gm-matthew 24d24db988 Ping-pong flip timing depends of the value of tilegen register 0x08
Also make the debugger display 16 bytes per line when using the "listmemory" command. Mirrored system registers can now be watched
2023-09-25 14:41:35 +02:00

2761 lines
70 KiB

** Supermodel
** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson
** This file is part of Supermodel.
** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
** any later version.
** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
** more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
** with Supermodel. If not, see <>.
* ConsoleDebugger.cpp
#include "ConsoleDebugger.h"
#include "CPUDebug.h"
#include "CodeAnalyser.h"
#include "Label.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
namespace Debugger
CConsoleDebugger::CConsoleDebugger() : CDebugger(),
m_nextFrame(false), m_listDism(0), m_listMem(0), m_analyseCode(true),
m_addrFmt(HexDollar), m_portFmt(Decimal), m_dataFmt(HexDollar),
m_showLabels(true), m_labelsOverAddr(true), m_showOpCodes(false), m_memBytesPerRow(16), m_file(NULL)
// TODO - tidy up this function, ie do some proper parsing of commands - it is a mess!
void CConsoleDebugger::WaitCommand(CCPUDebug *cpu)
m_cpu = cpu;
UINT32 pc = m_cpu->pc;
m_listDism = (m_cpu->instrCount > 0 && pc > 10 * m_cpu->minInstrLen ? pc - 10 * m_cpu->minInstrLen : 0);
char bpChr;
char addrStr[20];
char labelStr[13];
char opCodes[50];
int codesLen;
char mnemonic[255];
char operands[255];
char cmd[255];
for (;;)
// Get code analyser and if available analyse code now if required
if (m_analyseCode)
CCodeAnalyser *analyser = m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser();
if (analyser->NeedsAnalysis())
Print("Analysing %s...\n", m_cpu->name);
// Close redirected output file, if exists
if (m_file != NULL)
m_file = NULL;
// Get details for current PC address
bool hasLabel;
if (m_cpu->instrCount > 0)
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, pc);
hasLabel = GetLabelText(labelStr, 12, pc);
codesLen = m_cpu->Disassemble(pc, mnemonic, operands);
FormatOpCodes(opCodes, pc, abs(codesLen));
addrStr[0] = '-';
addrStr[1] = '\0';
hasLabel = false;
labelStr[0] = '\0';
opCodes[0] = '-';
opCodes[1] = '\0';
codesLen = 0;
CBreakpoint *bp = m_cpu->GetBreakpoint(pc);
bpChr = (bp != NULL ? bp->symbol : ' ');
// Output command prompt
Print("%s%c", m_cpu->name, bpChr);
if (m_showLabels)
if (m_labelsOverAddr)
Print("%-12s ", (hasLabel ? labelStr : addrStr));
Print("%s %-12s ", addrStr, labelStr);
Print("%s ", addrStr);
if (m_showOpCodes)
Print("[%s] ", opCodes);
if (codesLen > 0)
Print("%-*s %s > ", (int)m_cpu->maxMnemLen, mnemonic, operands);
Print("??? > ");
// Wait for command
Read(cmd, 255);
if (cmd[0] == '\0')
// Check for redirection
char *pos = strchr(cmd, '>');
if (pos != NULL)
*pos = '\0';
const char *mode;
if (*pos == '>')
mode = "ab";
mode = "w";
while (*pos == ' ')
if (*pos != '\0')
m_file = fopen(pos, mode);
if (m_file == NULL)
Error("Unable to direct output to file %s\n", pos);
Error("Missing file to direct output to\n");
char *token = strtok(cmd, " ");
if (ProcessToken(token, cmd))
pc = m_cpu->pc;
bool CConsoleDebugger::ProcessToken(const char *token, const char *cmd)
UINT32 pc = m_cpu->pc;
int number;
unsigned size;
const char *sizeStr;
UINT32 addr;
UINT16 portNum;
UINT64 data;
char addrStr[50];
char portNumStr[50];
char dataStr[50];
char mod[10];
EFormat fmt;
// Execution
if (CheckToken(token, "n", "next")) // next [<count>=1]
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token != NULL)
if (!ParseInt(token, &number) || number <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid instruction count.\n");
return false;
if (number > 1)
Print("Running %d instructions.\n", number);
return true;
else if (CheckToken(token, "nf", "nextframe")) // nextframe [<count>=1]
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token != NULL)
if (!ParseInt(token, &number) || number <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid frame count.\n");
return false;
if (number > 1)
Print("Running %d frames.\n", number);
m_nextFrameCount = number;
m_nextFrameCount = 1;
m_nextFrame = true;
return true;
else if (CheckToken(token, "s", "stepover")) // stepover
return true;
else if (CheckToken(token, "si", "stepinto")) // stepinto
return true;
else if (CheckToken(token, "so", "stepout")) // stepout
return true;
else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "continue")) // continue [<addr>]
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token != NULL)
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid address.\n");
return false;
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
Print("Continuing until %s.\n", addrStr);
return true;
else if (CheckToken(token, "spc", "setpc")) // setpc <addr>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing address.\n");
return false;
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid address.\n");
return false;
if (!m_cpu->SetPC(addr))
Error("Unable to set PC.\n");
return false;
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
Print("PC set to %s.\n", addrStr);
return true;
// CPUs
else if (CheckToken(token, "lc", "listcpus")) // listcpus
else if (CheckToken(token, "sc", "switchcpu")) // switchcpu (<name>|<num>)
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
CCPUDebug *cpu;
if (!ParseCPU(token, cpu))
return false;
if (!cpu->IsEnabled())
Error("CPU %s is currently disabled for debugging.\n", cpu->name);
return false;
m_cpu = cpu;
pc = cpu->pc;
m_listDism = (cpu->instrCount > 0 && pc > 10 * cpu->minInstrLen ? pc - 10 * cpu->minInstrLen : 0);
return false;
else if (CheckToken(token, "dc", "disablecpu")) // disablecpu (<name>|<num>)
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
CCPUDebug *cpu;
if (!ParseCPU(token, cpu))
return false;
if (cpu == m_cpu)
Error("Cannot enable/disable debugging on current CPU.\n");
return false;
Print("Disabled debugging on CPU %s.\n", cpu->name);
else if (CheckToken(token, "ec", "enablecpu")) // enablecpu (<name>|<num>)
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
CCPUDebug *cpu;
if (!ParseCPU(token, cpu))
return false;
if (cpu == m_cpu)
Error("Cannot enable/disable debugging on current CPU.\n");
return false;
Print("Enabled debugging on CPU %s.\n", cpu->name);
// Registers
else if (CheckToken(token, "lr", "listregisters")) // listregisters
else if (CheckToken(token, "pr", "printregister")) // printregister <reg>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
CRegister *reg;
if (!ParseRegister(token, reg))
return false;
Print("Register %s = %s\n", reg->name, dataStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "sr", "setregister")) // setregister <reg> <expr>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
CRegister *reg;
if (!ParseRegister(token, reg))
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing value to set.\n");
return false;
if (!reg->SetValue(token))
Error("Unable to set value of register %s.\n", reg->name);
return false;
Print("Set register %s to %s.\n", reg->name, dataStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "lm", "listmonitors")) // listmonitors
else if (CheckToken(token, "m", "monitor") || // addmonitor <reg>
CheckToken(token, "am", "addmonitor"))
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
CRegister *reg;
if (!ParseRegister(token, reg))
return false;
Print("Monitor added to register %s.\n", reg->name);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rm", "removemonitor")) // removemonitor <reg>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
CRegister *reg;
if (!ParseRegister(token, reg))
return false;
