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Development was started in January of 2011 and has focused on reverse engineering aspects of the system that are still unknown. Consequently, many important features, such as a proper user interface, are not yet implemented and game compatibility is still low. -------------------- Revision History -------------------- Version 0.2a - New, fully customizable input system. Supports any combination of keyboards, mice, and analog and digital game pads. [Nik Henson] - Texture offsets. Fixes models in 'Fighting Vipers 2', 'Virtual On', cars in the 'Scud Race' and 'Daytona USA 2' selection screens, etc. - Fixed a 2D palette bug that would cause black pixels to occasionally turn transparent. - Added all remaining ROM sets. [krom] - Got some new games to boot: 'Spikeout', 'Ski Champ', 'Sega Bass Fishing', 'Dirt Devils', etc. - Sound support. Special thanks to ElSemi for contributing his SCSP emulator and Karl Stenerud for allowing us to use his 68K emulator. - Multi-threading support. Sound and drive board emulation are off- loaded to a separate thread, substantially enhancing performance. [Nik Henson] - Z80 emulation based on code by Frank D. Cringle and YAZE-AG by Andreas Gerlich. - Digital Sound Board (MPEG music) emulation courtesy of R. Belmont and the MPEG decoder library by Tomislav Uzelac. - Improved ROM loading. It should no longer be as easily confused by combined ROM sets as long as unused files are removed. - Configuration file now supports more settings and allows game- specific customization. - Added light gun crosshairs ('Lost World'), enabled by default in full screen mode and selectable by pressing Alt-I. - Drive board and force feedback emulation for 'Scud Race', 'Daytona USA 2', and 'Sega Rally 2'. [Nik Henson] - Changed gear shifting: added a dedicated neutral gear and sequential shifting. - Console-based debugger (not enabled by default, must be enabled during compile-time). [Nik Henson] - Source code and Makefile cleanup. Version 0.1.2a - Included missing GLEW files. Version 0.1.1a - Minor source code update. - Set Render3D to NULL in the CReal3D constructor. Fixes crashes that occur on some builds. [Nik Henson] - Cleaned up UNIX Makefile and added OS X Makefile. [R. Belmont] - Small changes to ppc_ops.cpp for C++0x compliance. [R. Belmont] - Included glew.h into the source tree. [R. Belmont] - Changed WIN32 definition to SUPERMODEL_WIN32. Version 0.1a - Initial public alpha release. ------------------------- Installing Supermodel ------------------------- To install Supermodel on Windows, extract the ZIP archive containing the Supermodel executable to a folder of your choice. The following files and directories should be created: Name Description ---- ----------- Supermodel.exe Supermodel program. Run this. SDL.dll The SDL library. Use the bundled DLL file. README.txt This text file. LICENSE.txt Supermodel license and terms of use. Config/ Directory where configuration files will be stored. NVRAM/ Directory where NVRAM contents will be saved. Saves/ Directory where save states will be saved. Supermodel requires OpenGL 2.0 and a substantial amount of both video and system memory. The 'error.log' file, which is produced during each session, records the amount of video memory allocated for vertex buffers. If either the static or dynamic vertex buffer are substantially less than 16 MB or 4 MB, respectively, Supermodel may run abnormally slowly and drop some geometry. ----------------------------- Compiling the Source Code ----------------------------- First, ensure that OpenGL, SDL (http://www.libsdl.org), and zlib (http://zlib.net) are installed. GLEW (http://glew.sourceforge.net) is now included in the source tree and should not need to be installed separately. Next, extract the Supermodel source code and copy the appropriate Makefile from the Makefiles/ directory to the base directory (that is, the one above Src/ and Makefiles/). Makefiles for 32-bit Windows (Microsoft Visual C++ 2008), Linux/UNIX (GCC), and Mac OS X (GCC) are provided, all requiring GNU Make. For Windows developers, MinGW (http://www.mingw.org) provides GNU Make. Alternatively, you can write a Makefile compatible with Microsoft Nmake and submit it to me for inclusion in the next release. ;) Consult the Visual Studio documentation to learn how to configure the Microsoft compiler for command line operation. Edit SDL_LIBPATH and SDL_INCLUDEPATH to reflect the location of the SDL development library and header files. This should only be necessary for Windows. The UNIX and Mac OS X Makefiles should be able to automatically locate SDL if it was installed properly. Finally, run 'make'. If all goes well it should produce a Supermodel binary. --------------- Basic Usage --------------- For now, Supermodel does not include a proper