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synced 2025-02-17 09:55:38 +00:00
![Nik Henson](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
- hooked up the remaining controls in Supermodel (except for Magical Truck Adventure which does not work at all yet). The new controls are: * InputAnalogJoyTrigger2 and InputAnalogJoyEvent2 for the additional second trigger and event buttons that were missing from Star Wars Trilogy, * InputRearBrake and InputMusicSelect for the rear brake and music selection buttons that were missing from Harley Davidson, * InputAnalogGunXXX, InputAnalogTriggerXXX, InputAnalogGunXXX2 and InputAnalogTriggerXXX2 for the analogue guns of Ocean Hunter and LA Machineguns (NOTE: these controls must be calibrated in the games' service menus otherwise they will not work properly. Also, the alignment of the gun cursor does not line up very well with the mouse position at the moment, but at least the games are a bit more playable now, although still with numerous graphical glitches...) * InputSkiXXX for the controls of Ski Champ, making the game playable now. - hooked up existing InputViewChange control to Harley Davidson's view change button - improved the handling of InputGearShiftUp/Down inputs so that they work better with the driving games. With Dirt Devils, ECA, Harley and LeMans this means they map directly to the game's own shift up/down controls, while with the 4-speed games such as Daytona 2, Scud Racer and Sega Rally 2, they simulate the user shifting up and down through the gears - added defaults for the new controls to Supermodel.ini - other small code tweaks: * fix small bug with handling of pos/neg inputs mapping to a control with inverted range (0XFF to 0x00) - this was needed to get Ski Champ's X-axis to work properly * removed Wait method from InputSystem and added to CThread as CThread::Sleep instead * added FrameTimings struct to hold all frame timings in a single place No networking code yet as just haven't had a chance to work on it since initial progress at the beginning of the year - am *hoping* might have some time to pick it up again over Christmas...
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** Supermodel
** A Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator.
** Copyright 2011 Bart Trzynadlowski, Nik Henson
** This file is part of Supermodel.
** Supermodel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
** any later version.
** Supermodel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
** more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
** with Supermodel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* InputSystem.h
* Header file for CInputSystem. Defines the base class for an input system,
* the interface between the OS-independent and OS-dependent code.
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#include "MultiInputSource.h"
class CInput;
class CInputSource;
class CINIFile;
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 255
// Read flags for ReadMapping
#define READ_MOUSE 2
// Used to specify any keyboard, mouse or joystick when a number is required
#define ANY_KEYBOARD -1
#define ANY_MOUSE -1
#define ANY_JOYSTICK -1
// Default keyboard, mouse and joystick settings
// Number of valid keys and mouse and joystick parts
#define NUM_VALID_KEYS (sizeof(s_validKeyNames) / sizeof(const char*))
#define NUM_MOUSE_PARTS ((int)MouseButtonX2 + 1)
#define NUM_MOUSE_AXES 3
#define NUM_JOY_PARTS ((int)JoyButton31 + 1)
#define NUM_JOY_AXES 8
#define NUM_JOY_POVS 4
#define NUM_JOY_BUTTONS 32
// Axis numbers
#define AXIS_X 0
#define AXIS_Y 1
#define AXIS_Z 2
#define AXIS_RX 3
#define AXIS_RY 4
#define AXIS_RZ 5
#define AXIS_S1 6
#define AXIS_S2 7
// Axis directions
#define AXIS_FULL 0
#define AXIS_POS 2
#define AXIS_NEG 3
// POV directions
#define POV_UP 0
#define POV_DOWN 1
#define POV_LEFT 2
#define POV_RIGHT 3
* Enumeration of all recognised mouse parts
enum EMousePart
MouseUnknown = -1,
MouseXAxis = 0,
* Enumeration of all supported joystick parts
enum EJoyPart
JoyUnknown = -1,
JoyXAxis = 0,
struct MousePartsStruct
const char* id;
EMousePart msePart;
struct JoyPartsStruct
const char* id;
EJoyPart joyPart;