Print("Monitor for register %s removed.\n", reg->name);
else if (CheckToken(token, "ram", "removeallmonitors")) // removeallmonitors
Print("All register monitors removed.\n");
// Exceptions & interrupts
else if (CheckToken(token, "le", "listexceptions")) // listexceptions
else if (CheckToken(token, "li", "listinterrupts")) // listinterrupts
else if (CheckToken(token, "t", "trap") || // addtrap ((e)xception|(i)nterrupt) <id>
CheckToken(token, "at", "addtrap"))
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing type (e)xception or (i)interrupt\n");
return false;
if (CheckToken(token, "e", "exception"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing exception id.\n");
return false;
CException *ex = m_cpu->GetException(token);
if (ex == NULL)
Error("Enter a valid exception id.\n");
return false;
ex->trap = true;
Print("Trap added for exceptions of type %s.\n", ex->id);
else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "interrupt"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing interrupt id.\n");
return false;
CInterrupt *in = m_cpu->GetInterrupt(token);
if (in == NULL)
Error("Enter a valid interrupt id.\n");
return false;
in->trap = true;
Print("Trap added for interrupts of type %s.\n", in->id);
Error("Enter valid type (e)xception or (i)interrupt.\n");
return false;
else if (CheckToken(token, "rt", "removetrap")) // removetrap ((e)xception|(i)nterrupt) <id>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing type (e)xception or (i)interrupt.\n");
return false;
if (CheckToken(token, "e", "exception"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing exception id.\n");
return false;
CException *ex = m_cpu->GetException(token);
if (ex == NULL)
Error("Enter a valid exception id.\n");
return false;
ex->trap = false;
Print("Trap for exceptions of type %s removed.\n", ex->id);
else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "interrupt"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing interrupt id.\n");
return false;
CInterrupt *in = m_cpu->GetInterrupt(token);
if (in == NULL)
Error("Enter a valid interrupt id.\n");
return false;
in->trap = false;
Print("Trap for interrupts ot type %s removed.\n", in->id);
Error("Enter a valid type (e)xception or (i)interrupt.\n");
return false;
else if (CheckToken(token, "rat", "removealltraps")) // removealltraps [(a)ll|(e)xceptions|(i)nterrupts]
bool removeExs;
bool removeInts;
const char *coverage;
if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "a", "all"))
removeExs = true;
removeInts = true;
coverage = "exceptions and interrupts";
else if (CheckToken(token, "e", "exceptions"))
removeExs = true;
removeInts = false;
coverage = "exceptions";
else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "interrupts"))
removeExs = false;
removeInts = true;
coverage = "interrupts";
Error("Enter a valid mode (a)ll, (e)xceptions or (i)nterrupts\n");
return false;
if (removeExs)
for (vector<CException*>::iterator it = m_cpu->exceps.begin(); it != m_cpu->exceps.end(); it++)
(*it)->trap = false;
if (removeInts)
for (vector<CInterrupt*>::iterator it = m_cpu->inters.begin(); it != m_cpu->inters.end(); it++)
(*it)->trap = false;
Print("All traps for %s removed.\n", coverage);
// Disassembly, labels & comments
else if (CheckToken(token, "l", "list") || // listdisassembly [<start>=last [#<instrs>=20|<end>]]
CheckToken(token, "ld", "listdisassembly"))
// Get start address
UINT32 start;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
token = "last";
if (stricmp(token, "last") == 0)
// Use end of last listing
start = m_listDism;
else if (!ParseAddress(token, &start))
Error("Enter a valid start address.\n");
return false;
// Get end address
UINT32 end;
unsigned numInstrs;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token != NULL)
if (token[0] == '#')
if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid number of instructions.\n");
return false;
numInstrs = (unsigned)number;
end = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (!ParseAddress(token, &end))
Error("Enter a valid end address.\n");
return false;
numInstrs = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Default is 20 instructions after start
end = 0xFFFFFFFF;
numInstrs = 20;
// List the disassembled code
m_listDism = ListDisassembly(start, end, numInstrs);
else if (CheckToken(token, "ll", "listlabels")) // listlabels [(d)efault|(c)ustom|(a)utos|(e)ntrypoints|e(x)cephandlers|(i)interhandlers|(j)umptargets|(l)ooppoints]
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
bool customLabels;
ELabelFlags labelFlags;
if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "d", "default"))
customLabels = true;
labelFlags = (ELabelFlags)(LFEntryPoint | LFExcepHandler | LFInterHandler | LFSubroutine);
else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "custom"))
customLabels = true;
labelFlags = LFNone;
else if (CheckToken(token, "a", "autos"))
customLabels = true;
labelFlags = (ELabelFlags)(LFEntryPoint | LFExcepHandler | LFInterHandler | LFSubroutine | LFJumpTarget | LFLoopPoint);
else if (CheckToken(token, "e", "entrypoints"))
customLabels = false;
labelFlags = LFEntryPoint;
else if (CheckToken(token, "x", "excephandlers"))
customLabels = false;
labelFlags = LFExcepHandler;
else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "interhandlers"))
customLabels = false;
labelFlags = LFInterHandler;
else if (CheckToken(token, "s", "subroutines"))
customLabels = false;
labelFlags = LFSubroutine;
else if (CheckToken(token, "j", "jumptargets"))
customLabels = false;
labelFlags = LFJumpTarget;
else if (CheckToken(token, "l", "looppoints"))
customLabels = false;
labelFlags = LFLoopPoint;
Error("Enter a valid filter (a)ll, (c)ustom, (e)ntrypoints, e(x)cephandlers, (i)interhandlers, (j)umptargets or (l)ooppoints.\n");
return false;
ListLabels(customLabels, labelFlags);
else if (CheckToken(token, "al", "addlabel")) // addlabel <addr> <name>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing label address.\n");
return false;
else if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid label address.\n");
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing label name.\n");
return false;
const char *name = token;
// Add label
CLabel *label = m_cpu->AddLabel(addr, name);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, label->addr);
Print("Label %s added at %s.\n", label->name, addrStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rl", "removelabel")) // removelabel [<name>|<addr>]
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
token = "-";
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid label name or address.\n");
return false;
CLabel *label = m_cpu->GetLabel(addr);
if (label == NULL)
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
Error("No label at %s.\n", addrStr);
return false;
const char *name = label->name;
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, label->addr);
Print("Custom label '%s' removed at address %s.\n", name, addrStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "ral", "removealllabels")) // removealllabels
Print("All custom labels removed.\n");
else if (CheckToken(token, "ac", "addcomment")) // addcomment <addr> <text...>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing comment address.\n");
return false;
else if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid comment address.\n");
return false;
char text[255];
text[0] = '\0';
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
while (token != NULL)
size_t len = strlen(text);
if (len + strlen(token) > 253)
if (len > 0)
strcat(text, " ");
strcat(text, token);