user interface. It is operated entirely from the command line. Run 'Supermodel' without any command line arguments for an explanation of supported options. Supermodel uses MAME-compatible ROM sets. It loads from ZIP archives based on file checksums and automatically detects games; therefore, file names are not important. ROMs that are split into parent and child sets (eg., 'Scud Race Plus', whose parent ROM set is 'Scud Race') must be combined into a single ZIP file with the child ROM set appearing first to ensure Supermodel detects the correct game to load. The best way to do this is to add the contents of the parent ROM set into the child ROM set ZIP file. If for some reason Supermodel detects the wrong game, you should try to combine them the opposite way. To improve performance, Supermodel underclocks the PowerPC down to 25 MHz by default. This may be the cause of some games running too slowly even when the frame rate is at 60 FPS (which is the native rate). You may want to experiment with increasing the clock frequency, although this comes with a performance penalty. Note that there is no user interface and all messages are printed to the terminal. In full screen mode, they will not be visible. ------------------- Supported Games ------------------- The following games and ROM sets are supported by this version of Supermodel. Not all of them are playable. ROM Set Game Title ------- ---------- vf3 Virtua Fighter 3 lemans24 Le Mans 24 scud Scud Race scudp Scud Race Plus lostwsga The Lost World von2 Virtual On Oratorio Tangram vs298 Virtua Striker 2 '98 srally2 Sega Rally 2 daytona2 Daytona USA 2 dayto2pe Daytona USA 2 Power Edition fvipers2 Fighting Vipers 2 harley Harley Davidson & L.A. Riders lamachin L.A. Machineguns oceanhun The Ocean Hunter swtrilgy Star Wars Trilogy eca Emergency Car Ambulance The '-print-games' option can be used to obtain this list. ------------------ Video Settings ------------------ Supermodel may be run in either windowed (default) or full screen mode. It automatically adjusts the display area to retain the aspect ratio of the Model 3's native (and Supermodel's default) resolution, 496x384. Currently, this cannot be overriden. Changing video modes at run-time is not yet supported. By default, Supermodel limits the frame rate to 60 Hz. This has no impact on performance except when the frame rate exceeds 60 FPS on fast systems. This can be disabled with the '-no-throttle' option. The mouse cursor is disabled by default in full screen modes but can be toggled with the Alt-I command. ------------ Controls ------------ Supermodel only supports the keyboard and mouse at present. Emulator functions are listed below and cannot be changed. Function Key Assignment -------- -------------- Exit Escape Reset Alt-R Clear NVRAM Alt-N Toggle Mouse Cursor (Full Screen Mode) Alt-I Toggle 60 Hz Frame Limiting Alt-T Save State F5 Load State F7 Change Save Slot F6 Game controls can be configured using the '-config-inputs' command line option. This starts a configuration utility and requires each button for all supported games to be defined. Pressing Escape retains the current setting. The blank window that opens up must be selected when pressing keys. To choose a mouse button, click the black area of the window. New configurations are saved to Config/Supermodel.ini. The Config/ directory should have been automatically created when Supermodel was extracted from its ZIP file. Default settings are given below. Game/Input Type Input Default Assignment --------------- ----- ------------------ All Start 1 1 All Start 2 2 All Coin 1 3 All Coin 2 4 All Service A 5 All Test A 6 All Service B 7 All Test B 8 Digital joystick Up Up arrow Digital joystick Down Down arrow Digital joystick Left Left arrow Digital joystick Right Right arrow Fighting games Punch A Fighting games Kick S Fighting games Guard D Fighting games Escape F Racing games Steering Left/Right arrows Racing games Accelerate Up arrow Racing games Brake Down arrow Racing games Shift 1/Up Q Racing games Shift 2/Down W Racing games Shift 3 E Racing games Shift 4 R Racing games VR1 (Red) A Racing games VR1 (Blue) S Racing games VR1 (Yellow) D Racing games VR1 (Green) F Sega Rally 2 View Change A Sega Rally 2 Hand Brake S Virtua Striker 2 Short Pass A Virtua Striker 2 Long Pass S Virtua Striker 2 Shoot D Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Turn Left Q Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Turn Right W Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Forward Up arrow Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Reverse Down arrow Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Strafe Left Left arrow Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Strafe Right Right arrow Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Jump E Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Crouch R Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Left Shot Trigger A Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Right Shot Trigger S Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Left Turbo Z Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Right Turbo X Analog joystick Motion Mouse Analog joystick Trigger Button A Analog joystick Event Button S Lightgun Aim Mouse Lightgun Trigger Left mouse button Lightgun Point Off-screen Right mouse button The lightgun will point off-screen as long as the 'point off-screen' button is held down. To shoot off-screen, hold this button and then simultaneously press the trigger. ------------------------- Save States and NVRAM ------------------------- Save states are saved and restored by pressing F5 and F7, respectively. Up to 10 different save slots can be selected with F6. All files are written to the Saves/ directory, which must exist. If you extracted the Supermodel ZIP file correctly, they will have automatically been created. Non-volatile memory (NVRAM) consists of battery-backed backup RAM and an EEPROM chip. The former is used for things like high score data whereas the latter stores machine settings (often accessed using the Test buttons). NVRAM is automatically saved each time Supermodel exits and is loaded at start-up. It can be cleared by deleting the NVRAM files or using Alt-N. ----------------------------------- Game-Specific Comments and Tips ----------------------------------- The following games are not playable due to unimplemented controls, severe graphical problems, or other issues: - L.A. Machineguns - The Ocean Hunter - Harley Davidson & L.A. Riders - Emergency Call Ambulance Daytona USA 2 and Daytona USA 2 Power Edition --------------------------------------------- To bypass the network board error, enter the Test Menu by pressing the Test button. Navigate to 'Game Assignments' using the Service button and select it with Test. Change 'Link ID' from 'Master' to 'Single'. In 'Daytona USA 2', the region menu can be accessed by entering the Test Menu, holding down the Start button, and pressing: VR4, VR4, VR2, VR3, VR1, VR3, VR2. Changing the region to USA changes game text to English. Star Wars Trilogy ----------------- Inserting coins and starting a game before any 3D graphics have been displayed in attract mode will result in a PowerPC crash before the stage loads. This is caused by an unknown emulation bug. Simply wait until the Darth Vader sequence appears before attempting to start a game. If Star Wars Trilogy is booting directly into the stage select screen, it is probably because you exited Supermodel with credits still in the machine. Clear the NVRAM (Alt-N) and reset the game (Alt-R). Sega Rally 2 ------------ As with Star Wars Trilogy, you may experience problems if you attempt to start a game before any 3D graphics are displayed (for example, during the Sega logo). Virtua Fighter 3 ---------------- The game is playable but there are numerous graphical glitches, particularly during transition scenes. ----------------------- Contact Information ----------------------- The official Supermodel web site is: http://www.Supermodel3.com Questions? Comments? Contributions? Your feedback is welcome! I only ask that you refrain from making feature requests or asking about ROMs. The primary author, Bart Trzynadlowski, can be reached at: supermodel.emu@gmail.com ------------------- Acknowledgments ------------------- Numerous people contributed their precious time and energy to this project. Without them, Supermodel would not have been possible. In no particular order, I would like to thank: - Ville Linde, original Supermodel team member and MAMEDev extraordinaire - Stefano Teso, original Supermodel team member - ElSemi, for all sorts of technical information and insight - Naibo Zhang, for his work on Model 3 graphics - R. Belmont, for all sorts of help - The Guru, for his efforts in dumping Model 3 ROM sets - Andrew Lewis, for his arcade know-how and helpfulness - Abelardo Vidal Martos, for providing extremely useful video recordings of actual Model 3 games - Andrew Gardner, for fruitful discussion - Chad Reker, for being an especially thorough play-tester - And, of course, my sister Nicole, for help with web site images Supermodel includes code from the following projects: zlib: http://zlib.net minizip: http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW): http://glew.sourceforge.net The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library Copyright (C) 2002-2008, Milan Ikits <milan ikits[]ieee org> Copyright (C) 2002-2008, Marcelo E. Magallon <mmagallo[]debian org> Copyright (C) 2002, Lev Povalahev All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of the author may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.