* Struct that holds settings for a keyboard
struct KeySettings
int kbdNum; // Keyboard number (or ANY_KEYBOARD for settings that apply to all keyboards)
unsigned sensitivity; // Key sensitivity for analog controls as percentage 1-100, where 100 is extremely responsive
unsigned decaySpeed; // Decay speed as percentage 1-200 of on speed
* Creates a KeySettings with default settings
* Struct that holds settings for a mouse
struct MouseSettings
int mseNum; // Mouse number (or ANY_MOUSE for settings that apply to all mice)
unsigned deadZones[NUM_MOUSE_AXES]; // Axis dead zone as a percentage 0-99 of display width (X)/height (Y) or axis range (Z)
* Creates a MouseSettings with default settings
mseNum = ANY_MOUSE;
deadZones[AXIS_Z] = 0;
* Struct that holds settings for a joystick
struct JoySettings
int joyNum; // Joystick number (or ANY_JOYSTICK for settings that apply to all joysticks)
int axisMinVals[NUM_JOY_AXES]; // Axis min raw value (default -32768)
int axisOffVals[NUM_JOY_AXES]; // Axis center/off value (default 0)
int axisMaxVals[NUM_JOY_AXES]; // Axis max raw value (default 32767)
unsigned deadZones[NUM_JOY_AXES]; // Axis dead zone as a percentage 0-99 of axis positive/negative ranges
unsigned saturations[NUM_JOY_AXES]; // Axis saturation as a percentage 1-200 of axis positive/negative ranges
* Creates a JoySettings with default settings
for (int axisNum = 0; axisNum < NUM_JOY_AXES; axisNum++)
axisMinVals[axisNum] = DEFAULT_JOY_AXISMINVAL;
axisOffVals[axisNum] = DEFAULT_JOY_AXISOFFVAL;
axisMaxVals[axisNum] = DEFAULT_JOY_AXISMAXVAL;
deadZones[axisNum] = DEFAULT_JOY_DEADZONE;
saturations[axisNum] = DEFAULT_JOY_SATURATION;
struct KeyDetails
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // Keyboard name (if available)
struct MouseDetails
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // Mouse name (if available)
bool isAbsolute; // True if uses absolute positions (ie lightgun)
struct JoyDetails
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // Joystick name (if available)
int numAxes; // Total number of axes on joystick
int numPOVs; // Total number of POV hat controllers on joystick
int numButtons; // Total number of buttons on joystick
bool hasFFeedback; // True if joystick supports force feedback
bool hasAxis[NUM_JOY_AXES]; // Flags to indicate which axes available on joystick
char axisName[NUM_JOY_AXES][MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; // Axis names (if available)
bool axisHasFF[NUM_JOY_AXES]; // Flags to indicate which axes are force feedback enabled
* Abstract base class that represents an input system. An input system encapsulates all the O/S dependent code to read keyboards,
* mice and joysticks.
class CInputSystem
// Array of valid key names
static const char *s_validKeyNames[];
// Lookup table for translating mouse mapping strings to their respective mouse parts
static MousePartsStruct s_mseParts[];
// Lookup table for translating joystick mapping strings to their respective joystick parts
static JoyPartsStruct s_joyParts[];
// Ids and names of axes
static const char *s_axisIds[];
static const char *s_axisNames[];
// Number of keyboards, mice and joysticks
int m_numKbds;
int m_numMice;
int m_numJoys;
// Cached input sources
CInputSource **m_anyKeySources;
CInputSource **m_anyMseSources;
CInputSource **m_anyJoySources;
CInputSource ***m_keySources;
CInputSource ***m_mseSources;
CInputSource ***m_joySources;
// Default key, mouse and joystick settings
KeySettings m_defKeySettings;
MouseSettings m_defMseSettings;
JoySettings m_defJoySettings;
// Current key, mouse and joystick settings for attached keyboards, mice and joysticks
vector<KeySettings*> m_keySettings;
vector<MouseSettings*> m_mseSettings;
vector<JoySettings*> m_joySettings;
// Empty input source
CMultiInputSource *m_emptySource;
// Helper methods
* Creates source cache.
void CreateSourceCache();
* Clears cache of all sources and optionally deletes cache itself.
void ClearSourceCache(bool deleteCache = false);
* Releases a source from the cache.
void ReleaseSource(CInputSource *&source);
* Returns a key source for the given keyboard number (or all keyboards if ANY_KEYBOARD supplied) and key index.