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (text[0] == '\0')
Error("Missing comment text.\n");
return false;
// Add comment
CComment *comment = m_cpu->AddComment(addr, text);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, comment->addr);
Print("Comment added at %s.\n", addrStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rc", "removecomment")) // removecomment [<addr>]
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
token = "-";
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid comment address.\n");
return false;
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
if (m_cpu->RemoveComment(addr))
Print("Comment at address %s removed.\n", addrStr);
Error("No comment at address %s.\n", addrStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rac", "removeallcomments")) // removeallcomments
Print("All comments removed.\n");
// Breakpoints
else if (CheckToken(token, "lb", "listbreakpoints")) // listbreakpoints
else if (CheckToken(token, "b", "breakpoint") || // addbreakpoint [<addr> [[s)imple|(c)ount <count>)]]
CheckToken(token, "ab", "addbreakpoint"))
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
token = "-";
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid address.\n");
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
CBreakpoint *bp;
if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "s", "simple"))
bp = m_cpu->AddSimpleBreakpoint(addr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "count"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing count.\n");
return false;
int count;
if (!ParseInt(token, &count) || count <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid count.\n");
return false;
bp = m_cpu->AddCountBreakpoint(addr, count);
else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "print"))
bp = m_cpu->AddPrintBreakpoint(addr);
Error("Enter a valid breakpoint type (s)imple or (c)ount.\n");
return false;
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, bp->addr);
Print("Breakpoint #%d added at address %s.\n", bp->num, addrStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rb", "removebreakpoint")) // removebreakpoint [#<num>|<addr>]
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
token = "-";
if (token[0] == '#')
// Remove breakpoint by number
if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number < 0 || number >= m_cpu->bps.size())
Error("Enter a valid breakpoint number.\n");
return false;
// Remove breakpoint
Print("Breakpoint #%d removed.\n", number);
// Remove breakpoint by address
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid address.\n");
return false;
// Remove breakpoint
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
if (m_cpu->RemoveBreakpoint(addr))
Print("Breakpoint at address %s removed.\n", addrStr);
Error("No breakpoint at address %s.\n", addrStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rab", "removeallbreakpoints")) // removeallbreakpoints
Print("All breakpoints removed.\n");
// Memory, I/O & watches
else if (CheckToken(token, "ln", "listregions")) // listregions
else if (CheckToken(token, "ly", "listmemory")) // listmemory [<start>=last [#<rows>=8|<end>]]
// Get start address
UINT32 start;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
token = "last";
if (stricmp(token, "last") == 0)
// Use end of last listing
start = m_listMem;
else if (!ParseAddress(token, &start))
Error("Enter a valid start address.\n");
return false;
// Get end address
UINT32 end;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token != NULL)
if (token[0] == '#')
if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid number of rows.\n");
return false;
end = start + number * m_memBytesPerRow;
if (!ParseAddress(token, &end))
Error("Enter a valid end address.\n");
return false;
// Default is 8 rows after start
end = start + 8 * m_memBytesPerRow;
// List the memory
m_listMem = ListMemory(start, end, m_memBytesPerRow);
else if (CheckToken(token, "py", "printmemory", mod, 9, "b")) // printmemory[.<size>=b] <addr> [(h)ex|hexdo(l)lar|hex(p)osth|(d)ecimal|(b)inary]
// Parse arguments
if (!ParseDataSize(mod, size))
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing address.\n");
return false;
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid address.\n");
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token != NULL)
if (!ParseFormat(token, fmt))
return false;
fmt = m_dataFmt;
// Read and print memory
char uSizeStr[12];
sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(size, false);
UpperFirst(uSizeStr, sizeStr);
data = m_cpu->ReadMem(addr, size);
FormatData(dataStr, fmt, size, data);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
Print("%s data at %s = %s.\n", uSizeStr, addrStr, dataStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "sy", "setmemory", mod, 9, "b")) // setmemory[.<size>=b] <addr> <value>
// Parse arguments
if (!ParseDataSize(mod, size))
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing address.\n");
return false;
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid address.\n");
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing value to set.\n");
return false;
sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(size, false);
if (!m_cpu->ParseData(token, size, &data))
Error("Enter a valid %s value.\n", sizeStr);
return false;
// Set memory
char uSizeStr[12];
UpperFirst(uSizeStr, sizeStr);
m_cpu->WriteMem(addr, size, data);
m_cpu->FormatData(dataStr, size, data);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
Print("Set %s data at %s to %s.\n", uSizeStr, addrStr, dataStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "lo", "listios")) // listios
else if (CheckToken(token, "lw", "listmemwatches")) // listmemwatches
else if (CheckToken(token, "w", "memwatch", mod, 9, "b") || // addmemwatch[.<size>=b] <addr> [((n)one|(r)ead|(w)rite|(rw)eadwrite) [((s)imple|(c)ount <count>|(m)atch <sequence>|captu(r)e <maxlen>|(p)rint)]]
CheckToken(token, "aw", "addmemwatch", mod, 9, "b"))
// Parse arguments
if (!ParseDataSize(mod, size))
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing address.\n");
return false;
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid address.\n");
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
bool read;
bool write;
if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "n", "none"))
read = false;
write = false;
else if (CheckToken(token, "r", "read"))
read = true;
write = false;
else if (CheckToken(token, "w", "write"))
read = false;
write = true;
else if (CheckToken(token, "rw", "read/write") || CheckToken(token, "wr", "write/read"))
read = true;
write = true;
Error("Enter valid read/write flags (n)one, (r)ead, (w)rite or (rw)ead/write.\n");
return false;
// Add mem watch
CWatch *watch;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "s", "simple"))
watch = m_cpu->AddSimpleMemWatch(addr, size, read, write);
else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "count"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing count.\n");
return false;
int count;
if (!ParseInt(token, &count) || count <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid count.\n");
return false;
watch = m_cpu->AddCountMemWatch(addr, size, read, write, count);
else if (CheckToken(token, "m", "match"))
vector<UINT64> dataSeq;
while ((token = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL)
if (m_cpu->ParseData(token, size, &data))
if (dataSeq.size() == 0)
sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(size, false);
Error("Enter a sequence of %s data to match.", sizeStr);
return false;
watch = m_cpu->AddMatchMemWatch(addr, size, read, write, dataSeq);
