address has a watch
if (m_memWatchTable == NULL)
CWatch *watch = (CWatch*)m_memWatchTable->Get(addr);
if (watch != NULL && watch->CheckRead(addr, dataSize, data))
MemWatchTriggered(watch, addr, dataSize, data, true);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckRead16(UINT32 addr, UINT16 data)
if ((addr&m_mem16AndMask) == m_mem16AndMask && (addr&m_mem16OrMask) == 0)
CheckRead(addr, 2, data);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckRead32(UINT32 addr, UINT32 data)
if ((addr&m_mem32AndMask) == m_mem32AndMask && (addr&m_mem32OrMask) == 0)
CheckRead(addr, 4, data);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckRead64(UINT32 addr, UINT64 data)
if ((addr&m_mem64AndMask) == m_mem64AndMask && (addr&m_mem64OrMask) == 0)
CheckRead(addr, 8, data);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckWrite8(UINT32 addr, UINT8 data)
if ((addr&m_mem8AndMask) != m_mem8AndMask || (addr&m_mem8OrMask) != 0)
// Check if writing to mapped I/O address
unsigned dataSize = 1;
if (m_mappedIOTable != NULL)
CMappedIO *mappedIO = (CMappedIO*)m_mappedIOTable->Get(addr);
if (mappedIO != NULL)
if (mappedIO->CheckOutput(addr, dataSize, data))
IOWatchTriggered(mappedIO->watch, mappedIO, data, false);
// Check if address has a watch
if (m_memWatchTable == NULL)
CWatch *watch = (CWatch*)m_memWatchTable->Get(addr);
if (watch != NULL && watch->CheckWrite(addr, dataSize, data))
MemWatchTriggered(watch, addr, dataSize, data, false);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckWrite16(UINT32 addr, UINT16 data)
if ((addr&m_mem16AndMask) == m_mem16AndMask && (addr&m_mem16OrMask) == 0)
CheckWrite(addr, 2, data);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckWrite32(UINT32 addr, UINT32 data)
if ((addr&m_mem32AndMask) == m_mem32AndMask && (addr&m_mem32OrMask) == 0)
CheckWrite(addr, 4, data);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckWrite64(UINT32 addr, UINT64 data)
if ((addr&m_mem64AndMask) == m_mem64AndMask && (addr&m_mem64OrMask) == 0)
CheckWrite(addr, 8, data);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckPortInput(UINT16 portNum, UINT64 data)
if (portNum >= numPorts)
CPortIO *port = m_portArray[portNum];
if (port != NULL && port->CheckInput(data))
IOWatchTriggered(port->watch, port, data, true);
inline void CCPUDebug::CheckPortOutput(UINT16 portNum, UINT64 data)
if (portNum >= numPorts)
CPortIO *port = m_portArray[portNum];
if (port != NULL && port->CheckOutput(data))
IOWatchTriggered(port->watch, port, data, false);
inline bool CCPUDebug::CPUExecute(UINT32 newPC, UINT32 newOpcode, UINT32 lastCycles)
// Check if should check execution flow
if ((newPC&m_execAndMask) == m_execAndMask && (newPC&m_execOrMask) == 0)
return CheckExecute(newPC, newOpcode, lastCycles);
// If not, then just update instruction count, total cycles counts, pc and opcode
totalCycles += lastCycles;
pc = newPC;
opcode = newOpcode;
return false;
inline bool CCPUDebug::CheckExecute(UINT32 newPC, UINT32 newOpcode, UINT32 lastCycles)
// Check not just updating state
bool stepBreak, countBreak, untilBreak;
if (!m_stateUpdated)
// If so, then first check to see if any registers have changed from previous instruction before updating pc and opcode
if (m_numRegMons > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < m_numRegMons; i++)
CRegMonitor *regMon = m_regMonArray[i];
if (regMon->HasChanged())
m_regMonTriggered = regMon;
m_break = true;
// Now update instruction count, total cycles count, pc and opcode
totalCycles += lastCycles;
pc = newPC;
opcode = newOpcode;
// Next check for breakpoints at new pc and opcode
if (m_bpTable != NULL)
CBreakpoint *bp = (CBreakpoint*)m_bpTable->Get(pc);
if (bp != NULL && bp->Check(pc, opcode))
m_bpReached = bp;
m_break = true;
// Check if currently implementing a step mode
if (m_step)
if (instrCount == 1)
stepBreak = true;
switch (m_stepMode)
case StepInto:
// Step-into always breaks
stepBreak = true;
case StepOver:
// Step-over breaks if was not stepping over a jump or was stepping over and has returned from jump
stepBreak = !m_steppingOver || pc == m_stepOverAddr;
case StepOut:
// Step-out steps over any jumps and breaks when it reaches a return or an exception/interrupt is raised
if (m_exRaised != NULL || m_intRaised != NULL)
stepBreak = true;
else if (m_steppingOver)
if (pc == m_stepOverAddr)
m_steppingOver = false;
stepBreak = false;
stepBreak = m_steppingOut && pc == m_stepOutAddr;
stepBreak = false;
stepBreak = false;
// Lastly, check if counting instructions or if running until a given address
countBreak = m_count > 0 && --m_count == 0;
untilBreak = m_until && pc == m_untilAddr;
// Just updating state so update pc and opcode, but do not update instruction count
pc = newPC;
opcode = newOpcode;
stepBreak = false;
countBreak = false;
untilBreak = false;
// If a break has been forced, state was updated, stepping through code or have run a set number of instructions or to a
// given address then break now and wait for command from user
if (m_break || m_stateUpdated || stepBreak || countBreak || untilBreak)
// See if execution halt was caused by user manually breaking execution in some manner
EHaltReason reason = HaltNone;
if (m_stateUpdated) reason = (EHaltReason)(reason | HaltState);
if (m_breakUser) reason = (EHaltReason)(reason | HaltUser);
if (stepBreak) reason = (EHaltReason)(reason | HaltStep);
if (countBreak) reason = (EHaltReason)(reason | HaltCount);
if (untilBreak) reason = (EHaltReason)(reason | HaltUntil);
// Keep hold of breakpoint, if any, and its address so that can reset it later
UINT32 bpAddr = 0;
CBreakpoint *bpToReset = NULL;
if (m_bpReached != NULL)
bpAddr = m_bpReached->addr;
bpToReset = m_bpReached;
// Reset all control flags
m_stateUpdated = false;
m_step = false;
m_steppingOver = false;
m_steppingOut = false;
m_count = 0;
m_until = false;
m_exRaised = NULL;
m_exTrapped = NULL;
m_intRaised = NULL;
m_intTrapped = NULL;
m_bpReached = NULL;
m_memWatchTriggered = NULL;
m_ioWatchTriggered = NULL;
m_regMonTriggered = NULL;
// Wait for instruction from user
// Reset breakpoint, if any
if (bpToReset != NULL && m_bpTable != NULL)
// Check breakpoint to reset was not deleted by user
CBreakpoint *bp = (CBreakpoint*)m_bpTable->Get(bpAddr);
if (bp == bpToReset)
// If stepping over, get step over address if available
if (m_step && m_stepMode == StepOver)
m_steppingOver = GetJumpRetAddr(pc, opcode, m_stepOverAddr);
// If stepping out, then make sure step over any jumps and if encounter a return instruction then break at return address
if (m_step && m_stepMode == StepOut)
if (!m_steppingOver)
m_steppingOver = GetJumpRetAddr(pc, opcode, m_stepOverAddr);
if (!m_steppingOver)
m_steppingOut = GetReturnAddr(pc, opcode, m_stepOutAddr);
return m_stateUpdated;