* Will check the source cache first and if not found will create the source with CreateAnyKeySource or CreateKeySource.
CInputSource *GetKeySource(int kbdNum, int keyIndex);
* Returns a mouse source for the given mouse number (or all mice if ANY_MOUSE supplied) and mouse index.
* Will check the source cache first and if not found will create the source with CreateAnyMouseSource or CreateMouseSource.
CInputSource *GetMouseSource(int mseNum, EMousePart msePart);
* Returns a joystick source for the given joystick number (or all joysticks if ANY_JOYSTICK supplied) and joystick index.
* Will check the source cache first and if not found will create the source with CreateAnyJoySource or CreateJoySource.
CInputSource *GetJoySource(int joyNum, EJoyPart joyPart);
void CheckAllSources(unsigned readFlags, bool fullAxisOnly, bool &mseCentered, vector<CInputSource*> &sources, string &mapping, vector<CInputSource*> &badSources);
* Finds any currently activated key sources for the given keyboard number (or all keyboards if ANY_KEYBOARD supplied)
* and adds them to the sources vector, aswell as constructing the corresponding mapping(s) in the given string.
* If fullAxisOnly is true, then only sources that represent a full axis range (eg MouseXAxis) are considered.
void CheckKeySources(int kbdNum, bool fullAxisOnly, vector<CInputSource*> &sources, string &mapping, vector<CInputSource*> &badSources);
* Finds any currently activated mouse sources for the given mouse number (or all mice if ANY_MOUSE supplied)
* and adds them to the sources vector, aswell as constructing the corresponding mapping(s) in the given string.
* If fullAxisOnly is true, then only sources that represent a full axis range (eg MouseXAxis) are considered.
void CheckMouseSources(int mseNum, bool fullAxisOnly, bool mseCentered, vector<CInputSource*> &sources, string &mapping, vector<CInputSource*> &badSources);
* Finds any currently activated joystick sources for the given joystick number (or all joysticks if ANY_JOYSTICK supplied)
* and adds them to the sources vector, aswell as constructing the corresponding mapping(s) in the given string.
* If fullAxisOnly is true, then only sources that represent a full axis range (eg MouseXAxis) are considered.
void CheckJoySources(int joyNum, bool fullAxisOnly, vector<CInputSource*> &sources, string &mapping, vector<CInputSource*> &badSources);
bool ParseInt(string str, int &num);
string IntToString(int num);
bool EqualsIgnoreCase(string str1, const char *str2);
bool StartsWithIgnoreCase(string str1, const char *str2);
* Returns true if the given string represents a valid key name.
bool IsValidKeyName(string str);
* Returns the EMousePart with the given mapping name or MouseUnknown if not found.
EMousePart LookupMousePart(string str);
* Returns the mapping name for the given EMousePart.
const char *LookupName(EMousePart msePart);
* Returns the EJoyPart with the given mapping name or JoyUnknown if not found.
EJoyPart LookupJoyPart(string str);
* Returns the mapping name for the given EJoyPart.
const char *LookupName(EJoyPart joyPart);
size_t ParseDevMapping(string str, const char *devType, int &devNum);
* Parses the given mapping string, possibly representing more than one mapping, and returns an input source for it or NULL if the
* mapping is invalid.
* If fullAxisOnly is true, then only mappings that represent a full axis range (eg MouseXAxis) are parsed.
CInputSource* ParseMultiSource(string str, bool fullAxisOnly, bool isOr);
* Parses the given single mapping string and returns an input source for it, or NULL if non exists.
CInputSource* ParseSingleSource(string str);
* Prints the given key settings to stdout.
void PrintKeySettings(int kbdNum, KeySettings *settings);
* Reads key settings from an INI file for the given keyboard number, or common settings if ANY_KEYBOARD specified.
* Returns NULL if no relevant settings were found in the INI file.