else if (CheckToken(token, "r", "capture"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing maximum capture length.\n");
return false;
int maxLen;
if (!ParseInt(token, &maxLen) || maxLen <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid maximum capture length.\n");
return false;
watch = m_cpu->AddCaptureMemWatch(addr, size, read, write, maxLen);
else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "print"))
watch = m_cpu->AddPrintMemWatch(addr, size, read, write);
Error("Enter a valid watch type (s)imple, (c)ount, (m)atch, captu(r)e or (p)rint.\n");
return false;
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, watch->addr);
number = GetIndexOfMemWatch(watch);
Print("Memory watch #%d added at address %s.\n", number, addrStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rw", "removememwatch")) // removememwatch (#<num>|<addr>)
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing watch number or address.\n");
return false;
if (token[0] == '#')
// Remove watch by number
vector<CWatch*> watches;
if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number < 0 || number >= watches.size())
Error("Enter a valid watch number.\n");
return false;
// Remove watch
Print("Memory watch #%d removed.\n", number);
// Remove watch by address
if (!ParseAddress(token, &addr))
Error("Enter a valid address.\n");
return false;
// Remove watch
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
if (m_cpu->RemoveMemWatch(addr, 1))
Print("Memory watch at address %s removed.\n", addrStr);
Error("No memory watch at address %s.\n", addrStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "raw", "removeallmemwatches")) // removeallmemwatches
// Remove all memory watches
vector<CWatch*> watches;
for (vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = watches.begin(); it != watches.end(); it++)
Print("All memory watches removed.\n");
else if (CheckToken(token, "lpw", "listportwatches")) // listportwatches
else if (CheckToken(token, "pw", "portwatch") || // addportwatch <port> [((n)one|(i)nput|(o)|(io)nputoutput) [((s)imple|(c)ount <count>|(m)atch <sequence>|captu(r)e <maxlen>|(p)rint)]]
CheckToken(token, "apw", "addportwatch"))
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing port number.\n");
return false;
if (!m_cpu->ParsePortNum(token, &portNum))
Error("Enter a valid port number.\n");
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
bool input;
bool output;
if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "n", "none"))
input = false;
output = false;
else if (CheckToken(token, "i", "input"))
input = true;
output = false;
else if (CheckToken(token, "o", "output"))
input = false;
output = true;
else if (CheckToken(token, "io", "input/output") || CheckToken(token, "oi", "output/input"))
input = true;
output = true;
Error("Enter valid input/output flags (n)one, (i)nput, (o)utput or (io)nput/output.\n");
return false;
// Add watch
CPortIO *port = m_cpu->GetPortIO(portNum);
CWatch *watch;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL || CheckToken(token, "s", "simple"))
watch = port->AddSimpleWatch(input, output);
else if (CheckToken(token, "c", "count"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing count.\n");
return false;
int count;
if (!ParseInt(token, &count) || count <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid count.\n");
return false;
watch = port->AddCountWatch(input, output, count);
else if (CheckToken(token, "m", "match"))
vector<UINT64> dataSeq;
while ((token = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL)
if (m_cpu->ParseData(token, port->dataSize, &data))
if (dataSeq.size() == 0)
Error("Enter a sequence of %s to match.", GetDataSizeStr(port->dataSize, false));
return false;
watch = port->AddMatchWatch(input, output, dataSeq);
else if (CheckToken(token, "r", "capture"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing maximum capture length.\n");
return false;
int maxLen;
if (!ParseInt(token, &maxLen) || maxLen <= 0)
Error("Enter a valid maximum capture length.\n");
return false;
watch = port->AddCaptureWatch(input, output, maxLen);
else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "print"))
watch = port->AddPrintWatch(input, output);
Error("Enter a valid watch type (s)imple, (c)ount, (m)atch, captu(r)e or (p)rint.\n");
return false;
m_cpu->FormatPortNum(portNumStr, portNum);
number = GetIndexOfPortWatch(watch);
Print("Port watch %d added for port %u.\n", number, portNumStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rpw", "removeportwatch")) // removeportwatch (a|n|p) [NUM|PORT]
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing watch number or port number.\n");
return false;
if (token[0] == '#')
// Remove watch by number
vector<CWatch*> watches;
if (!ParseInt(token + 1, &number) || number < 0 || number >= watches.size())
Error("Enter a valid watch number.\n");
return false;
// Remove watch
Print("Port watch #%d removed.\n", number);
// Remove watch by port number
if (!m_cpu->ParsePortNum(token, &portNum))
Error("Enter a valid port number.\n");
return false;
// Remove watch
CPortIO *port = m_cpu->GetPortIO(portNum);
m_cpu->FormatPortNum(portNumStr, portNum);
if (port->RemoveWatch())
Print("Port watch for port %s removed.\n", portNumStr);
Error("No port watch for port %s.\n", portNumStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "rapw", "removeallportwatches")) // removeallportwatches
// Remove all port watches
vector<CWatch*> watches;
for (vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = watches.begin(); it != watches.end(); it++)
Print("All port watches removed.\n");
// General
else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "print", mod, 9, "")) // print[.<size>=v] <expr> [(h)ex|hexdo(l)lar|hex(p)osth|(d)ecimal|(b)inary]
// Parse arguments
bool useDefSize;
if (mod[0] == '\0')
useDefSize = true;
else if (ParseDataSize(mod, size))
useDefSize = false;
return false;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing expression.\n");
return false;
const char *expr = token;
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token != NULL)
if (!ParseFormat(token, fmt))
return false;
fmt = m_dataFmt;
// Check labels and registers
CLabel *label = m_cpu->GetLabel(expr);
if (label != NULL)
data = label->addr;
if (useDefSize)
size = m_cpu->memBusWidth / 8;
CCodeAnalyser *analyser = m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser();
CAutoLabel *autoLabel = analyser->analysis->GetAutoLabel(expr);
if (autoLabel != NULL)
data = autoLabel->addr;
if (useDefSize)
size = m_cpu->memBusWidth / 8;
CRegister *reg = m_cpu->GetRegister(expr);
if (reg != NULL)
data = reg->GetValueAsInt();
if (useDefSize)
size = reg->dataWidth / 8;
if (!ParseData(expr, m_dataFmt, 8, &data))
Print("Unable to parse expression %s\n", expr);
return false;
if (useDefSize)
size = 8;
char result[255];
FormatData(result, fmt, size, data);
if (useDefSize)
Print("%s = %s\n", expr, result);
sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(size, true);
Print("%s = %s.%s\n", expr, result, sizeStr);
else if (CheckToken(token, "cfg", "configure")) // configure <options...>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
// If no arguments, then print out current configuration
Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Code Analysis", (m_analyseCode ? "On" : "Off"), "(a)nalysis");
Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Address Format", GetFmtConfig(m_addrFmt), "a(d)dressfmt");
Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Port Format", GetFmtConfig(m_portFmt), "(p)ortfmt");
Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Data Format", GetFmtConfig(m_dataFmt), "da(t)afmt");
Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Show Labels", (m_showLabels ? "On" : "Off"), "show(l)abels");
Print(" %-20s %-12s %s\n", "Show Opcodes", (m_showOpCodes ? "On" : "Off"), "show(o)pcodes");
Print(" %-20s %-12u %s\n", "Mem Bytes Per Row", m_memBytesPerRow, "mem(b)ytesrow");
return false;
if (CheckToken(token, "a", "analysis"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
SetBoolConfig(token, m_analyseCode);
else if (CheckToken(token, "d", "addressfmt"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
SetFmtConfig(token, m_addrFmt);
else if (CheckToken(token, "p", "portfmt"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
SetFmtConfig(token, m_portFmt);
else if (CheckToken(token, "t", "datafmt"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
SetFmtConfig(token, m_dataFmt);
else if (CheckToken(token, "l", "showlabels"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
SetBoolConfig(token, m_showLabels);
else if (CheckToken(token, "o", "showopcodes"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
SetBoolConfig(token, m_showOpCodes);
else if (CheckToken(token, "b", "membytesrow"))
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
SetNumConfig(token, m_memBytesPerRow);
Error("Enter a valid option (a)nalysis, a(d)dressfmt, (p)ortfmt, da(t)afmt, show(l)abels, show(o)pcodes, mem(b)ytesrow.\n");
return false;
else if (CheckToken(token, "ls", "loadstate")) // loadstate <filename>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing filename.\n");
return false;
if (LoadState(token))
Print("Debugger state successfully loaded from <%s>\n", token);
Error("Unable to load debugger state from <%s>\n", token);
else if (CheckToken(token, "ss", "savestate")) // savestate <filename>
// Parse arguments
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (token == NULL)
Error("Missing filename.\n");
return false;
if (SaveState(token))
Print("Debugger state successfully saved to <%s>\n", token);
Error("Unable to save debugger state to <%s>\n", token);
else if (CheckToken(token, "h", "help")) // help
// TODO - improve the following
const char *fmt = " %-6s %-25s %s\n";
Print("Debugger Commands:\n");
Print(" Execution:\n");
Print(fmt, "n", "next", "[<count>=1]");
Print(fmt, "nf", "nextframe", "[<count>=1]");
Print(fmt, "s", "stepover", "");
Print(fmt, "si", "stepinto", "");
Print(fmt, "so", "stepout", "");
Print(fmt, "c", "continue", "[<addr>]");
Print(fmt, "spc", "setpc", "<addr>");
Print(" CPUs:\n");
Print(fmt, "lc", "listcpus", "");
Print(fmt, "sc", "switchcpu", "(<name>|<num>)");
Print(fmt, "dc", "disablecpu", "(<name>|<num>)");
Print(fmt, "ec", "enablecpu", "(<name>|<num>)");
Print(" Registers:\n");
Print(fmt, "lr", "listregisters", "");
Print(fmt, "pr", "printregister", "<reg>");
Print(fmt, "sr", "setregister", "<reg> <value>");
Print(fmt, "lm", "listmonitors", "");
Print(fmt, "m/am", "addmonitor", "<reg>");
Print(fmt, "rm", "removemonitor", "<reg>");
Print(fmt, "ram", "removeallmonitors", "");
Print(" Exceptions & interrupts:\n");
Print(fmt, "le", "listexceptions", "");
Print(fmt, "li", "listinterrupts", "");
Print(fmt, "t/at", "addtrap", "((e)xception|(i)nterrupt) <id>");
Print(fmt, "rt", "removetrap", "((e)xception|(i)nterrupt) <id>");
Print(fmt, "rat", "removealltraps", "[(a)ll|(e)xceptions|(i)nterrupts]");
Print(" Disassembly, labels & comments:\n");
Print(fmt, "l/ld", "listdisassembly", "[<start>=last [#<instrs>=20|<end>]]");
Print(fmt, "ll", "listlabels", "[(d)efault|(c)ustom|(a)utos|(e)ntrypoints|e(x)cephandlers|(i)interhandlers|(j)umptargets|(l)ooppoints]");
Print(fmt, "al", "addlabel", "<addr> <name>");
Print(fmt, "rl", "removelabel", "[<name>|<addr>]");
Print(fmt, "ral", "removealllabels", "");
Print(fmt, "ac", "addcomment", "<addr> <text...>");
Print(fmt, "rc", "removecomment", "[<addr>]");
Print(fmt, "rac", "removeallcomments", "");
Print(" Breakpoints:\n");
Print(fmt, "lb", "listbreakpoints", "");
Print(fmt, "b/ab", "addbreakpoint", "[<addr> [[s)imple|(c)ount <count>)]]");
Print(fmt, "rb", "removebreakpoint", "[#<num>|<addr>]");
Print(fmt, "rab", "removeallbreakpoints", "");
Print(" Memory, I/O & watches:\n");
Print(fmt, "ln", "listregions", "");
Print(fmt, "ly", "listmemory", "[<start>=last [#<rows>=8|<end>]]");
Print(fmt, "py", "printmemory[.<size>=b]", "<addr>");
Print(fmt, "sy", "setmemory[.<size>=b]", "<addr> <value>");
Print(fmt, "lo", "listios", "");
Print(fmt, "lw", "listmemwatches", "");
Print(fmt, "w/aw", "addmemwatch[.<size>=b]", "<addr> [((n)one|(r)ead|(w)rite|(rw)eadwrite) [((s)imple|(c)ount <count>|(m)atch <sequence>|captu(r)e <maxlen>|(p)rint)]]");
Print(fmt, "rw", "removememwatch", "(#<num>|<addr>)");
Print(fmt, "raw", "removeallmemwatches", "");
Print(fmt, "lpw", "listportwatches", "");
Print(fmt, "pw/apw", "addportwatch", "<port> [((n)one|(i)nput|(o)utput|(io)nputoutput) [(s)imple|(c)ount <count>|(m)atch <sequence>|captu(r)e <maxlen>|(p)rint]]");
Print(fmt, "rpw", "removeportwatch", "(#<num>|<port>)");
Print(fmt, "rapw", "removeallportwatches", "");
Print(fmt, "p", "print[.<size>=v]", "<expr> [(h)ex|hexdo(l)lar|hex(p)osth|(d)ecimal|(b)inary]");
Print(fmt, "cfg", "configure", "<options...>");
Print(fmt, "ls", "loadstate", "<filename>");
Print(fmt, "ss", "savestate", "<filename>");
Print(fmt, "h", "help", "");
Print(fmt, "x", "exit", "");
else if (CheckToken(token, "x", "exit")) // exit
return true;
Print("Unknown command '%s'.\n", token);
return false;
void CConsoleDebugger::Read(char *str, size_t maxSize)
if (fgets(str, maxSize, stdin) != NULL)
char *pos = strchr(str, '\n');
if (pos)
*pos = '\0';
str[0] = '\0';
void CConsoleDebugger::Print(const char *fmtStr, ...)
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmtStr);
PrintVL(fmtStr, vl);
void CConsoleDebugger::Error(const char *fmtStr, ...)
// Don't log errors to file
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmtStr);
vprintf(fmtStr, vl);
void CConsoleDebugger::PrintVL(const char *fmtStr, va_list vl)
if (m_file != NULL)
vfprintf(m_file, fmtStr, vl);
vprintf(fmtStr, vl);
void CConsoleDebugger::Flush()
bool CConsoleDebugger::CheckToken(const char *token, const char *simple, const char *full)
return stricmp(token, simple) == 0 || stricmp(token, full) == 0;
bool CConsoleDebugger::CheckToken(const char *token, const char *simple, const char *full, char *modifier, size_t modSize, const char *defaultMod)
const char *pos = strchr(token, '.');
if (pos == NULL)
strncpy(modifier, defaultMod, modSize);
modifier[modSize] = '\0';
return CheckToken(token, simple, full);
if (*pos == '\0')
// END
return false;
strncpy(modifier, pos, modSize);
modifier[modSize] = '\0';
char actual[255];
size_t actSize = min<size_t>(pos - token - 1, 254);
strncpy(actual, token, actSize);
actual[actSize] = '\0';
return CheckToken(actual, simple, full);
void CConsoleDebugger::Truncate(char *dst, size_t maxLen, const char *src)
strncpy(dst, src, maxLen);
if (strlen(src) > maxLen)
strncpy(&dst[maxLen - 3], "...", 3);
dst[maxLen] = '\0';
void CConsoleDebugger::UpperFirst(char *dst, const char *src)
if (*src != '\0')
*dst++ = toupper(*src++);
while (*src != '\0')
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst = '\0';
void CConsoleDebugger::FormatOpCodes(char *str, int addr, int codesLen)
char *p = str;
int i = 0;
while (i < codesLen)
UINT8 opCode = (UINT8)m_cpu->ReadMem(addr++, 1);
sprintf(p, "%02X", opCode);
p += 2;
while (i++ < m_cpu->maxInstrLen)
*p++ = ' ';
*p++ = ' ';
*p = '\0';
bool CConsoleDebugger::GetLabelText(char *str, int maxLen, UINT32 addr)
char labelStr[255];
CLabel *label = m_cpu->GetLabel(addr);
if (label != NULL)
Truncate(str, maxLen, label->name);
