Nik Henson 5e247021be Changes relating to input system:
- Fixed bug with mapping of multiple assignments.
- Added new ! operator for input mappings, which lets the user specify that an input must not be active.
- Added option to print info about input system (such as settings and detected keyboards, mice and joysticks) during input configuration.
- Added new trigger input for lightgun games with a configurable option to automatically pull trigger when offscreen input is activated (this makes playing with the mouse easier as the gun can be reloaded with single mouse button, rather than having to press both
 buttons at the same time).
- Added -xinput command line option that switches to using XInput API rather than DirectInput for XBox 360 controllers (this allows the XBox 360 controller's two triggers to be read independently which works better for driving games when they are mapped to accele
rator and brake).
- Added initial version of force feedback implementation to DirectInputSystem (this still needs work).
2011-06-05 20:53:39 +00:00

215 lines
6 KiB

#include "Types.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class CInputSystem;
class CInput;
class CAnalogInput;
class CAxisInput;
class CSwitchInput;
class CGearShift4Input;
class CTriggerInput;
class CINIFile;
struct GameInfo;
* Represents the collection of Model3 inputs.
class CInputs
// Assigned input system
CInputSystem *m_system;
// Vector of all created inputs
vector<CInput*> m_inputs;
* Adds a switch input (eg button) to this collection.
CSwitchInput *AddSwitchInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping,
UINT16 offVal = 0x00, UINT16 onVal = 0x01);
* Adds an analog input (eg pedal) to this collection.
CAnalogInput *AddAnalogInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping,
UINT16 minVal = 0x00, UINT16 maxVal = 0xFF);
* Adds an axis input (eg jostick axis, light gun axis or steering wheel) to this collection.
CAxisInput *AddAxisInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags, const char *defaultMapping,
CAnalogInput *axisNeg, CAnalogInput *axisPos, UINT16 minVal = 0x00, UINT16 offVal = 0x80, UINT16 maxVal = 0xFF);
* Adds a 4-gear shifter input to this collection.
CGearShift4Input *AddGearShift4Input(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags,
CSwitchInput *shift1, CSwitchInput *shift2, CSwitchInput *shift3, CSwitchInput *shift4, CSwitchInput *shiftUp, CSwitchInput *shiftDown);
* Adds a lightgun trigger input to this collection.
CTriggerInput *AddTriggerInput(const char *id, const char *label, unsigned gameFlags,
CSwitchInput *trigger, CSwitchInput *offscreen, UINT16 offVal = 0x00, UINT16 onVal = 0x01);
void PrintHeader(const char *fmt, ...);
void PrintConfigureInputsHelp();
// UI controls
CSwitchInput *uiExit;
CSwitchInput *uiReset;
CSwitchInput *uiPause;
CSwitchInput *uiSaveState;
CSwitchInput *uiChangeSlot;
CSwitchInput *uiLoadState;
CSwitchInput *uiDumpInpState;
CSwitchInput *uiClearNVRAM;
CSwitchInput *uiToggleCursor;
CSwitchInput *uiToggleFrLimit;
// Common controls between all games
CSwitchInput *coin[2];
CSwitchInput *start[2];
CSwitchInput *test[2];
CSwitchInput *service[2];
// Joysticks (players 1 and 2)
CSwitchInput *up[2];
CSwitchInput *down[2];
CSwitchInput *left[2];
CSwitchInput *right[2];
// Fighting game controls (players 1 and 2)
CSwitchInput *punch[2];
CSwitchInput *kick[2];
CSwitchInput *guard[2];
CSwitchInput *escape[2];
// Soccer game controls (players 1 and 2)
CSwitchInput *shortPass[2];
CSwitchInput *longPass[2];
CSwitchInput *shoot[2];
// Vehicle controls
CAxisInput *steering;
CAnalogInput *accelerator;
CAnalogInput *brake;
// VR view buttons: VR1 Red, VR2 Blue, VR3 Yellow, VR4 Green
CSwitchInput *vr[4];
// 4-speed gear shift
CGearShift4Input *gearShift4;
// Rally controls
CSwitchInput *viewChange;
CSwitchInput *handBrake;
// Twin joysticks
CSwitchInput *twinJoyTurnLeft;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyTurnRight;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyStrafeLeft;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyStrafeRight;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyForward;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyReverse;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyJump;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyCrouch;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyLeftShot;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyRightShot;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyLeftTurbo;
CSwitchInput *twinJoyRightTurbo;
// Analog joystick
CAxisInput *analogJoyX;
CAxisInput *analogJoyY;
CSwitchInput *analogJoyTrigger;
CSwitchInput *analogJoyEvent;
// Gun controls (players 1 and 2)
CAxisInput *gunX[2];
CAxisInput *gunY[2];
CTriggerInput *trigger[2];
* Creates a set of inputs with the given input system.
CInputs(CInputSystem *system);
* CInputs destructor.
* Returns the assigned input system.
CInputSystem *GetInputSystem();
unsigned Count()
return (unsigned)m_inputs.size();
CInput *operator[](const unsigned index)
return m_inputs[index];
CInput *operator[](const char *idOrLabel)
for (vector<CInput*>::iterator it = m_inputs.begin(); it != m_inputs.end(); it++)
if (stricmp((*it)->id, idOrLabel) == 0 || stricmp((*it)->label, idOrLabel) == 0)
return *it;
return NULL;
* Initializes the inputs. Must be called before any other methods are used.
bool Initialize();
* Reads the input mapping assignments from the given INI file.
void ReadFromINIFile(CINIFile *ini, const char *section);
* Writes the current input mapping assignments to the given INI file.
void WriteToINIFile(CINIFile *ini, const char *section);
* Configures the current input mapping assignments for the given game, or all inputs if game is NULL, by asking the user for input.
* Returns true if the inputs were configured okay or false if the user exited without requesting to save changes.
bool ConfigureInputs(const GameInfo *game, unsigned dispX, unsigned dispY, unsigned dispW, unsigned dispH);
* Prints to stdout the current input mapping assignments for the given game, or all inputs if game is NULL.
void PrintInputs(const GameInfo *game);
* Polls (updates) the inputs for the given game, or all inputs if game is NULL, updating their values from their respective input sources.
* First the input system is polled (CInputSystem.Poll()) and then each input is polled (CInput.Poll()).
bool Poll(const GameInfo *game, unsigned dispX, unsigned dispY, unsigned dispW, unsigned dispH);
* Prints the current values of the inputs for the given game, or all inputs if game is NULL, to stdout for debugging purposes.
void DumpState(const GameInfo *game);