KeySettings *ReadKeySettings(CINIFile *ini, const char *section, int kbdNum);
* Writes the given key settings to an INI file, only writing out settings that are different to their defaults.
void WriteKeySettings(CINIFile *ini, const char *section, KeySettings *settings);
* Prints the given mouse settings to stdout.
void PrintMouseSettings(int mseNum, MouseSettings *settings);
* Reads mouse settings from an INI file for the given mouse number, or common settings if ANY_MOUSE specified.
* Returns NULL if no relevant settings were found in the INI file.
MouseSettings *ReadMouseSettings(CINIFile *ini, const char *section, int mseNum);
* Writes the given mouse settings to an INI file, only writing out settings that are different to their defaults.
void WriteMouseSettings(CINIFile *ini, const char *section, MouseSettings *settings);
* Prints the given joystick settings to stdout.
void PrintJoySettings(int joyNum, JoySettings *settings);
* Reads joystick settings from an INI file for the given joystick number, or common settings if ANY_JOYSTICK specified.
* Returns NULL if no relevant settings were found in the INI file.
JoySettings *ReadJoySettings(CINIFile *ini, const char *section, int joyNum);
* Writes the given joystick settings to an INI file, only writing out settings that are different to their defaults.
void WriteJoySettings(CINIFile *ini, const char *section, JoySettings *settings);
// Current display geometry
unsigned m_dispX;
unsigned m_dispY;
unsigned m_dispW;
unsigned m_dispH;
// Flag to indicate if system has grabbed mouse
bool m_grabMouse;
* Constructs an input system with the given name.
CInputSystem(const char *systemName);
* Returns true if the given EMousePart is an axis.
bool IsAxis(EMousePart msePart);
* Returns true if the given EMousePart represents a full axis, eg MouseXAxis or MouseXAxisInv.
bool IsFullAxis(EMousePart msePart);
* Returns true if the EMousePart represents an axis and sets axisPart and axisDir as follows:
* axisNum will be the axis number (AXIS_X, AXIS_Y or AXIS_Z)
* axisDir will be AXIS_FULL, AXIS_INVERTED, AXIS_POS or AXIS_POS depending on whether the axis has the full range, has
* the full range but inverted, is negative only, or is positive only.
bool GetAxisDetails(EMousePart msePart, int &axisNum, int &axisDir);
* Returns true if the given EMousePart represets a button, eg MouseButtonLeft.
bool IsButton(EMousePart msePart);
* Returns the button number (indexed from 0) of the given EMousePart if it is a button, or -1 otherwise.
int GetButtonNumber(EMousePart msePart);
* Returns the EMousePart that represents the axis component for the given axis number (AXIS_X, AXIS_Y or AXIS_Z) and direction
* (AXIS_FULL, AXIS_INVERTED, AXIS_POS or AXIS_POS), or MouseUnknown otherwise.
EMousePart GetMouseAxis(int axisNum, int axisDir);
* Returns the EMousePart that represents the mouse button with the given number (0-4), or MouseUnknown otherwise.
EMousePart GetMouseButton(int butNum);
* Returns true if the given EJoyPart is an axis.
bool IsAxis(EJoyPart joyPart);
* Returns true if the given EJoyPart represents a full axis, eg JoyXAxis.
bool IsFullAxis(EJoyPart joyPart);
* Returns true if the given EJoyPart represents a slider axis, eg JoyS1Axis.
bool IsSliderAxis(EJoyPart joyPart);
* Returns true if joystick part represents an axis and sets axisPart and axisDir as follows:
* axisNum will be the axis number (AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, AXIS_RX, AXIS_RY or AXIS_RZ)
* axisDir is AXIS_FULL, AXIS_INVERTED, AXIS_POS or AXIS_POS depending on whether the axis has the full range, has
* the full range but inverted, is negative only, or is positive only.
bool GetAxisDetails(EJoyPart joyPart, int &axisNum, int &axisDir);
* Returns true if the given EJoyPart represents a POV hat direction, eg JoyPOV0Left.
bool IsPOV(EJoyPart joyPart);
* Returns true if the EJoyPart represents a POV hat direction and sets povNum and povDir as follows:
* povNum will be the POV hat number 0-4,
* povDir will be POV_UP, POV_DOWN, POV_LEFT or POV_RIGHT.
bool GetPOVDetails(EJoyPart joyPart, int &povNum, int &povDir);
* Returns true if the given EJoyPart is a button
bool IsButton(EJoyPart joyPart);
* Returns the button number (indexed from 0) of the given EJoyPart if it is a button, or -1 otherwise.
int GetButtonNumber(EJoyPart joyPart);
* Returns the EJoyPart that represents the axis component for the given axis number (AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, AXIS_RX, AXIS_RY or AXIS_RZ) and
* direction (AXIS_FULL, AXIS_INVERTED, AXIS_POS or AXIS_POS), or JoyUnknown otherwise.