return true;
if (m_analyseCode)
CCodeAnalyser *analyser = m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser();
CAutoLabel *autoLabel = analyser->analysis->GetAutoLabel(addr);
if (autoLabel != NULL && autoLabel->GetLabel(labelStr))
Truncate(str, maxLen, labelStr);
return true;
str[0] = '\0';
return false;
bool CConsoleDebugger::SetBoolConfig(const char *str, bool &cfg)
if (str == NULL)
Print("Current setting: %-12s\n", (cfg ? "On" : "Off"));
Print("Change setting with (o)n, o(f)f.\n");
return false;
if (CheckToken(str, "o", "on"))
cfg = true;
Print("Changed setting: On\n");
return true;
else if (CheckToken(str, "f", "off"))
cfg = false;
Print("Changed setting: Off\n");
return true;
Error("Enter a valid setting (o)n, o(f)f.\n");
return false;
bool CConsoleDebugger::SetNumConfig(const char *str, unsigned &cfg)
if (str == NULL)
Print("Current setting: %-12u\n", cfg);
return false;
int number;
if (!ParseInt(str, &number))
Error("Enter a valid number.\n");
return false;
cfg = (unsigned)number;
Print("Changed setting: %-12u\n", cfg);
return true;
const char *CConsoleDebugger::GetFmtConfig(EFormat fmt)
switch (fmt)
case Hex0x: return "Hex (0x00)";
case HexDollar: return "Hex ($00)";
case HexPostH: return "Hex (00h)";
case Decimal: return "Decimal";
case Binary: return "Binary";
default: return "-";
bool CConsoleDebugger::SetFmtConfig(const char *str, EFormat &cfg)
if (str == NULL)
Print("Current setting: %-12s\n", GetFmtConfig(cfg));
Print("Change setting with (h)ex, hex(z)ero, hexdo(l)ar, hex(p)osth, (d)ecimal, (b)inary.\n");
return false;
if (!ParseFormat(str, cfg))
return false;
Print("Changed setting: %-12s\n", GetFmtConfig(cfg));
return true;
bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseAddress(const char *str, UINT32 *addr)
if (m_cpu->instrCount > 0 && CheckToken(str, "-", "current"))
*addr = m_cpu->pc;
return true;
return m_cpu->ParseAddress(str, addr);
const char *CConsoleDebugger::GetDataSizeStr(unsigned dataSize, bool shortName)
switch (dataSize)
case 1: return (shortName ? "b" : "byte");
case 2: return (shortName ? "w" : "word");
case 4: return (shortName ? "l" : "long");
case 8: return (shortName ? "v" : "vlong");
default: return GetSizeString(dataSize);
bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseDataSize(const char *str, unsigned &dataSize)
int num = -1;
ParseInt(str, &num);
if (CheckToken(str, "b", "byte") || num == 1)
dataSize = 1;
return true;
else if (CheckToken(str, "w", "word") || num == 2)
dataSize = 2;
return true;
else if (CheckToken(str, "l", "long") || num == 4)
dataSize = 4;
return true;
else if (CheckToken(str, "v", "verylong") || num == 8)
dataSize = 8;
return true;
Error("Enter a valid size (b)yte, (w)ord, (l)ong or (v)erylong or a number 1, 2, 4 or 8.\n");
return false;
bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseFormat(const char *str, EFormat &fmt)
if (CheckToken(str, "h", "hex")) fmt = Hex;
else if (CheckToken(str, "z", "hexzero")) fmt = Hex0x;
else if (CheckToken(str, "l", "hexdollar")) fmt = HexDollar;
else if (CheckToken(str, "p", "hexposth")) fmt = HexPostH;
else if (CheckToken(str, "d", "decimal")) fmt = Decimal;
else if (CheckToken(str, "b", "binary")) fmt = Binary;
Error("Enter a valid format (h)ex, hex(z)ero, hexdo(l)ar, hex(p)osth, (d)ecimal, (b)inary.\n");
return false;
return true;
bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseCPU(const char *str, CCPUDebug *&cpu)
if (str == NULL)
Error("Missing CPU name or number.\n");
return false;
int cpuNum;
if (ParseInt(str, &cpuNum))
if (cpuNum >= 0 && cpuNum < (int)cpus.size())
cpu = cpus[cpuNum];
return true;
cpu = GetCPU(str);
if (cpu == NULL)
Error("No CPU with that name or number.\n");
return false;
return true;
bool CConsoleDebugger::ParseRegister(const char *str, CRegister *&reg)
if (str == NULL)
Error("Missing register name.\n");
return false;
reg = m_cpu->GetRegister(str);
if (reg == NULL)
Error("Enter a valid register name.\n");
return false;
return true;
void CConsoleDebugger::ListCPUs()
if (cpus.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
Print(" %-3s %-9s %-6s %-9s %-7s %-12s %-12s %-9s\n", "Num", "Name", "Type", "Debugging", "State", "Instr Count", "Total Cycles", "Frequency");
unsigned num = 0;
double freq;
char onCPU;
const char *debugStr;
const char *stateStr;
for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++)
onCPU = (*it == m_cpu ? '*': ' ');
debugStr = ((*it)->IsEnabled() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
stateStr = ((*it)->active ? "Running" : "Waiting");
if ((*it)->instrCount > 0)
if (frameCount > 0)
freq = ((*it)->cyclesPerPoll * 60.0) / 1000000.0;
Print("%c%-3u %-9s %-6s %-9s %-7s %12llu %12llu %6.1fMHz\n", onCPU, num++, (*it)->name, (*it)->type, debugStr, stateStr, (*it)->instrCount - 1, (*it)->totalCycles, freq);
Print("%c%-3u %-9s %-6s %-9s %-7s %12llu %12llu %9s\n", onCPU, num++, (*it)->name, (*it)->type, debugStr, stateStr, (*it)->instrCount - 1, (*it)->totalCycles, "-");
Print("%c%-3u %-9s %-6s %-9s %-7s %12s %12s %9s\n", onCPU, num++, (*it)->name, (*it)->type, debugStr, stateStr, "-", "-", "-");
void CConsoleDebugger::ListRegisters()
Print("%s Registers:\n", m_cpu->name);
if (m_cpu->regs.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
// Get groups
vector<const char*> groups;
vector<vector<CRegister*> > regsByGroup;
size_t totalRows = 0;
for (vector<CRegister*>::iterator it = m_cpu->regs.begin(); it != m_cpu->regs.end(); it++)
const char *group = (*it)->group;
// TODO - find with stricmp rather than default find
if (find(groups.begin(), groups.end(), group) == groups.end())
regsByGroup.resize(regsByGroup.size() + 1);
int index = find(groups.begin(), groups.end(), group) - groups.begin();
vector<CRegister*> *pRegsInGroup = &regsByGroup[index];
totalRows = max<size_t>(totalRows, pRegsInGroup->size());
// Get max label and value widths in each group and print group headers
size_t numGroups = groups.size();
vector<size_t> labelWidths(numGroups);
vector<size_t> valueWidths(numGroups);
vector<size_t> groupWidths(numGroups);
char valStr[50];
Print(" ");
for (size_t index = 0; index < numGroups; index++)
labelWidths[index] = 0;
valueWidths[index] = 0;
vector<CRegister*> *pRegsInGroup = &regsByGroup[index];
for (vector<CRegister*>::iterator it = pRegsInGroup->begin(); it != pRegsInGroup->end(); it++)
labelWidths[index] = max<size_t>(labelWidths[index], strlen((*it)->name));
valueWidths[index] = max<size_t>(valueWidths[index], strlen(valStr));
const char *group = groups[index];
groupWidths[index] = max<size_t>(labelWidths[index] + valueWidths[index] + 3, strlen(group) + 1);
Print("%-*s", (int)groupWidths[index], group);
// Print rows of register values
char rowStr[50];
for (size_t row = 0; row < totalRows; row++)
Print(" ");
for (size_t index = 0; index < numGroups; index++)
vector<CRegister*> *pRegsInGroup = &regsByGroup[index];
if (row < pRegsInGroup->size())
CRegister *reg = (*pRegsInGroup)[row];
bool hasMon = m_cpu->GetRegMonitor(reg->name) != NULL;
sprintf(rowStr, "%c%-*s %-*s", (hasMon ? '*' : ' '), (int)labelWidths[index], reg->name, (int)valueWidths[index], valStr);
rowStr[0] = '\0';
Print("%-*s", (int)groupWidths[index], rowStr);
void CConsoleDebugger::ListExceptions()
Print("%s Exceptions:\n", m_cpu->name);
if (m_cpu->exceps.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
char addrStr[20];
UINT32 handlerAddr;
for (vector<CException*>::iterator it = m_cpu->exceps.begin(); it != m_cpu->exceps.end(); it++)
if (m_cpu->GetHandlerAddr(*it, handlerAddr))
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, handlerAddr, true, (m_analyseCode ? LFExcepHandler : LFNone));
addrStr[0] = '\0';
Print("%c%-12s %-30s %-12s %u\n", ((*it)->trap ? '*' : ' '), (*it)->id, (*it)->name, addrStr, (*it)->count);
void CConsoleDebugger::ListInterrupts()
Print("%s Interrupts:\n", m_cpu->name);
if (m_cpu->inters.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
char addrStr[20];
UINT32 handlerAddr;
for (vector<CInterrupt*>::iterator it = m_cpu->inters.begin(); it != m_cpu->inters.end(); it++)
if (m_cpu->GetHandlerAddr(*it, handlerAddr))
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, handlerAddr, true, (m_analyseCode ? LFInterHandler : LFNone));
addrStr[0] = '\0';
Print("%c%-12s %-30s %-12s %u\n", ((*it)->trap ? '*' : ' '), (*it)->id, (*it)->name, addrStr, (*it)->count);
void CConsoleDebugger::ListIOs()
Print("%s I/O Ports:\n", m_cpu->name);
if (m_cpu->ios.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
const char *group = NULL;
char locStr[255];
char dirChar;
char inStr[50];
char outStr[50];
for (vector<CIO*>::iterator it = m_cpu->ios.begin(); it != m_cpu->ios.end(); it++)
// Print group heading if starting a new group
if (group == NULL || stricmp((*it)->group, group) != 0)
group = (*it)->group;
Print(" %s:\n", group);
// Get location string (memory address or port number)
// See whether port was last read or written
if ((*it)->inCount + (*it)->outCount > 0)
dirChar = ((*it)->last == &(*it)->lastIn ? '<' : '>');
dirChar = ' ';
// Format last input
if ((*it)->inCount > 0)
m_cpu->FormatData(inStr, (*it)->dataSize, (*it)->lastIn);
inStr[0] = '*';
inStr[1] = '\0';
size_t inLen = strlen(inStr);
int inLPad = 5 - (int)inLen / 2;
int inRPad = 5 - (int)inLen + (int)inLen / 2;
// Format last output
if ((*it)->outCount > 0)
m_cpu->FormatData(outStr, (*it)->dataSize, (*it)->lastOut);
outStr[0] = '*';
outStr[1] = '\0';
size_t outLen = strlen(outStr);
int outLPad = 5 - (int)outLen / 2;
int outRPad = 5 - (int)outLen + (int)outLen / 2;
// Print details
Print(" %c%-12s %-30s %-8s %*s%s%*s%c%*s%s%*s\n", ((*it)->watch != NULL ? '*' : ' '), locStr, (*it)->name,
GetDataSizeStr((*it)->dataSize, true), inLPad, "", inStr, inRPad, "", dirChar, outLPad, "", outStr, outRPad, "");
void CConsoleDebugger::ListRegions()
Print("%s Regions:\n", m_cpu->name);
if (m_cpu->regions.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
char startStr[255];
char endStr[255];
for (vector<CRegion*>::iterator it = m_cpu->regions.begin(); it != m_cpu->regions.end(); it++)
// Format start and end address
m_cpu->FormatAddress(startStr, (*it)->addr);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(endStr, (*it)->addrEnd);
// Print details
Print("%c%s-%s %s\n", ((*it)->isCode ? '*' : ' '), startStr, endStr, (*it)->name);
void CConsoleDebugger::ListLabels(bool customLabels, ELabelFlags autoLabelFlags)
Print("%s Labels:\n", m_cpu->name);
unsigned count = 0;
char addrStr[20];
if (customLabels && m_cpu->labels.size() > 0)
Print(" Custom Labels:\n");
for (vector<CLabel*>::iterator it = m_cpu->labels.begin(); it != m_cpu->labels.end(); it++)
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, (*it)->addr);
Print(" %s %s\n", addrStr, (*it)->name);
if (m_analyseCode)
char labelStr[255];
CCodeAnalyser *analyser = m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser();
for (unsigned index = 0; index < CAutoLabel::numLabelFlags; index++)
ELabelFlags flag = CAutoLabel::GetLabelFlag(index);
if (!(autoLabelFlags & flag))
vector<CAutoLabel*> withFlag = analyser->analysis->GetAutoLabels(flag);
if (withFlag.size() == 0)
const char *flagStr = CAutoLabel::GetFlagString(flag);
Print(" %ss:\n", flagStr);
for (vector<CAutoLabel*>::iterator it = withFlag.begin(); it != withFlag.end(); it++)
if (!(*it)->GetLabel(labelStr, flag))
CBreakpoint *bp = m_cpu->GetBreakpoint((*it)->addr);
char bpChr = (bp != NULL ? bp->symbol : ' ');
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, (*it)->addr);
Print(" %c%s %s\n", bpChr, addrStr, labelStr);
if (count == 0)
Print(" None\n");
void CConsoleDebugger::GetAllMemWatches(vector<CWatch*> &watches)
for (vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = m_cpu->memWatches.begin(); it != m_cpu->memWatches.end(); it++)
for (vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = m_cpu->ioWatches.begin(); it != m_cpu->ioWatches.end(); it++)
if (dynamic_cast<CMappedIO*>((*it)->io) != NULL)
int CConsoleDebugger::GetIndexOfMemWatch(CWatch *watch)
vector<CWatch*> watches;
vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = find(watches.begin(), watches.end(), watch);
if (it == watches.end())
return -1;
return it - watches.begin();
void CConsoleDebugger::ListMemWatches()
Print("%s Memory Watches:\n", m_cpu->name);
vector<CWatch*> watches;
if (watches.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
Print(" %-3s %-8s %-12s %-5s %-4s %-20s %s\n", "Num", "Type", "Address", "Size", "Trig", "Value", "Info");
char typeStr[12];
char addrStr[20];
char sizeStr[20];
const char *dSizeStr;
const char *trigStr;
char valStr[20];
char infoStr[255];
unsigned wNum = 0;
for (vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = watches.begin(); it != watches.end(); it++)
UpperFirst(typeStr, (*it)->type);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, (*it)->addr, true);
dSizeStr = GetDataSizeStr((*it)->size, false);
UpperFirst(sizeStr, dSizeStr);
if ((*it)->trigRead && (*it)->trigWrite) trigStr = "R/W";
else if ((*it)->trigRead) trigStr = "R";
else if ((*it)->trigWrite) trigStr = "W";
else trigStr = "-";
m_cpu->FormatData(valStr, (*it)->size, (*it)->GetValue());
if (!(*it)->GetInfo(infoStr))
infoStr[0] = '-';
infoStr[1] = '\0';
Print(" %-3u %-8s %-12s %-5s %-4s %-20s %s\n", wNum++, typeStr, addrStr, sizeStr, trigStr, valStr, infoStr);
void CConsoleDebugger::GetAllPortWatches(vector<CWatch*> &watches)
for (vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = m_cpu->ioWatches.begin(); it != m_cpu->ioWatches.end(); it++)
if (dynamic_cast<CPortIO*>((*it)->io) != NULL)
int CConsoleDebugger::GetIndexOfPortWatch(CWatch *watch)
vector<CWatch*> watches;
vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = find(watches.begin(), watches.end(), watch);
if (it == watches.end())
return -1;
return it - watches.begin();
void CConsoleDebugger::ListPortWatches()
Print("%s I/O Port Watches:\n", m_cpu->name);
vector<CWatch*> watches;
if (watches.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
Print(" %-3s %-8s %-12s %-4s %-20s %s\n", "Num", "Type", "Location", "Trig", "Last In/Out", "Info");
char typeStr[12];
char locStr[255];
const char *trigStr;
char valStr[20];
char infoStr[255];
unsigned wNum = 0;
for (vector<CWatch*>::iterator it = watches.begin(); it != watches.end(); it++)
UpperFirst(typeStr, (*it)->type);
if ((*it)->trigRead && (*it)->trigWrite) trigStr = "I/O";
else if ((*it)->trigRead) trigStr = "I";
else if ((*it)->trigWrite) trigStr = "O";
else trigStr = "-";
if ((*it)->readCount + (*it)->writeCount == 0)
valStr[0] = '-';
valStr[1] = '\0';
m_cpu->FormatData(valStr, (*it)->size, (*it)->GetValue());
if (!(*it)->GetInfo(infoStr))
infoStr[0] = '-';
infoStr[1] = '\0';
Print(" %-3u %-8s %-12s %-4s %-20s %s\n", wNum++, typeStr, locStr, trigStr, valStr, infoStr);
void CConsoleDebugger::ListBreakpoints()
Print("%s Breakpoints:\n", m_cpu->name);
if (m_cpu->bps.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
Print(" %-3s %-8s %-12s %-20s\n", "Num", "Type", "Address", "Info");
char typeStr[12];
char addrStr[20];
char infoStr[255];
for (vector<CBreakpoint*>::iterator it = m_cpu->bps.begin(); it != m_cpu->bps.end(); it++)
UpperFirst(typeStr, (*it)->type);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, (*it)->addr, true, (m_analyseCode ? LFAll : LFNone));