EJoyPart GetJoyAxis(int axisNum, int axisDir);
* Returns the EJoyPart that represents the POV hot direction for the given POV number (0-4) and direction (POV_UP, POV_DOWN,
* POV_LEFT or POV_RIGHT), JoyUnknown otherwise.
EJoyPart GetJoyPOV(int povNum, int povDir);
* Returns the EJoyPart that represents the joystick button with the given number (0-31), or JoyUnknown otherwise.
EJoyPart GetJoyButton(int butNum);
// Abstract methods subclass must implement (ie system-specific code)
virtual bool InitializeSystem() = 0;
* Returns the system-specific key index that represents the given key name.
virtual int GetKeyIndex(const char *keyName) = 0;
* Returns the key name of the given system-specific integer key index.
virtual const char *GetKeyName(int keyIndex) = 0;
* Returns true if for the given keyboard the key with the system-specific key index is currently pressed.
virtual bool IsKeyPressed(int kbdNum, int keyIndex) = 0;
* Returns the current axis value for the given mouse and axis number (AXIS_X, AXIS_Y or AXIS_Z).
virtual int GetMouseAxisValue(int mseNum, int axisNum) = 0;
* Returns the current direction (-1, 0 or 1) the Z-axis (wheel) is moving in for the given mouse.
virtual int GetMouseWheelDir(int mseNum) = 0;
* Returns true if for the given mouse the button with the given number is currently pressed.
virtual bool IsMouseButPressed(int mseNum, int butNum) = 0;
* Returns the current axis value for the given joystick and axis number (AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, AXIS_RX, AXIS_RY or AXIS_RZ).
virtual int GetJoyAxisValue(int joyNum, int axisNum) = 0;
* Returns true if for the given joystick the POV-hat controller with the given number is pointing in a particular direction (POV_UP, POV_DOWN,
virtual bool IsJoyPOVInDir(int joyNum, int povNum, int povDir) = 0;
* Returns true if for the given joystick the button with the given number is currently pressed.
virtual bool IsJoyButPressed(int joyNum, int butNum) = 0;
* Processes the given force feedback command for the given joystick and axis number.
virtual bool ProcessForceFeedbackCmd(int joyNum, int axisNum, ForceFeedbackCmd ffCmd) = 0;
// Virtual methods subclass can override if required
* Returns true if the mouse is currently centered in the display during configuration.
virtual bool ConfigMouseCentered();
* Creates an input source combining all keyboards for the given key index.
virtual CInputSource *CreateAnyKeySource(int keyIndex);
* Creates an input source combining all mice for the given EMousePart.
virtual CInputSource *CreateAnyMouseSource(EMousePart msePart);
* Creates an input source combining all joysticks for the given EJoyPart.
virtual CInputSource *CreateAnyJoySource(EJoyPart joyPart);
* Creates an input source for the given keyboard number and key index.
virtual CInputSource *CreateKeySource(int kbdNum, int keyIndex);
* Creates an input source for the given mouse number and EMousePart.
virtual CInputSource *CreateMouseSource(int mseNum, EMousePart msePart);
* Creates an input source for the given joystick number and EJoyPart.
virtual CInputSource *CreateJoySource(int joyNum, EJoyPart joyPart);
#ifdef DEBUG
static unsigned totalSrcsAcquired;
static unsigned totalSrcsReleased;
static const char *GetDefaultAxisName(int axisNum);
// Name of this input system
const char *name;
virtual ~CInputSystem();
* Initializes the input system. Must be called before any other methods are used.