if (!(*it)->GetInfo(infoStr))
infoStr[0] = '-';
infoStr[1] = '\0';
Print(" %-3u %-8s %-12s %-20s\n", (*it)->num, typeStr, addrStr, infoStr);
void CConsoleDebugger::ListMonitors()
Print("%s Register Monitors:\n", m_cpu->name);
if (m_cpu->regMons.size() == 0)
Print(" None\n");
char valStr[255];
int num = 0;
for (vector<CRegMonitor*>::iterator it = m_cpu->regMons.begin(); it != m_cpu->regMons.end(); it++)
Print(" %d - %s change from: %s\n", num++, (*it)->reg->name, valStr);
UINT32 CConsoleDebugger::ListDisassembly(UINT32 start, UINT32 end, unsigned numInstrs)
UINT32 addr;
char startStr[20];
char endStr[20];
char opCodes[50];
char mnemonic[100];
char operands[155];
char addrStr[20];
char labelStr[13];
unsigned instr;
UINT32 pc = m_cpu->pc;
CCodeAnalyser *analyser = (m_analyseCode ? m_cpu->GetCodeAnalyser() : NULL);
// Align address to instruction boundary
start -= start%m_cpu->minInstrLen;
if (analyser != NULL)
// Use code analyser to find valid start address
if (!analyser->analysis->GetNextValidAddr(start))
return start;
// In the absence of code analyser, try to align code with current PC address
if (m_cpu->instrCount > 0 && pc >= start && pc <= end)
UINT64 count = m_cpu->instrCount;
while (start < end && count-- > 0)
bool okay = false;
addr = start;
instr = 0;
while (addr < end && instr < numInstrs)
if (addr == pc)
okay = true;
int codesLen = m_cpu->GetOpLength(addr);
addr += abs(codesLen);
if (okay)
start += m_cpu->minInstrLen;
// Get true end address
addr = start;
instr = 0;
while (addr < end && instr < numInstrs)
// Get instruction length
int codesLen = m_cpu->Disassemble(addr, mnemonic, operands);
// Move onto next valid instruction address
addr += abs(codesLen);
if (analyser != NULL && !analyser->analysis->GetNextValidAddr(addr))
end = addr;
// Format start and end addresses and output title
m_cpu->FormatAddress(startStr, start);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(endStr, end);
Print("%s Code %s - %s:\n", m_cpu->name, startStr, endStr);
// Output the disassembly
addr = start;
instr = 0;
while (addr < end)
// Add markers for current PC address and any breakpoints
char ind[4];
if (m_cpu->instrCount > 0 && addr == pc)
ind[0] = '>';
ind[1] = '>';
ind[0] = ' ';
ind[1] = ' ';
CBreakpoint *bp = m_cpu->GetBreakpoint(addr);
ind[2] = (bp != NULL ? bp->symbol : ' ');
ind[3] = '\0';
// Format current address
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
// Get labels at address (if any)
bool hasLabel = GetLabelText(labelStr, 12, addr);
// Get mnemonic, operands and instruction length and print them
int codesLen = m_cpu->Disassemble(addr, mnemonic, operands);
FormatOpCodes(opCodes, addr, abs(codesLen));
// Get comment at address (if any)
CComment *comment = m_cpu->GetComment(addr);
// Output line
Print("%s", ind);
if (m_showLabels)
if (m_labelsOverAddr)
Print("%-12s ", (hasLabel ? labelStr : addrStr));
Print("%s %-12s ", addrStr, labelStr);
Print("%s ", addrStr);
if (m_showOpCodes)
Print("[%s] ", opCodes);
if (codesLen > 0)
Print("%-*s %-20s", (int)m_cpu->maxMnemLen, mnemonic, operands);
if (comment != NULL)
Print(" ; %s", comment->text);
// Move onto next valid instruction address
addr += abs(codesLen);
if (analyser != NULL && !analyser->analysis->GetNextValidAddr(addr))
return end;
UINT32 CConsoleDebugger::ListMemory(UINT32 start, UINT32 end, unsigned bytesPerRow)
char startStr[255];
char endStr[255];
char addrStr[20];
char labelStr[13];
char wChar, dChar;
UINT8 data;
// Adjust start/end points to be on row boundary
start -= (start % bytesPerRow);
end += bytesPerRow - (end % bytesPerRow);
// Format start and end addresses and output title
m_cpu->FormatAddress(startStr, start);
m_cpu->FormatAddress(endStr, end);
Print("%s Memory %s - %s:\n", m_cpu->name, startStr, endStr);
UINT32 addr = start;
while (addr < end)
// TODO - check address going out of region or out of range
// Format current address
m_cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr);
// Get labels at address (if any)
bool hasLabel = GetLabelText(labelStr, 12, addr);
// Output line
if (m_showLabels)
if (m_labelsOverAddr)
Print(" %-12s", (hasLabel ? labelStr : addrStr));
Print(" %s %-12s", addrStr, labelStr);
Print(" %s%c", addrStr);
UINT32 lAddr = addr;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bytesPerRow; i++)
CWatch *watch = m_cpu->GetMemWatch(lAddr, 1);
// TODO - handling of mapped I/O
//CMappedIO *io = m_cpu->GetMappedIO(lAddr);
wChar = (watch != NULL ? watch->symbol : ' ');
//if (io != NULL)
// data = (UINT8)io->last;
data = (UINT8)m_cpu->ReadMem(lAddr, 1);
Print("%c%02X", wChar, data);
Print(" ");
lAddr = addr;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bytesPerRow; i++)
// TODO - handling of mapped I/O
//CMappedIO *io = m_cpu->GetMappedIO(lAddr);
//if (io != NULL)
// data = io->last;
data = (UINT8)m_cpu->ReadMem(lAddr, 1);
dChar = (data >= 32 && data <= 126 ? (char)data : '.');
Print("%c", dChar);
addr += bytesPerRow;
return addr;
void CConsoleDebugger::AnalysisUpdated(CCodeAnalyser *analyser)
void CConsoleDebugger::ExceptionTrapped(CException *ex)
PrintEvent(ex->cpu, "Exception %s (%s) trapped.\n", ex->id, ex->name);
void CConsoleDebugger::InterruptTrapped(CInterrupt *in)
PrintEvent(in->cpu, "Interrupt %s (%s) trapped.\n", in->id, in->name);
void CConsoleDebugger::MemWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, UINT32 addr, unsigned dataSize, UINT64 data, bool isRead)
const char *sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(dataSize, true);
const char *rwStr = (isRead ? "Read from" : "Write to");
char dataStr[50];
char addrStr[255];
m_cpu->FormatData(dataStr, dataSize, data);
watch->cpu->FormatAddress(addrStr, addr, true);
int num = GetIndexOfMemWatch(watch);
PrintEvent(watch->cpu, "%s %s (%s.%s) triggered memory watch #%d.\n", rwStr, addrStr, dataStr, sizeStr, num);
void CConsoleDebugger::IOWatchTriggered(CWatch *watch, CIO *io, UINT64 data, bool isInput)
const char *sizeStr = GetDataSizeStr(io->dataSize, true);
const char *ioStr = (isInput ? "Input from" : "Output to");
char dataStr[50];
char locStr[255];
m_cpu->FormatData(dataStr, io->dataSize, data);
int num = GetIndexOfPortWatch(watch);
if (num >= 0)
PrintEvent(watch->cpu, "%s %s (%s.%s) triggered port watch #%d.\n", ioStr, locStr, dataStr, sizeStr, num);
num = GetIndexOfMemWatch(watch);
PrintEvent(watch->cpu, "%s %s (%s.%s) triggered memory watch #%d.\n", ioStr, locStr, dataStr, sizeStr, num);
void CConsoleDebugger::BreakpointReached(CBreakpoint *bp)
PrintEvent(bp->cpu, "Breakpoint #%d triggered.\n", bp->num);
void CConsoleDebugger::MonitorTriggered(CRegMonitor *regMon)
char valStr[255];
CRegister *reg = regMon->reg;
PrintEvent(reg->cpu, "Write to register %s (%s) triggered monitor.\n", reg->name, valStr);
void CConsoleDebugger::ExecutionHalted(CCPUDebug *cpu, EHaltReason reason)
if (reason&HaltUser)
PrintEvent(cpu, "Execution halted.\n");
void CConsoleDebugger::Log(CCPUDebug *cpu, const char *typeStr, const char *fmtStr, va_list vl)
if (cpu != NULL)
char pcStr[255];
cpu->FormatAddress(pcStr, cpu->pc, true, LFNone);
Print("%s @ %s: ", cpu->name, pcStr);
if (typeStr != NULL)
Print(" %s - ", typeStr);
PrintVL(fmtStr, vl);
void CConsoleDebugger::Attach()
void CConsoleDebugger::Detach()
// Close redirected output file, if exists
if (m_file != NULL)
m_file = NULL;
void CConsoleDebugger::Poll()
if (m_nextFrame)
if (--m_nextFrameCount == 0)
void CConsoleDebugger::ApplyConfig()
for (vector<CCPUDebug*>::iterator it = cpus.begin(); it != cpus.end(); it++)
(*it)->addrFmt = m_addrFmt;
(*it)->portFmt = m_portFmt;
(*it)->dataFmt = m_dataFmt;
void CConsoleDebugger::Attached()
void CConsoleDebugger::Detaching()