* Returns false if unable to initialize the system.
bool Initialize();
* Sets the current display geometry so that mouse movements can be scaled properly.
void SetDisplayGeom(unsigned dispX, unsigned dispY, unsigned dispW, unsigned dispH);
* Returns the number of attached keyboards (or 0 if the system cannot handle keyboards at all or ANY_KEYBOARD if the system cannot
* handle multiple keyboards).
virtual int GetNumKeyboards() = 0;
* Returns the number of attached mice (or 0 if the system cannot handle mice at all or ANY_MOUSE if the system cannot handle
* multiple mice).
virtual int GetNumMice() = 0;
* Returns number of attached joysticks (or 0 if the system cannot handle joysticks at all or ANY_JOYSTICK if the system cannot
* handle multiple joysticks).
virtual int GetNumJoysticks() = 0;
* Returns details about the keyboard with the given number, or NULL if it does not exist.
virtual const KeyDetails *GetKeyDetails(int kbdNum) = 0;
* Returns details about the mouse with the given number, or NULL if it does not exist.
virtual const MouseDetails *GetMouseDetails(int mseNum) = 0;
* Returns details about the joystick with the given number, or NULL if it does not exist.
virtual const JoyDetails *GetJoyDetails(int joyNum) = 0;
* Clears all keyboard, mouse and joystick settings.
void ClearSettings();
* Prints current keyboard, mouse and joystick settings to stdout.
void PrintSettings();
* Reads all keyboard, mouse and joystick settings (and any additional system-specific additional settings) from the given INI file.
virtual void ReadFromINIFile(CINIFile *ini, const char *section);
* Writes all keyboard, mouse and joystick settings (and any additional system-specific settings) to the given INI file.
virtual void WriteToINIFile(CINIFile *ini, const char *section);
* Returns the current key settings for given keyboard number, or common settings if ANY_KEYBOARD specified.
* If no settings are found and useDefault is false, NULL is returned. If useDefault is true then default settings are returned.
KeySettings *GetKeySettings(int kbdNum, bool useDefault);
* Returns the current mouse settings for given mouse number, or common settings if ANY_MOUSE specified.
* If no settings are found and useDefault is false, NULL is returned. If useDefault is true then default settings are returned.
MouseSettings *GetMouseSettings(int mseNum, bool useDefault);
* Returns the current joystick settings for given joystick number, or common settings if ANY_JOYSTICK specified.
* If no settings are found and useDefault is false, NULL is returned. If useDefault is true then default settings are returned.
JoySettings *GetJoySettings(int joyNum, bool useDefault);
* Returns the input source for the given mapping, or NULL if mapping is not valid.
CInputSource* ParseSource(const char *mapping, bool fullAxisOnly = false);
* Waits for any input from the user and once received copies a mapping configuration representing the input (eg KEY_A or JOY1_AXIS_POS)
* into the given buffer.
* Returns true if input was successfully received or false if the user activated the given escape mapping or closed the window.
* readFlags specifies which types of inputs (keyboards, mice, joysticks) are to be read and whether to merge the inputs to a common
* mapping, eg return MOUSE_XAXIS rather than MOUSE3_XAXIS.
* If fullAxisOnly is true, then only mappings representing a full axis are returned, eg JOY1_XAXIS is allowed but not JOY1_XAXIS_POS.
bool ReadMapping(char *buffer, unsigned bufSize, bool fullAxisOnly = false, unsigned readFlags = READ_ALL, const char *escapeMapping = "KEY_ESCAPE");
* Updates the current state of the input system (called by CInputs.Poll).
virtual bool Poll() = 0;
virtual void GrabMouse();
virtual void UngrabMouse();
* Sets the mouse visibility (some systems may choose to ignore this).
virtual void SetMouseVisibility(bool visible) = 0;
virtual bool SendForceFeedbackCmd(int joyNum, int axisNum, ForceFeedbackCmd ffCmd);
bool DetectJoystickAxis(unsigned joyNum, unsigned &axisNum, const char *escapeMapping = "KEY_ESCAPE", const char *confirmMapping = "KEY_RETURN");
bool CalibrateJoystickAxis(unsigned joyNum, unsigned axisNum, const char *escapeMapping = "KEY_ESCAPE", const char *confirmMapping = "KEY_RETURN");
void PrintDevices();
// Nested Classes
* Input source for a key on a keyboard.
class CKeyInputSource : public CInputSource
CInputSystem *m_system; // Parent input system
int m_kbdNum; // Keyboard number
int m_keyIndex; // Key index
int m_incr; // Key increment for analog values
int m_decr; // Key decrement for analog values
int m_val; // Current analog key value
int m_maxVal; // Maximum analog key value
CKeyInputSource(CInputSystem *system, int kbdNum, int keyIndex, unsigned sensitivity, unsigned decaySpeed);
bool GetValueAsSwitch(bool &val);
bool GetValueAsAnalog(int &val, int minVal, int offVal, int maxVal);
* Input source for the X- or Y-axis of a mouse.
class CMseAxisInputSource : public CInputSource
CInputSystem *m_system; // Parent input system
int m_mseNum; // Mouse number
int m_axisNum; // Axis number (AXIS_X, AXIS_Y or AXIS_Z)
int m_deadPixels; // Size in pixels of dead zone in centre of axis
* Scales the mouse axis value to the given range.
int ScaleAxisValue(int minVal, int offVal, int maxVal);
CMseAxisInputSource(CInputSystem *system, int mseNum, int axisNum, int axisDir, unsigned deadZone);
bool GetValueAsSwitch(bool &val);
bool GetValueAsAnalog(int &val, int minVal, int offVal, int maxVal);
* Input source for the button of a mouse.
class CMseButInputSource : public CInputSource
CInputSystem *m_system; // Parent input system
int m_mseNum; // Mouse number
int m_butNum; // Button number
CMseButInputSource(CInputSystem *system, int mseNum, int butNum);
bool GetValueAsSwitch(bool &val);
bool GetValueAsAnalog(int &val, int minVal, int offVal, int maxVal);
* Input source for the axis of a joystick.
class CJoyAxisInputSource : public CInputSource
CInputSystem *m_system; // Parent input system
int m_joyNum; // Joystick number
int m_axisNum; // Axis number (AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, AXIS_RX, AXIS_RY or AXIS_RZ)
int m_axisMinVal; // Axis min raw value (default -32768)
int m_axisOffVal; // Axis center/off raw value (default 0)
int m_axisMaxVal; // Axis max raw value (default 32767)
bool m_axisInverted; // True if axis max raw value less than axis min raw value
int m_posDZone; // Dead zone for positive range (0-99%)
int m_negDZone; // Dead zone for negative range (0-99%)
int m_posSat; // Saturation for positive range (1-100%)
int m_negSat; // Saturation for negative range (1-100%)
* Scales the joystick axis value to the given range.
int ScaleAxisValue(int minVal, int offVal, int maxVal);
CJoyAxisInputSource(CInputSystem *system, int joyNum, int axisNum, int axisDir, int axisMinVal, int axisOffVal, int axisMaxVal,
unsigned deadZone, unsigned saturation);
bool GetValueAsSwitch(bool &val);
bool GetValueAsAnalog(int &val, int minVal, int offVal, int maxVal);
bool SendForceFeedbackCmd(ForceFeedbackCmd ffCmd);
* Input source for a particular direction of a POV hat controller of a joystick.
class CJoyPOVInputSource : public CInputSource
CInputSystem *m_system; // Parent input system
int m_joyNum; // Joystick number
int m_povNum; // POV hat number
int m_povDir; // POV hat direction (POV_UP, POV_LEFT, POV_RIGHT, POV_DOWN)
CJoyPOVInputSource(CInputSystem *system, int joyNum, int povNum, int povDir);
bool GetValueAsSwitch(bool &val);
bool GetValueAsAnalog(int &val, int minVal, int offVal, int maxVal);
* Input source for the button of a joystick.
class CJoyButInputSource : public CInputSource
CInputSystem *m_system; // Parent input system
int m_joyNum; // Joystick number
int m_butNum; // Button number
CJoyButInputSource(CInputSystem *system, int joyNum, int butNum);
bool GetValueAsSwitch(bool &val);
bool GetValueAsAnalog(int &val, int minVal, int offVal, int maxVal);